Thursday, May 13, 2010



Da lama tak demam, cam cipan!!! First day masa on the bus nak ke Penang aku da rasa my throat a little big gatal dah... scratchy sikit. Da risau da.. tu biasanya tanda aku nak kena selsema.

By the first night, sneezing da.

Second day jer da start. Merasalah mata berair, running nose and all.

Terus takde mood nak join kengkawan lain mandi mana kat pool dan laut! Nangis! Dikelilingi keindahan pantai tapi tak dapek nak join sebab badan rasa lemah semacam walaopon abih satu papan Panadol dan satu papan entah haper...

Balik smalam, pas unpack semua, gi klinik ditemani si Rudy.

Tuh dia. Dapat kelayakan dari and I believe Manchester kot.. Man. Tapi risau orang salah paham kelayakan dia...

Siap kena explain, ok yang Dr Guna ni LADY sebenarnya. Matilah...

Time demam ni mata tak henti pandang kiri kanan dalam segala kelebaman.

Tiba-tiba perasan ada satu agik kaunter. Specimen katanya. Nothing unusual. tapi apakah botol berisi cecair kuning itu???? Euwww!!!

Rupanya sample je. Tunjuk cara mengisi dan tutup botol and all. Seriously? That's just gross. I'm left wondering apa yang kuning dalam botol tu. Hope it really is air kuning je and not some real sample. That's be REALLY gross.

Not as gross as if you do this though. Motif???? Ni mesti ada penah kes orang muntah sampai berterabur bagai. Cis!

Moving on. Semalam masa unpacking tuh, sempat dalam ting tong aku dok layan Showdown 2010 kat 8tv. Honestly I think it's a lame rip-off of America's Best Dance Crew (ni mesti kes tanak bayar rights tapi pakai idea nak lebih kurang).

Most of the crews were lame, and that Koreak b-boy judge pon azab tak reti cakap English tapi asik ulang benda sama, tak kisah hazab or bagus.

Tapi aku seronok tengok ni je. Two awesome crews are in the show. So if you're watching the program, remember these two names.

Yup, first up is Floor Fever. Sapa tak kenal meka. They've backed ALL the biggest names in the businesss dari Datuk Siti Nurhaliza to Faizal Tahir to well... just anyone worth their time.

They are awesome, original and pack a punch.

I started working with Floor Fever masa memula amik meka tuk Nikki's Caramu music video. Since then I've been working closely with them on a lot of projects.

In fact, you've watched my KLCC flash mob before, then you'll recognize members of Floor Fever heading the mob. I'm working closely with them on groundbreaking projects to bring the street performing arts to the mainstream and I really respect their drive and talent.

So kalao korang nak see some real dancers in action, check out Floor Fever and vote for them.

The other crew is one whose members have also been part of our projects. Wakaka are awesome and younger and headed by So You Think You Can Dance's Alam.

Check out the Showdown 2010 page and watch the performances (fast forward to these two crews cause the others are pretty sucky) and you'll see what I mean.

Ok... time to rest. Be blogging more tomorrow.


oops. my bad! LOL! forgive me as being sickly has mushed me up further. LOL!