Sunday, February 24, 2013

This mall is on fire

Earlier tonight... Twitter was abuzz about the blackout in Sri Pentas, TV3's office. 

That was the first tweet I read. Tak sampai seminit mula berduyun tweet mengenai 1 Utama pun blackout tiba-tiba.

The photos came fast and furious, a majority of which were people cam-whoring in the dark. Don't ask me why as I can't even to begin to make sense of why one would do that in a blackout.

Then the real news started coming out. Apparently, a fire broke out in 1 Utama. Quite horrific really, as the first thing I thought about was the Empire Mall explosion not too long ago. Except in this case, 1 Utama was fully within operation hours. And peak hours, mind you.

The fire however apparently started before 9pm at a storage area on the sixth floor or something, causing the electricity to be cut off. There were no serious incidents thankfully.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Under the sea...

...under the sea. Darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from me!

Kata kau! Inilah keadaan di Puchong petang tadi. So much for all the 'development' Puchong has been undergoing eh? Mengikut kawan-kawan yang sebarkan gambar-gambar ini, ini sekitar jam 5:30 petang ke atas di kawasan berhadapan dengan jalan besar Puchong berdepan dengan IOI Mall.

Ataupun kini di kenali di 'Air Oh Air' Mall.

Freaky shit don't you think? Panik semua nak balik nampak kawasan banjir terus kelam kabut nak pusing balik. That area is bad enough as it is without this happening.

Ini pulak parking kat IOI Mall. Gila sial! Naya je nak gi shopping ke minum ataupun sekadar kerja kawasan tu, ditimpa keadaan seperti ini. Matilah rosak boleh claim insurans ke?

Dalam pusat beli belah pun, camni. Berapalah kerugian yang ditanggung...

Yang aku tak boleh blah, golongan hipsters yang feeling tengah banjir dok leks layan kopi. I guess bila dah tak boleh buat apa, ni la jadinya. Dok lepak je la sampai keadaan pulih.

Pictures credit to whoever originally took these photos. Leave a comment if any of these images were yours because I can't trace the original owners. Nice! 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shame on you Bristol City fans!

Bangga tak? Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, tengok masa game Bristol City lawan Cardiff City, semua menunjuk pada bendera Malaysia?

Jangan bangga sangat. Tengok saja apa sebenarnya dikatakan oleh kelab peminat Bristol City yang dengan bangganya upload kat Faceboook page mereka.

And yes, that was from the official Facebook page of the Cristol City FC Supporters page.

Persaingan antara dua kelab ini tiba-tiba melibatkan nama negara dan Jalur Gemilang dengan kutukan "What the fucking hell is that". Dan dengan bangganya dipertahankan peminat mereka sendiri.

And yet, despite some speaking out against it, tetap ada yang menyatakan justifikasi tak masuk akal, hanya kerana persaingan dua kelab bola.

Inilah dikatakan bodoh...

Tak cukup di Facebook, di Twitter, mereka promosi gambar dan kata-kata tu...

And yes, that was from the Bristol City FC Supporter Page Twitter.

Usaha aku tweet Bristol City FC Supporters page meminta alasan kenapa penghinaan dilakukan pada Jalur Gemilang, jelas terbukti mereka dibutakan oleh benci mereka terhadap lawan mereka iaitu Cardiff City - yang diambil alih  Tan Sri Vincent Tan yang melaburkan £100 juta. Akibatnya, dalam stadium tergantung beberapa Jalur Gemilang, dan peminat Bristol City pula mengutuk Cardiff kerana telah menjual diri pada orang Malaysia.

Tapi kenapa sampai Jalur Gemilang di hina sebegitu. Hish!

Bila aku tweet dengan penyokong mereka - ni jawapan...

Lepas tu, sambung bertweet da mula reda sebab malas gaduh. Tapi meka tak puas hati lak nak kita ngaku kita lak salah, tak paham bola. Dalam tenang, kita tegur... korang tengok je la page Twitter mereka tu.

Kalau dasar kelas bawahan nya perangai...

Dahlah English berterabur, eja pun tak betul, nak kutuk orang kata takleh eja bagai. Stupid stupid kids...bila da kena berapa das setakat duduk kedua terbawah liga (not even Premier) terus sentap block aku dari Twitter. Kalah adik-adik punya tahap sentap ni.

Apapun, penghinaan Jalur Gemilang ni MEMALUKAN! Kerana bola, tahap mentaliti sampah leh melibatkan maruah bendera sesebuah negara. Mangkuk jamban.

To Bristol City FC supporters - you're still second from the bottom, so no need to be wankers about it. Boo! But what can you say about a bunch of yobs who pledge their support to the beautiful game but can't take being second from the bottom in the table when they lose and act like THIS

Nak baca lebih? Klik Bristol City FC Supporters (Facebook) atau Bristol City FC Supporters (Twitter) 

Friday, February 15, 2013

2012 DA 14

Today about 400 were  injured after a meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk in central Russia.

The blast happened at an altitude of 10,000 metres with the meteor breaking apart and causing a shower as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere at around 9:20 in the morning local time, seen 200 kilometres away in Russia’s fourth-largest city, Yekaterinburg.

Early tomorrow morning (2am Malaysian time), an asteroid will race past the Earth on Friday at a distance of just 27,729 kilometers.

Called 2012 DA14, the asteroid is 50 metres across and while it while miss earth, there is a possibility satellite phone and TV as well as weather satellites will be affected. Go outside and see if you can spot it!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Are you ready?

Darn it! Is that Psy? I think this is the worst I've seen him dressed. I mean.. check out that auntie's blouse he's wearing. Seriously?

This was one of the pics of Psy flying around from the controversial Penang show. I think Psy is pretty amazing, but like many people - I'm turned off by his visit here for the Barisan Nasional open house - not because of political reasons, but because of the sheer obscenity of paying him that much for one damn song.

Malaysian artistes are so badly treated in comparison. What Psy got for ONE song, any local act would kill for even 1% of that for a half hour show.

Still business is business, and I guess Psy just wanted to cash in irregardless of who was the host of the show as long as he hears the ringing of the ka-ching!

Since I am part Penangite (Pulau Tikus yo!) I was proud earlier this afternoon when this video went viral! Watch it! Worth a laugh!

Oh yes... that did just happen!

Ye aku bangga jadi anak Pulau Mutiara!!! (well, the part of me that is, is).

Sumpah lawak...

Tapi as usual, cybertroopers start la aktiviti bashing.

Alasan paling kerap dengar, "oh... kurang ajar, so rude... tak reti balas budi... tak reti bersyukur".

Hey twats. Those people in government office - answer to the people. Since when do the people have to kowtow to the likes of the government? Dah jilat sampai melecet hingga lupa ke hak rakyat?

Nak bersyukur? We're thankful to God alright... sejak bila rezeki semua datang dari wakil rakyat? Cybertroopers memang ye lah...

As for being rude dan kurang ajar, dah orang tanya soalan, people answered! Don't ask a question if you're not ready to hear the answers. It's as easy as that. Problems understanding? Stupid...

Lom ada lagi kata.. ala that section of audience saja... erm... show me a video of people actually saying YES to the second question and then we'll debate that. Otherwise, your whole existence has immediate been rendered invalid for the sheer stupidity of your random comments.

I don't know about you guys... but I know I had a good laugh.

I hope the message goes out loud and clear. People were asking for local artistes... not a reason to splurge and waste money when we keep getting told that we have to be more thrift as times are tough.

So... are you ready?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Amazing sport... that nobody knows?!

Oh my... seriously?

And after decades of promoting the sport of sepaktakraw, it's still in the 'unknown' segment in the world of sports.

As a Malaysian, I don't know whether to laugh or cry with the headline for the posting in Failblog, taken from Reddit. Started so promising with Sepaktakraw : The Coolest Sport - until it got to the part... Nobody Knows.

Adoi... pikiaq positif jek lah. Given the thumbs up, I guess it's a good thing. At least people think it's cool. Small baby steps...

Now only if we can be the best at it, and keep Thailand away from being better.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Pencalonan baru!

Kalau anda sempat menonton Muzik Muzik musim ke 28 petang tadi, mesti perasan Penghibur Jalanan sudahpun tercalon masuk kan?

Since every radio station is playing the song and the song is getting a lot of support, here's hoping korang sanggup lah undi 20 kali sehari lagu ni kat website Muzik Muzik 28.

All you have to do is CLICK HERE

Lepas tu cari nama Amir Jahari - atau lagu Penghibur Jalanan yang duduk di 19 sebagai lagu baru yang dicalonkan - dan tekan UNDI 20 kali. Kalau tak keberatan, wat lah tiap hari.

Undian dibuka dari 6pm pn Saturdays dan tutup setiap Rabu jam 12 tengahari, so pulun undi please and get this song the momentum we had on radio!


Tajuk posting tu acah je. You guys know I can't write in Chinese. But basically it means Gong Xi Fa Cai (bukan marah orang Fai Chai ye seperti entry sebelum ni).

Biar Gong Xi Fa Cai ke Kong Hee Fatt Choy... in whatever dialect, it means the same thing - and I wish everyone a happy year of the snake!

If you guys follow me on Twitter you would have noticed that I shared some traditions, customs and superstitions with regards to the Chinese New year celebrations. So I'm going to do a compilation of it, and hope you guys can enjoy learning about the customs of the Chinese. To non-Chinese, hey... it's learning about the practices of another race, so it's not a bad thing is it...

So enjoy... here's all I can recall. I may have left out some - if I did, share in the comments below.

Here's my list of things to observe in the Chinese New Year period...

1) Dilarang cuci rambut pada hari pertama Raya. Juga jangan sapu rumah tau.Tu seolah buang 'ong' atau rezeki mendatang. So get your haircut, or clean your home thoroughly before the Chinese New Year kickstarts. Cutting your hair, or cleaning out the house on New Year day is symbolic of shortening your life, or throwing away the live of your loved ones.

2) Keep all the cleaning apparatus like brooms and such hidden. Semua benda seperti penyapu dan sebagainya simpan wei. Tak pasti sebab, tapi betul logik kan kan... takkan orang mai umah nak beraya tengok penyapu posing kat tengah umah.

3) If you have to sweep (germaphobe katanya tak tahan kotor, sweep the dust inwards into your house in a pile. Don't step on it (pendekkan nyawa dan suwei - selain kotorkan kaki nak pijak merata kena bersihkan umah lagi - lawak hambar). Sapu semua ke satu sudut, dan pungut (I don't know if vacuum cleaners apply to this rule). Apa habuk atau sampah pada tempoh ni, kena di buang belakang rumah melalui backdoor. Jangan bawa keluar dari pintu depan.

4) Seeolaknya tunggu sehingga hari kelima untuk apa apa aksi pembersihan kalau da tahan sekalipun.

5) Don't swear! Jangan guna perkataan mati especially selain ucapan apa yang tidak elok. Words like death and other negative words should be frowned upon - as you want the start of the new year to signify the rest of your year. Dan juga termasuk jangan nak feeling nak kongsi cita hantu dan seterusnya...

6) Please settle all your debts before the Chinese New Year dawns. Jangan mulakan tahun dengan berhutang. Tak elok tu...bukan sahaja kerana orang lain nak gak berhabis duit yang ko tak bayar-bayar... tapi as applied to the general rule, mulakan tahun baru dengan keadaan yang seelok mungkin.

7) Jangan menangis! Jika anda menangis pada hari raya yang pertama, menangislah anda sepanjang tahun gitu.

8) Don't wear black. Even white is not welcomed. Wear yellow or everyone's favourite during the Chinese New Year period - red. Lucky colours! Colour blocking fashionistas will love this.

9) Jangan tegur orang dalam bilik tidur. Malah jangan duduk dalam bilik tidur pada hari tahun baru yang pertama. Seeloknya dok ruang tamu.

10) Elakkan penggunaan pisau dan gunti atau apa benda yang tajam yang sewaktu dengannya. Everything sharp should be kept away to avoid 'cutting' your luck for the new year.

11) Ni penting sebab ramai suka wat lawak bagi - nak angpow. Tak lawak pun. Basi. Hanya orang yang dah kahwin leh bagi, dan hanya mereka yang single boleh menerima. Senang gitu je. Siapa yang kira melalui raya kali pertama sebagai pasangan suami isteri kena bagi double! Tapi tak silap aku ada pengecualian dalam kes tertentu.

12) Pada detik tengah malam, pintu dan tingkap digalakkan dibuka. This is to allow the old year out and the new year in. Semua lampu rumah harus dipasang untuk meraikan kedatangan baru tahun baru. Mercun juga dipasang to welcome the new year, as well as to scare off evil and bad things.

13) Jangan beli kasut dalam tempoh Raya (iaitu 15 hari). Juga jangan beli buku. Tang ni sebab dalam bahasa cina, kasut bunyi seperti kasar dan buku bunyi seperti kalah. So if you don't want a rough new year, or one to lose everything - avoid buying shoes or books during the period.

14) Digalakkan makan segala manisan dan benda yang manis. Jangan sampai kena kencing manis da la...

15) Ada adat yang tidak mengalakkan makan daging pada hari raya yang pertama. Tapi ini bukan dilayan semua... ada segelintir saja yang masih ikut adat ni. Tapi digalakkan makan ikan sebanyak yang leh sebab tu untuk rezeki.

16) If you're eating noodles dalam tempoh raya, jangan 'potong' mee tu. Kira hirup je la pastu kunyah. Tu lambang panjang umur, tak dipotong pendek.

17) Teguran pertama anda pada orang pertama anda jumpa pada pagi raya, akan menentukan perjalanan tahun anda. Jadi mulakan dengan kata-kata seindah mampu. Jangan buka mata je gaduh maki orang ek.

18) Kalau ada tumbuhan atau pokok yang hidup yang da kering nak mati dalam rumah atau dah arwah tu, cepat buang dan ganti sebelom raya. Living things, plants or otherwise should be healthy symbolizing the rest of the year for you.

19) Try using new bank notes. Duit yang da koyak bagai tu, gi lah tukar kat bank. Permulaan baru biar segalanya baru, terutama tang rezeki tu.

20) Anak-anak diwajibkan hidang teh (kopi pun boleh... jangan serve arak da lah) kepada ibubapa tanda hormat dan taat pada mak dan ayah.

21) Pineapple mean luck. So jangan pelik kenapa orang suka sangat ada nenas ni.

22) Anak-anak digalakkan stay awake mana mampu. Lebih lama mereka jaga malam sebelum masuk Tahun Baru, adalah waktu yang 'diberikan' kepada nyawa orang tua. The belief is simply that the longer the children 'guard the years' of their parents, the longer the life of the parents...

And those are just some of the Chinese New Year customs I still recall that was taught to me by my parents and family, almost all of which I observe until this day.

To my non-Chinese friends who may get confused - ini soal adat dan budaya kaum Cina. Tiada apa kena mengena dengan soal agama. For the millionth time, I may be Christian, but I am of Chinese ancestry so these are customs of my race.

The list is to help everyone be more aware of the beliefs and practices of others. Like every festival in multiracial Malaysia - we all have our own set of beliefs, and I think while it may not be directly relevant to others, it is no big feat to actually equip ourselves with this knowledge so we know how to respect others and live in harmony.

For example, I had one Twitter follower who didn't have a clue black was offensive and she probably thought it was chic to wear a black cheongsam on Chinese New Year. Major faux pas! Sama dengan seorang mamat ni mintak angpow dari aku, and when I explained - dia balas - "ko kan Cina kena bagi".

Ignorance is never a good state to live in, so I hope, somehow, someone out there got something out of this.

Also to my fellow Chinese around the world, let us not forget the customs of our people. Remember who we are?  龙的传人

So to everyone Kong Hee Fatt Choy, have a happy and prosperous year of the snake, and may you be blessed with long life and abundance.


Thursday, February 07, 2013


Wow! Hebatlah. Kerajaan negeri... mengucapkan apa tu?

Gong Xi Fa Cai dalam bahasa Mandarin, Gong Hey Fat Choy kalau Cantonese dan sebab aku Cina Hokkien, sebut Kong Hee Fatt Choy.

Mana wujudnya Gong Xi FAI Cai ni? Typo kecik? Dalam bahasa Cina ni salah sebutan, maksud terus lari. Benda yang elok pon leh jadi bahan ajak gaduh. Jadi gila salah eja, rasanya?

Gong Xi means 'congratulations'. So in the full sentence tu, maksudnya tahniah atas  rezeki anda or something to that effect. Congratulations on your prosperity.

Fai Chai maksudnya - useless bum. Orang yang tak berguna, atau sampah masyarakat. Erm... jadi poster tu sebenarnya ucapkan apa? Tahniah sampah masyarakat?

Lain kali kalau nak sangat pakai bahasa orang tu, buat lah bebetul.

Blackberry Z10

Tak sabar... tak sabar... tak sabar. Can't wait to get my Blackberry 10 - Z10. Kurang dua minggu lagi saja!

Pada siapa yang se-excited aku, here's a teaser kat atas. Ini iklan Blackberry Z10 masa Superbowl. Memang kerek gak lah sebab iklan dia stressed that 30 seconds was not enough to show what the phone can do - but enough to show what it cannot do.

And here are four other commercials yang aku rasa for UK and/or Canada sebab dia sebut Z10 'zet' dan bukan 'zee' cam orang Amerika.

Can't wait for February 20. Ugh!

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Unicorn riding, anyone?

I hate Groupon. I don't know... just think it's overrated. Offer meka ni kekadang mengarut nak mampus. And true enough, yesterday was alerted of an offer (sadly expired now), offering a whopping 58% discount on unicorn rides in Ulu Yam.

Sila gelak ye...

Cool or what... exactly. I thinking of the 'what' too.

Don't believe this ad existed? CLICK HERE for the link. Thanks OhBulan for the heads up.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Hack The Planet

Pertama sekali nak sambung cerita Psy ni.

Semalam keluar lah berita kisahnya Psy ni dibawak oleh syarikat swasta, bukan kerajaan. Jadi kira tak bazir lah duit kiranya.

Soalan aku seperti berikut :
1. Kenapa pada awalnya ada saja yang rajin wakil mengatakan patut tak kecoh soal ini kerana membawa Psy ni ibarat hadiah dari kerajaan pada rakyat? Kalau ditaja, takkan nak anggap dari kerajaan. Betul tak?
2. Bila di kata, pelik pula rasanya - siapa yang sanggup 'taja' sampai berjuta?
3. Rupanya syarikat bernama Mega Ultimate yang bawak masuk. Meka ni promoter, walaopon haram aku penah dengar nama meka. Sebutlah Galaxie, Livescape/Rockaway, Pineapple, Clockwork dan sebagainya, sebagai orang dalam dunia hiburan aku tau lah. Rupanya meka ni buat konsert K-Pop banyak. Tapi publisiti tahap manja. Camna meka mampu ek? Sedangkan syarikat lebih gah tak mampu?
4. Diskodeng, rupanya banyak event meka ni ditaja bersama dengan Magnum 4D. Yang lain, belajarlah persoalkan sendiri.

Sebenarnya aku sedih bila perkara ni aku ketengahkan.

Aku berkali kata - JANGAN POLITIKKAN ISU NI!

Ada yang nak dengar?

Nasib baik pembangkang kira gentleman la gak ngan kerajaan ni kata, takpe, gi lah event tu. Acara rakyat.

Tapi tak bermaksud aku setuju. Sama bangang tuk aku statement tu.

Aku tambah panas, masih ada yang tak paham beza Korea dan China kot.

Kaum Cina dan Korea berbeza. Malah Korea lebih dekat asal usual mereka dengan orang Jepun. Tiada persamaan atau perkongsian budaya Cina dan Korea. Balik pada isu - jadi kira kita mata sepet je sama ke?

Sampai ada blog cybertroopers ni yang kutuk libatkan politik dengan pembangkan dan keluarkan statement "Cina dengan Cina pun dengki ke?". Soalan aku satu je - ko ni bangsa apa yang bodoh sangat? Ko kulit tan ni kira ko Latino ke? Maori ke?

Some people can be so shallow.

Sebentar tadi, wujud lah kecoh sikit. Kisahnya - website SEGi University College kena hack. Dan bukan tu sahaja, Malaysia Productivity Corporation punya website pun kena godam! Ini dua pesanan yang sama pada dua lama yang lain.

Masih ada yang tak faham ke ramai rakyat kurang senang situasi pembaziran ni. Apa rasional menjemput orang luar yang takde kena mengena, sambil berhabis berjuta ni.


I guess the reactions on social media are now the real reflection of the feeling of the silent majority now. If not, they will be sooner or later as people wise up. After all, semua dapat rebat beli smartphone ni semakin ramai lah online...

Credit : Original source from Amanz

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Rest In Peace

PETALING JAYA: Malaysian Claudia Theophilus, 42, a journalist with Al-Jazeera, was shot dead in Baakleen, in the mountains of Lebanon at 2.30am (Lebanon time) on Saturday.
She was with two other friends. One of them reported the matter to the police who alerted the Malaysian Embassy in Beirut.
Ambassador Ilango Karuppannan confirmed Sunday that she was shot dead but said that details remained sketchy.
He said that her body had been taken to a hospital in Baakleen and an autopsy had been done.
“We are on the way there now,” he told The Star.

Rest in peace Claudia. You were a great mentor to me throughout my time at The Sun when I was just learning the ropes to be a journalist. You pushed me, put up with my crazy and always told me to be myself. With you, Arfa, Sharon, An Nee, Reen, Ghee, Buvi, Hamidi and the rest... I learnt the basics of everything I needed to be a good reporter, journo and writer.

You always told me to keep asking, never be satisfied with answers and pushed me to think out of the box.

We haven't met in so long, and it's sad that I have to come across you in such a manner through such sad news. I love you, sister. I pray that God will bless your soul. Rest well, and we'll hit the party in the sky together soon. Much love...

Lu Pikirlah Sendiri

Jadi... duit siapa? Memang Psy datang untuk Future Music Festival Asia di Mac bawah penganjur persendirian. But who is paying for the performance at the open house? Dapat diskaun apa sangat sampai mampu ni?

Malas betul... memang benar. Anak seni tempatan juga macam PENGEMIS saja jadinya. Siapa nak call confirm silakan.

Untuk baca posting asal promoter ni - KLIK SINI

Saturday, February 02, 2013


I respect Psy. He works hard. People think he was an overnight success because of Gangnam Style, tapi hakikatnya dia kerja kuat. Dah enam album baru rezeki dia sampai nak dikenali seluruh dunia. His arrival however was in style. Kerana tu aku hormat anak seni macam dia berjaya dengan usaha sendiri.

Tapi hari ni sumpah aku sedih dengan perangai orang kita.

Kisahnya, Psy will be performing for the Barisan Nasional open house come Chinese New Year.

Sebelum aku cakap apa-apa, ni disclaimer. This has NOTHING to do with politics! And forgive my rant in both English and Bahasa Malaysia. I think and speak like this in real life.

Aku terkilan dan terpanggil untuk komen hal ni because firstly, this is a CHINESE New Year celebration. Why is a Korean for Chinese New Year? Do the organizers think we look the same? Kira bangsa Cina dan Korea ni meka ingat sama ke? This is merely an assumption - but if that is so - that is just FUCKING racist! Siapa punya idea bangang ni lah...

It's Chinese New Year. Not Seollal (Korean New Year).

If they called him because of his popularity, he was already on the way to our shores anyway for a show. Plus, not to mention - what else do you know apart from Gangnam Style to justify tens of thousands (guess in which currency) which he will be paid? Plus, Gangnam Style is SO 2012.

Takde ke artis Malaysia berbangsa Cina nak dipanggil? Kalau nak sangat panggil orang luar, panggil lah yang betul-betul darah Cina. Ni perayaan bangsa Cina kot. Psy has NOTHING to do with the celebration of our customs and traditions. Yes, I am Malaysian Chinese.

It is sad to see this happening.

Ingat murah ke harga Psy. Bulan tiga ni he'll be performing at the Future Music Festival Asia and I know Psy's price range. Bukan murah. Siapa yang nak bayar? Duit dari mana? Dia di bayar ikut USD. Bukan RM. Dahlah baru keluar berita kata nilai matawang negara akan jatuh berbanding dollar Amerika...

Biasa kalau show kerajaan, nak bayar artis tempatan, susah sangat nak keluar bajet. Always the same thing, that we don't have the budget to pay. Tapi tang orang luar saja, laju je dihulur apa diminta hanya kerana nak sangat orang luar mai.

Habis tu? Anak seni Malaysia nak letak mana? Sudah tak ada artis Malaysia ke yang nak panggil? Lagi relevan panggil anak seni berbangsa Melayu dari anak Korea untuk sambutan rumah terbuka Tahun Baru Cina. Bukan ke Shila Amzah sendiri semakin naik namanya di China? She is being paid a lot to perform in China, while we bring in a Korean to perform for our Chinese New Year celebrations. Anyone can make sense of that?

Artis Malaysia berbangsa Cina pun ramai yang dah menempah nama di luar. Kenapa tak gunakan duit untuk memanggil mereka pulang untuk sambutan ini?

Baru kecoh orang menari Gangnam Style ketika Thaipusan kerana tidak menghormati adab dan agama. Ini nak buat rumah terbuka panggil Psy. Siapa punya kerja ini. Aku mintak sangatlah pihak penganjur Barisan Nasional yang prihatin dan peka terhadap kebodohan yang ditunjukkan dalam tindakan memanggil Psy untuk jadi tamu khas rumah terbuka Barisan Nasional.

Listen... listen... listen! Kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan!