Saturday, January 31, 2009


Sent my sis to Setiawangsa earlier today cause she's heading back to Jakarta tomorrow. Am so going to miss her, but she'll be back next month, plus her stint there is only extended to March... so hurray.

Settle jer, sayang aku call dari nun jauh. Eh... tetiba sayang lak. Heh.... da orang melamar kita tima je la.

Anyway, aku headed straight to Amcorp Mall in PJ where the New Straits Times Group Gaza fundraiser was being held. Thanks Farihad from Berita Harian for inviting me. Ingat gak ko ngan aku kan...

Didn't do much snapping. Sikit sikit jer la sebab kecoh sangat. The place was packed, cause the venue was pretty small, but semangat artis artis kita. Sayang majority crowd mai nak amik pic artis je bukan nak seriously help the cause. Oh well.. I guess every little bit helps kan.

Spent most of the time borak ngan Faizal - Tahir ler... Faizal mana agik. Exchanged some ideas about a possible project. Also sempat ler exchange words with Lan from Meet Uncle Hussain, Fahrin Ahmad... and lots more.

Ni aku share pics some of the lovely people who helped off by selling stuff, some their own, some sponsored to raise funds.

Stacy tolong jual ais krim

Dayang sold her personal accessories

Kak Nita sold part of her precious wardrobe - with help from abang Mahathir. By the way... this project was their brainchild.

Mawi and Faizal take a break pas perform and lelong and stuff

Zahid and Nita sibuk join lelong

But the best saleswoman kan, must have been Sarimah yang bersungguh jual koleksi kasut dan baju dia. Heard she made over RM800 in total for the fund on her own, with her personal stuff that she hawked at very affordable prices. Congrats... semangat ksk Mah kita kan. mana taknya... tengok Sarimah in action.

Amik ko!!! Cam nak pukul ngan kasut kalao tak beli je apa dia jual. Heh.

Speaking of Sarimah, dia baru balik dari LA. She bought me some nice souvenirs (well they were nice gifts... but dunno if they count as souvenirs). Please note if you don't understand the joke behind some of these more humorous items, don't ask me to explain ek.

Ni biasa...

A fridge magnet that's inspiring

I love this!!! It's a toy you soak and it grows... but cute! A shrink that grows!

This is rather rude... but I love it! Get the gag?

This was the best laugh... and by the way, it's chocolate

A&F's new fragrance, Fierce! And it smells... erm... FIERCE!

Thanks Sarimah!!! Ada gak orang ingat aku nih. Heh... sempat gossip panjang bout some stuff, though not telling what. Apapon it was a fun night.

Got to spend time wathing friends bowl, then on for supper as usual kat Pelita.

Ni baru balik... nak layan all the auditions of American Idol 8 I downloaded. Nak marathon. be updating later...

Friday, January 30, 2009


Yeay... it's the year of the Ox!

And already dua incident da terjadi yang kait mengait. Kelmarin Adam dan Kimi balik dari Dungun, on the way ke KL tuh, ada keta tanak bagik meka overtake.

A short distance in front, they saw the car da went smack langgar lembu.

They brought the family to a hospital.

Pagik tadik dapat mesej dari As. Pas kita gayut kat phone baru aku dapat tau, rupanya dalam perjalanan balik Terengganu semalam, gatal punya pasal pakai coastal road, terlanggar lembu!!!

Memula meka tak perasan meka langgar apa. Ikut kata As, there was a loud CRASH suddenly and that was it.

Pastu meka bertiga dalam keta histeria jerk la cause there was broken glass all over and all.

Bila da calm down, As, ala ala dalam filem I Know What You Did Last Summer, reverse keta perlahan-lahan nak tengok langgar orang ke langsuir ke haper... and there was this cow on the road.

Yeap, apparently she hit the cow in the butt and there was shit splattered all over the car. Ewww... kaki lembu tu da takde... but it was still trying to get up... walaopon.

Then peronda mai, sembelih the cow so they had a good dinner (the cops, not As) Eeewww... roadkill!

To cut a long story short - beware of cows, people!

Nasty piece of work. They belong in a hamburger. No offence to vegetarians.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Without planning, here I am, down south. Mana? Sapa dok selatan leh recognise ni kat mana?

Tuh dia. Sapa tatau where this is, takpe la. But orang JB would recognise the waterfront area dekat The Zon nih. Yeap... ni masa aku tengah breakfast.

Kul 2 pagi aku head down to JB ada hal. Sehelai sepinggang gituh sebab masa tu tengah lepak Pelita then dapat call. Last minute la katanya. Plan nak zoom there and back, tapi atas titah baginda (heh... sapa paham, paham la.. kalao tak, lupa kan jerk), had to stay. A bit hard to refuse since royal decree gituh and everything da prepared.

Spent the day, makan, shopping and jenjalan jap. Nothing much.

I did NOT stay here Nama inspired by IKEA ke... Ekin?

Was fun but very tiring trip. Pas balik je singgah Pelita jumpa Adam dan Kimi and friend yang dok dari 'Ganu tak sempat jumpa agik. Also my other friends in Red and member.

Bumped into Yazer, Ekin and friends too. Tired but happy night.

Eh by the way.. one of the things I love most tiap kali dok Zon tuh. Spending the day watching the Indonesian TV channels.

It's interesting, amusing and all round fun. Plus get to update myself on latest music there. Layan la performance Angkasa dan Titans over SCTV melalui program InBox.

But one thing that caught my eye, and ears, was this video.

The reason it grabbed my attention cause firstly lagu ni cam familiar. And yes, I was right. Just a year ago I think, this same song was released by another artist. Here's the original Groove Bandits version.

I love this song!!! It's probably playing in the background now so layan....

As I was surfing on more info on Derby who did quite decent cover, baru discover vocalist duo nih, Derby Romero was actually someone quite familiar too.

Tahun 2000, dia appear ngan Sherina dalam filem Petualangan Sherina. The soundtrack was one of the best kids' albums I've heard ever, Rupanya time tu, dak ni yang da 18 tahun ni, acted as one of the characters of being Sherina's best friends. Da besau da dak ni... and he's crossed from just acting in films and drama (latest over siri Kepompong over SCTV) to music. Hope he comes up with more stuff. Talented kid.

Anyway... sampai umah tadik ada letter for me.

Invite rupanya dari Linda dan Que tuk wedding meka kang. Sorry had to ilangkan the info of the location. Not my info to share.

Anyway... nak koma sat. Ngantuk abih. Beruang nak hibernasi gituh. Good night guys...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Like an ox...

Spent the day at home jer Jadik budak baik gituh. Merasalah budak sedangkan leh jadik bapak orang da.

Saja nak spend time ngan family. Nothing much to update hari ni. Spent the day catching up on lots of movies I haven't watched.

Also spent time nak motivate orang. You see... of the first two to three weeks of January, almost everyone I know, melalui break up, or are going through it.
Malam ni je, layan cheer up four of my friends who just went through or are going through the painful act of splitting up with soneone they've been with. Mostly because their pasangan semua cam sial.

I know how that feels cause I'm in that statistic.

But like I told As... you have to get rid of the 15 inch black and white TV if you want to make room for the 72 inch plasma TV. You have to throw those Vinccis away if you want place in your shoe closet for your Chanels and Louboutins.


Be updating soon.

Sapa yang tengah noya bab cinta ni... sabar je la ok. It's not an end. It's a new beginning for something specil and better to come. Hugs to all.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What a bore...

Nuts! I kept an eye out for the partial eclipse. But not only was it cloudy.... it was CLOUDY!!!

Saw glimpses of the event, tapi tak seperti aku harapkan sebab it wasn't all what it cracked up to be.

I remember late 80s there was a total eclipse of the event. Now THAT was an event. Like it really got dark and all.

Here are some shots anyway I managed to snap This was I think mid-way about 6pm.

So it wasn't all that great. In fact, I think this cat looking at me with this weird look when I was on the roof of the house snapping away, was much more interesting. Eww... creepy!

Anyway.. hari ni sibuk jalan ke rumah sedara mara. Sempat tiga rumah je.

It's this time of the year aku semangat masih single. Kalao ikut tradition, tak kisah la umor, asalkan tak kahwin - leh dapat angpau tau. Those yang married must bagik. And kalao ni tahun pertama ko kahwin, ada option either takyah bagik ke, atau bagik double.

So ni la yang sempat dapat for the first day. Seratus lebih je... ok la tuh.

Wanna sleep now... esok nak carik duit... I mean...ermmmm.... nak lawat sedara mara.

Monday, January 26, 2009

All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to, If You Seek Amy

Oh wow!!! Gong Xi Fa Cai and Kong Hee Fatt Choy or whatever you guys would wish it. It's the first day of the new year according to the Chinese calendar already.

And boy, kalau ikutkan astrological readings, it's not a good year for many. But screw that. Korang Google sendiri ke baca buku feng shui sendiri la kalao nak accurate readings on your sign. Aku akhir tahun Naga... bukan sebarangan naga... fire dragon agik tuh.

Oh by the way... you guys noticed the new logo for my blog? Saja nak tukar. Korang rasa ok tak banding the old one? I wanted something sleeker and less cluttered. Colour obviously because of the festive mood. Will go back to standard black pasni... saja ma nak merah merata. Ong katanya...

Anyway.. backtracking... this year, is supposedly an average year at best for me. Is that going to stop me? Uh uh... no way! The dragon will arise and whip that ox's rear end.

But have to say, things look a little bleak right now. Mana tak... hari pertama tahun baru da ada gerhana. Yeap folks there will be an eclipse today!

Can imagine the number of people going to blog about it, but do take the necessary precaution kalao feeling nak snappy pics or you might just go blind. This is the time when having a ND and CPL filter is good.

Anyway, the partial annular eclipse (the word anal keeps flashing through my mind for some reason) will happen between 4.30pm and 7pm in Malaysia.

This of course is not a good thing la kalao tuk mereka yang superstitious.After relying on Google, found out that during an eclipse, "the power of negative energy increases 1,000 times as compared to other times. When the environment becomes conducive for negative energy to amass, the chances of it affecting people increases.

Since ancient times, the sun has been viewed as an auspicious star and a life force. It is also known as the remover of all obstacles and the giver of health.

It rules the digestive system, heart and blood circulation and influences an individual’s strength, energy, self confidence, leadership and many other qualities.

The impact of the negative energies when the sun is obscured causes a lack of courage, fatigue and low self-esteem.

People are advised not to carry out activities as usual during the eclipse period as they may behave irrationally. Do not view the eclipse directly, and it is better not to travel during the period and stay indoors."

Amik ko.. makes it sound so... apocalyptic kan? Well not really... but it seems quite bad for us.

A warning of sorts in a report in The Star says pregnant women and senior citizens should be extra careful and should not consume food or drinks during the eclipse period. And newborns should not be exposed to the rays.

Everyday activities that should be avoided during the time of the eclipse are sleeping, conjugal relations, swimming, holding meetings and weddings and all religious or special events.

But I found this part most interesting...

"To ward off the negative rays of the sun, people can use kusha or dharba grass (holy grass used in Hindu rituals). To mitigate the ill effects of the eclipse, the grass should be used as a cushion or placed on the bed and pillow, used in food and beverages, put in vehicles and by the main doorway of the house. (Dharba’s scientific name is Desmostachya bipinnata; in Australia, its common name is halfa grass and in the US, it is known as big cordgrass or salt reed-grass).

After the eclipse, people should wash and clean their houses to remove all “harmful energies” that would have set in and offer prayers.

Although the Jan 26 lunar eclipse is only partial and not like the total eclipse that occurred on Aug 1 2008, people should be careful. The next total eclipse will take place on July 22 and will be visible in India, Nepal, China, Hawaii, and the Pacific Ocean.

This solar eclipse will be the longest total solar eclipse that will occur in the 21st century and will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds."

Erm... ok... so you don't really give a toss kan about all that. You just want to know how it's going to affect you... or more appropriately what it's going to be like later this evening. Here some projections I came across on the net.


So to summarise it... remember the Heroes intro? Since the 'do is going to be only partial, it'll probably look like that. But doubt anyone's going to get powers of any sort.
Oh by the way... I know it's not very appropriate to tag this along for this entry seeing the mood of the new year and all... but can't get this tune out of my head.

It's Britney's new single, If You Seek Amy. Sounds pretty innocent kan the title? Say it fast, and see what it sounds like. Keep repeating it, and you'll get it eventually (kalao ko blur sampai kiamat tak dapat la)

Anyway, US skang kecoh bab lagu ni sebab they say it's not suitable for kids. Ok if you really are that blur - If You Seek Amy, said pretty quickly, sounds like F-U-C-K me. Heh...

The lyrics sound pretty innocent on its own but that one line je which makes up the title is pretty.. erm.. well depending on your tolerance level lah.

Here's the song. Play it and sing along and tell me this isn't infectious. Britney actually sounds more crap than ever, but this is a damn good dancefloor tune, no matter what. I'm addicted to it at the moment. Nuts...

And here are the lyrics. Enjoy the song. Aku dalam berapa jam nak hidang teh kat kedua orang tua aku (customary for us to do that) and then nak berkumpul ngan sedara mara kat rumah my eldest uncle. Nanti aku blog ek... me going to be one of the weirdos trying to shoot the eclipse.

Britney Spears
Oh baby baby
Have you seen Amy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom
Is she smokin' up outside

Oh baby baby
Does she take a piece of lime
For the drink that Imma buy her
Do you know just what she likes

Oh Oh
Tell me have you seen her
Because I'm so
I can't get her off of my brain

I just want to go to the party she gonna go
Can somebody take me home
Ha ha he ha ha ho

Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can't you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy


Amy told me that she's gonna meet me up
I don't know where or when and now they're closing up the club

I've seen her want to drive before she knows my face
But it's hard to see with all the people standing in the way

Oh oh
Tell me have you seen her
Because I'm so
I can't get her off of my brain

I just want to go to the party she's gonna go
Can somebody take me home
Ha ha he ha ha ho

Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can't you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

So what you want about me
But can't you see what I see
So what you want about me

So tell me if you've seen her
Cause I've been waiting here forever
Oh baby baby
If You Seek Amy tonight
Oh baby baby
We'll do whatever you like
Oh baby baby baby
Oh baby baby baby


Love me hate me
So what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can't you seek what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me so what you want about me (yeah)
Love me hate me
But can't you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

So what you want about me
But can't you see what I see
Oh So what you want about me

All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kong Hee Fatt Choy!!!

Just abih makan-makan. Akak aku balik from Jakarta so meriah. Yeah yeah!!!

Esok da nak raya!!!! Aku suka!!!

A million thanks to everyone yang SMS/message aku wishing me. Sorry kalao tak mampu balas semua.

My blog ni kang kembali normal dalam sehari dua nih. Sebab sibuk bersawang lak takde cita kan berapa hari ni... but biasalah time nak raya semangat tuk benda lain.

Heh.... sampai mesej tak perlu pon. aku hanya mampu baca, senyum dan delete je.

Cepat sapa nak cuci rambut, basuh pinggan dan sapu sampah! Cepat buat sebelom tengah malam. Kalao tak, 24 jam kang tunggu. Suwey tau raya pertama wat benda benda camtuh sebab ibarat buang ong korang.

Eh ok la... nak gi lepak ngan kengkawan. Take care! Hugs to all of you... and Kong Hee Fatt Choy, Gong Xi Fa Cai etc.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Busy the whole day with last minute preparations tuk raya. Will be back ok guys. Bagik aku rilek sehari dua ek. Sibuk gila babas nih!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Too tired to blog

Sebab aku seharian busy with helping Faz out building her fan page on Facebook. Kalao korang ada Facebook, korang search je fan page Nur Fazura Sharifuddin. This will Faz punya official groups.

Also, tengah set up blog Faz. If everything goes ok, you guys can follow Faz herself blog, which should be good because she will soon begin shooting, so dapat ler behind the scenes story sikit kang.
Will let you guys know the URL soon (tak susah pon - for now it's - tapi under construction memain jer for now) Matilah bagitau walaopon kata kang let you guys know kan. Will let you guys know when Faz begins blogging ok.

By the way, kalao korang tengok kat Friendster ke, Myspace ke... yang konon nya Faz punya. It's not. Faz only has her Facebook. Lain semua pepandai je ngaku.

Ok la... really pooped. I'm off!

PS - Merasalah letih walaopon dua event malas nak gi, yang Karyawan nya dan showcase Noryn Aziz.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Arghhh!! Kenapa la cuaca hari ni cam nak ujan je rupa. Rasa ngantuk seharian. Malas tol nak ngadap laptop nak wat keja bertimbun. Takde inspirasi langsung nak tulis.

Writer's block!!!

Rasa nak tidur jerk... cam mamat bawah ni time lepak Pelita smalam. Dari 1am sampai hampir kol 3 aku dan bebudak 6ixth Sense gelak perhatikan dia jerk asik tukau pose headbanging.

Bebudak pekerja kat sana kata dia ni memang regular, pas makan je tido. Sampai skali dia dok dalam kedai, dia leh tertidur sampai tergolek ke lantai hitting his head in the process. Aiyo.... seriously ke...

Ni kes kritikal ni tak reti balik umah. Tapi from the many things kita perhatikan around Pelita when hanging out, from snatch theft sampai drama polis, ke kes kak Ju wanita gagah bantai rempit pencopet... this has to be the most.. erm... unique entertainment kat Pelita.




Arghhh.. nak ke memana takleh. Jam merata. Orang da mula balik kampung. Aku kansel gi JB. Malas lak nak redah jauh, tambah agik si Red takde sana, kursus kat Genting Highlands.

Dua tiga hari ni pon sibuk beli barang sana sini, biasalah persiapan nak raya kan.

By the way, yes I do celebrate Chinese New Year. And please don't ask "eh... ko bukan Kristian ke?" when I say that because you should know the difference between religion and race and how Chinese New Year is more of a cultural celebration.

Serious ramai selalu tanya soalan paling bangap ni. I guess it's the association that if you're a certain race, you must be a certain religion. Oh well...

By the way, awal awal aku warning (especially pada chatters regular sini - THF, Elle dan Aina) jangan mintak angpau tau.... tu ikut kepercayaan pada orang da kahwin je bagik. Tak kisah umur... so aku walaopon nak masuk 33, ada yang umo 21 tahun tapi da kahwin, kena bagik angpau kat aku gak tau!

Matilah la kaaaannn.... arghh... ok la. Nak cuba abihkan keja sikit. Later...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rocker Juga Manusia

Been blog hopping. Amboi memacam komen. Tapi yang aku tak paham tuh ada yang memang tak puas hati gila ngan Faizal Tahir.

Oh well... serious kalao da bagus apa la salahnya. Jangan main carut je adik adik sekalian. Kalao nak carut, biarlah pada yang sesuai. Bak kan lagu Meet Uncle Hussain "Tiada binatanggggggg.."

Oops silap. Anyway what I was saying was those who won semua da baguih, takyah la carot. Ni a sebab the music business sini cam nan ado. Benda remeh temeh pon nak ting tong. Da orang tu kalao deserving apa salahnya. Kecian Pejal tuh.

Hah... aku dedicate lagu ni pada meka yang kutuk Faizal Tahir. Ni kumpulan Indonesian bernama Seurieus. I love them tapi lagu ni memang besh.. dan kelakar. Tapi dengar ek mesej yang terselit.
Lagu ni bertajuk.... Rockers Juga Manusia.

By the way... korang dengar tak PAS tengah kecoh pasal konsert Rihanna akan datang. They're practically amounting it to something evil.

Well I have seen her in concert before, and I think the only thing evil is allowing kids to think that miming is singing... or worse still, have to put up with her real voice. Hancus ok...
Eh ok la.. nak kuar shopping barang sat. Saja je meroyan sat.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Aduh. Tengah dilema nih. Bukan dilema per pon... just about what day me going to Johor.

Saja je plan impulsive nak gi sana, lepak ngan kengkawan (Red, awas ko aku mai menyerang) skali nak layan audition Akademi Fantasia lak kat JB, and also kalao kesempatan, doing some last minute Chinese New Year shopping.

Dilema aku nih nak gih hari per. Aku memang nak baik Saturday, lewat pon takpe. Tapi nak gi ni... nak leave esok malam ke, Thursday ke Friday...

Berapa hari ni pon tak de benda sangat da kat KL ni. Aku rasa nak gerak secepat mungkin nak balik before the holiday rush, sebab semua weekend je mesti balik kampung.

Oh whatever. Hari ni gi one round kat IKEA nak belikan barang persiapan rumah. Ada la beli sikit sikit. Tuh pun tak lengkap... ermmm.....

But the roads were seriously jammed. Damn.. da start da. Dari Sunway ke Damansara took me over two hours. Amik ko!

Oh by the way ni some pics recording rancangan Hip TV tuk TV9. Yeap, aku antara molot puaka yang memberikan pendapat (read 'carutan') dalam show tuh. Topik aku mengenai artis dan suntikan.

Ni at Borneo Rainforest... lebih kurang tu nama tempat kat Sunway depan hotel

Persiapan mampan

Ayau, antara geng molot poaka. Heh... ampun Ayau!!!

Aduh... moka skema jerk. Eh ok la.. more kang.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Guess who these people are and apa tengah lakukan sebenarnya dalam gelap? Just guess. Kalau boleh jangan intai jawapan. Try la dulu.

Tak dapat? Ke dapat? Ni jawapannya.

Ok la... the dude is none other than Audi Mok dan yang wanita anggun tuh, si Faz la sapa lagik.

What is she doing? Dah mula nyanyi ke?

Taklah...mana ada. Heh.. saja je gempak. Ni actually recording some vocal parts for a new song by Farah Asyikin yang akan feature dalam filem Pisau Cukur which is I'm sure going to have a banging soundtrack - since it comes from the same people responsible for Kami.

Heh...ingat Faz recording lagu sendiri? Tunggu sikit lagik ek. Soon...

Eh... aku serious tired. Besok petang ada interview ngan TV9 for a new program. Ciao dulu.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Anugerah Juara Lagu 23

First of all, aku nak ucapkan tahniah kat TV3. Hah... bukan senang tau aku nak pujian melambung nih. Bukan aku ada kontrak apa kat TV3 nak puji puji kosong nih... but CONGRATULATIONS to TV3, the production team of Anugerah Juara Lagu 23.

You know why I wish congrats to them? Because the 23rd year of Anugerah Juara Lagu, menyaksikan THE BEST show in the history of the series. Bukan cakap je... memang dari start sampai habis, kurang sangat benda aku nak carut, no matter how I try.

From the opening act of stomping and stepping by the combination of dance crews, including Floor Fever (the best in the business), sampai ke penghujung rancangan ketika Meet Uncle Hussain meraikan kemenangan mereka dengan perform for the second time tadik... memang the whole show meletup!

The only thing I found even the most disturbing - was the wonderful performance bebudak kecik tuh ngan Jac, M. Nasir dan Jamal. I loved the show - don't get me wrong. Just I think problem sangat mengalakkan bebudak kecik yang nak berkecimpung dalam dunia hiburan kita ni menjadi klon. And also cam asik asik moka lama like Jamal gak wat show ngan lagu sama. Sifu Nasir no komen - he is a legend ya amats already.

And stakat persembahan sampah yang nan ado dari Aiman tuh - takleh carut sebab da layak dalam kategori yang hidup segan mati tak mau gituh.

Camera angles were ugly occasionally, especially when it came to choreography, but technically the lighting folks and the people responsible for bringing in the gorgeous screens mounted everywhere should be applauded.

And even though I think the combination of Cheryl, Ally dan Faizal pelik sikit - but they didn't do too bad sebab skrip tak draggy and they managed to pull it off without sending even the bitchiest of them - like me, to sleep. Heard the script was jointly written by themselves... so tahniah guys sebab manage to pull it off well.

Lain dari the very minor grouses, the show, would have been a God send for any producer.

And of course I'm sure korang da tau the results by now.
Etnik Kreatif : Persoalan Cinta (Etnik Kreatif/Farawahida/Julfekar dan Ku Seman Izza Rosley)
Balada : Sampai Syurga (Balada/Faizal Tahir/Audi Mok/Faizal Tahir)
Pop Rock : Lagu Untukmu (Pop Rock/Meet Uncle Hussain/Taja dan Tass/Taja, Tass dan Lan)
Vokal Terbaik : Sampai Syurga (Faizal Tahir)
Persembahan Terbaik : Sampai Syurga (Faizal Tahir)
Juara Lagu : Lagu Untukmu (Pop Rock/Meet Uncle Hussain/Taja dan Tass/Taja, Tass dan Lan)

Do I agree with the results? No. Am I dissatisfied? No.

Kalao ikutkan, memang not my choice, but takde la jauh lari sangat pun dari apa aku jangkakan so ok jerk results. Leh la aku tima.

Etnik Kreatif memang kelakar sebab memang tuk ramai orang, Doa Dalam Lagu was the strongest in a group of weakass tunes. But whatever la...

Balada memang produce results as everyone expected with Sampai Syurga menang.

Dalam kategori Pop Rock, it was like I said a tough fight, depending on how the judges voted, I said it would either be Lagu Untukmu or Yang Pernah. A more hip current trend would be Meet Uncle Hussain's choice and the judges went with it but I have no problems with their decision. A little surprised, but still, asalkan antara mereka aku leh tima sebab both are bands yang responsible for their own songs, so ok jerk. Good for the local music industry yang tak harapkan komposer dan penulis lirik jerk. Wat keja sendiri, main sendiri (tak harap sessionists masa recording) dan mempunyai showmanship yang tip top.

It was a tough fight for the Juara Lagu title, but again I didn't mind Meet Uncle Hussain winning sebab they had a strong tune too as I said.

Bab Persembahan Terbaik, aku ada ramalkan Faizal may win for Sampai Syurga. But honestly, kalao ikutkan aku kan... aku rasa show Meet Uncle Hussain was more deserving. And dare I mention Estranged yang memang besh gila... cuma sayang something sounded wrong with their performance sikit.

Bab Vokal Terbaik lak aku memang bayangkan lebih sesuai tuk Aizat julang trofi sebab walaopon lagu dia bukan yang type nak memekik melolong with a more relaxed pace, it was a moving tune, which was sung beautifully by someone who was able to bring out the emotions of the song so well. Still, Faizal was great for Sampai Syurga so no complaints gak.

So pemenang korang semua da tau. Like they always say, everyone's a winner for just being there. So nak make it true, ni aku nak bagik anugerah sendiri pada semua performers. Matilah nak gak carut kan,...

Bukan Di Sini (Sofaz)
Aku nak bagik meka, Best Boyband With Credibility To Rock award. Aremeer banyak improved on his vocals and the band's showmanship is getting better, Kalao dulu la.. penah meka dibandingkan ngan New Boyz (matilah), skang meka appear so much more mature in every aspect. Rock on!

Lagu Kita (Aizat)
Aizat deserves a I Can Move You To Tears award for his moving number which was delivered equally beautifully. *sniff* Need I say more?

Dusta Berkalang (Aiman)
Perghhh... si Aiman ni memang layak patut menang banyak award. Konsep persembahan dia.. Aiman tak kisah... walaopon orang nak carut persembahan sarkas ke, versi muzikal Zombi Kampung Pisang ke... tetap dia wat ngan kostum ala ular kuar bahu, Firaun versi auwwwwww... backed by dancers yang nampak tripping on acid sangat.
Tapi rasanya anugerah paling besar aku bagik kat dia is the I'm A Bad Reincarnation of Noraniza Idris In Drag award. Matilah aku....
Also worth mentioning is the subsidiary Loyal Customer Award dari Kamdar for the costume of his penari. This award skali ngan anugerah Penyewa Kostum Paling Banyak Bulan Januari Mak Ayam Dicky.

Cuba (Faizal Tahir)
For lagu Cuba, Faizal gets the damn I Want Your RM17,000 Guitar Even Though I Am Not Musically Inclined award. Semerdu nyanyian Faizal, and as much as I love this song, my eyes were on his new guitar just bawak masuk dari luar negara. Makan hati!!!

Yang Pernah (Estranged)
Walaopon balik tangan kosong, aku hadiahkan anugerah Most Original And Very Interesting Gimmick Onstage for their use of screens which simultaneously dropped. Live music video feel gituh. They also share the Mangsa Cameraman Ngantuk/Studio Director Butakah? award for the bad angles which didn't show this on TV. They also win the Dodgiest Sound Levels award because the guitars were just overpowering everything.

Bila Nak Saksi (Spider)
Spider did well. Aku malas nak berulang lagu ni tak kuat and Mabuk should have made it instead. So I'll focus on Tony yang makeup konsep (mengikut tuan badan ye) Twilight, tapi instead menang anugerah Mata Panda Paling Menonjol. Heh... ampun Tony. Takde benda nak carut makeup ko pon jadik ler.

Doa Dalam Lagu (Zahid dan Heliza)
Pemenang anugerah kategori Korang Masih Bernafas Ke? kerana berjaya menjadikan satu stadium extra sekuel abang Mamat Khalid Zombi Kampung Pisang 2 Aiman was bad enough to keep everyone awake. But Doa Dalam Lagu surprisingly and very unexpectedly was cliched enough to be bad enough to send people to sleep. And what's wrong with the attire of the dancers???

Sampai Syurga (Faizal Tahir)
Like Estranged, Faizal is a co-winner of the Mangsa Cameraman Ngantuk/Studio Director Butakah? award. Hanjeng sangat tau. Susah susah orang tuh bawak kipas bagai nak efek rambut ditiup angin menggerbang ala iklan Sunsilk, ni kat TV nan ado nampak sangat.
But main award aku bagik is the Berani Mati Korbankan Rambut Walaupun Tak Sengaja award. mana taknya. Alkisahnya, cita si stylist yang pose potong rambut dia, leh terlebih happy happy joy joy ting tong lak, leh terpotong rambut betul betul (patutnya light light je dan extensions jerk) sampai tahap rambut Faizal belakang jadik bob sikit. Heh!!!

Hanya Di Mercu (Ayu)
Memenangi I Should Fire My Stylist award kerana rupanya teah mengundang pelbagai carutan. Kesian tau... dak ni sora sedap walaopon lagu recycle semacam je bunyi. Ni nak imej baru bantu dia, jadik mangsa kutukan semalaman je.
Make up da la hazab. Baju lak tengah tuh, itam punya ruffles ke apa cam bulu tak shave lak terkuar celah. Sesuai ngan asap bagai cam toxic fumes emanating from the nether regions gituh.
Help this girl. She's also the winner of the SOS Style award. Someone give her a REAL makeover NOW!

Aku Stacy (Stacy)
Stacy takes home the Best Dance Break award and the subsidiary Makan Hati Korang Stamina Aku Vast Tak Semput Pun Walaupun Nari Aktif Bagai. Selain tu, dia juga membawa pulang gelaran yang dikongsi bersama ngan Estranged dan Faizal tuk Mangsa Cameraman Ngantuk/Studio Director Butakah? bila dance break yang choreography meletop tu ntah haper haper angle yang ditunjukkan kat TV.
The song may not have been strong but Stacy ha amazing stamina, that much you have to give her.

Dingin (Ziana Zain)
Who doesn't love Ziana?
Unfortunatey, I have to give the diva the My Dress Was Made Out Of Cupcake Liners award because the sleeves were so disturbing. It was a little old hat, and kak Ziana, despite her amazing performance also got the Semangat Abih Sampai Hampir Hilang Balance award sebab memang all out, sampai ada one part aku tengok she almost lost her balance.
Good show though kak.

Kalis Rindu (Elyana)
Elyana gets the I Was Inspired By A Drag Queen/Christina Aguilera/Gwen Stefani/Fergie Performance award for her cute show.
Aku suka sangat tengok show dia, bersahaja dan selamba. And even though I'm not an Elyana fan, I have to give her thumbs up for her effort. Plus she looked cute in that dress, walaopon aku rasa cam dia smakin membulat sikit.
Takpe.. janji meletop kan...

Persoalan Cinta (Farawahida)
Erm... I never thought much of this song, and it was amusing to see the 'interesting' performance.
It was a good effort though despite the song being weak, and Farawahida gets the I Think I'll Celeberate Chinese New Year Early and the Guess If I Look Like A Chinese Empress Or Dead Vengeful Bride Cum Vampire awards.

Lagu Untukmu (Meet Uncle Hussain)
Wow! Without any doubt they get the Damn You Got Me Headbanging Now Everyone's Staring At Me Like I'm Weird title. Semangat gila!!!! Yeah yeah rock rock!

See told you guys. Aku tak leh carot langsung show tahun ni. Ringan ringan jerk la. Apapon, ni some pictures I snapped. Tak banyak sebab having such a good time leh slip my mind lak.
So from the red carpet jalan ngan Faz, sampai abih post party, here are some shots.

Oh by the way, esok ada some nice pics. Of what? Tunggu!

Faz on the red carpet. Ramai nak dress - she came in rock chic

Que and Linda nearby

Dayang too arrived same time with us

We sat paling depan skali. Ni the crowd

Behind us - and our geng ngumpat whole night, Lina - manager Awal, Awal, Linda and Que

Korang ingat senang nak host live ni? Tengok memasing kerut dahi time commercial break

Ally, Hattan, Saerah, Ramli MS dan Faizal time post party

BFF - Best Friends Forever - Cheryl and Faz

Tengah borak ngan Jac, Tony passed by. Photo op!

Ngan mama Liyana Jasmay. The sweetest mom in the business. And yes, aku pun pakai Superman smalam. Heh!

Ainul acting out Jangan Pandang Belakang 2 time tengah camwhore ngan aku.

Sapa kata Liyana dan Aizat ada per per? Jeng jeng jeng... Ainul enter frame. Merasalah video clip The Boy Is Mine

Farawahida scaring me. Is that sirap ke darah???

PS - Thank you to Mommeh, kak Yus, kak Kelly, Ayong, Huda, Boboy and everyone else involved for the great show. You guys rock!!!! Mintak mintak Datuk Seri Farid and the TV3 top brass realise what great people are on their team.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Don't know how I made it through yesterday... but I did.

Letih banget! Without enough sleep bangun awal, lari ke stadium nak layan audition Akademi Fantasia 7. First day tuh. Nak tengok response camna. Sampai tuh aku terkejut. Orang beratur panjang da!!! Merasalah! Time tuh aku rasa dalam 10:30 pagik jer.

Amik ko. Divided into beberapa groups, time dalam stadium tuh tengok ala ala American Idol. Heh...

Ok.. just a quick walk through the audition process. Sebenarnya takde perubahan sangat dalam perjalanan ujibakat. More or less like the previous ones. Now come this way...

If you refer to my previous entry, you'd know Stage 1 takde benda. Cuma isi borang dan sebagainya.

The hardworking Akademi Fantasia family. Tu da tengahari lemah da semua. Panas siot!

Tuh dia. Borang permohonan Akademi Fantasia ke... database jodoh?

Jom ke Stage 2 bersama sultanmuzaffar dan Aishah (motif pose ngan ice cream?)

Then of course Stage 2 is the singing bit. Like du-uh. You did enter a singing competition kan? What else you expect la. Very the stating the obvious.

You make it past that and it's Stage 3 foe the personality interview. Aishah? Mana ko... owh tuh ko. Jom Stage 3 lak.

And kalao lepas... tahniah! Please people. Aku da bagik tips. Korang pon da enam tahun tengok Akademi Fantasia. So how come ramai the same mistakes over and over again jerk. Tak prepared langsung.

Camni nak ada harapan? Ok.. pada yang lepas... ayuh ke Stage 4 bersama Aishah.

If you made it this far, you've done all you can. Skang tunggu tengok da ong ke tak je dapat panggilan if you've been shortlisted.

Kalao tak anggap la ko gagal seperti orang yang eja Akademi sebagai AKEDEMI. Matilah.... mencarut lak jadiknya.

"Cepat padam! Joe nak letak blog tuh!"

Mai lak aku perkenalkan some of the people behind Akademi Fantasia this year. For those yang gi last year, lucky you no sign of Ogy. Garang dek non akak kita tuh.

But doesn't make things any easier ok. Kak Fati and Syafie are around. So's Nurul. Didn't see who else though.

Ni executive producer baru tuk Akademi Fantasia 7, Suraj Nair. Sebelah dia channel manager Astro Ria, Khairul Mizan Shagul

Out of a total of 820 yang berjaya audition semalam (a record of sorts - last year first day of KL punya audition pun cecah 600 jerk), only lebih kurang 10 orang berjaya ke Stage 4.

So things are getting tougher... please be prepared and don't waste your time, or anyone elses. Make sure you come ready ok.

Aku ciao dari stadium terus jumpa Faz dan adik dia kat Sungai Wang. Mak aih. Kenapa laaaa smalam jam gila!!!! Stress. Claustrophobia attack! Trauma aku.

Pas abih beli benda benda perlu, aku rush to Stadium Putra lak. Nak amik invites aku tuk besok sekali layan rehearsals for Anugerah Juara Lagu. Ni some pics aku sempat snappy.

Suria's daughter a big fan of Stacy

Hoodie pals! Aizat dan Faizal

Aremeer pakai baju Superman gak ke. Heh...

Rich, Andy and Rina focus gila layan rehearsal

Stacy warming up

All white Heliza dan Zahid

Ok... updated predictions based on what I saw last night. For best vocals - jangan terkejut if it goes to a guy.

My favourite is now Aizat. Followed by Ayu and Faizal Tahir.

Based on showmanship, for Best Performance I say leading the list is Estranged. Then Meet Uncle Hussain and then Aizat and Stacy. But kalao 50% SMS Stacy might take the lead.

Nak abih je, aku lari ke Damansara jemput Faz. Kena gi launching butik Belicious milik Umie dan adik dia Betty. Masa tuh letih nak collapse, tapi sempat snappy pics agik.

Ainul, Ezlynn dan Liyana

Dynas dan Faz caught in the act of gossiping

Faz and Umie

Mommy to be, Erra

Pas abih tuh ada birthday get together nak attend. Aku sampai umah pon da 3 lebih. Collapse terus. Esok another day. Expect oads of pics from tomorrow. Gotta go now.. ta.