Sunday, July 31, 2005

THE BEST! Thank you Malaysia!

Dah terbukti! Satu Malaya akhirnya mengiktirafkan the best four in Akademi Fantasia.
Begitu bersyukurnya kami kat stadium. Berdebar jugak masa Aznil nak announce result.
But after Yazer was called, out, we knew Kefli da takder harapan.

The day started out hectic sebab nak agih-agihkan tiket pada semua. Ramai lak time nak dekat masuk final ni. Mula-muka tergelak baca kat website Astro pasal kata tiket sold out.

Yelah...every week kata nak habis, tetap berlambak ruang kosong kat stadium tu.

But tonight - it was different.

Memang padat! Perghh!

Sampai stadium 7.20pm pun da penuh parking. Nak letak keta kat celah belakang stadium seperti biasa lak kali ni, kena halang. Adus! Katanya tuk Astro je. No amount of sweet talking could help.

So we parked kat entrance nak masuk balik ke jalan besar. First time jauh sangat.

Masuk je, syukur lah semua yang kena amik tiket ngan aku sampai awal. By 8pm semua da settle, masuk tempat duduk pun da booking. Dok belakang Farah dan parents dia with Mas. Apa lagi...sempat la mengumpat sikit.

Sekali ngan my best friend, si Ted along with fellow bloggers Sultan Muzaffar dan Juan Danza and teman wartawan lain cam si Farihad dok ngan kengkawan dari Astro cam Norizan and all.

Biasalah...lepas ni tak dapat laa nak carut lagi persembahan budak-budak. Masuk final, suka ke tak suka (later found out semua aku suka kan) I am still supportive.

It was fun...because I suppose everyone had this apprehension of whether a mistake was going to be made.

But there was a certain party atmosphere sebab tak kisahlah risau mana pun - we knew this had to be it!

Mawi, Felix, Yazer & Kefli - Lagu bonus - Medley Ghazal Untuk Rabiah (Jamal Abdillah dan Nasir), Apokalips (M.Nasir), dan Ekspres Rakyat (Kembara)
Apa nak katakan ek. It was decent. I have no idea why it was called a tribute. Too self-indulgent for me. Nothing great about the boys' medley...kira biasa-biasa saja. Kefli looked and sounded really out of place in this one.

Yazer - This Love (Maroon 5)
I have a feeling that Yazer didn't have a clue what the song was about, and how to go about performing it. Kelakar to see him gyrating away...they might as well as given him a real dance tune cause he didn't seem to get into the funk of things.

And what the hell was he wearing? It seems that somehow he was wearing a sweatshirt inspired top ala karung guni that made him look heavier walaupun Aznil kata dia lost weight. He didn't have a sense of coordination in his little dance routine and vocally was so out of breath - he might as well be shagging jer. Terbayang lak ngan bunyian dia so out of breath, images from Putrajaya masa peluh meleleh tak henti-henti. And his diction was horrid, and I was straining to see if he forgot any of the words to the tune. Thank God it was finally bye-bye Yazer!

Marsha - Ku Pendam Sebuah Duka (Khatijah Ibrahim)

Aku da sediakan tissue Premier yang disponsor tuk meleleh airmata pada this one. But somehow...her fumbling with the lyrics didn't seem to help. So it was a slow start yang memang horrifying, especially at this stage of the competition to screw up....Memang kita semua cringing gila babiks ler takut sangat Marsha tak mampu bak lagu.

But into the second verse dia pick up habis and ended it proving she was one of the better vocals for the night. And yes...I dedicated the song to someone and habis juga dua pack tissue Premier.

Definitely one of the highlights of the show as usual!

Felix - Anak (Freddie Aguilar)

Aku cam bengang sikit the way they tried to put the spotlight on Yazer for backing him on guitar. Nak gorengke nak solo ker skali ngan Sham, buat lah masa lagu sendiri. Dahler sebelum tu Yazer da di promo lebih-lebih oleh Astro bab rumah orang tua tu (nak undi simpati ke). I mean...why couldn't all the kids have been taken. Anyway - another thing about the backing, perlu ke mintak Mawi backing juga kalau setakat tambourine.

Still - Felix managed to hold on to his spotlight walaupun lagu tu simple and easy listening.
And yes, I think he had the right expression for the song throughout. Simply captivating! Makes up for the past few weeks of horror from Felix.

Kefli - Tak Tahu (Adam)
Ni apa kes ni??? Teruk sangat ke sampai tertonggeng?

Setakat choreography - minimal and nothing to shout about. Vocally - he did everything! Wrong that is....

Bukan sahaja lupa lirik - dahlah bukan sekali. Ni lari Everything was just so wrong. And the sengau was stilll as irritating as ever!

The joke is - it's only lagu Adam. Takder ler challenging mana pun! Aku rasa masa lagu ini dipilih dulu, they were trying to get something easy for him. Well, apparently mereka tak sedar easy is not in Kefli's vocab. After all - he still has trouble trying to figure out how to breathe and sing at the same time! And the trying to walk like Mawi thing was hardly cute! It was him being insistently irritating as usual...

Aku enjoy this show only because of Mawi (boleh tahan ler rap dia walaupun aku rasa Yazer ni ada hidden potential nak rap ngan groove dia).

Mana tak nya, si Mawi asyik buat second voice, "Yo! Yo! Ya-ah-ow! Ya-ah-ow!". Adus...pecah peruts!

Amylea - Gemilang (Jaclyn Victor)
So I would be the first to admit Amylea's version tak se power Jac's.
But WOW! She made it hers! Lagu tu jadi lain sangat ngan improvisation dia yang just nice, tak overboard.

She lost some steam mid-way due to the limitations of her voice, cracking a little here and there, but like Marsha, picked up and rocked the house!

Standing ovation dari kita!

Puas juga seeing a real performer like her, announced the qualifier over si sengau Kefli tu. I mean really! In a world that had any values of fairness, she wouldn't have been in contention against someone like him in the first place!

Suka pic ni... tengok muka Kefli torture nak maintain muka diplomatic over penyingkiran dia! Padahal, nampak sangat dia tahan sentap tu.

Seriously Kefli...

Did you really, actually think you stood a chance???

Mawi - Pergi Tak Kembali (Rabbani)
Mmm...this one aku tatau camna nak comment. Ok would be it. Bukan sebab Mawi tak bagus ke...ada kesilapan ke...ataupun aku tak hendak memberikan dia credit for doing his best.

Perhaps for one thing the song cam tak power. Also, since it's his forte, kekuatan dia pada irama nasyid, aku rasa cam biasa je dia sampaikan. Memang bagus dan bersahaja, tapi susah nak feel apa-apa sebab ala kadar je.

The funny thing is - seperti seseorang bloggers mengatakan - kalau orang lain surprise macam-macam kejutan, adakah Mawi pada mata Astro hanya layak untuk dibacking by kumpulan nasyid kampung dia je ke? (Tu pun off gila babas! Mencacatkan persembahan Mawi je)

But - Mawi at least maintain consistency dia dan tak slack ler.

Still, I think Pupus dia punya strongest performance so far.

Amylea & Marsha - Lagu bonus - Medley Jerat Percintaan (Siti Nurhaliza), Bunga-Bunga Cinta (Misha Omar), Tangisan Dalam Kerinduan (Farah) dan Gubahan Rindu Puisi Syahdu (Fauziah Latiff)
Wow! Kalau lah dua orang ni terus final wat camni! Adus! Ni baru standard boleh dibanggakan! Farra masuk pun takder effect.

The best thing is - kalau empat orang pelajar lelaki kena layan tiga lagu bonus, the two girls took on four songs! You have to respect that! Plus they did it their way. Again, a little few hiccups here and there - but deserving of another standing ovation!

Menuju Puncak was ridiculous. I mean...takkan Astro tak sedar hambar semacam je choreography musim ni! Dari konsert pertama, semua bising kata sedih sangat tarian tuk lagu tema Akademi Fantasia ni - and sill no change has come about!

Nine weeks later, we're still served with the same pathetic fare!

Yang peliknya kali ni - bila the final pose - kenapa Mawi seorang tu keluar dari the whole set-up. I mean, looking at the picture - it simply doesn't make sense. Sensitif ke kalau dia bersentuhan dengan pelajar memana? Ke takut cam sebelum ni dimana Kefli 'menunggang' Mawi in the last pose sampai tak reti henti meraba (usha balik replay of the last concert).

Whatever it is - Menuju Puncak has been taken to new heights of silliness!

By the way, the final tribute with semua yang tersingkir was touching - only sadly it was for AFVOKAL more than anything else.

Kalau nak sangat wat AFVOKAL, bagik laa memasing kuar lagu sendiri ke pa. Ni tak. How you suppose to judge them individually from a group song. You're talking about everyone singing on a different key and all.

Plus, everyone has their set piece for a solo, so there's bound to be seorang dua yang lebih kan?

Whatever it is - consolation prize or not - AFVOKAL (which is Anugerah Vokal Popular - sebab diundi dan bukan Anugerah Vokal Terbaik seperti didakwa Astro) should go to only among Idayu, Fuad, Amylea, Amy, Marsha or even Aidil (seriously?). Why do I say that? Well - from their unique vocal tone - to their much polished appearance now since their introduction, I think these few yang menyerlah overall.

Yes, even Aidil didn't sound as bad as he did when in Akademi ketika mempersembahkan Didn't We Almost Have It All in the group performance. Elliza was the most horrible, screeching like pontianak mengilai kena buasir (boleh ke?)

Anyway, back to the show...

And the result?

Apa lagi? The four best performers, who have been consistently delivering for weeks now! Thank God Malaysia got it right! Teringat musim lepas masa Bob diumumkan masuk and aku terpikir how the SMS votes were right for the first time the whole season!

And this time - Malaysia got it right. Mungkin aku masih tak setuju peratusan antara empat pelajar tu jauh sangat, but still - they are in the final!

Aku sekarang tak kisah siapa duduk di tangga mana. Sebab untuk aku - cukup lah keempat-empat mereka layak, teramat layak untuk masuk final!

Habis saja pengumuman - berpuluh SMS aku terima on all three mobile numbers aku! Sampai habis bateri phone siot!

Bergegas ngan bebudak tuk amik kek kat keta - lari ke belakang production area di mana dah janji ngan Idayu & Co. nak celebrate birthday Fuad. Sayang Bob tak ada kerana outstation tuk show kalau tak leh celebrate skali.

Anyway, a BIG happy birthday to both Bob dan Fuad!!!

Lama gak tunggu meka nak masuk ke area production tempat makan crew - but sampai-sampai saja, Idayu, Reza, Amy, Aidil, Elliza, Akma (Ekin tak nampakl lak) nyanyi Happy Birthday tuk Fuad. Separuh tenaga pengajar pun masih ada nak wish skali termasuk abang M.Nasir, kak Marlia (thank you for staying back, babe) and a few more.

Abih tu sembang-sembang ler kengkawan sana. Puas jugak result. And rata-rata most of us hardly care how the final turns out because buat kali pertama, statement Vince 'tiada pengalah' makes sense'.

I was told by friends that there is a possibility that dia sentimen mungkin digunakan sesetengah pihak dalam kempen tuk AFUNDI masuk final ni.

And they are the two most sensitive things that anyone could harp on. So I hope we all can pull together and vote for who we believe is talented - and not bother with these two issues which some extreme fans mugnkin menggunakan.

Sentimen pertama of course mengenai dua pelajar dari Borneo and dua pelajar dari Semenanjung. I say, so what? We're all still Malaysians kan? Biar kita banggawith the best we have to offer without caring which state or side of the country we're from!

The second is a more sensitive issue. Sudah pasti Mawi dan Amylea beragama Islam while Felix dan marsha are Christians. Again, aku merayu semua dalam keghairahan mengundi pelajar tersayang, supaya jauhi diri dari sentimen sebegini. We are voting for talent - and that's all that counts. Kita masyarakat muhibbah - and there is no difference between us all - race, religion, creed or any other distinguishing factors. Remember...blur the lines that seperate us, and only allow talent to shine through!

After all - pelajar-pelajar Akademi Fantasia telah membuktikan kami lah a community which prides itself ont he unity our nation is so proud of -maybe we could learn something from them!

Ok laa...letih siot...from the excitement and anticipation (and I suppose the subsequent partying) but thank you to everyone who voted for the girls to make sure they got into the final!

Nak habiskan update ngan lagu-lagu serta beberapa pics dari konsert semalam sebelum KO sat. Pagi kena bangun awal sebab nak gi Desa Waterpark for the @15 Chatterz Club Family Day with pelajar-pelajar tersingkir. See you guys there!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Ku Pendam Sebuah Duka

Ok...I feel down again. AKu tak paham ler. Aku asyik mood swings lately. Well...actually I know why. But...

Apapun, tadi bosan sangat satu hari tak cukup tidur, kerja berlambak, deadline last minute, memacam one big one.

I feel so down at the moment - but tengah baca-baca blog aku, sambil blog-hopping to cheer me up, saja ingat tetiba nak update senarai lagu tugasan malam ni.

Memang aku malas nak update...but something made me do it.

Ni senarai lagu-lagu tugasan...

Lagu Bonus
Pelajar perempuan - Medley Jerat Percintaan (Siti Nurhaliza), Bunga-Bunga Cinta (Misha Omar), Tangisan Dalam Kerinduan (Farah) dan Gubahan Rindu Puisi Syahdu (Fauziah Latif)
Pelajar lelaki - Medley Ghazal Untuk Rabiah (Jamal Abdillah dan Nasir), Apokalips (M.Nasir), dan Ekspres Rakyat (Kembara)

Lagu Tugasan
Yazer - This Love (Maroon 5)
Kefli - Tak Tahu (Adam)
Mawi - Pergi Tak Kembali (Rabbani)
Marsha - Ku Pendam Sebuah Duka (Khatijah Ibrahim)
Felix - Anak (Freddie Aguilar)
Amylea - Gemilang (Jaclyn Victor)

Of course, kalau tengok, aku da update with these original versions for all of you to compare supaya dapat menilai sendiri kemampuan pelajar-pelajar untuk memastikan AFUNDI anda pergi kepada pelajar yang betul-betul berbakat. Tolonglah evaluate and janganlah ikut sentimen kasihan saja dalam undian.

Whatever it is, lagu tugasan Marsha yang aku tak habis-habis dengar sekarang. Lgu tu - kira bersesuaian dengan mood aku sekarang. And I don't know....but at the same time - it pushes me to look for positivity in my situation.

Take a listen dan hayati liriknnya.

Ku Pendam Sebuah Duka

Bercinta sudah lama
Berkasih dan bermesra
Sedang enak membuai rasa
Perpisahan tercipta

Mengapa sementara
Cerahnya cinta kita
Mendung tiba tiada ku pinta
Gelapnya suasana
Walaupun hati ku amat berat melepas mu
Dan rintangan mendatang sayang
Terpaksa ku leraikan
Seandainya kita harungi jua
Kelak punah semua.. sayang
Mimpi yang kau harapkan

Ku pasti kau kembali
Menyatu dua hati
Lebih elok cari pengganti
Tiada kau menyendiri
Tak guna disesalkan
Hakikat percintaan
Mungkin terpendam kenikmatan
Sebalik perpisahan

Apapun, take note that lagu Anak dalam tu original version lagu tu. Aku dapati ada empat versi lagu tu termasuk dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Melayu, but I decided to post the original version.

By the way - I usually post only quality poetry, but this time I want to share something so silly, but with the sentiments in the right place. It's for whoever it's supposed to be for....It's from the movie 10 Things I Hate About You and it's the part Julia Stiles is voicing how much she hates this guy, tapi sebenarnya da jatuh hati...A little juvenile...but gets the point across. That's all for this posting...nothing more to share...I'm empty inside...

10 Things I Hate About You
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you are always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh.
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly, I hate the way I don't hate you,
Not even close,
Not even a little bit,
Not even at all

By the way, lupa nak add. Pada peminat Aidil - ni pesanan khas. Segala email Aidil can be forwarded to Aidilistic. Apapun, website Aidil akan siap dalam bulan depan di URL

By the way...jangan lupa click undi tuk aku kalau suka least something would cheer me up.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Do you miss them?

Rindu tak dengan persembahan pelajar-pelajar yang tersingkir?

Hah...kalau rindu...tengok sendiri kang malam esok kejutan mini aku sebutkan tu. Entah jadi ntah tidak, but I think it will indeed take place.

Takler kejutan sebenarnya pun - but Astro always overhypes things anyway. will be nice to watch those eliminated perform on thw same stage again, don't you think?
Meanwhile...AFUNDI MARSHA and AFUNDI AMYLEA (sekali Mawi dan Felix ler tapi undi meka da banyak cukup nak ke final da...aku nak dua ni layak skali jerk)

By the way - aku dengar lagu tuk final sudahpun siap tuk contestants. Just wondering how it will all sound. Agaknya ada tak yang meletup cam single-single Akademi Fantasia yang final sebelum ni ke tak.

Malas posting panjang-panjang...tengah takde mood upload pics and all that...

Nak sambung wat keja...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Kejutan ke?

Malas nak update. Tapi ni berita terkini dari Astro! More news on Bangkok trip with pictures later.

Takder ler surprise sangat kan bagi pengikut-pengikut blog ni. Didn't we know this was going to happen?

Expect another possible mini kejutan this Saturday (just maybe)...

Akademi Fantasia 3: Empat pelajar akan ke peringkat akhir
Kuala Lumpur, 28 Julai 2005: Astro, sebagai penerbit dan penyiar program realiti TV paling popular, Akademi Fantasia 3 (AF3), semalam mengumumkan keputusan untuk memberi peluang kepada empat pelajar untuk mara ke peringkat akhir.

Pengumuman dibuat oleh pengetua AF3, M. Nasir di hadapan enam pelajar yang masih kekal di Akademi, menerusi program Diari Akademi Fantasia 3 yang disiarkan pada 27 Julai, 8.30 malam di saluran Astro Ria dan Astro @15.

Ini bermakna pada konsert minggu kesembilan Sabtu ini, dua pelajar akan disingkirkan berdasarkan peratusan undian paling rendah Sistem Pesanan Ringkas (SMS) pengundi.

Ketua Program Melayu Astro, Rozina Aziz berkata keputusan atau kejutan ini adalah untuk memberi kelainan format kepada program Akademi Fantasia.

Beliau merujuk kepada AF musim pertama yang membawa lima pelajar ke peringkat akhir manakala AF musim kedua menampilkan 6 pelajar.

"Dengan hanya 4 pelajar di peringkat akhir, tenaga pengajar akan memberi lebih fokus kepada pelajar-pelajar itu dalam setiap aspek persembahan dan diharap mereka dapat membawa persembahan paling bertenaga di konsert akhir nanti," terang Rozina.

Bagaimanapun, dari dua pelajar tersingkir, pelajar yang mendapat undian lebih tinggi akan dikira menduduki tempat kelima. Beliau layak menerima hadiah berupa Pakej Percutian ke Bali tajaan Pearl of The Orient (POTO Travel) dengan kerjasama Aida Travel dan Gulf Air, sebuah Kerusi Urut tajaan Gintell, sebuah Beg Pakaian jenama Samsonite, Wang Tunai RM3000 sumbangan Hotlink dan Trofi Akademi Fantasia tajaan Astro.

Astro juga mengumumkan pengenalan satu Anugerah Khas yang bakal diberi kepada salah seorang daripada 14 pelajar AF3 iaitu Anugerah Vokal Terbaik. Anugerah ini adalah untuk pelajar yang mempunyai kekuatan vokal terbaik, dan dipilih melalui undian SMS penonton.

Untuk memilih calon vokal terbaik, taip AFVOKAL dan hantar ke 32999. Talian SMS bagi Anugerah Vokal Terbaik akan dibuka mulai 8.30 malam pada Jumaat, 29 Julai 2005. Setiap SMS akan dikenakan caj premium RM0.50 tidak termasuk kadar SMS biasa yang dikenakan oleh TELCO. Pemenang anugerah tersebut akan diumumkan pada Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia yang akan berlangsung di Stadium Malawati Shah Alam pada 6 Ogos ini. Pelajar yang memenangi Anugerah Vokal Terbaik bakal menerima sebuah trofi dan wang tunai sebanyak RM3000.

Tiket bagi Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia akan mula dijual oleh TicketCharge mulai Isnin, 1 Ogos pada harga RM20 dan RM40. Bagi mereka yang membeli tiket pada hari Isnin, 1 Ogos dari pukul 9 pagi hingga 6 petang akan menikmati harga istimewa "Early Bird Offer" pada kadar RM10 dan RM25. Tawaran "Early Bird Offer" ini adalah hanya pada hari Isnin sahaja.

TicketCharge boleh dihubungi di talian 03-77262002.

Selain wang tunai, bayaran boleh dibuat menggunakan kad kredit. Talian TicketCharge dibuka pada hari Isnin hingga Jumaat, mulai jam 9 pagi hingga 6 petang dan hari Sabtu, mulai jam 12 tengahari hingga 6 petang. Tiket-tiket juga boleh didapati dari tiga cawangan TicketCharge di Mid-Valley Boulevard, The Mall dan Lot 10, Kuala Lumpur.

I say : Why call it Anugerah Vokal Terbaik kalau bukan judged by professionals. If its based on public votes - then its Anugerah Vokal Popular. The masses cannot be expected to deliver a result that is equivalent to that of people knowledgeable in the business. The best tu kena laa orang yang paham apa tu vocals and techniques involved mah!

Monday, July 25, 2005

You did this!!!

As the title says it all. Here's the result of another injustice!

Aku tak pernah pilih Akma dalam senarai peribadi aku untuk dia ke final. But still - at this point of the competition - for all her weaknesses, dia BUKAN pelajar paling lemah, dia bukan pelajar paling tidak consistent, and she sure as hell is not the least talented when it comes to vocals.

Cuma masaalahnya, she is female, not some cutesy, boyband wannabe who would be better off miming after some dance lessons.

So what happens now? Look at the results!

Siapa yang akan menjadi mangsa seterusnya? Marsha? Amylea? Hanya kerana mereka yang mengundi kerana simpati, kasihan... dan kononnya muka comel! Kalau nak sangat undi camtu, I suggest you go buy majaalah Remaja tu dan vote ler lain kali meka ada yang Hero remaja and all that. Lebih elok!

Whatever it is, I appeal for sanity among fans of Mawi, Felix, Amylea and Marsha - don't just back your favourites among the four - but also each other. I know this sounds ridiculous but it only makes your favourite student stand out all the more.

Of course - a major part of my appeal goes to Mawi and Felix fans tuk sokong Marsha dan Amylea. Kalau ada yang katakan ini tak rasional, then think if it this way. Don't you want credibility if and when the student of your choice menang?

Setakat kalau Mawi dan Felix menang 'walkover' sebab the competition is weak and not at all credible, especially in the likes of Kefli - tak berbaloi wang Ringgit tuk AFUNDI. Baik dok terus takyah undi dari sekarang. IF Mawi and Felix wins against tougher and more creidble competition like Marsha and Amylea - THAT'S putting up a fight and a deserved win!

Apapun. I think I, serta ramai bloggers lain telahpun made our stand known. One common ground we can all agree on is that we want Kefli OUT! So let's see to it that that whining cringer is booted out before the finals!

I am just so disappointed with the voting trends now - and aku malas nak update apa-apa dari press conference dan interview Akma tadi, kecuali gambar dia ni.

I hope we can pull of what we did with Akademi Fantasia II when in the last week - all the fan clubs managed to supporteach other in terms of votes to kick out yang TAK PATUT berada di final. Here's to seeing a repeat of that moment.


Why do I pick the four...apart from possibly another reason...they ARE simply the best!

DON'T let this happen to those who deserve to be in the final like Amylea or Marsha!

DON'T vote on sympathy pada yang dok bawah skali!

DON'T vote hanya kerana you think he's cute!

DON'T trash our music industry with people who can't sing!

DON'T embarass nama Akademi Fantasia ngan ada finalist yang TAK layak!


What the???!!!

Are you kidding?

Are you just bloody kidding???

Akma terkeluar when Yazer and Kefli are still in after those performances?

Granted Akma's impersonation of Ramlah Ram wat tangkap muat Beyonce wassn't all that...but seriously!!!

Aku pas konsert, takder mood nak stay for Imbasan at all. Simply because it was the wrong person again decided to leave.

So gi makan ngan kengkawan dari Mawi FC kat Section 9, Shah Alam...sambil makan tu mengisi perut, usha ler Imbasan.

Yang sakit ati nya - when they showed the results, I was glad Mawi improved his standing because he did perform quite well for the night, tapi sakit ati tengok Felix jatuh dari segi peratusan and kecewa because Amylea naik pun tak seberapa.

But the horror of all horrors was Marsha jatuh sampai ke second last! Apa barang??!!

Are you joking?

Si Kefli memang aku admit improved his performance - but considering standard dia ketinggalan sebegitu jauh - it was hardly anything significant compared to that of the others. Paling tidak pun, kalau nyamuk sengau tu terselamat - Yazer would have been the next target based on common sense because dia punya take of Mengapa Harus Cinta was a simply painful.

Lost my mood to update the blog for the night - tried to update the tapi sebab ada change pada security features by Gengkita, I couldn't access the ftp.

As far as the is concerned, hopefully things will rectified as soon as possible.
But back to the night - yes it was crap!

Memang Malaysians (the masses anyway) are hardly smart enough to evaluate what is quality.

As a result? Twelve months from now - pilihan meka tu akan get flushed down the toilet of failures of the local entertainment industry!

Just look at season one, how many actually made it? How about season two? Yang kecoh-kecoh dok terselamat atas undi simpati - mana dia skang? Seriously!

And that is very likely going to happen again in season three.

Tak nyesal aku tinggalkan pemantauan Diari Akademi Fantasia bermula minggu ketiga setelah bermula agenda of personal attacks on selected students.

It's out of hand...and seolah kehabisan idea mereka nak pasangkan orang laa...nak bagi citer air mata laa...etc.

You may think it's ridiculous...but Akma kuar because (in huge part) to Astro. Speculation?

Well...ingat tak masa Putrajaya - konon main kahwin-kahwin Amy dan Aidil? Siapa keluar? Amy and Reza right? Then konon nak wat citer surat dari kuarga Yazer to Ekin? Siapa keluar? Ekin...

And this week - sibuk nak tunjuk video sangat kan konon meka bercinta - konon nak pasangkan dengan Felix?

What happens? Surprise, surprise....bye bye Akma!

First of all - I think any sort of study would prove that majority of Akademi Fantasia voters are female, thus the dominance of boys in the competition. Kalau dalam pertandingan lain dalam Malaysia ni - boys selalu lose out to girls, Akademi Fantasia is the only competition girls never stand a chance.

Dah tau - lagi nak wat kes tuk pengundi-pengundi hormonal nak mjenci bebudak perempuan yang ada.

So there are two girls left in the competition - no complaints here as they are the outstanding two. But the boys? Only Felix and Mawi are worthy of the final as far as I am concerned.

These four have been consistently been performing above average, and have displayed an amazing ability to adapt and embrace versatility.

Dahlah...kepada nyamuk-nyamuk penyokong Kefli dan Yazer...I cou;dn't care less what you have to say. At the end of the day - these two will go the way of students in Akademi Fantasia previously yang bertahan all the way to the final for no bloody reason cause they will never have a career in the local music industry and will fizzle out to being small time dependants of their status on Akademi Fantasia.

Why am I so angry? Because ada mereka yang mempunyai bukan sahaja impian - tapi juga bakat semulajadi yang patut diberikan perhatian. Akademi Fantasia is an enviable platform for any new act - so why waste it on those yang takder future in this business??

Suka ati ler make the final what it is.

All I know is, I'm doing my duty to vote for only FOUR students, who to me deserve the spots in the final not only for their ambition, effort, talent but also their potential to go far. And the four, who were the best performers from the previous week - are also my favourites for this week.

Siapa lagi layak untuk persembahan terbaik konsert lepas kalau bukan Felix, Mawi, Marsha and Amylea (in no particular order).

Look at the photos of the deserved top four bebetul. Kali ni aku pilih pics yang gambarkan usaha mereka, kerisauan mereka, tekanan mereka, dan harapan mereka because these are four extremely talented kids you will letting down if any of them don't make the final.

Or perhaps - you'd prefer to settle for a pretty boy (cantik ker muka) who can't sing (let alone breathe right!!!)

This Saturday is too crucial nak memberikan lagi undi kasihan - terutamanya pada orang yang nyanyi pun tak betul, tak pernah consistent in delivery, has no distinct voice, no uniqueness and no originality!

I hardly care about Yazer making it in...but in no way does even Yazer deserve to make way for muka seksa ni nak dapat tempat, apa lagi kalau nak antara empat tu menjadi korban sentimen kasihan pengundi yang nak tengok muka 'kiut' jer. Sibuk sangat nak tengok bagi laa dia keluar tengok laa puas-puas kat funfair terdekat kang. Masa tu baru tau bertahan ke tak korang ngan sengau dia.

The competition looks hopeless at this point - with voters who have any sense (and sense of hearing) being way outnumbered by those who vote by sentiment and sympathy.

Dah...apapun - I am sick and tired of this trend of orang yang tak paham apa konsep asal Akademi Fantasia - which is a TV opportunity to offer those with promise to further enhance their abilities and talents to shine.

instead - skang da jadi biasiswa programme yang in the end - the result tak bayar balik loan sebab kuar jer berangan lebih ngan adanya peminat dan syok sendiri, padahal nyanyi tak penah cukup syarat.

On to my review. By the way - sorry tapi I didn't include the evaluation of the two groups songs sebab Ladki Badi Anjani Hai and Seri Langkat were not worthy of evaluation for me.

Interesting and mildly amusing as it was - aku tak nampak the relevance of group performances except tuk buang masa sebab this year - the group songs do not test individual contribution to the team effort.

Lagu asal nyanyian Kumar Sanu and Alka Yagnik dari Kuch Kuch Hota Hai was no big deal for me simply because setakat bak nyanyi backing track - baik takyah...walau apapun Aznil katakan 'as long as to their own voices' or whatever. If nak sangat miming tu, or singing over a vocal track, baik terus semua lagu wat camtu.

As for Seri Langkat - the Jamal Abdillah and Amelina version - it just didn't do much for me...
Menuju Puncak for me is the only group number I'd be bothered to evaluate this year - tapi since choreography cam dibuat oleh my taekwondo master...takyah ler.

On to the show...

Marsha - Cobalah Untuk Setia (Kris Dayanti)
I have to say mula-mula aku risau gak sebab Marsha seemed to be out of tempo. For some reason dia tak keep up to pace...possibly tak feel lagu tu as well as I thought she would.

Which brought about the problem of penghayatan, which like Yasmin Ahmad said, she seemed to lack a connection to the song and was unable to deliver the message. However, vocally - I'd have to agree with Syafinaz and she pulled out all the stops. She is definitely THE voice of Akademi Fantasia III.

Not stealing any thunder away from Amylea - as Amylea is THE voice with a personality.

Kefli - Hati Emas (Kembara)
Admittedly a fun song. Tapi because of the strength of the original no part due to Kefli's effort.

To put it simply - Syafinaz seemed to round it up best (let's forget Kudsia Kahar as usual) when she also pointed out a couple of faults in my list. My list includes the horrid manner of slurring, his intonation (or lack of it), the consistencies in going off pitch and the needless screaming. At this point, people...please note...there is a difference between dynamis and volume - something which I said Kefli has not been able to distinguish in weeks he's been in the Akademi. And for

God's sake boy! Breathe when you sing! Muka seksa tak abih-abih. By the way - I think Aznil stole the show from him without even needing vocal lessons or weeks in the Akademi (leh tak AFUNDI Aznil ganti tempat dia?)

Yazer - Mengapa Harus Cinta (Vince)
I did say before this it would be Yazer's first test - sebab yang pelajar lain semua da diuji all over the place and he's the only one that seems to be dimanjakan.

I also did say that kalau dia perform bagus - he would make it to my list sebab he has been proving he has all the elements the top four have - cuma only because he has NEVER been tested.

So how did he do? Not as bad as I thought - despite the flat, flat, flat delivery of the song throughout. Off key siot berapa kali....karam abih! Off the topic of Yazer - beginning from him we can see the wardrobe department da mula buat sial balik. Ingat stylo ka nyanyi lagu ballad tetap nak imej rock? What's with the the ripped jeans??? Tak kena konsep...Setakat menang tuk Vaanavil leh laa...(siapa yang makan cili dia yang terasa pedas...)

Mawi - Pupus (Dewa)
I love this song. Ada peminat Mawi bagitau aku yang lagu ni tak power. I begged to differ saying kalau Mawi pandai bak lagu ni - it's this sweeping emotional piece that will justify his position.

And despite wardrobe department bangap buat dia imej cam tukang cat rumah yang diupah...he did great! At several points, aku rasa his performance was a little contrived....but he pulled through well enough and made the song his own. I would say for the first time bebetul, aku puas ati ngan Mawi nya performance - a feeling I usually get from Amylea dan Marsha.

Akma - Selamat Jalan Romeo (Ramlah Ram)
Semput....and horrible moves. Almost as bad as costume dia yang ibarat ada bulu ketiak pink terjurai tu! Wardrobe buta!!! For her tall lanky do NOT put her in that kind of dress. Huh!

But what's with the Lady Marmalade-Bootylicious routine ler. Nak goyang pung aku rasa cam bukan nak patah pinggang, tapi da broken in 40 different spots.

At any rate - sayang gak bab Akma ni...she does have talent...just zero charisma.

Amylea - Dua Insan Bercinta (Ella)
Klang rocks! Heh! Bangga! Amylea did Klang proud (Klang ni kampung Ella ler - sama kampung ngan aku tu).

She sounded original, being totally herself and (if it's possible) making the song sound even better!

Cuma aku tergeli sikit dia wat dia nya snake charmer routine punya choreography...takyah ler Amylea...but you rock gurl! Nak tengok dia dapat rock tune bebetul - bukan stakat ballad ler...Mesti gempak!

Felix - Hukum Karma (Wings)
ASTRO'S WARDROBE DEPARTMENT SUCKS! Nak bagi imej rocker rempit mana pung - perlu ke sampai pakai camtu? Rempit pun malu nak keluar pakai camtuh tau!

Burok siot - and tambah wig ala Amylea punya rambut sebelum kena rebonding - adus! Felix looked a right horror!

Tapi he pulled off Hukum Karma extremely well and rocked the house. Ramai gak aku tengok head-banging kat celah tempat dok VIP! Rocksteady sibuk-sibuk - tokei dusun lagik gempak when it comes to really rocking.

But I have to point this out. Can someone tell Kudsia Kahar that it wasn't perfect. She gets so carried away tul. Habis je...tak abih-abih nak stress kat Felix, "It was perfect!!!".

No it wasn't girlfriend. He cracked...hit the wrong note...and went off key berapa banyak kali - even at that one point ko kata dia perfect tu. I suggest Akademi Fantasia IV carik sponsor pengorek telinga tuk pengkritik ek.

Oklah...nak tidur...tak larat...will try and sort out the thingie as soon as possible. And by the way...bersedia tuk KEMUNGKINAN hints and clues apa dia kejutan terbesar Akademi Fantasia untuk musim ni!

I will not have one dedicated posting for it...but read between the lines and you may just spot what's coming up (if it happens - sebab dok pending green light kan)...

Meeting Akma for the interview tomorrow - and then nak gi office Sony-BMG tuk pick up flight tickets and stuff to leave for Bangkok Tuesday morning...will try and post before I leave. Gone...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Updates - also on

Aku sorry kalao ada yang expect update today tapi letih satu hal, and also ftp pun takleh access. I don't know why but hopefully we'll rectify the problem as soon as possible and possibly concert semalam akan diupdatekan by late Sunday afternoon, ok?

Friday, July 22, 2005

Dayang is free

This should be good news for Dayang Nurfizah fans. Akhirnya, Dayang bebas tuk meneruskan kerjaya dia sebagai penyanyi tanpa meisaukan tindakan mahkamah ke apa-apa.

KUALA LUMPUR : The long-standing and highly publicised dispute between local singer Dayang Nurfaizah Awang Dowty and her former management and recording label has been amicably resolved.

In a joint press release issued on Thursday, Recording Industry of Malaysia (RIM) general manager Ramani Ramalingam said he was pleased to announce a mutually beneficial settlement between the relevant parties.

"The settlement resolves a series of unfortunate miscommunications dating back to 2002.

"Dayang has successfully come to an agreement with Bintang Seni Sdn Bhd over her management contract while New Southern Records Sdn Bhd (NSR) has bought over Dayang's recording contract from Aneka Seni Music Productions Sdn Bhd.

This means that all legal suits between Dayang and the Broadway Entertainment Group of Companies, which includes Aneka Seni, Bintang Seni, Lindung Seni and Broadway Entertainment Sdn Bhd have been amicably settled.

"Dayang is now free of all her contractual obligations with the Broadway Entertainment group of companies and to fully pursue her promising recording career with her new label, NSR," said Ramani.

Broadway chief executive officer Boon Tan and Dayang were reportedly happy to confirm in a win-win situation of the court cases which was aided by RIM, while NSR A&R director Iman Wan formally welcomed Dayang to NSR's stable.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Aku malas nak posting baru. These past few days since my birthday have been the crappiest ever.

It hasn't been the worst - tapi cam yo yo. Kejap ok...kejap cam sial!

Apapun - I really have no mood to post anything. Right now - I'm just broiling in hatred. For myself and the people around me. I have no idea why things suck so bad at the moment. I am feeling dowopeless and on the verge of giving up everything.

I suppose the only silver lining is I'll be making my third trip to Bangkok this Tuesday. At least aku leh berambus sat dari KL ni. Menyampah aku dok sini. Everything is just so screwed up at the moment.

Anyway - the trip to Bangkok this time best gila lah.

Sebelum ni, earlier this year, aku gi for to watch Slipknot (tak kenal takper - rugi ko!) and get to interview them (siap tengok meka tanpa topeng!!!-checky my old postings in my blog). Then it was for the lousy MTV Asia Aid yang boring gila (redah abih Patpong lak masa tu closing time for nightspots 1am sebab time election ada ruling baru).

Anyway dalam punya laa sial punya the whole day yang aku tension tak abih about this and that... aku dapat passed invitation dari bos aku.

Yes, this Tuesday - yours truly akan menghadiri sesi pra-dengar album (kira sebelum pelancaran ler) dan interview Ricky Martin di Bangkok!

The plan is only an overnight stay in Bangkok - tapi rasanya pada tahap ni - aku mungkin extend my stay kot sebab aku da fed-up ngan all the crap here. Nak larikan diri sat.

Masaalahnya member yang ajar kat University of Chulalongkorn tu da entah kemana. Dia Malaysian tapi lecture sana sini. Adus...takder ler geng lak!

So that's the only thing that's good I can say since my most damned birthday in history.
By the way - pada kengkawan yang SMS nombor lama aku - take note of another number I've posted because nombor 013 aku da ilang SIM card dia. Entah tercicir mana masa tukar-tukar card between my Nokia 3650 dan Nokia 7200 akibat 3650 aku software failure.

Apapun - if anything, message me there ok.

*UPDATE* Aku da jumpa balik SIM card aku so you can contct me back at my 013 number.
Until then - let me wallow in my depression with this bit. Damn all the ignorant idiots in this world who make life a living hell! Memang dengki takleh lihat orang lain gembira!

There's blackness outside
blackness caged inside with me
my view from here
does not surpass my fingers
the day ascends, plateaus, and falls
It hoists and drags, and I allow
sometimes light appears before tomorrow
but it's only dreamt
and when breakfast faces get a glimpse
they turn away
they think I just might be contagious...

By the way...aku tak suka blog orang posting-posting lirik. Tapi...kongsi ler depression aku ngan melayan lagu Sahri - Memori Bahagia.

Aku letak kat sekali tuk layan ketensionan aku.

I miss Jakarta... I am so sick and tired of KL....I miss you, babe...I'm going to sleep now with this song on permanent repeat.. The words may mean something else to some people....but in means so much to me...and is so relevant. Pass a a Marsha tissue please...

Lagu: Memori Bahagia
Penyanyi : Sahri
Lagu/Lirik : Adnan Abu Hassan Lirik:Fareez

Sayup ku terdengar suara mu
Memanggilku sedar dari lena
Mimpi yang terindah bersamamu
Umpama tiada ungkapan perpisahan

Mungkin harapan yang telah terbina
Seakan pudar warnanya saat sekian lamanya
Bila kau ucapkan
Air mata ini membasahi pipi

Mampukah ku alun kesemua tawamu
Menjadi melodi menemani diriku
Dapatkah kita memahami jalinan suci
Apakah ertinya kasih sayang ini

Berikanlah masa untuk difikirkan
Apa yang terbaik bagi meneruskan
Percintaan ini
Yang terpendam di jiwa

Dikaulah kejora
Yang menerangi hatiku kala sepi
Termenungku sendiri
Maafkanlah sekiranya
Kesilapan ku yang dulu
Menyentuh kalbumu

Kenangkanlah memori bahagia
Kau dan aku seiring berpimpin tangan
Mengukir senyuman saling merasa
Dan merindu bila bertemu

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Product placement

Selepas aku mengilhamkan product Ridsect Kefli - ramai nak bising. Well...take note. Aku buat mock product tu atas sebab menghalau nyamuk-nyamuk peminat Kefli yang tak abih-abih tak puas ati sebab aku luahkan pendapat aku yang sepatutnya dia yang keluar from the start.

Well - too bad.

He is the worst vocalist of the 14 in Akademi Fantasia and I still stand by the fact that he can't sing.

So what about popularity - in reality shows that counts. Tapi kalau da takder kredibiliti - at the end of the day berapa lama gak ko bertahan.

So whatever...tak puas ati - ko undi ler undi kesian korang tuh.

MY blog - MY opinions...not yours. Your comments are strictly yours...but you can post them elsewhere if it disrupts your delicate nature to read them.

Simple as that kan?

Orang nak tak abih-abih kata aku ada favourites aku...question yourself did they become my favourites. Mawi and Felix I agree have charisma - it's just they lack consistency though I still believe they deserve top five on the average of their performing ability.

Marsha and Amylea are the most consistent two and that is undeniable.

Akma is an above average singer - but she still lack identity ataupun showmanship.

Yazer da ada segala yang perlu - in the environment he's in sebab I still maintain setakat ni dia tak diuji.

Kefli? Let's not even go there. He's going soon...and that's a fact.

Perlu ke aku nak memberikan pujian melambung? Hakikatnya...terimalah ini reality industri muzik kita. Ada je yang takleh nyanyi yang akan dipuji puji peminat...akhirnya tak kemana because setakat minat rupa etc.

As for pekerjaan aku - konon aku tak professional - all I can say is ko tak puas ati especially nick pengkritik, lantak ko ler.

Aku buat blog aku as my PERSONAL page. bangap tul tak paham bahasa. Kata kalau ada opinion takyah nak nwat blog ker page ker...abih ko tu? take your opinions and shove em somewhere where the sun don't shine - cause you really have to take a long good look in the mirror.

Anyway - back to the point of the posting.

Setelah aku kuar product tu - terpikir lak...apa macam ler kalao ada companies amik meka endorse product. Yerlah...nama Akademi Fantasia begitu gah skali. Pulling power memang ada.

So siapa akan endorse apa.

Below is my suggested list - and skali ngan tugasan mereka dapat tuk minggu ni and my evaluation. Enjoy...and stop bitching about all this and take it with a funny bone in you and have that ability to laugh. Sheesh!

Felix sudah pasti nya akan endorse product terbaru Loreal. The latest in Wrinkle Decrease cream.

Pihak pengeluar kosmetik dan kecantikan tu akan laris dengan kulit Felix yang memang flawless dan tak pernah dahi berkerut walaupun seteruk mana penderaan terhadapnya dengan tugasan yang diberikan.

Masaalah pihak Loreal cuma nak wat iklan TV sebab dipercayai Felix mempunyai masaalah untuk menunjukkan sebarang emosi sekaligus menimbulkan spekulasi mukanya terlalu 'ketat' because pakai botox.

Lagu tugasannya minggu ni adalah Hukum Karma dari Wings.

Felix has aleady proven rock genre ni - biar ballad atau kapak pun dia leh handle. The only problem he has is with English songs, so this should NOT be a problem. Only hope dia all out kali ni.

Kalau diikutkan, Felix punya only problem is that he makes things look too easy at times, which is not a good thing. Aku nak tengok dia effort with a song. And hopefully he puts his all into hia performance...he really needs to stricke it up a notch!

Akma pula mendapat menjadi duta bantal terbaru dari Vono. Makan hati Ziana Zain!

Bantal terbaru itu dipercayai dapat cure insomnia ataupun masaalah tidur.

Iklan untuk product tu di TV akan menayangkan memana pun persembahan Aka untuk menunjukkan persamaan dengan keberkesanan bantal tu di mana penonton seperti mana pengguna bantal akan tertidur serta merta.

Lagu tugasan Akma untuk mnggu kelapan ni adalah lagu Selamat Jalan Romeo oleh Ramlah Ram.

Lagu ni aku dapat rasakan adalah pilihan untuk menyelamatkan Akma minggu ni because it's a fun and lively number, and charisma and x-factor or not - anyone can be seen as a master showman (or woman) with the dangdut-esque tune.

I think Akma will rock the house with this - but then again - she's disappointed before. However am hoping for her to turn on the magic because seh really does have everything else.

Amylea pula dipercayai menerima tawaran untuk patch for headaches.
WellPatch untuk mengubati migraine - dikatakan effective sebab Amylea telahpun mula menggunakan Wellpatch ketika tak abih-abih trauma ketika di Akademi.

Walaubagaimanapun the prodcut has proven effective because Amylea has managed to control whatever afflictions to improve on her shows. Sekaligus menimbulkan minat Wellpatch tuk keluarkan jenamanya yang khas mengambil kesempatan nama Amylea.

Amylea's assignment this week is Amylea - Dua Insan Bercinta oleh Ella (orang kampung aku sih!) This isn't really heavy rock...but even if it was aku rasa Amylea wouldn't even have problems then. No brainer to comment. She's going to feed the magic that's for sure!

Si Yazer pula dipilih oleh Strepsils tuk endorse line baru Strepsils eXtra mereka yang khas buat yang melalak sampai timbul urat.

Strepsils baru ni dipercayai dapat mengurangkan sakit tekak ketika aksi-aksi meng'rock' kan diri.

Seperti diharapkan, Yazer akhirnya mendapat lagu yang kira leh 'seksa' ler diri dia sedikit. Wish he had gotten an upbeat pop number, but still Mengapa Harus Cinta oleh Vince yang actually aku grade at moderate difficulty ni memang torture ler bagi Yazer.

Especially since live, the song requires the use of falsetto ler, something yang non-existent in Yazer's vocals. So to adapt to the tune, kalau dia nak wat rock grunts and growls dia, then he's bound to strain his vocal chords. It will be the best and first challenge so far for Yazer to prove whether he can pull it off decently. Kalau Yazer is convincing in this - then I truly say he deserves Top 5.

Disebabkan pesen rambutnya menjadi gilaan, sebuah kilang menghasilkan clippers atau alat shave rambut tu, keluarkan satu line clippers berjenama Mawi World.

Clippers tu, atau alat pemotong rambut dijangkakan menjadi hit kerana potongan yang sebegitu rapi yang dapat diberikan.

Tugasan Mawi? A really big number in Pupus from Dewa!

Walaupun mungkin ada yang sangkakan lagu ni tak kuat, for me it's an understated sweeping rock ballad yang kalau Mawi buat betul-betul - he should rocket up the charts again.

This is his best opportunity to redeem himself. Potential problem I see is kalau dia repeat his usual mistake of slurring. Sebutan dan lenggok dia kekadang skema sikit, so kalau dia pandai adapt the song, his style to should be one of the main highlights.

Walaupun digelar 'cenggeng', istilah tu juga ler memberi peluang pada Marsha tuk endorse her own brand of facial tissues.

Premier yang merupakan salah satu sponsor siri Akademi Fantasia, kini tampil ngan their oen brand of Marsha tissues.


Kalau biasa tisu tu double-ply, iaitu dua lapis dalam satu, Marsha tissues ni quadruple ply...iaitu empat keping dalam satu untuk lebih kuasa penyerapan air mata!

This week - Marsha mendapat lagu Kris Dayanti iaitu Cobalah Untuk Setia. As with most Indonesian power ballads, the song is relatively easy except going into the bridge on, powering into a climactic finish.

It will be a question mark whether Marsha can survive the song - but with this weepie tune, she will either bomb or perform the highlight of the show to put up another fight with the fab four along with Mawi, Felix and Amylea. While I'm happy she got a chance to showcase her vocals - I can't help but thinking the faculty should have given something a lot more challenging.

Kefli lak disebabkan suara dia sengau - Vicks telah mengeluarkan inhaler baru.

Kemujaraban inhaler ini telah dipuji dan produk ini telah menjadi household name because of its ability to clear blocked noses.

Kontrak Kefli bersama Vicks selama 5 tahun termasuk dirinya di gunakan sebagai test subject di atas sebab kesengauannya yang extreme dapat memberikan gambaran keberkesanan inhaler ni in its fullness.

Kefli's song this week is Hati Emas oleh Kembara. I really have no comments about how he's going to perform. You can be as positive all you want - but all I'm going to say is, his pitching, tempo, phrasing, and accuracy to melody is going to be important.

Of course in any song it's always a basic to have those requirements...but somehow he's been missing the mark week after week.

Could be his swan song finally. At least I'm hoping cause the other two who would probably go out otherwise is Akma or Yazer and I think they're miles better.

So if you guys like the products - apa lagi...we'll see if it makes the shelves of your nearest store soon. Oh by the way - aku malas nak review how the students will do in the group performance sebab aku rasakan by then smuer da make up their mind nak AFUNDI sapa.

By the way - skang dah masuk lagu Pokok Kelapa Marsha tu. Sayangnya aku tak dapat grab lagu masa Marsha and the girls perform time Fuad terkeluar.

Tapi aku letak version masa konsert yang Marsha nyanyi tuk Adlin and also versi V.E. perform masa trigger last concert. The inclusion of these songs are bssed on public demand. Hope you guys like it. Kalau suka - teruskan vote/undi untuk aku kat Malaysian Topblogs.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Ekin...oh Ekin

So it wasn't the best birthday I've had. It sure wasn't the worst either. Apapun - Sunday was a lzy day for me. Tidur seharian (tu pun selepas upload segala yang perlu dalam blog).

Didn't have much to do and only went out later that night after completing a whole list of household chores yang ignored akibat demam Akademi Fantasia.

Went out later in the night with Bob for a birthday dinner kat Hartamas Square sebab member aku, budak Hotlink si Watie dan laki dia and a friend. Tengah nak belah - serempak lak ngan geng Melodi kena lepak agi. Selang beberapa meja - masa nak bergerak lak - si Ezlynn lak ada.

Kena lak marah sebab tak gi Mentor. Ramai lak orang kat Hartamas Square semalam. Dayang ngan adik beradik dia pun there. She wasn't wearing make up and I hardly recognised her (in all the years kenal dia, I think this is the real first time aku tak nampak dia bermake-up), but I did recognise her sister.

Had a short chat - tak silap 21hb ni Dayang celebrate birthday dia kat Planet Hollywood (dia ajak pung aku tak ingat sangat tarikh). So fans Dayang, apa agik - serbu ler Planet masa tuh ek.

Hung out agik later with Elliza dan Fuad sebab meka interview kat National FM kat Angkasapuri bila gi jumpa Along lak Angkasapuri temankan dia makan. Dalam lepak tu dapat lak call dari Lina, manager Adam nak wish happy birthday lak.

Rupanya - the whole gang lak baru sampai kat Hartamas. Adus! Si Juan pun ada skali. Tapi da tak larat da nak balik to Hartamas. Lepas sekejap, surrender sebab letih dan ngantuk terus balik tidur.

Anyway - tadik jumpa Ekin. She IS very pretty in person. Comel...and yet in her own way quite sexy. Apapun, bagi fans Ekin, ni pesanan dia pada semua. (Sapa rasa minat tu masuk lerrrr enter frame cepat-cepat sementara Yazer masih dalam Akademi-though I'm sure there is nothing between them ler...gimik ma).

Khas untuk semua peminat Ekin

Pose istimewa Ekin buat peminat

So...I read through my blog before posting. Lor...ada lagik kes nyamuk! Kali ni nyamuk-nyamuk peminat nyamuk sengau.

Look...for the last time...this is MY blog...MY personal space...and MY opinions. And whoever doesn't like it - takyah masuk sini. Takder orang paksa. Dah masuk rumah orang, perlu ke nak wat kecoh. At the end of the day - nothing you say will change anything cause he STILL can't sing.

Memang aku support my favourites. But my favourites are the ones who meet the requirements in every department and have a complete package. And right now - empat orang je tuk aku yang bebetul layak untuk bertanding dalam fina, dengan cukup adanta package. They are Amylea, Marsha, Felix dan Mawi.

Akma has get her act right in time and develop something beyond her karaoke-ness and Yazer needs to be more convincing with something different apart from hsi rock poser act to earn their spot.

Kefli? He's the weakest of the 14 in the Akademi, and sepatutnya tak masuk pun. Isa had better vocals. Paling busuk pun ler...Haider leh tombangkan dia anytime comparatively.

Malas aku pelajar cam Kefli - week in week out takder improvement. Sengau, off tempo, off pitch etc jerk....walaupon kena tegur tak abih-abih. Bak kata member - "Masuk lobang hidung kiri keluar lobang hidung kanan".

Korang minat sengau tu undi ler...sapa halang, memang hak korang bazir duit pun. But it's MY right to say what I think. Understood?

Sedangkan pelajar lain kena bang, peminat meka doakan meka kes nyanyi melalui idung kena kritik - sama jer peminat dan pelajar. Sentap jer manjang.

Harap muka wat per? Peminat Kefli ni mesti sama stok yang beli album Impressions dulu kan.

Ala...yang group Norman Hakin, Eizlan Yusof dan Sani tu...they were as good as Kefli.

Akibatnya - aku terpaksa kuarkan Ridsect khas nak halau nyamuk-nyamuk berkeliaran sini...

Ni Ridsect ada keluarkan brand Ridsect baru - so pada naymuk-nyamuk sengau...BE GONE!!!

Nuff said...

Harap-harap lepas ini - nyamuk-nyamuk peminat pelajr mana pun terima seadanya komen aku dan kalau takleh tima...bukak blog sendiri and do your own review ok? Don't cemarkan my blog!

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Sakitnya hati aku! Nak naik angin rasanya!

Apa pekak ke pengundi-pengundi tuk Akademi Fantasia kali ni???

Yesterday night - Ekin keluar - which is fine by me. Memang tunggu masa gak dia akan make an exit.

I just didn't like the way and timing it was done.

Sepatutnya - Kefli yang eliminated yesterday night. Again he was the WORST performance (dia kalau tak worst - musti bawah-bawah tu gak ler slalu) tapi sebab undi simpati, dan undi-undi mangkuk kerana konon rupa comel - Ekin yang keluar dulu.

Aku rasa nak campak my RM500 Heelys onstage when I saw Kefli's smug look of still being in there.

Tak puas ati, sih!

Based on the order of merit, Kefli deserved to bugger off. Tapi tak apa... aku nak tengok kekuatan AFUNDI dia sampai mana.

Baik jadik student yang keluar awal secara bermaruah - dari dok lama-lama kat dalam tu kena keji. Biarlah dia sampai final kalau tu kehendak pengundi-pengundi pekak badak dia - tau ler kejian dia akan hadapi pastu.

Simply stupid!

Yesterday night's performance was hardly stimulating.

Aku tatau kenapa - tapi aku rasa tak ada satu pun show yang meletop unlike previous weeks where Amylea dan Marsha confirm hangatkan suasana.

My choice for best performances for tonight were all four of my top choices - which is Amylea, Marsha, Mawi dan Felix.

Why you may ask. Well, they weren't outstanding - any of them for individual reasons - but keempat-empat ini are special. Amylea dan Marsha dah memang in a league of their own.

As for Mawi dan Felix - their charisma and charm driven popularity cannot be argued, suka atau tak suka.

Here's my rundown for konsert semalam di Stadium Malawati.

Kefli - You To Me Are Everything, (The Real Thing)
Someone smack me real hard cause I really don't believe this is happening!

Camana laa mamat ni masuk Akademi Fantasia let alone survive these past few weeks!

Lawak bangang tul ler the fact he's still in.

Minah-minah gersang mana la vote dia ni sampai dia masih maintain ni???

Ada ler pas ni kuar kes kat suratkhabar pasal underage girls running up a high phone bill in their desperate attempts to save him week in and week out.

Semput ngan tarian go-go boy tak jadik dia (at least Felix wat tuh naik ghairah lagik audience), dia bukan sahaja lupa lirik dan tak reti cover langsung, he was off tune.

Nyanyi cam dipaksa ala berak with buasir gitu and it was monotonous! It's supposed to be a groovy number and aku tatau ler interpretasi groove dia camna.

Kalau dia tak keluar minggu depan aku tatau ler.

Pasni, based on sapa yang tinggal in the Akademi - the difference is so enormous in the quality of performers that people HAVE to see dia ni lebih elok dok luar je!

Akma - Bertakhta Di Hati (Farahdhiya)
Aku ngaku this is one of her better performances. Tapi seriously, considering the fact that Akma ni tak penah out derailed cam Kefli, it's hard to tell.

Pasal bab x-factor - stuju sangat Zainal Alam Kadir.

Masuk je dua baris lagu ni, aku pon sedar that she really is playing too safe.

She doesn't know how to turn it on with a song - dan nyanyi terlalu direct and straightforward.
At the end of the day, she really is nothing but a karaoke queen.

Nothing wrong with that - as she does has decent vocals and average showmanship.

Tapi tu gak masaalah dia sebab dia camna pun tak outstanding.

Minggu ni, tuk aku, di diselamatkan oleh pilihan lagu yang kuat dan juga kehadiran Felix.

Aku tak paham kenapa two weeks in a row meka pakai Felix wat back-up. Kesian mamat tu.

Mintak ler Kefli wat back-up kalao rasa dia layak sangat nak dok Akademi tu. Ke Yazer kalao yakin dia mampu more than stakat poser rock attitude dia.

Mentang-mentang ler Felix tu jenis rupa tak berperasaan, meka wat dia cam props lak.

Sebahagian keluarga Akademi Fantasia yang hadir di konsert mingguan ketujuh Akademi Fantasia

Amylea - Penawar Rindu (Datin Orkid Abdullah)
Aku dapat hayati lagu ni atas sebab-sebab peribadi, but this song did nothing for me apart from that.

Bukan apa - somehow walaupun Amylea did put up a good show, tak ada ummpphh! kali ni. Still it was miles better than the rest of the performers outside the top four I mentioned.

I am however glad lagu ni menjadi pilihan production because it does show that she's not urbanised dan mampu carry a good accessible tune like Penawar Rindu.

Yazer - Nazraku (Spider)
Apa lagi lah aku nak komen. Tak ada cabaran langsung bagi mamat ni.

Mungkin orang kata tu bagus, tapi aku rasa NOT FAIR langsung Astro asik bagi dia lagu, kalau bukan rock, atau rock ballad, yang irama lari sikit jer but within vocal scope dia.

Tak macam pelajar-pelajar lain.

Aku tak kisah apa orang cakap, aku rasa cam ada konspirasi ngan ada orang-orang dalam yang suka kat mamat ni dan nak tolong dia sangat sebab tau limitations dia.

The proof?

Kejutan dia semalam dimana Mas dan ayah Yazer sendiri - followed by the surat for Ekin by his parents tu, took up so much airtime.

Cam nak lebihkan dia saja.


Pastu tengok aa wardrobe dia. Walaupun aku nak gelak baju-baju koyak sendat denim tak habis-habis repeat performance - at least compared to other students, dia dapat gak baju-baju yang nampak stylo sikit. Tengok Ekin tu...asik dapat kain perca la...baju tak muat la...baju tak lengkap la...

Aku in a way kesian mamat ni. Aku rasa dia lengkap karisma, showmanship dan bakat vokal...cuma tak ada peluang nak tunjukkan sebab 'di manjakan'.

I agree with the critic that there is a sense of honesty pasal Yazer ni - that he is being himself - tapi at the end of the day - is he really honest ke...ataupun is there all there is to him that it's so transparent?

Ekin - Maafkan Kepergianku (Ruth Sahanaya)
Masih memakai kain perca orang dan pinkish red. Apa laa...ada yang suka Yazer sangat dengki kat Ekin ni ke? Burok manjang pakaian dia.

Tapi kan...vocal dia tenggelam ler bab low notes yang si Kudsia puji-puji tu. Tak paham Kudsia kata kekuatan dia padahal tu kelemahan.

Vocals dia boring, even though lagu tu kuat bagi aku tuk dia tonjolkan apa yang patut (selain dari apa yang sering tertonjol akibat baju-baju sendat). In fact, I found throughout this song, Amylea, Marsha dan Akma punya backing lebih menarik dari dia.

Cuma second last line tu je aku dapat rasakan something.

Baru nak hayati dah end lagu.

Apapun ok ler dia keluar ngan lagu ni - final nanti orang leleh nitis airmata kalau dia wat lagu ni -

Takper Ekin - kami maafkan pemergianmu...Kefli jer kena kang....

Mawi - Oh Fatimah
Aku tak setuju Kudsia and agree with Alam. Mawi shouldn't dance. Bukan buruk ke apa sebab memang ada improvement. Tapi meremang bulu roma sat sebab bila dia menari dia suka wat ala ala sotong.

Kelakar pun ada - but I want to take his ability to dance more seriously than that.

Aku rasa vocals dia ok...but dia suka slurring senikata dia - which means cam meleret ler.

Sebutan not one by one. But it was a safe effort - and was good enough to be in my top four performance for the night. Tapi tetap like the rest, was not outstanding.

Marsha - Jambatan Tamparuli
Aku rasa segment trigger dia kind of funny - to see V.E. doing their thing with Marsha's kiddy tune. Tapi at the same time, aku rasa cam meneruskan menghina cara sebutan orang Borneo.

I mean - once is forgivably funny. Tapi it gets tiring.

Apapun - aku nyampah tul si S. Atan sebab komen dia ntah apa-apa. Sampai tahap ni merapu je kata semua bagus ler (dok ngan budak wartawan lain - S. Atan dapat gelaran 'Dasyat!').

The folk song is kind of flat in terms of the beautiful melody with no peaks or climax - but's a folk song....not a Celine Dion ballad. Rilek ler mamat!

But Marsha did quite well - and I think we got to see another side of her like Amylea - dimana penguasaan mereka terbukti bukan setakat lagu omputeh jerk.

Felix - Fantasia Bulan Madu (Search)
Nak terkencing aku suspen! Dia nyanyi key tinggi sangat - sampai chorus da shrill da.

Aku dok at the edge of my seat sebab the melody in the orchestral version was more held, but takut dia pecah jer falsetto dia.

But he pulled through quite well and established vocal control dia memang bagus, perhaps the best among the boys.

Sayangnya, he did it without that punch...again takder umpphh! Still - he redeemed himself enough from that horrible rendition of Smooth minggu lepas.

Lagu kumpulan - Anekaragam (Black Dog Bone)
Aku panas hati betul!

Masa sebelum masuk lagu tu - aku perasan Marsha cam looking backstage. Something was wrong. And when the song started, baru aku perasan.

Rupa-rupanya, mangkuk hayun mana entah tak bagi dia mic.

Lain-lain da pakai headpiece - dia lak takder. Aku risau bila camtu orang ingat ada kekurangan pada dia tak pasal-pasal.

Tapi strangely enough aku tengok ramai, termasuk pengkritik memang tak perasan langsung dia nyanyi tanpa mic.

Apapun, persembahan lagu kumpulan pertama tuk musim ni had its ups and downs.

The positive was as pointed out, mereka ada unity in their performance and they did appear to have fun - which is extremeloy important.


Masa the boys did the was HORRIBLE! No harmony...nothing.

Kefli sounded the worse going off a couple of times or more. The girls sebab nyanyi kurang seorang cam tak power sikit - but I suppose production leh take cue and make that NEVER happens again!

Overall - aku harap tul ler Kefli out minggu depan. Tak larat da! Memalukan ler tengok dia mara sampai tahap ni tapi ngan tone deaf dan sengau nya.

For the first time - abih je konsert aku terus gerak, tak semangat dok ikut Imbasan or even lepak sebab cam panas hati sangat.

Anyway - going a little off the konsert....tension earlier in the day sebab blogdrive punya server gila sikit as most of you may know. Thank you Marla sebab SMS aku bagitau - masa tu aku tidur. But I did know of the server problem and blog aku cam sangkut.

Anyways - that's all for the review - kang aku upload more pics in the fotopages of who was there at the konsert. Ramai gak anggota keluar Akademi Fantasia dari musim pertama dan kedua menghadirkan diri memberikan sokongan.

By the way - pada mereka yang tatau - yang pegang sign ngaku dia Fatimah tu, dia ni regular blog reader aku skali ngan beberapa bloggers lain. 'Aweks'! Ni tribute aku kat ko!

Kreatif sungguh minah ni!

Ni nak pecah rahsia dia ni.

Kalau dulu dia chat pakai nick AwekSahri....skang dia pakai nick AwekMawi.

Paling tadah ek, Aweks!

Kang aku report kat Sahri (kalau nak top mulot aku bak birthday present elok sikit)

Apapun - Aweks jenis fans aku respect sebab dia menunjukkan minatnya pada pelajar pilihan without going overboard.

Which leads me to one observation I made about last night which I have to share.

Sudah beberapa minggu - bermacam teguran bukan saja dari Aznil sendiri kat venue, but also in all mediums about gelagat peminat Mawi yang overdose melalak masa majlis, bukan saja nak tunjuk support, tapi melampau lak kekadang mengganggu event.

Yesterday however, I was really surprised!

Laungan "World!" masih jelas....tapi lebih sopan dan bertempat, dan tidak menggangu perjalanan majlis ataupun menyakitkan hati orang ramai.

All in all, things went so well - that if the students had put up a better performance, this concert would have been the best, most fun and yet well-conducted showcase. Tahniah Mawi FC for controlling bukan saja anggota-anggota kelab, tapi juga nyamuk-nyamuk fanatik.

Unfortunately biasalah kan...mesti ada lagi yang terlepas. Tapi ni bukan problem Mawi FC. Kali ini the irritating nyamuks were from Yazer FC.

Ya ampun! Entahlah rempit-rempit mana ler. Dari luar stadium sampai masuk - tak abih-abih "Rocksteady!". Pening dibuatnya. Camler meka saja reti support.

Wei nyamuks! Mawi FC beradab tu - bukan bagi peluang korang melalaks tau!

One more thing - ni dua lagu yang diumumkan terpilih melalui AFLAGU yang akan menjadi pilihan persembahan berkumpulan minggu depan.


Lagu tugasan berkumpulan

Penyanyi Asal


Seri Langkat

Jamal Abdillah & Amelina

2. Ladki Badi Anjani Hai Kumar Sanu / Alka Yagnik (OST-Kuch Kuch Hota Hai)


Ok...that's all for now...last but not least - I am 29 today. Should I feel happy?
Let's see how the rest of my Sunday goes.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

1,2 Step!

Rindu lak cam berkurangan update je blog aku lately.

Well, of course I had to deal with quite some shit earlier this week and all - so that took up beberapa hari nak clear.

Another thing is, aku cam preoccupied with cleaning out some problems I have been trying to get settled but for some bloody reason ada je tak kena.

Contohnya like my ex in Jakarta who owes me USD$350.

Memang tuk some people cam tak banyak - tapi aku geram tul because I thought of shopping for some stuff. Yerlah - dah tua agik setahun dalam 24 jam ni. Damn...I am turning 29 as of July 17.

Ingat nak retail theraphy - dari gaya memang tak jadi la sebab mangkuk jamban aku nya ex tu tak sempat gi bank konon. Very the sial!

And in the midst of tight budgeting - I did something stupid. I watched @15 and got caught up in those silly mobile downloads they offered.

Generally - aku malas tul nak download benda-benda ni. After all - setakat ringtones - aku lebih rela edit mp3 sendiri wat ringtone sendiri. Lagik up to date siot. And more well done.

Only problem is the nagging feel of copyright infringement ler.

As for wallpapers and such - ala... leh wat sendiri gak. Tak heran ler. Dahler mahal - nak buang duit wat pe stakat wallpaper burok they're offering.

But yesterday night - tengah layan boring - tengok @15, aku nampak ler meka tawarkan this new thing. Caricatures!

So gatal punya pasal, download laa satu yang aku rasa paling tak burok among all. Animated wallpaper si Fuad. And this is what I got!

I don't know about you guys - but I think I just got conned. Dahler rupa nak kata cam Fuad pun - bloody cheap work done siot on early publicity pics. Mana ler si mamat ni moka bolat camtu.

Rasa cam abang Mamat Lang Buasir Lang Buana tuh jerk. And what's with the Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal thingie. Adus! Henceforth be warned kalau nak download apa-apa dari Astro Mobile downloads. They're just pathetic stuff capitalising on the hype. The real problem is not so much that - but the fact they don't bother siot nak buat betul-betul and give value for money.

Every week kan ada concert - dah ler amik gambar bebanyak. Ni nak tawar-tawar the same old pics recycle. Burok!!!

Anyway - I know I did an earlier posting about Zahid's upcoming Planet Hollywood Sunday Nite Live gig. On Thursday sempat gi press conference for the event which is billed as the Zahid and Friends Sunday Nite Live.

Benda tu including performances by Adam, Farah dan juga Nana.

I don't know how convincingly they're going to pull it off tapi demi support - aku booking table tuk dua-dua malam. There goes my none-existent budget.

Thursday night was so unplanned.

Lepak Maestro nak amik copies of Konsert Akademi Fantasia minggu ketiga sekali ngan koleksi Diari. Kebetulan ada meeting lak pelajar-pelajar tersingkir. Except for Amy yang on the way balik dari Sarawak everyone else ada.

After the meeting - lepak tunggu sat sebab nak dinner skali - gerak ngan abang Aman with Reza, with Elliza and Fuad joining in kat Bangsar Village. Tengah makan si Azlif sampai - rupanya dia yang jemput Amy dan her friend kat airport.

Abih dinner (and berejam lawak bodoh kemudiannya nak bagi si Reza melatah masa dia pegang steak knife sambil Azlif mengelak kena tikam) nak gerak, tapi Syd sampai ngan abangnya (teddybear mana lak ni).

So lepak with abang Aman dan Reza sat sebelum gerak with Syd and abang dia tuk minum sat sambil berborak. Dapat gak jumpa geng baca blog aku yang tak seberapa ni ek.

Friday started out just as unplanned. After sorting out work - rush gi KL Tower tuk meet the fans bersama eliminated students.

Meriah gak - sayang je hujan sebab buat kat Terrace Deck yang open air tu - semua terpaksa cram a small area. I didn't really pay any performance but busied myself mingling friends and family students sekali ngan geng bloggers yang hadir tuk 'beramas mesra' (Amik ko!) including Sultan Muzaffar, Rakyat Jelata dan gak Juan Danza.

Best gak ler lepak sat relieve sikit stress - terasa lak cam Akademi Fantasia dah over - takyah pikirkan pasal konsert akan datang dan sebagainya.

Of course endless conversations and debates abound tentang sapa akan keluar. Rata-rata the most popular answer for the night Kefli, diikuti ngan pilihan seterusnya Yazer, and Akma.

Aku pilih Kefli ler tuk keluar pada konsert minggu ketujuh malam ni. Aku dah memang tak tahan sengau dia ni!

Sampai si Jimmy sombat microphone depan aku - tanya ramal sapa kuar (tak air kot-sebab rasanya mana ler sempat nak on air predictions kan - tunggu ko Jimmy nak panikkan aku jerk) aku terus jawab Kefli.

Jimmy tanya ngapa, aku jawab terus "Sengau!".

Dia kata nyanyi melalui hidung pun teknik, kan? Aku jawab memang pun, tapi teknik yang mungkin terlalu advane yang orang takkan sengaja gunakan dan yang masih aku takleh tima.

Adus...pecah perot gelak. Jimmy..oh...Jimmy...apa daaaa!

Dahler aku kebulur. Dinner ntah haper. Konon dok VIP - tapi makanan hampeh. Aku siap lari buffet line lantak cocktail sausages sebab lebih filling.

Bayangkan ler. Nasi segenggam (leh ker kata segenggam-it was a handful ler or something like that), and several pieces of lamb. Ayam tengah bakar lagi tak cukup kata waitress. Berbekal air kosong, ingat dapat ler naik selera meka hidangkan ikan bakar. Aku unwrap bukak je - tengok mentah lak.

Sampai aku strip off some of the flesh - I swear some veins just popped and the fish started 'bleeding'!


Ilang smangat!

Geng media sebelah aku lak dah lapar sangat bila aku pointed out the fish masih raw - dia cuma menjawab "Ikan camni memang like that" dan terus melantak.

I bet dia menyesal five minutes later, the embarassed waiters mai ganti the fish ngan yang masak ala ala charcoaled da - bakar hangus. Tau pun mentah!

Tatau ler mamat ni balik jer mencirit ke tak...

Abis tu sempat jumpa si Anita...dia ni skang ngan KL Tower, dulu dia coprorate comm. for Astro gak. Bab Akademi Fantasia musim pertama ler dia banyak handle. Lepak lepak ngan dia Rozie and all that sat for some extremely scintillating conversation - decided to head back.

An hour later however tengah melantak kat Suzie's Corner with Fuad, and Dura and gang...(ramai sangat nak sebut sorang-sorang kan).

Nak balik tapi rasa malas lak nak tidur (planning nak membuta seharian siang esok) so terus masuk online nak update.

The issue?

Who's going to be out tonight...again...Kefli...Kefli....Kefli.

Dahler. Biar lah mamat ni keluar....torture hidung dia korang paksa dia terus stay.

A good joke we were laughing at (cruel siot satu malam lawak bodoh pasal student-student dalam tu) was about Kefli. hasil dari tengok Diari laporan kedua, masa M. Nasir tengah pep talk ngan Kefli.

Ada member cakap - "Ala Kefli tu...sengau....M. Nasir cakap pun bukan dengar. Orang masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri... Tu pun he can't get it right. Dia masuk lobang idong kanan....keluar idong kiri".

And oh by the way - the standard joke is kalau Kefli masuk final - lagu tugasan dia adalah a new version of the song, "Tiada Lagi Hidungku".

Dalam sembang-sembang, Mawi lak tengah wat ucapan pasal kad wasiat dia - terkeluar tag name dia skang dari anti-Mawi untuknya, iaitu 'Lebai Lalok'. Nak tergelak gak bila teringat...because the way he speaks tu kekadang melampau sangat poyo at times (No, aku bukan hentam Mawi - but I know naturally dia tak cakap sampai camtu).

Aku bagitau member sorang ni, mengikut ada fans Mawi yang nak mempertahankan dia kata, "Style orang Johor/Kulai memang cakap camtu."

Dia jeling kat aku balas, "Tu bukan style orang Johor ok, aku orang Johor. Tu syle Simpang."

Aku pun confuse..."Simpang?"

"Yelaa...tu style cakap mamat-mamat lepak kat simpang, tepi longkang dok ngan kapok!"
Adus...sakit perut (and I didn't even makan the raw fish). Gelak abih ngan member aku ni.

It was a fun night - and a good build up to tomorrow's celebrations (hopefully) when Kefli tarik Samsonite dia balik.

Kalau tak Yazer atau Ekin atau Akma pun jadik ler.

At this point, aku da tak kisah sapa keluar sebab top four memang nyatanya Mawi, Felix, Marsha dan Amylea. Takyah la wat top five, Pecah undi jer....

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Pelajar-pelajar tersingkir dari Akademi Fantasia setakat ni iaitu, Elliza, Fuad, Idayu, Amy, Reza dan Aidil akan mengadakan persembahan dan juga 'meet-the-fans' session.

Sesi bertemu peminat akan diadakan di KL Tower, Terrace Deck pada 15 July, Jumaat pada pukul 8 malam.

Untuk peminat pelajar-pelajar yang ingin turut serta (setiap fan club hanya dibenarkan sampai 30 ahli berdaftar sahaja) sila hubungi kelab peminat masing-masing.


Untuk peminat Fuad, sila telefon 013-6026006 untuk sebarang pertanyaan dan juga untuk mendaftarkan diri dengan segera. Tempat-tempat terhad, jadi dafterlah dengan segera.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Kejutan akan datang?

Well..the depression and gloom over the past few days has kind of lifted.

Hilang sikit tension aku. Kereta pun dah repair (tapi tension balik sebab bil lak horror).

Most of my personal problems are kind of settled - some still hanging in limbo awaiting its fate - while others have had quite interesting solutions.

Apapun - I feel kind of bad for wallowing in self-pity as someone left a message for the me in the Comments section said.

Apapun - I think it was necessary - and while I think it didn't solve much - it was an eye opener for me and a lot of people around me.

Now only God...and time will determine what happens. Thank you to everyone, those whom I know personally, and to those who only know me from my blog - for all the calls, and SMSes of emotional support I've received.

To my friends, and my brothers and sisters who bothered with my whining....korang ler bebetul World! bak kata abang Aman.

Apapun sebab stress punya pasal, aku tinggalkan blog - ingat hari ni nak update because I feel better. Mai office tapi found out surat kepada peminat dari Aidil untuk blog aku ilang lak.

Bebudak office aku ni stressful siot. Trash on the table can last for weeks - tapi kalau ada benda semi-important je akan automatically di'file'kan dalam outbox aka tong sampah.

Tak kisahlah sebab aku rasa da basi kalau aku update bab tu.

But here's something you might all want to think about even though final masih dekat sebulan lagi.

Walaupun baru nak masuk konsert ketujuh - hampir semua kejutan yang mungkin - sudahpun digunakan.

So apa lagi akan Astro lakukan?

Ok. I have a feeling - and this is not based on sources ke apa - that this year - final tak akan comprise of five pelajar seperti musim pertama.

I also don't think it will comprise of six like in season two.

So what is the possible figure for the final?

Mari kita cerita sikit ek dan uat pening Astro sebab spekulasi ni kemungkinan besar akan terkena potential kejutan yang mereka nak berikan.

Dalam tiga musim Akademi Fantasia Indosiar, pelbagai kejutan jugak ada dijalankan. But I recall that the first season of Akademi Fantasi Indosiar did somethig along those lines, though I can't recall how many made it to the final.

Dalam Akademi Fantasi Indosiar musim kedua, tiga orang berentap difinal iaitu Theodora Meilani Setyawati (Tia - rindu kat dia), Muhammad Haikal Putra (Haikal) dan Micky Octapatika (Micky).

So mungkin ke Akademi Fantasia menyaksikan final yang bukan made up of top five pelajar.
Dah sah tahun ni AFMASUK tak akan dijalankan kerana penyerapan masuk kembali sudahpun dilakukan - and I think would simply be too controversial if they did it again, though there is a minor possibility it could happen.

Kalau ada repeat performance kejutan pun aku rasa the possibility lies more in the prospect of another double elimination.

But in the weeks to come, kita akan tau. Setakat ni - aku rasa it's not impossible the final figure will be top four. And of course top four tu will be Mawi and Felix - dan kebarangkalian Amylea dan Marsha yang akan melengkapkan senarai final kali ni based on current polling trends.

Kalau betul tu terjadi - it would be nice to see what Malaysians vote like as it will be a fight of popularity versus outstanding talent.

Setuju atau tidak - tinggalkan ler comment. Patut ke final hanya empat orang - or for that matter patut ker anything but top five.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Old are my strength

Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life.

It started out horrid...and became even worse as the hours progressed.

Aku tak faham dilema aku - dan segalanya ibarat beban yang teramat di hidupku sehinggakan aku rasa seolah berat duka ku mematahkan semangat aku untuk teruskan hidupku.

It's amazing how the sheer ecstacy of living can turn to sorrow in just the blink of eye.

Segalanya that could have gone wrong at this period of my personal life - has.

Apapun aku minta maaf dengan semua sebab aku akan berehat blogging untuk sehari dua at least untuk merehatkan diri.

Begitu banyak tekanan menghantui aku - sampaikan semalam aku accident.

Apapun - aku minta maaf sesangat pada sesiapa yang mengharap diri tak seberapa ini.

I try to be the best I can be - but never live up to my own expectations.

Aku sekarang dalam a period of my life where I need to reflect why others' lives are so important to me - and why pleasing others penting sangat bagi my existence.

I feel weak - though rejuvenated by new strength found. However that came a million other questions which I don't know how to answer...

For now at least - aku ngaku kalah. Aku tak terdaya untuk lakukan apa pun lagi...selain mengunggu untuk petanda hidup aku akan berubah dan apa yang aku hadapi takkan berulang.

To my strength - thank you. For you are also my weakness...PERFECT ATTITUDE!

You know who you are....

My Sadness Is My Joy
When I feel sad, my joy is rekindled, because my sadness and my joy are one and they are many.
My sadness is the clear cold light of the rising moon fed on the glowing embers of the dying sun.
It contains the joy in my soul the way my veins hold my lifeblood in my body.
It is the bland rice to the spicy curry that sustains my existence.
It is that moment of silence between two notes in the symphony of my universe.
It is the implosion that checks the explosion of my heart.
My sadness is a stranger to that ugly modern impostor called depression.
Depression is the faded foliage of a sickly plant, the sputtering of a choking engine, the cloak of anger turned on itself.
I welcome my sadness because it hones my mind, sharpens my vision, pulls and tugs at my heart-strings and reminds me that I am still alive.
My sadness and my joy are one and they are many.
They are the yin and the yang, the flip and the flop, the flip-flop of the eternal dance of my Lord Shiva.

My sadness is the tear that flows when my cup of joy spills over.

Pada semua kengkawan yang ambil berat pasal diriku yang tak seberapa ni....walaupun aku dah janjikan posting baru - aku minta maaf begitu banyak sebab aku memang tak larat teruskan buat sementara...sehingga segala pertanyaan yang membelenggu diriku terjawab....pray for me...

Support/Sokong [klubbkidd's rave] and/dan VOTE/UNDI

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Apa logiknya?

Ini kenyataan rasmi Astro berkenaan AFLAGU.

" Buat pertama kali, penonton di rumah diberi peluang untuk memilih lagu berkumpulan yang bakal dinyanyikan oleh pelajar-pelajar Akademi Fantasia pada Konsert Minggu Kelapan.
Penonton di rumah boleh menghantar seberapa banyak undian yang mereka mahu. Undian AFLAGU adalah menerusi SMS. Tempoh undian AFLAGU bermula dari jam 11.00 malam pada 9 Julai 2005 hingga jam 8.30 malam pada 16 Julai 2005.

Kadar premium yang dikenakan untuk setiap undian AFLAGU ialah RM 0.50 di atas kadar harga normal perkidmatan SMS. Anda boleh menghantarkan undian dengan menaip AFLAGU & hantar ke 32999.

AFLAGU terbuka kepada semua pengguna telefon bimbit di Malaysia sahaja.

Kadar premium AFLAGU: ( Malaysia ) RM0.50

Cara AFLAGU: SMS - Taip AFLAGU & hantar ke 32999"


Lagu & Artis

Nama Singkatan Lagu

Untuk cara AFLAGU, taip yang berikut ke 32999

Boogie Wonderland – Earth, Wind & Fire



Circle Of Life – Elton John



Seri Langkat – Jamal Abdillah & Amelina


4. Persamaan – Freedom
AFLAGU Persamaan
5. Ladki Badi Anjani Hai – Kumar Sanu / Alka Yagnik (ost-Kuch Kuch Hota Hai)

Persoalannya - kalau setakat nak buat untuk lagu berkumpulan, penting ke.

Untuk aku ler, kalau Astro betul-betul mahu memberikan kuasa ke peminat dan bukan sekadar mahu mengaut keuntungan - then the choice should be for individual assignments, not group songs (yang mana pelajar lemah akan curi ayam gak).

I think that the move nak include AFLAGU is nothing short of silly.

Kalau betul mereka nak menguji student - set kan senarai lagu untuk setiap pelajar - pastu atas dasar majoriti undi - pilihan utama dari senarai untuk setiap individu yang merangkumi every genre dan irama akan menjadi tugasan.

Baru mencabar kalao kena yang kaw-kaw. Kan?

Ada je Astro nak wat duit....nak improve kan wardrobe ke?

Sila berikan pendapat anda dalam ruangan Comments mengenai AFLAGU.

Support/Sokong [klubbkidd's rave] and/dan VOTE/UNDI