Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Social media

Sometimes... I go crazy when it comes to managing my social media platforms.

The average platforms one person can manage successfully is two.

Right now, I maintain my blog (maintain lah sangat), Twitter, Instagram, two more Twitter accounts at least for my company and my artist, two websites...pening.

Tambah lagi pening is how people take on to social media.

A lot of people have forgotten what it's for.

Sometimes, on Twitter I see the good in people. When there are missing kids, lost cars... I see people help retweet in full force. Tragedies like MH370... always good to see people go all out in supporting by voicing out or sharing my status.

Other times... things that are positive are wasted.

Take for example... my string of tweets yesterday making fun of the monopod fad.
Holy crap! At the point of blogging, barely a day into tweeting that as a joke - there have been 927 retweets and about 180 favourites! I mean... it's funny... but...

I need something to restore my faith in human nature...