Wednesday, April 30, 2008

That's all I ask.. of you...

Diari Akademi Fantasia 6 - Minggu 7 hari ketiga

Aiyo.. meka start continuing on the love story blossoming katanya between Stacy and Alif. Nampaknya bermnggu benda yang da tau baru nak masuk Diari.

I just wonder how all this is going to affect the votes of Stacy and Alif sebab benda nih biasa la.. takot ada pengundi yang tanak undi sebab sokong ni, tak nak tengok yang tuh lak mengada ngan yang di minati. Heh.. macam macam ada.

Pening... and then they played up the love triangle with Nadia in the picture. Adoi.. perlu ke. Kang tak pasal pasa ada yang tanak undi dua orang dak pompuan tulen jer yang dok Akademi. Seriously... wrong play of drama.

Here comes the aeroplane... aummm!!

Catfight!!!!.... NOT!!!

But I seriously suspect, apart from whatever is happening, these kids are also playing up the drama sebab da tau kena kenen kenen.

Thought it was a lame joke nak tunjuk Siti Hajar ajar Riz pasal feel sebab takde isi pon nak show.
Apa lah Toi tanya pasal miming. I bet dia kalao nak miming pun bosan and off key. Sesuai dia pakai baju Carrefour, cam pekerja sana jek.

Of course when we have Toi, we have to face Nubhan. Again kena diingatkan pasal bukak molot tu elak cara malas dia menyanyi. Berkali kali diajar... pas tujuh minggu, still like that. One or two freaking easy lines and macam lagu bebudak lak dibuatnya. Bangap!

On Nadia and wat One Night Only. She really is making things difficult for herself. Kalao dia tak perform this song well, merasalah kena carut ngan adik adik for destroying an anthem katanya. But I think she'll do well.

More time wasting with Nubhan. Yawn... dia nih masu je Raja Lawak 3 lah. He is so wrong for Akademi Fantasia. Masuk kelas, kena carut ngan Ramli sebab no control of vibrato, then keangsaan lak katanya. Syafie and Genervie pun pening jer aku rasa...

Masuk latihan Music Of The Night still wat hal repeat the same mistakes depan Ramli. Hopeless... that boy is just hopeless.

Promo time!

Siang siang da makan KFC nak promo.

Ada ke sebut Zinger Maxx burger as ZINGGA (as in jingga) Mac! Thank you Riz and Toi for that enlightening use of English.

Practise with Stanly lak. So much for claiming classical pelbagai... but lagu nih pun takleh.

Nampak sangat propa jer selama ni. Kalao betol his claims all this time, he should find this easy.. kira makanan la. But still hancur.

"Somebody get the paramedics! Stanly passed out after the seventh nasi lemak!"
"Push Stanly, push!!! I can see the head.. awmigawddddd it's a girl!!!"

Alif ke hospital lak nak tengok kalao dia leh dapatkan kebenaran doktor nak menari. Of course, still takleh so minggu ni masa Menuju Punca still bergelar OKU.

Last scene practise lagu lagu bonus. Nampanya ramai masih tak hapal lagu lagi. I really don't know what to expect kat Istana Budaya kang...

Second Diari.

We hear that there will the 40 piece orchestra backing the kids up. Help!

Oh well.. at least the music's going to be great.

Moving into the first scene, bebudak majority turun berat badan. Oh well, will it ensure baju meka lebih cantik? Honestly? You think?

Nadia je ta turun. I think the girl should be taught dieting is not the right way... I mean what exercise they get? Matilah konon Stacy turun berat badan sebab ada cacing. Mintak transfer Nadia lak tolong turun berat badan. Gelak jap.

Dia kata dia minum cuka nak bakar lemak. Bebudak semua horror kan dia pasal corrode isi perot dia. Aduh... apa da.

I don't get why they spent a minute or two warching Nadia makan ubat... honestly.... so the stuff was gross.. most of the sponsored stuff they got is.. matilah!!!

What's with watching the corporate video for Istana Budaya. Aiyo.. tu ke trade off nak sponsor bebudak nih naik pentas sana? Doesn't make them more layak. Hope tak tercemar la Istana Budaya nak bebudak nih perform sana.

Tak kisah la top ten panggung kat dunia. It's also one of the most under utilised, so harap harap meka pakai the full extent of the stage with all the stage mechanisms fully used nak cantikkan persembahan.

Dalam meka berlatih Music Of The Night, berdarah jap telinga ngan Stanly's pathetic attempt. Dia nih.. entahla. So overdone. So many things wrong I don't know where to start. Nak double elimination dia dan Toi sangat minggu nih.

Erm... kak Nita previewed her music video for Ular. Whoopie...

Kak Nita kata Stanly bagus? Gelak sat... so much for modesty. Stanly ngadu pasal tak dengar monitor. Excuses.. excuses... but then again a Nita semua pun bagus.. heh... gelak pecah perut...
It was nice to see Nadia and Riz working together on their parts for Music Of The Night. But in a way it was like watching the blind leading the blind sebab someone who could betulkan their sebutan should have been there.

Heh... balik kelas darjah tiga for English layan bebudak hancurkan the Queen's English. Toi was horrendous... erm... Alif wasn't much better.

Aiyak... pendek kata semua menakutkan la sebutan meka.

Ok la.... aku da memang tak tahan da... gelak abih nih da. Seriously! Aiyo... damn!!!! This is an insult to the Malaysian education system.

Ok laa... can't take anymore.. be posting tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Still a totok!

Diari Akademi Fantasia 6 - Minggu 7 hari kedua

Kelas Ramli where dia distribute everyone's parts in all the bonus songs. Aku dengar Nubhan nyanyi Obat, I think he needs a good dose of that sebab lemah nak mampos.

Kelas Syafie took on more problems.

Stanly is so thick that he doesn't seem to get the song. Riz had it easy with his ,just a question of polishing here and there.

Nadia sounded good, but she needs to get the right techniques cause she seems to be hurting herself. Syafie honestly said Nadia tertinggal jauh, and I think that was the sad truth that Nadia needed to hear. This is a reality. If you don't improve you'll get left behind.

Jangan lah nangis Nadia.. keep working harder...

We hear a conversation between three people, obviously antara Mariam, Shafiq and Nadia, yang tengah nangis sebab down sebab dia feel like everything dia wat tak kena.

Get a grip, girl. You're stronger than that, and you shouldn't be having this defeatist attitude.

Aku yakin Nadia ok nya kang.

Ramli panggil masuk dalam kelas and ask Nadia what's going on.
I think Ramli was right too. Nadia and Stacy came in at the same level, and indeed Nadia is indeed left behind. Like I said, Nadia kena strong and work harder, without thinking of comparisons which are inevitable.

So Nadia, keep working your ass off, babe.

Anak gajah sibuk ajar Stacy her part of Music Of The Night. Seriously, wish he'd just bugger off. Thank goodness Riz yang dapat majority of the Michael Crawford part for the song... nangis aku kalao Stanly dapat.

Nangis jap Stanly hancurkan Footloose.

Still a totok.. and in need of a bra...

Back to Ramli's class.

More technical stuff, which was good.

Nangis lagik sebab Stanly nyanyikan Music Of The Night...

Alif dapat one word jerk, kesian lak.. tapi dari dia takleh bawak hancurkan lagu nih, ok la tuh.
Nubhan's line.. aiyo... mak minah.. mai amik anak ko balik please!

The whole love triangle thing aku ignore jerk... tak penting.

Nadia still bluesy about her depression because she's angry at herself.

Linda shared her experience of watching The Phantom Of The Opera in London. Nice of Linda to use the video clip of the original London cast recording.

Dance practise allowed us to hear a new, well not new but a different arrangement of Menuju Puncak. More to live band punya sound. Takde la beza sangat pon...

Second Diari, komen bebudak pasal memacam perkara. Si Nubhan tanya benda palng bodoh in asking for hair tonic.

Atas nasihat Ramli, meka joggng sambil nyanyi tu build up stamina. Dulu sampai memacam peralatan gym.. skang susah lak...

Fast forward to umi's class.. fast forward lagik. Diari hari ni cam bosan sikit... Nadia borak ngan Stacy, Riz dan Alif.

Riz kata cikgu (I suppose he means Syafie) cam tak ikhlas, salam cam tak suka dia. Dia kata semua macam tak suka dia. Erm.. no komen.

Siti Hajar's class... gelak kat si Nubhan. Adoi! How he got selected la in the first place. Si Toi pon.. aduh.... last last frust Siti Hajar give up ngan meka yang malas nak bukak mulut (jeling sat kat Nubhan dan Toi).

The teachers are getting frustrated... and I don''t blame them. Seven weeks and s little progress.

Awmigawdddddddd!!!! Nangis layan Toi nyanyi Syakilla!! Alasan banyak... nyampah! Betol kata Siti Hajar.. kalao nak kuar, biar nga bermaruah... tambah sikit... dari nak dok dalam Akademi takde maruah tol ngan sora sora angsa.

Erm.. last scene Nubhan bising konon dump awek dia, dan merungut pasal kerenah memacam. Ada gak kiss and tell kan. Sapa la sanggup ngan mamat nih.. ish ish ish... Damn MCP.

Yawn... bila la cheque aku nak clear nih.. dapat merasa kaya. Eh silap topik lak...o ciao bellas!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Stanly the totok drama queen!

Diari Akademi Fantasia 6 - Minggu 7 hari pertama

Ari ni bukak Diari je kena layan justification tuk the wardrobe. Malaih la. Cakap jer la apa korang nak, tunjuk jer la apa korang nak... doesn't change fact they're ugly in the Jasmi Rejab inspired, Yoda approved combo made in hell.

Moving on, Nadia, Nubhan dan Toi dibawa keluar.. AGAIN. Enough of these outdoor trips la. Letih la.

Kak Fati conduct classes for those remaining in the Akademi with mock questions of how they would face the media. The nice way la. Cause in reality, amik ko! Panas kang dibuatnya.... tapi sebab ni fantasia so expect things to be polished and sweet. Unreal la sikit.

Back to the surprise trip - rupanya meka di bawak... erm.. fishing. Sesuai la Nubhan dan Toi ke laut.. da memang biasa da time meka nyanyi slalu ke laut pun. But I wonder how they make the selections and destinations. I don't see the need for it at all la all these trips.

Toi seronok dapat kerjaya baru kerana kehebatan mancing nan ado dia lebih hebat kemampuan nan ado dia menyanyi.

Yawn... games and all. A little sleepy nak layan these things. Especially with the games sessions.

Alif pun ngantuk kalao main game. Terus minum shushu jer tidow..

Nadia hebat gak with her catch... but overall I didn't really bother to pay attention to the fishing trip.

Once they reach back Akademi, they all get audio messages from their families.
Sodih la gak memasing dapat their pesanan.

Tapi yang nak muntah tuh, si Stanly punya family drama. Please lah. Puke puke puke!
Toi punya bini dia jeles dia nari ngan pelajar perempuan. Oh please... love may be blind, but I don't think the girls in the Akademi are. Eeewwwww!

Ayah Alif pesan lak pasal Nadia kalao nak 'main' jangan pegang-pegang, tergelak sat. Ok, we get what it means, but adult nature sikit ler lawak bila da cross kita nya otak kuning kan.
Gawd... that was a boring first half.

Second half lak... pengetua da masuk. Amik ko... we got a clip of Stanly tengah b*tchy ngan Stacy. So all in all you know the drama's on!

But before that kita kena deal ngan bebudak tetiba nak cita pasal how it was to have Rina in the Akademi. Snooze.

Terjaga sat bila Stanly tetap nak go on about Rina.

"Tapi satu benda yang kadang-kadang menjengkelkan kita orang ialah bila mama tegur tanpa mencari bukti dulu. Sebab dia tegur dulu, dia marah marah marah... melulu dulu, lepas tu, dia tatau apa sebenar punca benda tu. Kadang kadang kita pun terasa."

Pastu konon cakap turn around nak puji Rina baik katanya...

Riz lak kata, "Bagi Riz, kitaorang selalu bergaduh sebab mungkin sebab kadang kadang mama tegur Riz buat itu buat ini, macam macamdia tegur kan. kadang kadang bukan salah Riz tetiba dia tegur macam tu tanpa usul periksa macam Stanly cakap tadi. So itu yang macam Riz terasa hati. Tapi bila kita fikir fikir balik, macam dia orang tua dalam Akademi ni, betul la kan, ini realiti, dia sebagai orang tua dekat dalam Akademi ni, dia tegur anak anak dia semua kalau buat salah semua. Mungkin Riz ada salah kan. Riz pulak macam budak budak nakal yang kurang mendengar cakap orang orang tua pastu, itu macam kita ada perselisihan faham. Tapi takdelah teruk sangat. Takde simpan dalam hati. Bagi Riz, mama ni yang Riz respect dia walaupun dia da berumur tapi dia masih semangat kejar cita cita dia nak menjadi penyanyi."

So, which one you think is a more humble statement.

The next scene, mula da. Stacy kena kaw kaw dari Stanly.

"Patut ko selalu kurus, banyak cacing."

"Anak musang kalau rambut sudah macam beruk kat Taman Sepilok sudah mau datang lari menyanyi."

Stacy macam malas nak gaduh. Pastu she tried to laugh it off. Stanly masih tak puas hati sambung statement tak perlu dia.

"Ah dengar la statement si musang tu, mulut musang bukan ko tatau, berbelit belit. At least kalau gajah ni..."

"Uwaa.. mengaku gajah sudah," gelak Stacy.

Pungut the camera kena mencelah.

Stacy pointed the finger kat Stanly and just said "Itu"... indicating Stanly started it. And Stanly melatah, "Ko panggil aku gemok apa hal!"

Aiyo.. cam pondan emo sangat!!!

Deal with it fat boy! You are fat... not to mention short.. and you are b*tchy... perhal lak nak melatah. Insecurity sangat. Biar buruk rupa... jangan buruk perangai.

Ish ish ish... tak abih abih Stanly ni. Dah lah tak sedar untung dok dalam Akademi....


Walaupun Stanly tanak mengaku dia kata Stacy start dulu, bukti footage ada.

It all started dari meja makan bila si Stacy layan Kutip.

Si Stanly cakap, "Kalau dia tak pakai make up.. macam muka mmmmm..."

"Gila! Dia jeles sebab muka dia tak boleh make, dia gemok," balas Stacy.

Sentap bijik da... da kena hina camtuh kena la balik.

The fight continued.

Masa sebelom masuk dance floor for the first fight scene shown, dia saja try and tilt the mineral watter bottle masa Stacy tengah minum. And then rampas cushion di pegang Stacy nak bak dalam bilik. So immature.

And yes people, kalao korang ingat meka bergurau... sebab yerlah pas ni mesti kuar statement cover line kan, ala PR kononnya bergurau, aku risik ngan orang Akademi.

Al kisahnya, MEMANG MEREKA BERPERANG! Memang the fight took place and it's not meant to be cute or usik usik. Mintak mintak tenaga pengajar put their foot down and ajar sikit si Stanly budi bahasa. Mungkin tak cukup kot bab tuh gak selain dari limitation nyanyian dia.

Round 1 - Da kutuk Stacy, Stanly tak puas ati kena carut balik

Round 2 - Masih tak puas ati, saja cari gaduh ngan Stacy lagi

Round 3 - Da masuk dance floor, still tak puas ati nak gaduh. Pastu carut Stacy yang start the fight. Keji sangat Stanly nih

After the dust settled, meka discuss what songs they would like kalao they could pick their own. Berangan tol Stanly feeling kata nak lagu Il Divo, nak arrangement camtuh and then went on to ask for his choice of songs. Pastu nak kata nak duet ngan Stacy. Nak tumpang ke sebab dia favourite.

Statement tambahan.

"I hope that this week kita semua dapat lagu yang betul betul grand. Betul betul dapat mengangkat nama AF. Kita tanak pengetua kita malu, kita tanak diri kita sendiri malu, kita tanak season kita AF6 malu. Nanti orang kata kejadahnya AF6 ni nak bawak gi IB."

Tau takpe... but problem is bagi lagu apa kat ko pun hancur. Memang ko memalukan semua. Ptoiii!!! Lagu lagu ko dapat memang grand.. cuma nyanyian ko jerk cam grand hanj.

Out out out!!!!

After the drama, evaluation time. Ramli punya evaluation.

Stanly : Sebutan Melayu kurang Melayu.
Nadia : Kurang consistent.
Toi : You are not a guitar player, tiap kali tukar chord mata ikut.
Nubhan : Angsa!
Stacy : Dikatakan banyak belajar. Bukan kritikan tuh.
Riz : Focus kat only at one thing at a time and lupa everything else.
Alif : Work hard, and set mechanically.Kejung ler kiranya.
Pemberian lagu. All with new arrangement. Aduh.. mampu ke meka nih.
Last scene all the bloopers with Sarimah... pecah perot aku gelak.

Lagu tugasan minggu ini

Alif - Rozana (Search)
Lagu bakal jadik penyelamat Alif kalao dia leh overcome dia repeated weaknesses. Will he or won't he? He'd better after last week's votes dia dok second last only to Rina. He needs this to jump in votes or he may just be the surprise eliminated. While I don't think that's possible, still, he needs to work harder.

Nubhan -
Dealova (Once)
Recycle tol nak bak balik lagu ni. Baru musim keempat Faizal perform lagu nih. Soalanya, leh ke Nubhan perform as well. Nak harap better memang haram lah kan?

Riz - Memburu Impian (Kaza)
Lagu strong, and not much of a challenge for him. Kalao dia tak main main and relax sikit, this could make sure he's in the final.

Stanly - Footloose (Kenny Loggins)
Nyanyi pun takleh... ni siap lagu rancak. Abihla another retro classic to be destroyed by Stanly.

Toi - Syakilla (Rahim Maarof)
Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhh!!! I used to love this song... skang..... nangis la camni satu demi satu lagu favourite aku dihancurkan!

Nadia - One Night Only (Dreamgirls)
I wonder which version dia akan nyanyi. The Jennifer Hudson or Beyonce version? Or the remix yang slow then masuk disco. Either way dia mampu. No hal la...

Stacy - Hati (1957) (Datuk Siti Nurhaliza)
Aduh... lemau la lagu ni tu competition. Bagi la better song. Mendayu dayu sangat. But I guess some people like it, so ok lar. No problem too for Stacy.

The Music Of The Night
- Phantom of The Opera (Barbra Streisand)
Abang Ramli, if you are reading this, I won't forgive you kalao ko bagik Stanly nyanyi lead ni feeling Michael Crawford! Keji sangat tau nak destroy the classics!
Strong song, but to give these kids.. is like casting pearls before swine.
Why the Barbra Streisand version? Give me the original cast recording solo featuring Michael Crawford anyday. Ada beza tuh.

Medley Songs - Nasi Goreng (Black Dog Bone), Apek & Marjiana (P.Ramlee), Terbang Burung Terbang (P.Ramlee), Obat (P.Ramlee), Cik Kecik Keboom (Saloma), Lagenda (Sheila Majid)
Ni baru kena sikit as a bonus. It'll be fun. Painful to watch some of them, as well as to hear, but fun.

Lagu tugasan semua da update sebelah. Layan...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What a joke

First let's get the concert review out of the way. Entah lah... cam tak teruja langsung konsert keenam ni. Cam membosankan sangat jerk. Salah selection lagu ker, pacing show ker.. not sure. Whatever it is, I found it quite boring.

I don't know what to say about yesterday night's concert. Honestly.

To start off, the whole sanding thing was, well... erm... well... sweet I suppose.

Tapi patutnya they made it more special by making sure keseluruhan pelajar musim pertama hadir. Kalao leh, undang ler semua bekas pelajar muncul skali.

And then kalao leh, patutnya bukan Mila yang nyanyi tapi Zarina. Hehehehehe... mintak dia nyanyi Pulangkan. Leh? I mean, make it light and fun... besides I'm sure Zarina wishes them the best, so no harm kan?

It would be nice to see how nostalgic things could get.

This was just... a trigger, nothing more. Which was a waste. Just like the whole iklan thingie. Gelak sekali dua. tapi bila da lama sangat cam buang masa.

Aduh... malas teruskan comment.

Cita pasal performance la. Oh by the way, aku kembali to diamonds and pam jamban punya rating. Tapi minggu ni special sikit cause ada bagik hadiah pada exceptional performances. Read on.

He looked like he was doing a bad cross of Riverdance meets the Karate Kid and a ballerina gone wrong tul masa dia menari. Something weird in the jerkiness of his moments yang bila buka mulut jer terus ilang step.
Wobbly all over (and I mean the voice ok) and when he wasn't that or sumbang, he would go totally flat. Bunga lenggok dia semua macam kena steamroll jerk. I have no idea why he's still here. Go home already. You wasted six weeks of being in the Akademi. Entah haper yang di belajar. Konon hebat, tapi tak satu pun performance yang even mediocre. Every one of them has been hideuously painful.
And what the hell was that last pose yang mengeliat semacam tuh?????
And again and again... what's wrong with all the pengkritik for not hearing and seeing it. Charity work ker?

I think vocally he did ok, tapi parts of it, apart from his body language cam forced sangat. Slight improvement in the character department, but not enough progresss for me.
I don't get the nervousness and why he can't get over it.
One irritating habit, kenapa asi dok peluk tubuh jerk keja dia.
He also has to find a way to overcome how not to fizzle out during his performance. Slalu starting ok, but midway terus burn out. Dia nih mediocre and not among the worst for sure, tapi he needs to work harder to find a little magic in his persembahan.

Rama Rama
The arrangement sounded a little harder, more heavier jadiknya. I suppose it was actually playing up to her strengths of her character.
Firstly I have a problem with her outfit. The dress was fine. And I can forget the top sebab nak cover la kan sleeveless, which was fine.
Tapi the fishnet stockings and boots were just all wrong.
Seb baik ler Nadia became the first real SINGER to perform for the night. Sora dia memang menarik slalu and consistency dia aku kena perkatakan sebagai her main strength. Even though aku rasakan dia takkan ke final kerana undian slalu rendah sangat. aku harapkan sesuatu supaya dia leh get the attention she deserves.
Hope from now, she puts a little more of herself into her performances while balancing it with a more polished approach.

Tak Bisakah
I am so sick and tired of them highlighting his f**king angklung playing skills. Who cares? Ni Akademi angklung ke?
Nope... didn't think so.
The guitar playing was such a sad attempt to get him attention. Kalao nak Akademi Gitaris ok la gak... ni nyanyi pun takleh.
Masuk je first line terus lupa lirik.
And then it was flat all the way. Aku rasa budak-budak kat area rumah aku lepak kat tepi longkang kat ujung jalan bak kapok pun lagik power anytime, even without being in the Akademi for six weeks.
The gimmick of playing the guitar was to cover his weak stage abilities to move about without appearing macam Zombi Kampung Pisang, and it would have worked, again, kalau dia leh nyanyi.
Hope for double elimination dia dan Stanly. Nyampah! Buang masa je dok Akademi.

Dia ni paham tempo tak? Menyampah aku! It just didn't work.
His body pun cam out of sync with everything else.
What was supposed to be upbeatly poppish ended up like lagu pop yeh yeh sumbang. What a waste of a killer song with no punch at all.
Dengan semput dia and blurness dia onstage, plus ngan sumbang sora dia yang merata, he actually joins Toi and Stanly for being the deserving penarik beg.

Don't Speak
Now THIS is a professional in the making.
Walaupun dengan set-up props yang tak perlu yang aku rasakan macam Aishah time Anugerah Juara Lagu (seb baik tak baik bak budak budak onstage jerk), she rocked it.
The first verse was AMAZING! Such control! That was a five star effort!
She continues it in the chorus.
She lost some steam in the second verse, and her energy cam drop sikit, but vocally there was little to gripe about.
During the musical bridge tuh cliche sikit la with the papers being thrown and all. Very predictable. Siapa la punya idea tuh.. ish ish ish.
Cuba dia nak lepas geram dia tuh hempas pecah pasu ke, campak meja ke... tapi sepak cushion pun jadik la.
And lain kali jangan la pakaikan dia kain perca ye.
Yang sapa bising pasal sebutan, it was so minimal... so cam picking at bones jerk.
A powerful performance no less and the only one yang tak sumbang the whole night, and again, as predicted, the best for the night!

Seribu Tahun
What's wrong with the wardrobe and make-up department.Kenapa sapu lip gloss overdose tuh kat dak tuh???
Berkilat seribu batu pun nampak.
Vocally, the good points, he's on par with Nadia in terms of overall control, but has the same problems she has, which is a little flat here, a little sharp there.
Breathing, and ad libs also his weaknesses, which eventually leads to a little pitchy delivery here and there.
Kalao dia keep it simple without trying to colour it up too much, he could have sounded better. Tried too hard here and there, but in a night when we had the likes of Toi, Stanly and Nubhan, dia nampak way better.

First of all, this song sucks big time for a show.
There is no rea melody there, and the hook is whacked.
Rina lost whatever little melody there was from the start
Dia nyanyi ke bercakap pun aku tak pasti, as she made things worse by not appearing to sing.
Honestly, as much as I hate Stanly and Toi especially, this was the one of the worst performances from the whole night, and also from Rina since the first concert.

8 Pelajar Akademi Fantasia 6
Menuju Puncak
Buat kali pertama (again) dalam sejarah Akademi Fantasia ada DUA orang yang OKU yang takleh join. Overall the performance is getting better, but maybe that's because there's lesser numbers to deal with.
Nubhan is still lazy freak who shuffles ike a bum onstage cam badan dia berat sangat. Nampak sangat pemalas dia. Nak nyanyi pun nampak banyak curi tulang, sama cam Toi.
Stanly lak konon sora besau haram dengar langsung, which in his case I suppose it's a good thing.

So we're down to two girls, and five boys, who are mediocre at best. Three of which in Nubhan, Stanly and Toi berapa lama mau tahan lagik, tatau la. Geram jer...
But like I promised, ni ada hadiah to two exceptional performances. Aku tak kata exceptionally good or bad.
So obvious I mean exceptonally menyakitkan hati. Diperkenalkan sponsor kita.

Bukan low budget airline yer... just no budget airline jerk.

Yer tuh dia! klubbkidd airlines... aku pun tatau wujud syarikat penerbangan nih. Tapi sebab da sponsor aku kredit kan jer lak ek. With the tagline 'flying freaks home for free', hadiah pada two exceptionally horrendous performances goes to....


dan Stanly...

That's it! First class, one way tickets to go home. Please use it now! Expiry date cam your potential in the music business. Immediate!

Tolonglah Akademi Fantasia wujudkan AFKELUAR. And allow us to send these two home at least to preserve deria pendengaran kita while we still have it! Kalao ada contest pengundi paling banyak hantar undian aku nak sponsor hadiah la. Pemenang AFKELUAR tetinggi akan menerima buku eksklusif ni.

As not advertised on TV

Of course ada yang tertanya.. sing like who? Ala.. like Stanly.... Apa? Tak kenal? Google him and you'll find this.

Geram katanya... anyway, here's a little puzzle from Wheel of Fortune. Sapa teka, takde hadiah, cuma dapat kepuasan mencarut jerk katanya. Sapa leh jawab... angkat tangan. Nak angkat kaki pun leh.. tapi tak senonoh lak... cam subjek jawapan.

I'd like to buy vowels, please. May I have an A, O and I!

Anyway... on to more interesting stuff.

Riz's dad tegur aku pas konsert tanya pasal komen komen aku masa Diari EXT and I explained that Riz does bring on the drama a little too much at times. And sadly enough, it is a reality that semua tuh, will eclipse his performance.

The point here is, and please read this, especially pada mereka yang emo merembes, tak paham bahasa selama ni. this is a TV show.


You don't know these kids, and a couple of them, fortunately or unfortunately I do. But what I say here in my blog, is based on what we see, in Diari or Konsert, which is a reflection of reality.
Hakikatnya dalam dunia hiburan sebenar, korang tau ke artis mana yang camna sebenarnya? Do you know them?

You only perceive to the best of your abilities, right or wrong.

And that's what reality TV and Akademi Fantasia is all about. PERCEPTION!

Also understand this, like I told Riz's dad. Anggap cam kita semua nih layan Akademi Fantasia, macam tengok bola.
Dalam tuh, ko sokong Perak aku sokong Selangor. Aku kata pemain korang kaki bangku, kayu, makan suap... ko kata pemain team aku sokong telur berat, dan gerak cam mak nenek. Normal la. Pastu pengkritik lak ibarat referee... slalu kena kutuk kayu (kekadang benar)

But at the end of the day - it's only a game. Sheesh. Don't get so emo la people.

Beberapa orang Riz FC nak perang ngan aku wat memacam statement suka hati mak bapak sebab tak puas ati. Sampai komen Diari EXT aku which fair - where I mention he was consistent but too much drama pun nak take to heart. It's the truth ma. Deal ith it.

Ni nak reka memacam cita lak.

Konon pastu nak perjuangkan memacam like you know so much when in reality, you spent your life on a couch in front of the TV. Nak kata grow up, kertu la plak da.

Kang overdose perangai, dalam nak sokong, kena kutuk lak pelajar tak bersalah sebab fanatik camni lak overdose.
Aduh.. tiap musim ada jerk yang perangai ting tong berangan cam feeling saviour of these kids.
Bebudak ni dikritik ke kutuk ke..... meka yang tanggung. No one else! Menang pun meka gak, bukan ko. Kenapa? Berangan nak dok melangut tepi dak tuh kang?

Ko hengat ko merembes, ko dapat ke puaskan nafsu ko kalao ko backing beriya?

You want to bring it on to the next level by personal b*tching, let's turn up the drama. But back off while you can. That's a warning.

Anyway, thanks to Riz's dad for the chat (also yang cousin dia yang bertudung, tak sempat tanya nama - thanks for the compliments on my blog - katanya... walaupun.. *gelak sat*) and also to sweetmm who's heading Riz FC for taking up the cause to settle things to avoid then getting out of hand after beberapa fan club pelajar lain kurang senang perangai anggota tertentu yang molot poaka leh tahan. Otai cam dia paham la situasi peminat overdose... sabau ek kak.


Moving on... tadik ke persandingan Khai and Rosma.

Korang da tengok all the pics of the couple kan, so takyah la tempek agik kan.

Instead, ni gambar tamu lak.. a part of them at least. Love this picture though ramai lagik missing. Masa time amik pic ni, Sahri dan Salima takde. Also missing were ramai lagik geng. Zarina, Mas, Zahid were supposed to come but like a lot of others ramai ada hal cam show dan sebagainya while some came but jap jer. Love this pic.

Fantasia family rocks!

Enjoy the pic guys... damn tired. Tadik pas habih event ramai ramai including Shuib, Bob, Irma, Mila, Fahmee, Man, Juan as well as moi gi melepak Precint berapa ntah sampai kol berapa.

PS - Persembahan konsert keenam kat player sebelah da. Layan....

Part of the Fantasia family
(Pix courtesy of Aida from My Celebrity News Online)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Katanya... walaupun!!!

Let's get on with ulasan dan carutan Diari dulu before anything else ok... ada benda yang nak sembang sembang, tapi kita tunggu la ek.

Diari Akademi Fantasia 6 - Minggu 6 Hari 5

Bukak Diari ari ni nampak bebudak semua macam membadak. Well, actually nampak Stacy dan Nadia and part of someone's legs, tapi tak nampak moka. Orang yang tak nampak tuh yang tido mati tak hengat.... then start BERDENGKUR! Erm... dari snoring tuh yang tempo lari.. aku budget... erm.. Nubhan!

Nadia siap record dengkuran dia and both her and Stacy had a good laugh.

Tido jer keja si Nubhan nih.

Eh.. dengar! Dengkur dia pon lari tempo la...!!!

CAK! Kalau macam tuh.. mesti NUBHAN!

On to Syafie's kelas, Riz had some bugs to his performance.

Forward on to the next in Stanly. Aiyo... he actually ada part tak ingat lirik. Not only that, aiyo sebutan dia.. ku serahhhhhh segala NYAHHHHHH!!!


... ku serah segalaaaaaa NYAHHHHH!!!!! (jangan lupa maintain pose ayu!)

And drop the sora yang feeling classical. Pastu keja mengadu susah tuh susah nih.
Syafie aku tengok susah jerk nak tahan dari ngamuk.

Next scene. meka play on the love triangle. Alif nyanyi with Nadia. Kira love triangle la with Stacy nih. Heh...

Siti Hajar's class, I'm starting to notice that Nadia punya rendition of Rama-Rama lebih keras, edgier and not so fluffy like Ella's. Ada individuality la.

Toi? Erm...

Rina... still having problems here and there.

Alif appears to be more energetic but entah la.. something still lacking. Ek... Stanly banyak lak komen dari yang lain. Seriously...

When Riz nyanyi lak, dia leh tertido. So nak carut mana satu nih... sorang sebab full of hot air, tak perform, asik pas banyak mulot nak tido... or nak carut Riz membosanan. Aku no komen.. korang layan Diari tentukan sendiri la..

...blah blah blah....


What is it with Nubhan and his tempo????

Pastu sesi sembang sembang ngan Kutip lak, pecah lobang camera kata Riz tak suka Nadia and benda tuh nampak masa pakai lipstick.

Stanly dicarut konon dia pening nak pilih antara Stacy dan Rina. Matilah.. aiyo!!! Gelak pecah perot propah tau!

And here we have... the impossible!!

In the words of Stanly, "sepandai pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya terpelecok dari tumit tinggi tujuh inci juga."

Merasalah pecah lobang...
A little bit on Stacy with Gen. She's starting to pick up the song well, and memang aku rasa no hal la.

Pastu, tiga orang OKU dibawa ke hospital skali lagi, Three minutes wasted there.

Dah hari Jumaat - masih ada promosi game dari Nokia ke??? Aiyooooo!!!!

Ada preview lagu baru Stacy yang kedua and lagu Riz.

Sesi kedua. Ehem.. Stanly lak take control. Dia feeling Bob lak nak siap nasihatkan orang and all... katanya,... walaupoooooon. Cuba improve diri sendiri jerk la.

Pre evaluation round sambil tunggu bung Ramli masuk. Lotih la nak komen meka sebab takde beza from the last few times meka perform.

Aku nak forward jer.. Stanly paling banyak komen beriya... I mean honestly, as a pelajar, he's not that good, so I think he should improve himself because he's still in the competition... katanya... walaupun...

Berangan la tuh...

The actual evaluation by Ramli. According to abang Ramli. ni prestasi bebudak...

Riz - not enough groove, pitchy sikit
Nubhan - ask goyang kiri kanan ngan leher ke sana sini, nafas tak cukup, lirik tak clear, plus possibiity out tempo and kemungkinan sumbang
Alif - wrong melody ngan banyak flat and not hitting the right notes at times
Toi - pitchy abih and no feel dan masih ada angsa
Stanly - no feel, tak relax, difficult on pernafasan, sebutan and koreografi pergerakan
Stacy - melody unfocused, pitch tak betul sebab tak focus
Nadia - flat banyak, masaalah nafas.

Last scene aku gelak sebab umi usik Stacy pasal buncit nyanyi, "ada apa dalam perut.. ada cacing makan nasik..."

And that was the last Diari for the week. Argh... dunno how they'll dare esok. By the way, sapa tak tengok Diari EXT semalam bahagian kedua where I was a guest with Alam, it's on youtube (yer.. not mine yer harap maklum... tima kasih pada user sharimie for uploading it)

And by the way. masa nak live crossover ke Dewan Sivik tuh bukan aku korek telinga tau guys... aku masa tuh nak tutup telinga, takot yang pemenang pemenang piala sumbangsih yang nyanyi... bila nampak Stacy baru aku ok. Heh!!! Matilah aku!!!

Anyway it was one of the most fun sessions aku penah wat compared to dua episod Debat Akademi Fantasia musim lepas or even some of the other programs been on.

Sebenarnya kalao ikutan, not enough time nak cakap a lot of things. Biasalah.. kalao da Alam ada.
Heh.. katanya.. (tunggu four counts supaya tak lari tempo macam Nubhan)... WALAUPUN!

Anyway - aku dengar aku kena bantai ngan peminat Toi kat @15, all three of them! Matilah ko nak emo! Terima la hakikat! Kalau takleh tunggu enam bulan lagik terpaksa la ko terima gak hakikat.

As for peminat Riz - walaupon korang blind and deafen yourselves, I was fair as always. My main contention has always been his perangai, and how fans overrate him to compensate. Tapi aku ada cakap kan he is consistent at performance? So terima sajalah setiap orang ada kelemahan.... and his is one that is hurting his votes.

Stanly? Takde orang bersora ek? So kira antara Stanly dan Toi je la kuarkan besok. Ok la guys... aku nak tido... be back with the review tomorrow.

Am out of here....

PS - Kalao korang nak beli tiket konsert ketujuh di Istana Budaya, KLIK SINI untu lebih info on how to get them. Kang tunggu malam ni da announce, susah lak...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Info day!

Ok hari ni posting awal sikit. Aku akan update Diari review malam kang as usual. But firstly, sapa ada dengar pasal kejutan bakal ada konsert esok?

Straight from the horse's mouth gituh.. ok firstly, pengumuman confirmation Istana Budaya menjadi venue untuk Konsert Ketujuh Akademi Fantasia.

Sekaligus tema tugasan adalah, kalau tak silap la, lagu lagu dari filem I think. Soundtrack week punya tema la minggu depan kot. Merasalah ko translationnya runut bunyi.

So sapa nak gi, jangan lupa tempah tiket. Tuk senangkan korang, ni siap peta. Amik ko! By the way, kalao ikut gosip lepas aku kisah meka tak jadik Istana Budaya sebab mahal, cita aku dapat Istana Budaya sponsor, ok!

Moving on... tapi tu bukan kejutan sebenar malam esok. So apa kejutanyang konon nya diwar-warkan melalui radio Era as 'bersejarah'!!!! Hmmm... aku da janji sumber sumber aku tanak bagitau. Tapi aku bagi clue. Keywords, 'Nostalgia', 'Cinta', 'Pelamin'. Ops!!! Terlebih sudah!!! (sambil pose ala manja Stacy nih)

Takde kena mengena (katanya... walaupuuuuuun) congrats to Khai and Rosma for tomorrow pagik pagik nak nikah ek! Selamaaaaaatttttt.... kalau aku tak sempat jumpa siang kat acara nikah.. aku jumpa time malam jap.. ada konsert Akademi Fantasia camna ek nak jumpa? Ehem... jumpa jumpa gak kot. Lariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!

And last but not least, pada semua yang melayan Diari Akademi Fantasia dan Diari EXT malam ni, keep a lookout. To my blog readers tercayang bucuk macin... aku malam ni dijemput Diari EXT memeriahkan majlis malam ni.

Tatau ler sempat molot neraka ke tak... yerla... pengacara pon sifu aku si Alam. Leh ke? Heh... ok la.. update later kang ek.. Ciao bella!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Love is in the air

Diari Akademi Fantasia - Minggu 6 Hari 4

Erm... start Diari jerk si Stanly keja dia asik pukul kamera ngan batang besi tuh (what is that and what's it doing in the Akademi... besi buruk apa tuh???)

Did he just pull that out from somewhere?

Promosi!! Gelang Edymium... erm... next! Am getting tired lor tengok bebudak asik waste time ngan all the sponsors' plug sampai time pembelajaran bebudak nih terganggu. Honestly...

Kelas Siti Hajar, Toi kata si cikgu lak cam ejek cara dia cakap. Abih kalao da camtuh... tak pikir apa orang kat luar cakap?

Masuk Ramli je takot terus baru leh belajar. Padan moka! Terus keluar kena marah terus.
Cam whoring sessions with Toi, Riz and Stanly. Erm.. whatever it takes to get airtime, ek?

One more round of Syafie's classes. Alif, I think he's getting slightly better, but aku rasa cam Syafie nyanyi lagik bagus. Heh...

Stacy is definitely going to be the one to watch, even though dia lum betulkan beberapa kekurangan dia ngan pakai headtone tuh.

Alif hantar surat kat bang Ramli sebab nak check up pelbagai. Pening teruih Ramli ngan bebudak asik sakit. Dah sah dia takleh nari time Menuju Puncak.

Oh my God!!! Who are these two albino twins??? Masuk nak cita pasal produk rambut Loreal lak??!!! They look like a different freakier version of the twins from The Matrix! Scary! Bazir masa agik.. aduh.

What the....

Berterusan ngan rintihan Nubhan membotak dia. What the... nih Akademi Fantasia ke haper? Waste of time tol.... arghhh!!!

Linda lak... punishment time for Alif dan Riz. Nadia yang tentukan penalti, kena lipstick.

Kalau Stacy wat kan mesti agik best kan...

Someone must be really happy to live their fantasy on TV

On to dancing, tiga orang bergelar OKU sit out on the dancing, with Rina, Stanly dan Alif dok tepi tengok member lain berlatih. So lima orang jer final. Dalam time latihan... Nadia lak tercedera. What the... arghhh!!!

OKUs unite!

Laporan pertama berakhir ngan Toi cam whoring. As usual.

Kelas umi membuka laporan kedua. Toi boring, Stanly STILL sumbang!!!! Alif looking slightly better.. walaupun...

Nampaknya meka da nak kenenkan Alif dan Stacy. Akhirnya meka bau gak. Oops! Terima kasih pada sorang yang dah terkeluar kerana gosip tuh yang memang dari awal da kita tau. Oops.. takleh cita sini... not now.

Nubhan was... perlu ke aku repeat myself? Tanak la... takde beza la dia nih walau apapon. Rina was biasa aje... thought I think she sounded a little raw.

Meka then tunjuk Alif dan Stacy latih bersama... uwaaa.. da all out nak kenen meka nampaknya. Bagus... tapi... tak marah ke Tasha, Alif? OOPS!

Happy couple?

Skang nampak ada alliance ngan Riz and Toi - nampaknya rekrut baru dalam geng molot.
Then Rina cita ngan umi pasal bebenda halus yang mengacau dalam Akademi. Manyak woo story skang ek? Kalau tau apa yang terjadi kat dalam lagik suspen. Wish they cita full sebab bebudak eliminated banyak cita pasal benda ni... dari musim musim lepas pon.

After choreography lesson - ada lagik kejutan. Biasala... Akademi tamu nih...

Start konon Peterpan bagi video mesej. Cam kenal je tu couch kat entrance Akademi. Heh... jap agik terus masuk ler wat kejutan.

Ngan Matta and then Peterpan, cam Akademi Fantasia Indosiar lak... bukan Akademi Fantasia Astro da. Pas sesi temubual - meka perform Tak Bisakah. Enjoyed it - before bakal hancur bila Toi nyanyikan Sabtu nih.

Aiyo... perlu ke last scene tetap Toi nak main angklung?

Promo jangan tak promo.. tuh jer pon talent dia...