Thursday, April 30, 2009

RIP Nathan

So does today's Diari give you guys an idea of what to expect for Sabtu nih?

I'm not sure how the final outcome will be like, but one thing I can say is everyone is so focused on their performance that it's going to at least, whole hearted.

I mean, it takes weeks and weeks..... and weeks of rehearsals to get things down to a pat for a musical, but bebudak ni have less than five days to get things together for their show onstage to at least give a slice of it.

Based on request, ni status report aku.

Aishah is doing ok, but seeing that the level of competition has been raised, she really needs to up her performance to make up for last week.

Akim lak is so focused that I expect nothing from a good showing by him this week, as do I from Claudia sebab aku nampak she's putting her heart and soul into it.

Isma is trying to get deeper within the character of her song, and setakat ni, aku nampak dia berjaya, though how it will translate to stage is left to be seen. Hafiz is doing well, and I'll bet on a few tears among fans yang moved ngan his rendition.

Yazid masih kayu sikit dari segi penghayatan, as he's not as fluid as the others in terms of expression, tapi he knows that problem he has dan dia masih dealing with it.

Bonus songs is going to be fun though, with Dewa Perang going to be an interesting presentation. Pening sikit bab lagu High School Musical sebab bebudak masih kena betulkan diction banyak tapi disebabkan minggu ni banyak sangat kerja mereka tuk lagu memasing, time is a factor.

Hope no one sings, "What time is eaaaaaatttt!!!"

But despite everyone doubling or tripling their hard work, takde stress ke tension sangat up to now sebab I think bebudak da mula biasakan diri ngan routine that they are just taking it in stride.

Esok aku nak try ke full dress rehearsal, tapi not sure lagik sebab mungkin aku rush ke JB tuk sehari belah malam, so that I can be back by Saturday evening.

That, along with 'moving in' rumah baru esok, it's going to be a bit of a rush, and aku mesti letih gaban nya. So kena tengok camna how my plan goes. Will play by ear.

Oh by the way, sapa missed vlog of the review of the concert last week, ni dia. Kali ni, kerja editing ngan Chedd yang teramat rajin sampai lambat upkan video ni. Matilah ko. Janji cantik presentation la katanya? Oh by the way, kalao tanya sapa dak kecik dalam video tu, tula anak Siti Hajar, si Afif yang dalam Puteri Gunung Ledang as well. Merasalah katanya import talent tuk vlog.

The video above nih in two parts sebab it's actually too long. But layan jerk ek.

Aku nak get some early rest because have to be in the Akademi early tomorrow.

Tapi sempat curi masa tadik layan the final episode of Heroes for the closing episode of Season 3. Nathan Petrelli is dead!!! Damn!

For those who are fans of Heroes, too bad about the no spoiler warning here. Matilah ko! Yang penting, Nathan may have died, but he's still going to be in Season 4. How? Sylar is him. Does that make sense? So Nathan lives in Sylar. Sort of.

Not too impressive of an ending, but not too bad either.

Ok la... nak tidur. Ngantuk sangat da. Nite all...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Awok ke ewok?

Da layan Diari ke? Hari ni is lepak day for me, kerana lepas saja kerja, lepak ngan kengkawan.

Plan nak ke Ikea nak survey some stuff for the house, tapi sampai ngam ngam tutup.

Lepak ngan Juan kat Uptown, and then were joined by some familiar friends. Si Nadia (oops!) along with Obri, Qhaud dan Sidi. Melantak then gerak lepak kat Downtown at Cheras where we were joined by Aril pas dia settle some stuff.

Malas la nak tulis panjang hari ni. Letak pics je la.

Malu konon nak amik pic

Wat biasa je...

Nak sangat amik? Hah!!! Amik ko!!!

Sidi pose maut...katanya... walaupon...

Ler ni perhal ni

Qhaud trying to pose for the cam

Takleh control gelak gak

Pic si awok ni khas buat kakjauhku, peminat tegar Aril (Aril hi hi kat kakjah perasan tak masa chat @15?)

Nak kalahkan saiz biji mata abang beca aka Obri

By the way, to the respective fans, Qhaud dan Obri akan join Gempak Desa in different locations this weekend. Meanwhile, Aril still packed for this week, and Sidi ada family matters lak nak attend to.

Just over two more weeks to go... cam tak caya cepat sangat masa berlalu...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Dreamed A Dream

Ok firstly aku nak komen sikit pasal all the hatred among fans, and yang overdose maki mencarut bagai. Not anywhere else but here in my Comments section.

Senang nak menyamar bawah nama Anonymous. To all the fan clubs, ignore idiots like that. No matter what fan club you are from - focus your energy on AFUNDI, not battling it with words. Cause no matter what you say, the numbers decide who stays or not.

Sapa nak teruskan hating, silakan je. Kalau da extreme, senang je aku nak trace balik IP and make a police report kalao keadaan terlalu serious. For now aku rilek je sebab da biasa time musim Akademi Fantasia, all the name calling and beautiful bahasa jiwa bangsat akan keluar dari mereka yang emo, atau mengambil kesempatan keadaan.

Be more intelligent, and show some restraint.

Meanwhile, for me, aku tak kisah atau hairan pun apa kutukan mai. Ok jerk. Cam la aku tak biasa stakat stok pengecut nak kuar kata-kata kesat mana pon. Hakikatnya, lagik layan, lagik membosankan. Cause it gets repetitious. It has for the seventh year now, and dah lali.

So nak berkomen kat sini, ignore any idiots yang nak provoke. Sebab memang ramai yang akan suka nak lagakan orang (biasalah... ada yang konon berwibawa pon leh wat camtuh)

So korang mai sini, layan Diari and you know what.. stir up a little drama pon takpe. But kalao nak tunjuk lagak sini nak main wat hal, that's just a sad call for attention, and I understand it must fill up your time to make you feel better. Kind of like validation for your existence.

But to my more intelligent friends yang masuk sini, ignore je.

No matter what fan club you are from, just chill.


AFUNDI Aishah, AFUNDI Akim, AFUNDI Claudia, AFUNDI Hafiz, AFUNDI Isma, AFUNDI Yazid.

Ok la.. nak tido. Tadik gi megular ngan kengkawan. And we were joined by three beautiful ladies.

Aleya and Aliyah

Hot chicks?

Tengah malam pon rancak nak snappy

Actually da ajak Vee join skali. But Nani and Leya just happened to be there, so they joined up. Faz tak sempat mai cause she claimed Cinderella needed to be back. Matilah lepas tengah malam jadik labu! Larik!

We just chilled and borak, with kak Vee especially on an upcoming project. It's going to be fun.

Things are going in full swing from next week. Tak sabar... lagu tema aku minggu ni is lagu I Dreamed A Dream from Les Misérables. Especially since apa aku impikan selama ni akan jadi kenyataan akhirnya! Yeay!

And sesuai ngan lagu ni sebab tengah meletop thanks to Susan Boyle yang surprised everyone in Britain's Got Talent who personifies talent, need not be recognised by just what's on the outside.

Three standing ovations - and within minutes of after being laughed at. Now that's what real talent does for you.

Ok la... korang seriously kena layan video ni, and trust me, it will move you to tears! Me going off to sleep with this song (from the original soundtrack recording) on repeat. Night...

PS - I need representatives of official fan clubs to contact me ASAP! Wakil dari setiap kelab peminat for Astro production. Please jangan pepandai call kalao tak di pilih sebagai wakil fan club. We need you to represent your fan clubs. Call me at 017-2025900. Jangan pepandai miss call sebab aku tak mungkin kenal sapa ko ek. At least SMS. Thanks!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tunjuk belang?

Sebelom aku nak kongsi senarai lagu tugasan tuk minggu nih, aku nak meroyan sikit.

Sila baca yer, especially kepada peminat-peminat Akademi Fantasia yang rajin bertandang ke Dewan Sri Putra tuk Konsert mingguan.

Aku panas hati tol bila dapat aduan pasal beberapa anggota kelab peminat satu nih yang berangan sangat.

Aku tanak carut kosong. Aku panas hati sebab ada laporan kawasan larangan, iaitu backstage 'dicerobohi' wakil-wakil fan club mengong nih yang nak pass pesanan kat idola Fantasia meka nih.

Wei mangkuk hayun... agak-agak la. Da tau tempat tuh off limits, ko takde kena mengena ngan production, jangan pepandai nak menyelinap masuk. Ko ingat ko nak sampai kan berita apa?

That's called unfair advantage. kalao budak ko sokong tu bagus, tak perlu la setakat propah korang tuh.

Incident kat Konsert lepas ni memang menimbulkan kemarahan betul. Ada tak silap dua orang, yang slalu kelihatan bersama kumpulan fans tuk student sorang ni, masuk ke kawasan belakang pentas ketika Konsert.

Mereka menarik pelajar yang digemari mereka ni ke tepi. Sempat meka membisikkan sesuatu sebelom ada anggota production tarik pelajar tu. Budak tak bersalah tu moka blur je sebab dia rasa guilty because dia sendiri tau benda tu tak dibenarkan.

Tapi sebab anggota kelab peminat tak sedar diri nih, tindakan di luar batasan nak sampaikan berita ini memang bagi orang geram.

All the kids are treated fairly, and NO ONE has access to the outside world apart from what is allowed. Aku sendiri in contact ngan meka tidak dibenarkan sampaikan, menyampaikan apa apa pesanan ke haper, unless vetted by production. And this is a standard feature sejak dulu lagik. Para pelajar has no access to the outside world, except authorised personnel.

So to this representatives of this fan club. Awas gerak geri mu itu. Tindakan korang memang diperhatikan, dan belum lagi tada tindakan serious. Jangan sampai tindak tanduk anda menjejaskan kedudukan pelajar itu sendiri.

Trust me on this warning. Don't push your luck. Try something like this again, and korang tengok la tindakan apa akan diambil. I know mereka yang terlibat akan baca blog aku so disini aku nak warning dulu. Do not even dare, do this again.

Nak jadik peminat, AFUNDI la. Huh!

Ok la.. aku sebelom meletop carot, ni senarai lagu tugasan minggu ni.

Ok la... aku ada hal nak settle. Korang layan je la video bebudak 6ixth Sense menggila hari tu masa birthday drummer meka si Wan. Dalam lagu Cinta Yang Sempurna, yang wat vocal selain Adi tu, si guitarist meka si Atan, sebab tak cukup gitar layan vocal je. Ni impromptu performance, so takyah ulasan persembahan meka ek.

Selain tu, layan Diari kat bawah ni sekali.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Konsert Akademi Fantasia 7 - Minggu 7 (Part 2)

So you guys already know the result. Perlu ke aku nak ulas lebih sebenarnya?

Ok, aku ngaku. Cam aku katakan awal minggu, sapa-sapa yang keluar pun aku akan menitis airmata... and I did. Aduh... kutuk la aku nih. Zalim nya korang! Aku semakin rapat ngan bebudak, smakin aku tak sampai hati rasanya nak tengok meka keluar Akademi.

Semakin sunyi kat dalam. Tu yang aku tambah emo. Dari awal aku masuk ke sana sesi ngan bebudak nih, kecoh sangat ngan empat belas orang. Now tinggal enam. It's so quiet now....

Sebelum aku nak wat ulasan ke apa, aku nak talk about a few things.

Satu, soal AFMASUK. Jangan harapkan lah ada AFMASUK. Tu je. And untuk aku rasa tak perlu pun, sebab sapa nak ngadu sapa keluar ke haper, patutnya awal-awal korang AFUNDI puas-puas tuk elak bebudak tersingkir.

Secondly, ada yang noya (paranoia lah) kata Marsha penyebab Aril terkeluar. I think that is so unfair! Marsha dijadikan RA tuk seminggu sebagai gimik saja je for entertainment purposes for the Diari. And memang dia managed to spice up things pun. Kalau mereka yang tengok Diari, camna leh timbul soal Marsha penyebab lak? After all, bukan ke banyak gak scene Marsha dan Akim? Bukan ke Aishah pun nampak mengelak Marsha... and so on.

It's about drama, people! Haven't you got the concoept of the show yet?

And finally, nak sebut bab orang pandang rendah kemampuan Aril, pada yang persoalkan kenapa orang kecoh dia terkeluar. Tuk aku, sapa yang tutup mata, telinga dan hati mereka pada persembahan dak tuh je yang akan rasakan he's overrated, cause he's not. I am proud of Aril sebab dia manage to sahut every cabaran. Nakal tu rock and dangdut fused together Forte dia sangat ke? Lagu Adam tu forte dia ke? He has managed to overcome his personal preference to deliver performances which are impressive and for that, he deserves the praise.

And on that note... mai aku teruskan ngan ulasan. Minggu ni aku rasa nak meroyan sikit. Sebab aku disappointed with a few students kerana tak apply apa yang diajar oleh tenaga pengajar, as which I myself stressed on for their performances.

Before I go on, as usual... the warning.

SESIAPA YANG HENDAK MENGAMBIL APA PUN GAMBAR DARI SINI, silakan. TAPI, anda tidak dibenarkan crop atau edit membuang watermark dari gambar-gambar disini. Hakmilik tetap kepada blog ini, dan sebarang penggunaan mana-mana gambar ini dalam bentuk telah disunting dan dibuang watermark, di dalam mana website, blog atau forum akan dikenakan tindakan yang sepatutnya. And I mean it... so don't fuck with me. Ada je bintang perangai suka mencuri hak intelek dan kreatif orang.
Sebarang penggunaan gambar-gambar ini dalam laman, blog atau forum juga perlu memberikan kredit dan link kepada blog ini.

First of all, thank goodness lah Adibah Noor dibawa kembali mengkritik. Selain Adlin, aku rasa kak Dibah nya komen bernas dan kena pada tempat tanpa melalut. I so want to hear critics like this who know what they're talking about, and point out the necessary for the kids to take note of serta memberikan pendapat bagaimana untuk mengatasi kelemahan yang membelenggu persembahan mereka.

Ni baru conducive environment di mana tenaga pengajar dapat rectify dan betulkan apa yang kureng pasal bebudak nya performance, kan?

Jangan la melalut tuk puas hati kuar TV jerk. Tugas tu bukan dok pose je. Me likey kak Dibah, and I hope she will be brought back as pengkritik. AFMASUK Adibah Noor!

Pelajar Lelaki - Fiona (Lagu Bonus)
Rating : ****
Sebelum nak komen.. saja nak tanya. Korang suka tak trigger AC kena kejutkan dapat piring hitam dari bebudak?

Heh.. hasil borak-borak ngan orang ni, pas bebudak request ngan aku Khamis lepas tuk CD nak pakai, ilham nak bagi AC laser disc gebadak pun muncul.

Masa aku rushing ke konsert (sampai maki ada polis trafik yang memang serous kurang ajar jaga kat persimpangan nak ke Endah Parade tu kerana kecoh konsert skali clash ngan bola Selangor lawan Kelantan), risau je sampai lambat bak LD tuh. Dalam tuh, aku bak le record vinyl satu. Saja je piring hitam jadik option... and production suka sangat, so layan! Aku gelak pecah perut puas hati sangat.

Anyway, on the boys, aku bangga cause ALL OF THEM berjaya bring it together for Fiona, vocally and visually.

It was definitely a good opener.

Walaopon aku memula cam tak suka lagu ni jadik lagu tugasan sebab Amirul da penah wat time musim keempat, siap dibawa 4U2C atas pentas, tapi I think the boys did such a good job that aku leh layan je show meka.

Aril - Nakal
Rating : *** 1/2
One thing for sure, walaopon Aril tersingkir, he went out with a bang! Memang performance dia dari start sampai habis, it was definitely overall, his BEST performance so far.

One thing about Aril ni, dia ni not just about vocals, stage presence dan showmanship dia memang menyerlah.

And one thing aku suka Adlin point out, about his attitude and all, when he brings that to stage, tu yang nampak dia star. He stands out because he's able to take on any role masa performing tuh tanpa nampak kekok.

Yang pentingnya, naik pentas golek skali masih leh maintain nyanyi tuh.

Did Aril deserve to go out? Depends ko tanya tu dari segi apa.

Dari segi AFUNDI, memang nak wat camna... da kurang, so dia terkeluar lah. Tapi dari segi kualiti persembahan, for me, he was one of the best of the night! No doubts. Even Aril haters can say what they want, but fact remains that it was one helluva show!

Claudia - When Ur Gone
Rating : ***
I don't think she did as bad as the other girls. Honestly, Claudia has the vocal chops. Kemampuan dia nyanyi memang terbukti da.

And this week, walaopon pengkritik kata tak sampai, I think it's a step up for her sebab dia mampu nak deliver that emotion of the tune. Memang lah dia masih simpan sikit tuh, tapi mungkin sebab aku tau the story behind her delivery aku leh feel.

Kira pada orang yang tatau dia nyanyi lagu tu tuk sapa maybe tak sampai kot. But she did quite well, and I think this week, nampak jelas peningkatan dia and I hope this is the beginning of the momentum for her to go all out and buktikan to everyone she deserves a spot in the final.

She has something unique about her - which I can't quite put my finger on. Cuma aku harapkan dia dapat buktikan cepat sebab kesuntukan masa memandangkan the competition is getting more heated.

Akim - Situasi
Rating :*** 1/2
Masa dia perform Aurora, aku nampak usaha Akim nak break out of his shell. Sebab dia mempunyai kekurangan dari segi penguasaan body language dia, serta lack of focus, minggu lepas vocal dia pun tak sebagus.

This week, bab vocal ada improvement, walaopon aku tetap sakit jiwa with lower notes, and also lack of stamina dia yang mengakibatkan dia semput time all out.

Tapi as a package, he has improved vocally enough, to be tied with Aril for second best performance of the night.

Yang penting, aku nampak dia da mula understand the meaning of showmanship and it's coming more naturally to him now. Tak nampak rehearsed sangat, and tiap pergerakan dia nampak lebih 'ikhlas' and bukan cam dia disuruh ingat.

Major improvement, tapi cam Claudia, perlu a sense of urgency minggu akan datang tuk buktikan dia layak untuk konsert akhir.

Aishah - Flora Cinta
Rating : **
This is without a doubt, persembahan Aishah yang paling teruk. I am so disappointed with her.

Mana taknya, lepas minggu demi minggu consistent, tiba-tiba bukan sahaja dia hilang tenaga dan kesungguhan berminggu sebelum ni.

Dia seolah terus mengalah dan malas diatas pentas, walaopon berkali-kali tenaga pengajar tegur dia tuk perbaiki apa yang kurang lagik.

Vocally it was ok ok saja, tapi masuk beat jer masa lagu tuh pick up nak rancak, she sounded so disjointed - seperti tak masuk ngan muzik langsung. She had no groove as I worried about and for some reason, dia cam wat persembahan tahap cukup syarat ada show je.

Aku tatau apa masaalah Aishah. Cuma aku sedih dia tak rise up to the challenge like the others. Memasing da pick up, aku tanak tengok dia drop camni.

When someone's performance at this stage, minggu ketujuh, boleh dianggap azab banding ngan minggu pertama punya usaha, something is seriously wrong. And I hope Aishah bucks up FAST!

Yazid - With Or Without You
Rating : **** 1/2
The best performance of the night, without a doubt, and definitely one of the most memorable shows of the whole season for me.

Love or hate Yazid, korang kena akui kesungguhan dia kali ni. I mean seriously, vocally, feel and presentation dia memang mendalam dan sampai.

Mungkin ada yang tak rasa - but aku berani bertaruh, siapa yang kata he doesn't deserve the recognition as the best of the night, samaada tak suka character dia yang ditonjolkan dalam Diari (thus blocking him out totally) atau memang jenis tak layan lagu U2.

Bottomline, ni persembahan terbaik Yazid, and while a lot of students remaining in the Akademi da macam mendatar je graf kualiti persembahan, he is picking it up and I just hope he takes this, and brings it on to the next show.

Yazid is now a serious contender - and sejujurnya pendapat aku, aku rasa sepatutnya dia dapat mention pelajar cemerlang for his effort and also result of his performance. Not just some complimentary 'special mention'.

Hafiz - Kau Yang Punya
Rating : ** 1/2
The whole thing, wasn't bad... and it wasn't good either.

At the end of the day, aku tak kisah la apapon drama, the final result atas pentas yang penting.

And Hafiz disappointed me, being the second student after Aishah tuk underperform malam smalam.

Mana taknya. Tuk aku, aku kecewa dia tak aplikasikan teknik yang ditekankan dalam persembahan dia. It was not rap... it was just random shouting.

Breathing, phrasing, tempo... everything I feel tak applied to his show despite being stressed upon endlessly.

If he was judged on memorising alone, he didn't do too well either, no to mention he allowed Najwa to overshadow him.

But, one bad week is not enough to take away the glory from Hafiz after weeks of good performance. But my concern is his lack of ability to adapt and take on a challenge. Keeping my fingers crossed for something spectacular to cover this week's weak showing.

Isma - Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang
Rating : **
I don't know whether dia complacent ke apa, tapi dia da mula slacking. This is not the Isma I know.

Yang aku tau, Isma nak sahut cabaran to find her x-factor, but yesterday's performance, like Aishah, was her worst.

Tatau nak cakap apa... she has to do better this week sebab aku upset kerana macam bebudak lain kalao tak deliver, tuk aku dia hampakan orang-orang yang paling penting - peminat. Peminat yang sanggup keluar wang Ringgit nak pastikan bebudak ni diberi peluang tuk terus dalam Akademi.

Entahlah.... hoping Isma akan show her real prowess onstage sebab I know she can do better than this.

Pelajar Perempuan - Untukmu (Lagu Bonus)
Rating : **
Extremely disappointing! Walaopon lagu da besh nak layan, tapi bebudak cam tak kena je.

Memasing wat hal sendiri, cam takde latihan langsung dalam persembahan mereka. Memang betul kata kak Dibah. The girls all seem preoccupied with whatever thoughts they have perap dalam pala mereka sampai allow their focus to be robbed.

I just hope things will get better this week. Kalau tak... entahlah...

Overall... this concert was one of the best so far. Memang dengan pilihan lagu (walaopon ada yang peminat nan ado meroyan), it was fun, and despite a few below par punya persembahan, bebudak masih put on show worthy of mention.

Tapi yang penting aku rasa aku kena puji choreography Menuju Puncak yang nampak semakin meletup! Also, compared to last week yang hancus, this week, tarian Menuju Puncak aku nampak tight gila.

My only complaint would be I'm not hearing everyone sing. Ada ke yang curi tulang?

So that was what I thought of the concert. It was good, with a lot of highs and a few lows. But going into minggu kelapan da, my nerves are frayed dah.

I'm hoping for the best from each student.

And guys out there... kalao korang tanak tengok your favourites tersingkir, vote like crazy.

I don't want to tell you how close undian is at this point. But let me just say, the differences are very small. Da dua minggu, pelajar tersingkir ngan second last student tu, siki sangat jurang perbezaan.

Every AFUNDI does count. So start sending it now. Ok la... panjang meroyan. Korang layan Diari INT kat bawah ni dulu.