Monday, May 03, 2010

Yunalis Zarai

One of the big winners for AIM 17, is Yuna.

Sapa gi semalam, dapat programme, mesti baca writings from some of the biggest writers about, on some of the biggest new talents to grace our industry.

Aku bangga di beri tanggungjawab juga untuk memberi sumbangan.

And the artiste I chose, was one I believe to have a very bright future (yerlah... aku tulis nak ikhlas tanak pujian kosong ke haper... kalao hauk, hauk la jawabnya kan) - is the one and only Yunalis Zarai.

Ada orang baca my writing (click the image to make it bigger and read), and komen kata aku propah je lebih. Cam hebat sangat Yuna.

By the end of the night, she had done something quite unusual for AIM. Not only did she win for Best New Artiste, dia dapat skali Lagu Pop Terbaik tuk Dan Sebenarnya and Lagu Bahasa Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik for Deeper Conversation. She also won Song of the Year, also for Dan Sebenarnya.

I am proud of her.

Congratulations Yuna. All the attention you've been getting is justified.

Tahniah juga buat semua yang menang semalam. Biar apa pun dipertikaikan (aku pun cam geram satu dua awards cam tersesat) - still it's an awards BY the industry and fFOR the industry.

As for show, dengan takde sponsor tahun ni (ABP orang sibuk nak taja, AIM the main awards lak hado? Keja ntv7 ni nak cari sponsor tidur ka?) show tetap tampilkan stage dan production values yang fabulous.

Well... except show cam dragging and lemau sikit. Performance lak banyak yang hado... especially ending yang GELI itu. Sungguh jatuh standard pentas AIM dijadikan seperti itu. Seperti menonton Akademi Fantasia except with slightly better singing.

More pics and stuff on the way. Hectic day for me hari ni. Will post up soon.


Setelah melahirkan bintang AF7, sekali lagi Joe cemerlang melahirkan Yuna ke dalam industri muzik kita. Syabas syabas.

apa masalah bapok sorang ni,joe?asik masuk sini melangut perli je keja.takde teloq betul.

Tahniah kepada Yuna! Lebih gempak dari Zee Avi! bosan. Doakan Yuna berjaya ke peringkat dunia dan bukan harap hype macam Zee.

Joe, sabar dengan orang bodoh kat atas sekali tu.

there's supposed to be this glee flash mob i heard of.. at first i thot it was urs (seeing how u like glee n flash mob) bt bkn rite? (xknla selang 1 week je)

Definitely prefer Yuna as compared to Zee Avi..sapelah dia tu??

bodoh ! sempat lagi nak kutuk AF tu
macam haram perangaiii
dosaaa tak sudahhhhh

siapa je pun kenal kau ni !!!

Betul joe...mcm mana performance yg last tu pun boleh ada kat AIM. Mcm lagu bonus kat konsert AF jek. What a waste, Ikhwal pun terlibat sama.

Siapa pukimak yang minat AF8 sampah yang masuk sini meroyan ni KK. Moderate comments boleh tak. Buruk sangat meroyan pasal show tak laku tu.

yup2 she is definetly a star worth listening..

how funny, most of the new and fresh band appearing now, was shown by my brother's and sisters, either from their myspace or just a lost mp3 in my laptop...

setuju dengan budleeee.ini era bakat sebenar,bukan mee segera lagi.

Chill guys. Stakat sekor dua langau ni biarkan je. Heh. The numbers prove it.

you right joe.kita sokong ko apapun.takyah tunduk pada kerenah langau bodoh ni.af8 sux.