Thursday, March 30, 2006


I could say watch Gubra, the latest offering from Yasmin Ahmad. But knowing kan mentality orang kita, kalao kata bagus, and that it is indeed worth a watch, the self-appointed skeptics mesti rebutt balik and scream bloody murder, protesting the suggestion for whatever reasons best known to them.

So I'll try a little of reverse psychology. Don't watch Gubra!!! Boleh?

But there is some seriousness to that joke, though if it indeed was an honest statement, I would add, don't watch Gubra....if you're wallowing in self-pity like me.

Now...that's better.

For one of THE BEST, if not already at the top of the pile of mediocre mainstream crap we get, catering to the hormonal adolescent teen market, starring the latest in-fashion pin-up.

Aku nak tulis review pasal Gubra semalam dalam blog aku, walaupun aku jarang akan review apa pun (sebab tu da keja aku-perlu ke dalam blog pon aku nak main review-review). But hours even after watching the movie masa media preview kat KLCC semalam, I felt, for a need of a more accurate and encompassing word, empty.

Personally, I think because aku relate pada my emotional self, and my personal state of mind at the moment, explorations of the theme of love, was not the right thing to face. So the movie, which explored every facet of the emotion, just threw me into the deep end. Hence it took me some time to digest....

Gubra did something to me, that was the mark of all the great movies I've watched. It left an impact on me, even hours after it was over.

It inspired questions....and emotions. So ni sambil aku narrate...aku letak pic Nani tuk korang feel ek! By the way...Sharifah Amani ROCKS big time in Gubra!

Watching Gubra was an emotional experience...and while it may not be the same for you...that was what it did to me. Without even mentioning the technicalities of the production, just for what it stirred up inside me, Gubra gets a standing ovation from me. It's an A+ effort...a 10 out of 10 simply because it was 100% heart!

The story?

Boleh la Gubra dikira sambungan kepada Sepet, even though it's not. Berakhirnya cerita Sepet dimana Orked dipisahkan dengan Jason, bermulanya episod baru dalam Orked as a married woman dalam Gubra.

And like I said, the theme of love is prevalent. Love between Orked and the husband she thought would love and protect her. The insight into love between all the characters for that matter.

Sekaligus, simultaneous, kami juga dihidangkan with another story. Cerita pasal Temah. The in-depth, non-judgemental nature of the movie's script in tackling with the plot that revolves around prostitution, friendship and piety is simply overwhelming.

Acting? Thumbs up for almost all members of the cast, but I think everyone should determine for themselves.

Production wise? Lighting and set production is definitely one of the strong points of the movie, while camerawork has the Yasmin stamp all over it.

Storyline? Excellent!!!

Let me put it this way. Selepas habis movie, while semua orang excited over how it turned out, aku duduk diam je tuk sekejap. The movie, left me pining for a hug by someone....anyone.

I think there were about three points in the movie that provided me with the tear-jerking effect yang aku nangis sebab moved sangat.

The first was the intial stir I felt masa Orked dapat tau laki dia curang. But masa Orked marah tu nak tanak balik ngan laki dia, emotionally, I was revolting inside thinking "Dump that loser!" as I fought back tears (so drama queen right?) But trust me, we've all been there before, and it's uncanny how the emotion was captured in that scene to have me flashing into every bloody break-up I've been in.

The second was masa Orked melangkah masuk rumah Jason. Once you see the movie, ko paham kenapa dia ke rumah me...that part of the movie is going to have you bawling!

Langkah pertama dalam rumah je aku da menitis air mata....nevermind masa dia....nuts...just watch it already.

Scene mak dan ayah Jason tu sedikit ler moved, but the third and final scene aku rasa sent me the deepest message, was the final scene from the whole movie.

Part ni...ko kena tunggu pas movie abih...dok diam-diam sambil usher semua hentak-hentak pintu seolah menghalau dari panggung.

Wait for the credits to roll...and you'll see what the final scene is. Aku rasa nak sumpah Yasmin je time tu. Mana taknya...ada ke letak scene camtu masa panggung da pasang lampu....wat malu je aku menitis air mata lagik!

Damn...hilang macho aku! What a waste of investment in getting that tattoo to butch me up more. (perluke???)

All in all....I'm going to watch Gubra again....and I think...for the first time, aku nak persuade my mom (my dad impossible lah...dia tak suka kuar rumah) to watch the movie with me.

To all of the movie. Seriously. It's funny without being stupid. It's moving without being cliched. It's loaded without being preachy. And it's teary without coercion.

To Yasmin and Co. Thanks for the movie. And more importantly, thanks for the experience.

After aku abih tengok movie, gi makan, then hisap rokok kat perkarangan KLCC. All I have to say is, the weather betul-betul reflect the movie (ceh...promosi lagik!) as well as my mood after watching it.

Dark...brooding...and yet, still with that light shining through. Aiyo...I don't think I'm making sense. Nevermind. I'm yapping on and on and not making sense, watch the movie and then korang ler tengok sendiri what your reaction is.

Didn't do much the past few days. Lethargic as bloody hell.

Apa thing lighted up my day semalam. Couldn't stop smiling thinking about it. Aku kat Cheras having dinner, when I spotted this kedai game lah....tapi signboard dia, KEDAI PERMAIANAN.

Very the tak control bahasa. Very the lirik lagu...oops!

Anyway, I couldn't take a snapshot of that ridiculous display, but I got this other little signage where they also made a little mistake.

Bila da realise too late, tiba-tiba amik liquid paper, mark kat tepi konon. Member aku siap tak perasan marah-marah aku, apa dia...apa dia.

Mungkin dia dulu memang belajar kat selolah kot...(why do I keep imagining the word celluliute?)

By the way, kalau nak review Gubra yang proper sikit, gi blog sultanmuzaffar. atau just go to Yasmin Ahmad's blog. Good read, both of 'em. And kalau nak join the TSC Gubra Together-gether "Don't gabra-gabra, let's go see Gubra!", remember it's on hari Khamis, bersamaan 6 April 2006, time to be announced later. For more info email

PS - Disebabkan ramai kata ruangan Comments aku gila kekadang makan komen orang, ni aku dalam proses nak pindahkan ruangan ni ke Haloscan. So give it a try and gimme a shout!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Just a minor update....mungkin for a lot of you, korang da dengar lagu Caramu dari Nikki, featuring Zahid. Just wanted you guys to see the last position of the song as of last Sunday.Kat ERA, caramu made its debut at No. 10. Kira ok ler tuh, minggu pertama terus top 10.

Jangan lupa undi by going into ERA, dan membuat pilihan melalui permintaan. Ikut the steps yang ada di belah kanan blog aku untuk permintaan lagu.

Di xfresh, Caramu da berapa lama tahan dalam carta harian iaitu Carta 20, tapi dalam carta mingguan, Caramu muncul tuk minggu pertama last week diposisi No. 4.

Tapi kalau nak amik kira, lum agik Caramu terkeluar dari top five carta harian selama ni.

Untuk pengetahuan memasing, xfresh ni ada dua carta beza, so kalau nak undi, ada dua carta tuk mengundi lagu, daily and weekly.

Kalau leh weekly ler lagik meletop, tapi kalao rasa rajin nak mengundi....silakan jer undi keduanya.

Meletop lagik ler.Yang pentingnya, masa kami kat Anugerah planet Muzik kat Singapore, perasan lak ramai Dj radio kat Singapore kerumun Nikki nak kenal sapa dia and all. Malas DJ-Dj meka yang top kat sana (sebut nama pun orang kita bukan tau sangat sebab top sana maa) da interview dia tuk rancangan masing-masing. Bangga ler gak....

And dengar lagu Caramu pun memang banyak mendapat perhatian sana sebab berjaya menewaskan banyak lagu yang hits tuk nak duduk dalam carta. Rasa tak caya lak...
So aku surf masuk Wana 94.2 FM kat Singapore punya website. Merasalah tak ada carta katanya.

Aku check lak website Ria 89.7FM, kali ni aku jumpa carta meka. Not bad, kira the last charts tu, lagu caramu No. 2! Mmm....interesting revelation.

Mungkin rezeki lagu Pinta yang tahan dalam Carta ERA selama 12 minggu ngan posisi paling tinggi No. 8.
Tapi nampaknya...Caramu ler the song that will beat that. Here's hoping....nak tidur dulu...good night all...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

klubbkidd tak kisah...

I know I've been bloody lazy in not updating my blog. Memang takde alasan...memang malas gila babas nak tulis per per dengan segala kesibukan over the past week. Bukan takde benda yang aku nak posting...but everytime aku online...somehow takde mood nak update. But anyway, I will try and recap how the last few days have been.

Let's begin...

Aku tak tidur the night memang again as usual, swollen eyebags. Sebenarnya ngantuk kekurangan tidur sudah beberapa hari ni...but takut nak tidur sebab terlepas rombongan ke Singapore for Anugerah Planet Muzik.

Kalau orang lain naik kapalterbang, kami yang dibawa oleh Mediocorp Singapore hanya disediakan bas jer...ok ler tuh.

So kompol ler depan MUI Plaza, office Warner Music yang lama. The label dijadikan local organiser, appointed tak silap aku by Beyond DDB tuk jaga kami ke sana.

Patutnya kami lepas kul 7am, but because ada ler bangsa lambat tiba, we only left by almost 8.30am.

Naya je aku lari cam orang gila tuk catch a cab dari office, where I left my car.

Dahler dok teksi tu...aiyo....seriously!!! Why do they put those cheap perfumes la. Pening tau! rasa loya pon ada...

The trip was ok...slept some parts of the way, and mengumpat the rest, so before we knew it, dah nak sampai.

The worst part was masa in the city da, sakit perot lak. And for the first time, I saw my first traffic accident in Singapore, yang menyebabkan traffic jam manjang menjalar. a time when aku rasa my ass is about to spurt the past few meals.

In the end, sampai je aku lari masuk. Eeee!!! Mencinya Singapore! Toilet paper only!!! Erm...sori ek...but my grandma memang ajar chebok jer. (Ni pun jadikan bahan posting ke???!!!)

By the time check in, dok tak panas bontot pon, it was time to get ready to go to the venue sebab takut kami dari Furama, our hotel tu, tak sempat kang with the jam and all. Vernon sekali ngan Nikki dan sorang agik kawan dari Singapore jenguk kat bilik, sempat ler wish good luck.

When I got down, the first batch of Malaysian artistes (delegasi artis dan wartawan Malaysia dok hotel sama) dah berlepas.

The second group naik satu bas ngan sekali ler ngan Fazley, Vince, M. Nasir dan Marlia Musa...ramai ler.

I slept almost the whole journey, bila terjaga je, found out the bus had taken a wrong turning. Masa tu dah kul 8pm. We had half hour to get to the venue, which was actually only five minutes away, tapi sebab sesat amik salah jalan...Lord knows bila kami nak sampai.

Tiba-tiba semua jadik ler navigator. Abang nasir, kak Marlia, si Mat dari Warner, Aman dan Mahen dari Maestro....aiyo...aku dok celah semua orang kat depan sekali yang naik pening.
Finally we get there, dan turun backstage. Antara orang pertama aku serempak sana bebudak Peter Pan (YEAH!!!), Ratu, V.E., Ahli Fiqir...ramai gak...

We make a dash for the seats to watch the show.

Aku takkan ler review show cam pakar analisis, but I will make several comments berdasarkan pemerhatian apa yang berlaku kat sana ek bagi mereka yang hanya tonton di TV saja.

First of all, sound memang HANJENG kat sana. It was horrible, no thanks to the bad acoustics of the hall itself. Memang sound engineer punya nightmare siot! Kalau aku kena set up tempat camtuh, aku bunuh diri terus, Bergema satu expo hall tuh.

Ramai artis pon mengadu monitor speakers (ni speaker yang kat pentas tuk artistes hear themselves) ada problem. Tu yang ada performer yang mungkin tenggelam timbul atau tak dapat memberikan persembahan sepenuhnya. Ini bukan alasa tuk kata Nikki did well, tapi kerana kekurangan pengalaman....memang lum agi arif nak budget vocal dia.

Rossa, Ratu, Salma....ramai yang menghadapi masaalah yang ramai mengutuk mengatakan kekurangan.

Sometimes I guess you have to consider the problems with the set up. Lain lah kalau JATUH microphone ke, tukau rap pakai lagu Mengerti ke...(aiyo...sorry Adam)

But all in all, aku rasa performance malam tu semua bagus walaupun ada cacat cela. Even Ratu pun aku enjoy walaupon meka sumbang....kelebihan mereka ler tuk aku is their dressing.

Memang ler ada yang kata tak sesuai ler...buruk ler...but the harajuku inspired look was a thumbs up for me. Kalau Gwen Stefani ker Pink ke Christina Aguilera ke wat...we love it. Tapi sebab two girls from Indonesia wat...kenapa ler nak kutuk. Hish...double standards....

But the very reasons orang menci their show...were the ones that made me like it!

Even part yang "ah ah ah ah aaaaaAAAHHHHH!!!" Memang hanjeng tapi kelakar...

Oh, korang perasan kan trofi Ello jatuh kan? Let me tell you a secret.

HAMPIR SEMUA artis punya trofi tanggal siot globe tuh. Abang Loloq kan menang dua, satu tuk Lifetime Achievement and one more for Aduh Saliha skali ngan abang Nasir. Aku jumpa dia kat belakang, dia tengah pegang globe je while dia punya kawan pegang kedua tangan. Gelak siot...

Yang kelakar nya...memang trofi dia murahan. Globe tu, paperweight sebenarnya yang di sombat celah tangan tuh, both of which are made of plastic. Adus...pathetic!!!

And it gets worse....sampai abih event tu, kami pon gi ler send story balik kat Kuala Lumpur tuk berita....sekali ngan kawan-kawan dari Berita Harian, Harian Metro, Kosmo! dan Utusan...

Pastu kami gi ler post party. What the f**k!!! The worst post party ever. Tak pernah aku gi post party tuk artist dan media yang setakat curry ayam dan cincah roti putih sekali ngan air gula (must have been some cordial...tapi takde rasa kecuali sugary!!!)

Gelak laa camni.

Still kalau orang pertikaikan kewibawaan APM, rilek la. Ada yang kata tak prestigious sebab Mawi tak menang...rilek!!!! Sebelum tu, semua semangat kata kalau menang bangga...takkan kalah nak kutuk. Rezeki masing-masing....

Sampai kat paper pun, ada yang sibuk kata anugerah nyamuk. Hanya sebab Mawi tak menang. So kami tau ler fanatik ni bukan je dari golongan peminat tapi yang kononnya profesional.

Kalau difikirkan secara positif, I would say Mawi did good at APM, so kenapa peminat nak marahkan APM sebab dia tak menang paling popular. Janji show dia, and sekali ngan Taufik, memang one of the best shows of the night.

Yang penting...walaupun Nikki tak dapat pencalonan dari AIM, juri dari tiga negara iaitu Malaysia, SIngapura dan Indonesia tetap iktiraf dia Artis Wanita Baru Terbaik.

Benda that made it more special, kak Adibah Nor, mai backstage je, peluk Nikki ucap tahniah. I know Dibah...dia honest about her feelings, and for her to come up and hug and tell Nikki she deserves it...and lantak laa apa pun orang nak cakap atau buat sebab dia tetap was so touching. I hope Dibah sweeps AIM sebab dia sorang je aku rasa layak gila babas come this round yang penuh ngan ...!!! You go Deebs...we're there to cheer you on!!!
By the way... aku nak thank EVERYONE yang SMS me the congratulations for Nikki's win as Best New Female Artiste.

Sorry ler...aku try balas sebanyak yang boleh, tapi ngan satu SMS RM1 kerana roaming, and masuk lak berpuluh, aku tak sempat balas semua, SO THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE KIND WISHES!!!!

So anyway, pas jamuan yang memang SEDIH tuh, kami balik hotel. Dari sana, gerak sekali ngan Vern, his friend and Nikki, Rohila dan Anuar Zain, member aku Rudy...and sorang agik aku tak ingat (sapa ek??) gi carik makan. Tempat kami tuju tutup, so we headed to Arab Street, dekat Mustaffa Centre sebab tempat tu je senang cari makanan halal.

Serempak ngan geng wartawan lain dan team Warner Music. Pas makan, jalan kat Mustaffa beli-beli barang. Aku memang budget tanak beli apa-apa sebab semurah kat sana pun, aku tau mana lagi ada barang yang more discounted kat Singapore.

Lepas jalan sampai sakit kaki, we lepak for a drink, sampai 5.30am. Aiyo...berat kepala aku...tapi seronok....aku paksa meka semua balik hotel sebab aku cadang nak bangun awal. Saturday is my mom's birthday, and aku nak balik ngan hadiah yang aku nak cari kat Orchard Road. Sampai je kat hotel...KO!

By the way...sori tak banyak amik pics sebab kelam kabut kerja dan kejar masa...

Janji ngan abang Bad nak jumpa dia kat Orchard Road kul 10am pas aku breakfast kat hotel. Kira sempat sebelum dia naik flight tengahari and aku gerak dari hotel bersama rombongan at 2pm.

Tapi segala perancangan terpaksa diubah pun da. Aku dikejutkan my boring room mate kat hotel tu 1.15pm!! F**k!!!!

Terus lompat bangun, campak semua baju dalam beg, packing...and then mandi and cuci muka and got ready.

Was at the lobby by 1.30pm untuk mulakan 'Amazing Race' aku nak beli present mak aku yang aku cadang perfume.

Kat keta, baca mesej abang Bad dua tiga tuh....aduh...rasa bersalah, tu laa pasal kalau mai hotel kejutkan kan senang (mati lah aku kena maki ngan abang Bad!)

Sampai Scotts Road, belakang Orchard Road at about 1.38pm. Terus lari lintang pukang ke tempat (rahsia) yang aku beli perfume selalu.

Tengah pilih perfume, tengok jam...ya ampun!!! Dah 2.08pm! Patutnya kami jumpa kat lobi hotel nak bertolak balik Kuala Lumpur at 2pm. Tapi with excellent timing...ada orang panggil aku. Lor!!! Ahli rombongan aku semua pun kat sana!!!!

Meka pon shopping perfume sana aku terus relax ler. Syazwan join aku, manakala yang lain gerak balik ke hotel. Ada ler masa nak shopping lebih.

I ended up buying two bottels of Boucheron Jaipur yang memang takleh dapat kat KL lagi for S$40 each yang 100ml, one Paco Rabbane XS 100ml for my sister at the same price, and one Hot and one Cold from United Colours of Benetton for S$9 and S$10 respectively. Also got one Ralph Lauren travelling bag (ori ok!) for only S$16!!!

All in all aku belanja S$155 atau lebih kurang RM355 and got five bottle or perfume and a travelling bag! Hah! Kalau harga tu, kat Malaysia, Boucheron Jaipur tu (kalau ikut harga dulu kat KL) pun da lebih for one bottle.

Pastu aku dan Syazwan lari ke one more mall (nama tempat dirahsiakan lagi) untuk beli tali pinggang yang Aznil pakai tu. Aku da lama da target benda tu, tapi sebab Aznil da pakai, geram tengok...nak gak no matter what. Found the shop thanks to the directions from a Singaporean friend malam sebelum, and beli. Tali pinggang LED tu leh program and store sampai six messages, each up to 255 characters.

Harganya? S$65 atau lebih kurang RM150. Murah gila! Sebab dia sekali bagi tali pinggang leather, dua pasang bateri dan juga manual tuk programming the belt.

Dari sana, we jumped into a cab back to the hotel. Would have loved to shop some more tapi da memang lewat.

Sampai kat hotel, ada yang marah, sebab lambat...tapi sebenarnya jeles je sebab meka tengok kami masing-masing sarat ngan beg shopping (Syazwan bak Zara lagik ok!)

Perjalanan kami was ok...but I spent most of the time programming the belt. Reached back KL about just before 11pm, took a cab back to the office, grabbed my car and sped back home.

Sempat jumpa my parents before meka tidur, and gave my mom her two bottles of Boucheron Jaipur.

Went out for a drink ngan orang kurang siuman dan kak Kiah untuk cita pasal trip Singapore, and then balik KO!.

Bangun lambat, changed and went out to buy a brithday present tuk Akma.

Rush ke Marriott Putrajaya where the party was being held.

Ikut hati nak terus sambung tidur, tapi sebab takut neglectful parent dan angklung da ada kat sana by the time aku sampai Puchong, there was no turning back.

Yang pentingnya keduanya posing je kat luar ballroom masa aku sampai. Nak marah ler tuh.

Apa lagik...aku teruskan kuasa aku!!! Terus tekan ON switch kat tali pinggang yang terus mengeluarkan kata-kata "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKMA - FROM JOE @ KLUBBKIDD -> HTTP://KLUBBKIDD.BLOGDRIVE.COM"

Tapi puji dua saat je, pastu kena carutan sebab promosi blog (jeles nya meka ni)

Then perasan, abang Bad bak anaknya yang glamer, siapa lagi kalau bukan AIMAN!

Korang selama ni dengar je kan suara Aiman...kecuali kalao korang selalu baca blog Bad, you would not know how Aiman looks like kan? So here's Aiman ngan daddy dia....dan dua uncles dia, sorang yang sama comel cam dia, dan sorang agik yang perasan muda.

Yang pentingnya, harus laa "Aiman tak kisah...uncle pierce cam orang gila". Gelak tul kalau dia cakap camtuh kan...but of course he didn't lah...but unlike most kids, he wasn't freaked or even cared about the piercings or my tattoo. Cool kid! Patut ler dia dapat jadi centre of attention. Sapa star skang? Harus ler tiba-tiba jadik function Aiman je. (gelak gelak gelak)

Tapi ada lak yang capitalise atas kepopularitian Aiman gaks.

Si Muzaffar lak, erm...pandai lak...bak Aiman ke hulu hilir cam uncle baik...erm...rupanya umpan tarik perhatian sebab budak tu lebih star dari dia. Muahahahaha....matilah aku kena ketukan angklung!!!

Yang pentingnya kan ada gambar 'happy family' kan, you all? Kalau nak tau gambar tuh, caption dia patut, "Aiman tak kisah...tapi kalau nafas busuk tetap...aiyooo!!!". Muahahahaha....ampun Tuanku....beribu ampun!!!

And selepas those pics, kena laa ada gambar proud father yang rajin usung anak (tapi tak gunakan budak tu tuk populariti sendiri - ampun Tuanku!!!)

Kalau nak tengok pics atau baca story pasal Aiman, ni official page Aiman FC, yang dikelolakan oleh papa dia sendiri. (aiyo...gelak sampai sakit perot nih...)

Sori ler kalau ada yang tegur aku tak kenal sangat, tapi ramai sangat warga online ni sampai kekadang cuba nak ingat pun takleh....tapi bukan atas dasar umur ok! Apapun, pose ayu dari dua orang sebelah ni ngan Akma dan ern...yang posing sembelit ke bisol terpicit kat sebelah for all of you.

It was a fun, pink, red and white bash. Thanks so much to Akma FC, keluarga Akma and Akma sendiri for the great time. Hope this birthday brings about another year, filled with success.

Aiman was sent home while moi, abang Bad dan Muzaffar went to have a drink kat IOI Mall. Aku terpaksa gerak awal sebab nak rush balik ofis hantar story Anugerah Planet Muzik untuk entertainment lak.

Selepas habis, keluar ngan member makan sat, then back in the office by about 3am. Sambung kerja until about 10am.

Pas complete semua balik KO!!!

Dapat panggilan belah malam, Nikki akan on air kul 11 malam kat xfresh fm. So headed over to Astro after dinner.

Sampai jer sana, serempak Zahid dan Aypol tengah borak ngan geng RuffEdge. Zahid baru lepas kat ERA while RuffEdge baru abih interview kat xfresh.

Borak sat, then we all gerak. Zahid kata dia nak lepak congratulate Nikki tapi sebab dia kena rush balik dia mintak aku je kirim salam dia.

Aku lepak sat online kat lobby, Vernon and Nikki pun sampai. Terus kami naik studio. Lalu studio ERA, nampak bukan je si Nila dan Reza seperti biasa, si ZZ pun tengah lepak sekali. Masuk kecoh jap, pastu gerak jumpa si Adi dan si Julia lak kat xfresh.

It was quite a great interview, and better sebab Zahid yang tengah on the way balik rumah (ke dah sampai) leh call up. Tapi kita semua tatau tu dia, dia kepit suara, dan kata nama dia Ahmad, umur 36 tahun. Memang suara psycho!!!

Tergelak sampai tergolek kat lantai bila dia gelak tiba-tiba kami cam.

Setan punya budak...ihik. Siapa yang dengar xfresh semalam dapat ler dengar meka duet live, ngan Nikki kat studio dan Zahid dalam keta (ke rumah).

Gi ler ke site xfresh kalau nak tengok pics geladat masing-masing dalam studio time tuh. Aku sempat ler take a few pics...tuh si Julia posing ngan tropi APM...meanwhile yang Adi skali ngan Nikki tu...since Adi takde trofi, amik ko penggantinya botol air mineral.

Leh jadi duta mineral water ler pasni...

Abih je, kami gerak ke ABC kat Desa Petaling. Nila dan abang dia, Julia, ZZ, aku dan Juan.
Jeles ZZ dengar pasal shopping kat Singapore. Yerlah ZZ....lain kali ikut aku. Ko feeling nak aku mai carik ko ajak perhal. (Muahahahaha)

Balik KO terus....seperti biasa (but not before tengok America's Next Top Model!)


Damn....nak wat keja pun tak semangat. Ni update blog dulu....nak ciao. Patutnya hari ni lepas ke Jakarta nak interview Ada Band, Dewa, Gigi, Padi, Cokelat, Ari Lasson dan Ungu untuk show Pesta Malam Indonesia pada 15hb nanti di sini...tapi lum confirm lak si organisers dan sponsors ni.

Bangang...nak gi Jakarta!!! Rindunya!!!!!

Okler...esok aku update lagik...juling aku nak baca..apa lagik korang...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Marked!!! is now OFFICIAL!

I now have my first tattoo.

Daripada kekecewaan semalam kat the Sarawak Cultural Village, my frustrations were made up by the fact that Daud kept to his word and mai hotel lepak to help me get my tattoo done.

In fact, agak-agak mula-mula meka datang pon tengah malam, sebab meka ada dance rehearsal, tapi sebab abih awal, before 10pm they were already at the hotel.

Si Daud ditemani member dia yang aku jumpa masa kat rumah Penan tu and mamat tu punya awek.

Gi tengok show Bob kat Victoria's Arms di hotel gak sekejap, sebelum bergerak ke bilik tuk get the job done.

They had brought this huge book of references on body art culture in Sarawak so I could really feel confident with my choices.

Given that it was my first tattoo, aku t ak nak ler wat yang beso sangat, nanti tak larat nak abihkan, cacat lak.

Plus, I wanted something basically simple and yet showcasing some amount of workmanship in the tattoo.

Mula-mula nak gak bunga terung tuh, tapi then settled on this tribal motif di pergelangan lengan. Then rethought it, and decided on a floral motif yang takder ler oversized sangat,

Aiyo...yang tuh pun makan satu setengah jam.

Did it hurt? Not really...mula-mula sikit jer...but the fear was more psychological than anything else. Besides, by the first 10 minutes, your arm becomes kinda numb from the sensation, not to mention our body develops an immunity to the recognisation of the pain.

How does it really feel? Like someone running a smaller version of an electrical sewing machine. Imagine a needle loaded with ink, darting into your skin...over and over and over again. You get the picture.

Masa meka buka toolkit yang penoh ngan peralatan aku gabra sikit. Daud memang jahat! Saja jer sakat aku konon nak psycho aku bagik takut.

Sorry ler....aku jenis kalau da set my mind on doing something, takkan mungkin ler aku back out because of a few taunts. Masa on je mesin tu first time, aku dengar bunyi je, teringat klinik dentist. thinking of that, is painful.

We finally get going, and aku sengih je. For real. Bukan sebab cover sakit. But it just wasn't as bad as I thought it would feel.

One of the many reasons for getting a tattoo has been achieved by the first prick of the needle. I conquered a fear!

The session lasted almost one and a half hours, breaking three times for member Daud tuk relaxkan mata, dan sekali have a ciggy break.

Si Daud lak, yang assistant, sibuk layan Star Movies. Ihik...takder ler burok sangat....ada ler dia lap darah aku yang meleleh sikit...nak wipe away the excess ink dan sebagainya.

Tapi lain dari tu, dia jadi the opposite of a cheerleader trying to make me chicken out. That's when he didn't spend the time dozing off...kesian lak dia.

Dahler satu hari kerja and rehearsal...esok pagi ada performance kul 9 pagik! Tengok mata dia time ni...aku sempat amik pic semasa my skin was being punctured int he name of art. Eyesbags kalahkan aku da...

Fat chance!

Bila da abih...semua bebudak yang keluar masuk ruang tamu suite aku (termasuk Bob) cam tak caya I went through the whole thing. Aku tengok muka meka...their expressions cam meka lak yang wat tattoo.

Not too bad for a first effort. I definitely am coming back to Sarawak to get a lot more done. Tapi aku nak yang ethnic je...tak kuasa aku yang tattoo-tattoo sekarang meaningless and without beauty.

Besides, it's a bit of the culture of the suku kaum there I really admire and I wouldn't mind having it on me.

Melalut dah aku. Sebenarnya pas abih semalam, dan semua orang da balik, aku layan TV sampai 4 pagi. Dahler berapa ari lack of sleep, ni kul 9 pagi da up and ready to check out.

Caught the flight yang half empty back to KL (bagus sebab aku dapat airbus power sikit) and dari KLIA, Syed dari Maestro jemput kami bertiga, bersama Along dan Melvyn.

Back to the office je, terus wat kerja nak ringankan beban esok. Tak nak lagi bertimbun kerja nanti tak cukup tidur sebelum gi Singapore on Friday.

Sepanjang buat kerja, bebudak mati-mati ingat temporary punya tattoo.

Yerlah...mula-mula kaler dia memang itam cam fake punya, cuma kena tunggu lepas seminggu dua mula warna dia pudar to become the drak greenish shade you always see tattooes in.

Skang nampak darker, but the colour will settle in later so that it won't look cam pakai marker Artline buat punya.

Buta ke apa colleagues aku ni tak nampak keliling pattern tu bengkak dan merah! Haiyo!

All in all...I'm proud of the tattoo, walaupun simple. It looks good, and I think it's a good first tattoo. No...make that a great one. At least now I know more of the experience of being tattooed and all, I'll plan more for my second.

Ni tengok pic atas tu...sebelah kiri tu...aku tangkap belah malam semalam lepas just completed and baru cuci my arm of the ink and blood (sikit jer darah kuar).

The second pic pagi tadi masa kat airport. Bagik close up sikit design dia.

Ok tak...

Eh...ok ler....I gotta run....

I'll leave you guys to enjoy the pics. Aku nak jumpa some friends for dinner.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Colour me Iban

Pagi tadik nak gerak kena jerit ngan si Along sebab KO! Memang ngantuk cam beruang tengah hibernate ler aku ni.

Dahler not enough sleep for the past few days...pastuh semalam stayed up until 5am surfing the net sebab beli prepaid untuk surf Internet.

Murah gila punya pasal - RM15 for 24 hours access, aku jadik burung hantu and stayed online downloading stuff and doing this and that online.

Amik ko! Akibatnya...designer luggage! Not even eyebags tau! We're talking humonous eyebags!

Managed to drag my ass out of bed and mandi selama dekat setengah jam to wake me up. Joined the rest of the guys for breakfast sebelum jumped into the coach together with Bob and his family to go to the Sarawak Cultural Village.

Dalam perjalanan dapat ler tengok these amazing sights throughout the half jour journey. Even finally got to see the fame Santubong.

Terasa nak jadik Fiebie lak. Masa aku snap pic Gunung Santubong pon, aku rasa nak jerit, "Theee hillsss are aliveee!!!...with the sound of muuusiccc!!!" Fantasi tul ler....but the sights were simply breathtaking, and they made the whole trip to Sarawak just worth it totally. The colours, the hues of the surroundings were just so vibrant.

It was an extremely bumpy ride, sampai sekor sekor yang melatah tak abih abih bising everytime melayang akibat tercampak.

We passed more sights like the Damai resort yang dengar golf legend Arnold Palmer yang design the golf course...before we finally arrive at the Sarawak Cultural Village.

From the outside, it doesn't look as impressive as I thought it would, maybe due to the hype of what I've heard about it all this while. Billed as the living museum, it definitely has a very simply proclaimation to its presence.

Turun coach...masing-masing cari rokok dulu, berasap.

Not very healthy living...but who cares...bukan Kementerian Kesihatan yang sponsor blog aku kan...

A couple of items piqued my interest...the first was this weird sculpture. First thing that came to my mind were peas in a pod...pastu teringat cam petai lak.

Sampai balik kat hotel ni, aku masih searching for the right word to describe that ukiran. I knew what it looked like, but somehow the word didn't pop into my mind at all. It was a H word. And as I'm typing this...suddenly it dawns on me!

Hemorroids!!! That's it! It looks like a really bad case of hemorroids!

Somebody pass me that jumbo economy tube of medicated ointment!

To some it may look like a vagina ngan kelentit (can I say that word) berkembar tiga (cacat sungguh...but must work great for sex - oh oh my blog is becoming 18SX) but I think it looks like hemorroids, or for those who want a better explaination of the scientific term referring to a painful mass of dilated veins in swollen anal tissue. Also can be defined as a pathological condition in which such painful masses occur. Yes, and it is also called piles! Who says you can;t learn anything from blogs. Note that I didn't say anything useful.

Moving on to something not too crass (which must be unlike me for those who know me better) is this carving yang dok depan the performance theatre.

There were I think about four or five of these carvings, but each differed in character.

This particular one reminded me of Fiebie. Erm...I won't say why but I think you now why, kan girl?

Matilah tak ada angklung nak amik gambar and post in my blog tuk carut Muzaffar.

It was hot as hell...with the searing heat beating down mercilessly. To avoid being bathed in sweat and providing less than appealing body odours, aku dan bebudak lari masuk the air conditioned theatre nak tunggu the launch of Bob's album.

Tengok keluarga Maestro dah pun set up jual CD Bob, Hantaran Hati kat depan theatre.

After a little of waiting, dan sesi mencarut harga barang-barang kat souvenir shop kat Sarawak Cultural Village yang memang sah khas buat orang putih kertu yang mai melawat sebab da senja da selangkah masuk kubur...we prepare ourselves for the cultural show.

Wow...memang power ler persembahan mereka. I love ethnic dances especially and it was definitely mesmerising to see the wealth of culture in Sarawak's heritage of arts. Memang menarik persembahan termasuk tarian Iban, Ngajat Lesung, and several other including tarian pahlawan (matilah Fiebie merembes kalau ada sekali tengok bebudak pakai cawat je)

There was this particular tarian which I didn't catch the name of yang siap mamat ni panjat atas this pole, and balanced himself on it on the flat of his stomach. Pergh! Kuatnya perut....matilah six packs katanya!

And then, like a breakdancer gone wrong, dia siap spin tuh!

Aku suka tul!!! Very the acrobatic show ala international performances.

After that, it was on to the launching of Bob's album, diikuti ngan persembahan beberapa lagu dari Bob. Memang flawless ler persembahan Bob! Semakin mantap vocal dia.

Abih tu je, kami gerak lunch kat restaurant kat premises of the village itself.

Sepatutnya aku wat tattoo aku, tapi sentap sebab mamat yang biasa wat benda tu da balik ngan segala peralatan.

Dalam tension, mamat sorang ni yang aku perasan masa show menari Ngajat Lesung tu sembang ngan aku.

Nama dia Daud, asal orang Miri dan umur 22 tahun.

He told me he's been dancing for some four years now.

Kalau biasa penari ni semua erm...kaum yang lembut gemalai sikit...I found out from Bob that kat Sarawak, there is this thing where more effeminate males are not allowed to take part. Terkejut gak semua penari lelaki mereka betul-betul berupa jantan (matilah gelak sorang... tak kuasa undercover!)

Talked about tattooes. Makan hati tengok tattoo dia.

He explained to me the difference of his tattooes.

Contohnya, yang lengan kiri, yang thicker strokes is tattoo Iban, manakala yang belah kanan tuh, tattoo suku kaum Orang Ulu.

Also discovered ada satu yang bulat bentuknya kat area bahu tu, dipanggil bunga terung, which is basically a headhunter, when he...erm...brings a head home. Kalau yang wat kat tekak tu, tu maksudnya, "Don't you f***ing mess with me!!!" cause that means banyak sangat pala kena penggal da.

Sembang punya sembang, Daud kena gerak sambung kerja, so aku pun join balik event yang pas lunch, switched over to the press conference. Sempat tukar nombor ngan Daud sebab dia kata kalau leh, abih rehearsal malam ni, dia leh datang hotel buatkan tuk aku tattoo! Sukanya aku!!!

Harusler original tribal punya!

Anyway, the heat was getting worse as the scorching afternoon sun seemed merciless. Takde mood nak lunch sangat so makan sikit je. Sambil tu kaco si Hazel Maestro ngan these little cocktail umbrellas they had stuck on coconuts they served us.

Merasalah handbag Hazel tiba-tiba ada accessories additional.

Abih je semua tu....we were dragged along on a tour of the Sarawak Cultural Village. Wow! Now I
know why they call it a living museum.

We were brought to all the houses, actual constructions of the residences of the major ethnic races in Sarawak. Aku malas nak elaborate lebih pasal these pics I took, but if you're interested to find out more background, click je kat Sarawak Cultural Village and go over to their website gallery with explainations of each home.

But aku amik ler pics gak untuk was all nothing short of amazing!

Tapi yang seronoknya masa sibuk melawat rumah orang Iban, Bidayuh, Melanau dan sebagainya, singgah rumah orang Penan tu, tiba-tiba ada orang panggil aku.

You see, the staff of the village ni, semua ada multiple roles dalam kerja-kerja mereka seharian..

And I only found out that bila aku jenguk betul-betul, tengok yang panggil aku si Daud.

Rupanya, dia dok kat rumah orang Penan, erm..kira berlakon sebagai pahlawan Penan ler or something like that.

Dia dok panggil aku dari jauh da, rupanya nak confirm malam ni abih je rehearsal abih je, dia akan call aku, pastu mai hotel.

Dia bak member dia sekali yang akan tolong buatkan tattoo aku. Yeehaa! Sukanya aku! Terus amik pic seksi mereka yang bercawat saja.Boleh?

We had a short chat again, and some history lessons in the culture behind Sarawakian body art.

If anything, it made the whole trip worth it just learning about how intense the local culture here is in expressing themselves through various facets of arts and performance.

But one thing aku nak point out which I found quite an interesting trend.

Kalau rumah-rumah kita kat sini ada benda yang ala ala menjadi centerpiece that becomes the point of focus, seperti lampu canggih beli kat IKEA ker haper jer la...the most predominant accessory of Sarawakian homes back then was none other than tengkorak.

Yeap...the human skull was all the rage back then, and no decent home would be seen without it hanging in a noticable spot of the main room.

Well...actually there's like only one room most of the local ethnic housing I've seen... but you get my point. Aku snap satu, tapi meremang bulu roma pikirkan it was a real skull.

Mamat jadik tour guide kita ni kata it was on load from the museum and the shrunken skull ni dated back over a hundred years. Tu sebab nya da kecut.

I kinda think it's funky, but definitely freaky, In one of the ethnic homes, better still, they hang a WHOLE BUNCH of skulls. We were told it also marks that the home it hangs in has a warrior.

Not so cool!!! It's actually kind of nasty lah when you think about it. I'd imagine kalau aku penggal pala orang, the last thing I wanna do is keep it as a trophy. Eeew!!!Bayangkanlah masyarakat tuh masa tuh camna bab nak show off. Imagine makcik jiran mai bertandang ke rumah.

"Eh Tipah, cantik tengkorak yang tu..."

"Yang mana satu? Oh...yang tu. Leman bak balik semalam. Mamat tu ada body odour, so Man pon penggal pala dia.

Actually, alasan jer sebab bentuk pala dia very the kena ngan my tempayans....ada continuity kan...."

Mamposss!!! Gelak ni terbayangkan.

Anyway, kata our guide ni lagi...masa meka wat village and letak benda alah semua ni jadi props. siap kena wat upacara sebetulnya tuk mengelak kecelakaan berlaku.

The shaman had to literally stay in the huts for a month to appease the spirits or something.
Eh...ok ler...nak gi dinner ni pastu malam ni ada dinner show Bob.

Pas abih malam nanti kalau jadi aku buat tattoo, aku amik pics dan posting malam ni gak kalau leh. Apapun, khas buat waiem dan peminat-peminat Bob, ni pic Bob pas launching album dia nun kat atas tuh..

And then, one more bersama dengan keluarga tercinta dia yang turut hadir masa event tuh siang tadi.Ok ler...

Hope you guys enjoyed my little traipse about in Kuching as much as I did.

Be blogging soon...

Sarawak - Bumi Kenyalang

Finally after the busy past few days throughout the end of last week into the this week...aku dapat run away daripada kesibukan dan keheningan Kuala Lumpur.

I'm now in the hotel room of Merdeka Palace Hotel and Suites in Kuching, tompang laptop bebudak Maestro ni nak surfing sat...tak rancang pon nak wat update...tapi alang-alang kan.

Datang tuk pelancaran album Bob, Hantaran Hati kat Sarawak Cultural Village esok (tima kasih pada waiem kerana aku curik pic album cover dari dia).

If I've got the time, I will upload the pics immediately abih je event esok.

Uwaaa! terasa cam very the commentary from correspondent je!

"Ni klubbkidd, melaporkan secara lamgsung dari Sarawak Cultural Village...Sarawak.." matilah berangan..'s going to be fun for sure cause it's the first time aku jejak kaki ke Sarawak. Aku da travel the whole of Malaysia...even serantau. Tapi tak penah ke sini lagi.

Tapi apa excitement yang mungkin ada, was non existent sebab aku letih gila. Mana taknya...tak cukup tidur, sial!!!!

Aku tidur dua jam je dari semalam.

Naik ERL je nak ke KLIA, KO!!! Sedar je da orang mula alihting from the train. Pastu naik je flight...KO!!!

Matilah membadak je!'s obviously dark out and there's not much activity here at this hour. Still I'm kinda excited still because tengah sibuk nak tanya Hazel samaada ada tak tempat I can get a cultural Iban tattoo.

Tengok ler sama aku balik ngan tu ke tak. Hopefully I can also get something nice for my mom's birthday too pun on the 25th. Kalau tak, beli perfume tuk dia kat Singapore jer la kang aku gi on the 24th sebab susah nak dapat yang my mom suka (impossible more like it) kat KL....kalau pernah dengar....Boucheron - Jaipur.

Back to the matter at hand.

Erm...actually...that's pretty much it. Ok ler...posting esok jer lah...ciao guys!

Monday, March 20, 2006

So much little time

Aku tak leh wat entry panjang sebab nak rushing kerja sikit pagi ni. Pas curik tido berapa jam, kena ikut si Nikki pilih baju tuk Anugerah Planet Muzik nanti.

Habis tu je, kena berkejar ke KLIA sebab pergi ke Kuching, Sarawak untuk launching album Bob.

Balik je Rabu belah malam, Khamis kena rush column, sebab Jumaat dah kena gerak gi Singapore for Anugerah Planet Muzik. Memang minggu ni hectic sikit...but if I have time and can get an Internet connection, I'll update my blog from all these locations.

Apapun..first thing aku nak cakap...mampos laa sapa tak puas hati apa aku komen pasal AIM. If you don't like what I have to say...then bugger off. Cause it's my blog and people like me and sultanmuzaffar have to put up with comments from idiots who think they know it all....senang je jawapan aku...tak suka? Leh gi mampos...(gelak sat terbayang something) exorcise my blog...aku letak penunggu...dipersilakan...encik Baha!!!


Tau pon takut...muka garang tuh!
Kang kalau kena tengking ngan dia baru tau camna rasa terkencing dalam seluar akibat horror teramat (terima kasih Baha kerana jadik model aku tuk segmen menghalau molot molot lahar)

Tak takut? Hah! Kalau korang nak tengok impak maksima carotan buktinya...nak kena?

Hasilnya jadik cam Marsha ni kang, ting tong je... (terima kasih kat Marsha jadik model tuk rupa langau kena laser hamunan power Baha)

So if you have no taste in music, have no clue on what to argue about...or just wanna waste my time with your senseless and unimportant rantings...go elsewhere!

Like I always say...ignorance is I'll leave you to your sanctuary.
Anyways...on with this posting. Just to catch up on what happened Saturday night.

Went for the Konsert Kemuncak Akademi Fantasia. Bosan lak tengok Stadium Putra. Baru semalam jejak sini...tapi one thing about this location is..banyak nostalgia final Akademi Fantasia musim kedua. Dari arena dia...sampai ke VIP room.

Terbayang babak-babak dari final masa melalak sampai hilang suara....terus konsert malam tu cam hilang seri. I don't know...tapi aku susah nak elak dari compare ngan musim kedua.
Walaupun aku cuba menghayati usaha kuarga Akademi Fantasia for the Konsert Kemuncak this time just didn't work for me.

Untuk seminit dua masa lagu Menuju Puncak berkumandang memang ler aku semangat...but after that cam downhill. Banyak abihkan masa borak dan melayan hisap rokok.

Tambah lagi beberapa kali retake. Intro saja empat kali. Ni lah akibatnya kalao recording...malas tul.

Crowd lebih sikit...but still not up to mark like the last time. Still, kalau banding ngan malam of a difference.

A lot of incidents, again which you can read in Fiebie's blog.

But I think none can eclipse that of the excitement of Fiebie nak jkumpa Yazer for the first time. Sampai peluh tu...

Moments like this make me appreciate people I work with more. Sebab aku da biasa jumpa orang yang bergelar orang seni ni...dah seriously tak heran. Aku cuma akan nervous in front of international stars yang memang aku minat gila. Cam dulu...Jewel...Linkin Park....Pink...Slipknot...those were the ones that aku sampai gigil. Apa lagik kalau aku dapat interview Madonna....*shudder*

The concert zoomed past, with the highlight being Mawi's performance of Perempuan. Kami semua then lagi sekali seperti malam sebelum kumpul kat bilik VIP tuk sekali ngan bebudak Akademi Fantasia jumpa pemenang Hotlink meet the fans session. Sebab aku tau ramai tak dibenarkan amik are some pics for all of you, termasuk mereka yang tak hadirkan diri.

Kalau perasan...ada 11 orang je kan? Tolak Aidil dan Fuad yang da keluar Maestro...dan Elliza yang aku tak kuasa nak amik gambar dia (memang tak penting langsung)

Pose Yazer ni khas aku dedicate kan Fiebie yang aku rasa suka Yazer gila babiks sampai kalao time Yazer angkat ketiak camni pon...mesti terciom bau wangi jerk.

Amik ko...second attempt, dapat gak dia jumpa Yazer. Serempak dua tiga kali asik peloh je keja...motif?

Yang pentingnya pas abih tu, kita satu group gi makan...Along pon join. Pastu tetiba sorang-sorang join termasuk Adi dan Sahri (happy birthday to you to bro...sorry tak dapat mai...keja gi Anugerah MACP semalam).

Then pastu satu lagik keta lak sampai yang termasuk Felix, Yazer dan Ekin. Kena lagik si Fiebie.

Mampos ko kena usik ngan Ekin (padan muka...nak kaco depan-depan ek!)

Balik teros KO...selepas berbalas berapa mesej ngan Fiebie yang masih merembes jumpa Yazer (ya ampun! gelak besar!!!!)

Siang bangun letih...memang kalau ikutkan malas nak keluar...tapi sebab tugas kena gak naik Kuala Lumpur. Had to cover the damn Anugerah mood to talk about that....

Stopped by the office...abihkan one cover story...and update blog je nak balik tido sat sebelom kuar lagik. Rasa nak pengsan camni....dapat ler aku rehat sikit kat Kuching kan...By the way...sebab tak sempat kot jumpa my guardian angel, here's a cute little picture for you abang Bad!

I know you have this thing for cats...tapi aku takder ler kucing kat rumah (I actually detest cats for their laziness and lack of loyalty). aku post kan pic aku amik siang semalam of my pup Mickey. Dia ler yang paling jahat sekali....and greedy tu. Ni time dia da kena marah...pastu dia lompat atas sofa dok diam.

I buried her under a load of cushions sambil dia dok merajuk....

Eh...ok ler. Dah cerah kat luar...Kluang Man nak balik tidur sat. A busy day ahead for me...
Will blog as soon as the way...again...kalau see my collection of pics, go to [klubbkidd's rave] - the fotopages!