Sunday, September 30, 2007

Salam Aidilfitri? Already???!!!

Actually yang Salam Aidilfitri tu, album Raya Akademi Fantasia, yang biasa time camnih, will be released. Tahun ni, like the last five years, ada ler recording (for some of the kids, the only they'll every make - cruel but true).

Kali ni punya though, bukan je ngan meka dari musim kelima, tapi also ada featuring gituh, which includes the likes of Khai, Zahid, Mawi, Faizal with Mila in one song. Kira lagu juara juara ler, kecuali Vince (yang diganti ngan Khai sebagai wakil musim pertama as runner-up). And if you're asking bila meka nak wat rakaman lagu ngan Vince tuh, tunggu. Memang ada perancangan if everything goes to plan.

Semalam gi Bora Ombak tuk majlis berbuka, sekali ngan pelancaran album Salam Aidilfitri, selain pelancaran VCD karaoke dak botak yang Qasidah, Berzanji dan Doa Berlagu (did I get that right?)

Seronok gak jumpa kaum kuarga Akademi Fantasia, as I think musim ni yang paling aku tak keep in touch ngan bebudak. I dunno... for me the magic tuh tak cam dulu. Again, kalao musim musim dulu, until today we keep in touch. Something about the current batch ni cam takde magic.

Bukan nak kata meka kurang dari segi bakat ke rupa ke apa... just... tak de umphh!!! Still it was fun to meet everyone...ada yang da lama tak nampak, tak jumpa, tak kena carut.. heh!

Si Faizal jer takde antara senarai meka dalam album, alkisahnya tak sihat. Yeah, right. Anyhoo, ni ada pics yang sempat aku snap. Aku mash everything together into one pic. Kalau tak, berzaman korang nak tunggu pic satu satu load kan. Again, kids, kalao nak letak pic aku memana, silakan, just credit me and provide a link here ok.

Jangan sesenang je curi hasil kerja nak tangkap pic dan upload.

Sempat ler time tuh borak ngan Zahid pasal planning erm... ada lah. Also with Mawi pasai bab magic, apa lagik. Dak botak nampaknya semakin advanced bab tuh.

And then ngan Roslan Aziz. Me and Roslan have never really seen eye to eye on a lot of things, and I'll be the first to admit that.

But, we did this time. Pasal isu lagu Indo kat radio yang kecoh seminggu dua nih. Well, at least for someone yang first jejak Indonesia sebelum Search even, masa zaman dia bak Sheila Majid, dan yang tau susah bagaimananya nak langkah masuk industri kat tempat orang, he is hardly bitter like some people I know of, who is willing to call for sekatan demi kepentingan sendiri and fear of competition.

Oh well... but I won't bore you guys with details of our conversation. Berapa posting pasal isu tu, entry ni rehat sikit bab tuh.

Sempat kacau Yasmin Hani yang wat recording program dia. Ni pose istimewa bagi meka yang join forum dan carut Hani memacam. Yeap, she knows what's being said kids, so I would gossip responsibly if I were you.

Wachaa pakai microphone? Ganas siot! Muka pun maintain vogue dalam evil tuh! Heh... love you babe!

Dalam nak snap gambar, nak amik one special pic, tapi tengah amik ramai lak snap. Cait! curi peluang tol.

Anyway, mintak Mila dan Ebi posing together. Alamak...kantoi ngan Mila pasal posting Anugerah Era aku letak pic dia dan Ebi tuh. Merasalah kena perli. Ampun!!! Kali ni aku wat cara halal!
Matilah tergelak sendiri.

Ok ari ni malas pepanjang entry... so that's all for now. Korang enjoy jer lar the pics. Sori kalao ada yang korang minat aku tak sempat amik, sebab memang masa tu ramai sangat pening sapa dah sapa lum. I got a majority lar masa event buka puasa tuh, so... I guess that'll suffice kan?

Apapon, ni last group shot masa meka posing sakan for a group photo ngan Freddie and erm.. Johan Raja Lawak. I have no idea why Johan is there, but whatever. Alamk, just remembered masa tengok group shot! One of those lupa amik pic Yazer sedangkan lepak ngan dia.. takpe bro, tunggu album ko settle aku pics bebanyak tempek sini. Afiq pun aku tak sempat...

Dah pun dengar dua lagu dari Yazer, and honestly, his album is so going to rock!
Ok lar guys, selamat berpuasa tomorrow.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


I'm worried. I'm very worried. Betul... risau sangat nih! Korang ada beli album Amy yang paling recent tak? Ikon : A Rockstar Chronicle was released last year in case you guys didn't know.

Banyak lagu best! My favourite, being Tiada Lagi. Eh jap... tu lagu originally Indonesian ke? Don't know for sure. But it was written by a Koha Kahler (sounds German). Googled for him, or her, but no info.

All I know is the song was originally released in the similarly titled album belonging to Mayangsari in 1998. Erm... rasa Koha dapat royalti dari MACP tak tiap kali lagu tu dimainkan? Alah... tak elok lar camtuh kan? Camtuh, album Amy pun patut kena sekat lar terus because I guess that would be tantamount to supporting Indonesian-related talent.

Too bad.. good album, but I hardly recommend you guys buying it. Patriotic la sikit. Buy strictly Made in Malaysia products yer. Anything with Indonesian talents is a no-no.

Thank you Amy for opening our eyes.

I know a lot of people are going to hate me for saying this. But personally, I still see all this as hypocrisy.

Erm. If you guys ever thought of me as a sarcastic b****h... geez.. I think you got it right. At the end of the day, I am as passionate as the next person for the future of our local music industry. And I too have the right to say what I feel, and point out what I think is wrong with it.

Personally, I love it too much to see it destroyed because of personal interests. More observations on the whole issue to follow. Don't mind me.

Berapa hari ni aku obsessed sikit issue ni selepas banyak discussion with friends in the industry to get opinions, walau sokong ataupun bantah tindakan pihak pihak yang nak 'kurangkan' influence' of Indo rock in Malaysia.

I respect others for their view. And I listen. Here however, is my time to write what I feel, and I think there are a lot of points and angles we have to think of.

Nothing is black and white, and it's never that simple.

Kurangkan Indo rock artis kita laku? That seems to be the kesimpulan of the whole kekecohan kan?

Is it that easy? You'd be a fool to think so.

Meanwhile, back at the bat cave, would love to promote Amy punya website. Tamau lar orang kang kata aku tak support made in Malaysia products. Unfortunately, apparently doesn't exist.

Erm... so much for making the effort eh?

If you've been following my points on the issue, maybe you should read Audi Mok's (not to be mistaken with Karen Mok, Ken Mok, or Mindy and Mork) comment on it too. A talented composer, I think Audi is one of the few who dared speak honestly f the issue. Until the next entry...

Friday, September 28, 2007

HIS story

Found this story to be quite, enlightening to say the least. I've been doing some research into the whole Amy Search and Co. VS the Indonesian rock movement over Malaysia radio stations. Please read this article, and make a point of some interesting facts raised about the situation dalam industri muzik kita 15 tahun lalu ye.

Berita Minggu
12 July 1992
Mokhtar Alias
Artis Malaysia menggugat
SEBELUM ini tidak ramai yang menyangka lagu dari Malaysia mempengaruhi semula pendengar di kepulauan Nusantara lain, khususnya Indonesia yang memang dikenali dengan semangat nasionalisme dan kekitaanyang cukup tinggi.

Tembok industri muzik Indonesia yang selama ini cukup tebal kerana dilindungi pelbagai persatuan artis dan muzik, akhirnya dapat ditembusi.
Lebih membanggakan apabila lagu tanahair yang menembusi tembok republik itu bukan saja mempengaruhi, malah ada ketikanya menenggelamkan lagu nyanyian artis dan ciptaan karyawan Indonesia sendiri.

Kini, lagu tanahair mempunyai akar yang cukup kuat di kawasan berhampiran Semenanjung seperti Aceh, Riau, Sumatera Utara dan Barat serta kawasan bersempadan Sabah dan Sarawak iaitu Kalimantan.

Sementara bagi kota Jakarta, pengaruhnya semakin kuat. Sebahagian besar rakyat Thailand yang bersempadan dengan Kedah, Perlis dan Kelantan sejak sekian lama sebati dengan lagu tanahair.

Populariti lagu seperti Antara Anyir Dan Jakarta nyanyian Sheila Majid, Isabella (Search), Cinta Kita (Inca Cristie & Amy) dan Suci Dalam Debu (Iklim), mengembalikan semula nostalgia P Ramlee dan R Azmi.

Sejak zaman 50-an sehingga pertengahan 60an, lagu Malaysia menguasai kepulauan Nusantara. Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan P Ramlee daripada lagunya, muzik sehinggalah filem lakonan dan arahan seniman agung itu.

Kemerosotan pengaruh lagu Malaysia ini dikatakan bermula pada penghujung zaman 60-an.

Keadaan yang sebaliknya berlaku pada zaman 70-an apabila artis dan karyawan Indonesia pula menguasai pendengar Malaysia menerusi penyanyi seperti DLloyd, Mercys, Emili a Contesa, Broery, Muchsindan Titiek Sandora.

Berikutan kejayaan lagu tanahair menembusi pasaran Indonesia, berlaku keresahan yang amat ketara di kalangan seniman republik itu kerana tidak menyangka perubahan citarasa pendengar mereka.

Pelbagai andaian boleh dibuat mengapa fenomena ini berlaku? Pendengar Indonesia khususnya di kalangan kelas bawahan sebelum ini dipengaruh iirama dangdut tetapi masih terumbang-ambing.Ada dakwaan mengatakan keadaan ini berpunca apabila raja dangdut,Rhoma Irama dikatakan dikenakan pelbagai sekatan berikutan kelantangannya memberikan pendapat.

Dia disekat daripada menyertai program tv yang menjejaskan penampilan dan pengaruh dangdut nya.Pada masa yang sama, siaran tv dari Malaysia iaitu RTM dan TV3 boleh diikuti menerusi alat antena parabola.

Mereka bukan saja menggemari program dari kedua stesen yang sentiasa bersaing itu, malah ikut terpengaruh dengan lagu Malaysia yang disiarkan.Ia juga dikatakan berpunca daripada teknologi rakaman yang semakin canggih dan dapat menghasilkan produk yang bagus dan jauh lebih baik,bukan saja setanding malahan ada ketikanya lebih baik berbanding republik berkenaan.

Penggiat muzik tanahair pula semakin gigih memasarkan album di Indonesia berikutan kejayaan beberapa filem yang mampu menembusi tembok pemasaran yang ketat setakatannya terutama di Jakarta.

Walaupun banyak ranjau yang perlu ditempuhi, mereka menjadikan semangat filem ini untuk memasarkan pula kaset. Memanglah tidak semua benih yang jatuh ke laut menjadi pulau tetapi kegigihan ini akhirnya berhasil.

Dalam menghadapi fenomena yang cukup menggembirakan ini, apakah karyawan muzik Malaysia sudah cukup bersedia serta mendapat faedah daripada kemasukan lagu mereka ke republik itu.

Mungkin tidak ramai mengetahui salah satu penyakit yang sering melanda artis Malaysia ialah
kelemahan berkomunikasi di khalayak ramai.

Mereka hanya tahu bertanya khabar dengan kaedah yang hampir sama.

Boleh dibilang dengan jari, artis yang dianggap boleh memberi idea ketika mengadakan pertunjukan pentas atau ketika berhadapan dengan media.

Berlainan dengan kebanyakan artis Indonesia yang bukan saja berani mengeluarkan idea sendiri sehingga ada kalanya menyinggung syarikat rakaman, malah, peminat dan pihak pemerintah.

Mereka tidak teragak-agak mengeluarkan apa yang ada dalam diri mereka.

Sudahkah artis tanahair bersedia keluar dari tempurung dan bersedia untuk mengharungi cabaran lebih hebat.

Sejak lagu Malaysia menembusi Indonesia, banyak keluhan disuarakan oleh artis Malaysia iaitu mereka hanya mendapat nama tetapi tidak mendapat pulangan kewangan daripada kejayaan itu.

Dimanakah silapnya, apakah mereka dipermainkan oleh syarikat rakaman sendiri di Malaysia atau ada yang tidak kena ketika pemasaran dilakukan di sana.Dalam menangani masalah ini, beberapa langkah perlu dilakukan,antaranya pembabitan kerajaan untuk mengatasi kepincangan ini.

Di sinilah kelak peranan yang bakal dilakukan oleh Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem NasionalMalaysia (Finas) yang kini diberi tanggungjawab menjaga kepentingan industri muzik nasional.

Sebelum ini, Finas sudah membuktikan keberkesanan mereka menangani industri perfileman yang membabitkan kedua-dua negara.

Persoalan yang tidak kurang pentingnya ialah mengekalkan kesuburan lagu tanahair dan dalam masa yang sama menjaga silaturahim bangsa serumpunyang terjalin sekian lama.

Biarlah bertindak secara timbang rasa danjangan dipengaruhi sentimen yang boleh me ngoyang semangat persaudaraan.Inilah persoalan pokok yang seharusnya menjadi teras pertimbangankedua-dua pihak iaitu Malaysia dan Indonesia.

Di samping itu, pihak Malaysia jangan terlalu ghairah memasarkan lagu sedangkan artis di sini tidak mendapat apa-apa faedah dan keuntungan. Bagi menjaga kepentingan artis tanahair, sampai masanya syarikat rakaman tempatan menubuhkan cawangan atau paling kurang menjalin kerjasama lebih erat dengan syarikat rakaman di republik itu.

Tidak rugi membuat pelaburan yang tinggi sekiranya mereka yakin sesuatu produk boleh menghasilkan keuntungan kerana ruang pemasaran kaset di negara berkenaan cukup luas.

Pihak Malaysia juga harus mengambil berat mengenai kewajaran mengubah lirik lagu tanahair untuk disesuaikan dengan citarasa peminat dan muzik Indonesia. Perkara seumpama ini tidak pernah berlaku pada zaman P Ramleesehinggalah pertengahan 80-an.

Apakah langkah yang dilakukan terhadap beberapa lagu tanahair seperti Cinta Kita yang berdasarkan Fantasia Bulan Madu sebagai niat jujur ataumereka melakukan ini untuk mengukuhkan tembok tebal bagi melindungi kemasukan lagu luar ke negara itu.

Ada juga sesetengah syarikat rakaman yang mensyaratkan artis Malaysia perlu berduet dengan artis Indonesia untuk membolehkan kaset artis tanahair beredar di pasaran republik itu.

Sampai masanya, pihak Indonesia melihat bagaimanakah jujurnya karyawan muzik dan pihak berkuasa Malaysia melayan kemasukan lagu dan artis Indonesia ke negara ini.

Antara artis mereka yang mendapat layanan cukup mesra di sini termasuklah Hetty Koes Enda ng, Broery, Iis Sugianto,Bob Tutupoly, Endang S Taurina, penyanyi lagu puisi Ebiet G Ade danpemuzik Idris Sardi.

Malah, tidak ada rasa cemburu yang timbul berikutan lagu mereka ke pasaran negara ini.Mereka bukan saja tidak dikenakan sekatan, malah diberi peluang merakamkan album di Malaysia dan sering pula berpeluang muncul dalam rancangan radio dan TV.

Di sinilah rasionalnya bagi pihak Malaysia, khususnya karyawan dan muzik menyahut cabaran ini secara profesional dan bertindak lebih teliti sambil menjaga silaturahim serantau.

Dalam masa yang sama, kepentingan artis tanahair perlu diutamakan untuk mem bolehkan mereka meraih pulangan wajar, di sebalik kepopularan nama dan keringat yang dicurahkan.

So the point of me sharing this article? In the 50s and 60s, muzik Melayu, muzik Malaysia specifically, was influential in this region.

We lost that in the 70s.

In the late 80s, we came back. Big time, sampai TVRI pernah mengharamkan lagu lagu dari artis Malaysia pada tahun 1991. Everything was ok after a while.

And today, we've come back to the starting point, which is, artis kita sendiri tak develop, tak grow, dan seperti katak bawah tempurung, tak reti nak menangani globalisasi.

The Indonesian music industry GREW, DEVELOPED and kept in step with the music industry of the rest of the world. We didn't. Blame ourselves.

Cerminkan diri sendiri. Tak pelik ke, zaman kegemilangan muzik Malaysia, masaalah yang wujud lak, akibat syarikat rakaman?

Isn't there something wrong with this picture? Maybe the rot bukan sebab orang luar dan muzik meka, tapi berpunca from something closer to home.

Yerlah.. kita leh sekat tuh sekat ni. Will that solve the problem? Pendengar akan start beli muzik Malaysia ke kalao camtuh? Confirm?

There is only supply if there is demand.

Hakikatnya, we can block everything foreign from entering. Tapi zaman yang advanced ni, you think you can stop people loving foreign music if it's better? The Internet exists you know...streaming radio... downloads.. torrent. And when the album hits the shelves... BOOM... people will buy still.

So hari ni salahkan radio.Dah xfresh pun yang main kan muzik Malaysia 100% pun aku tak nampak artis Malaysia terkejar kejar nak sokong?

Bab stesen TV tanak bising lak? Drama bersiri dan sebagainya yang lagu tema menjadi hit... tanak mintak sekat tu?

Pastu apa? Media cetak? Nak mintak semua suratkhabar dan majalah block penyebaran informasi dan sebagainya artis luar supaya masyarakat kita tak dapat access to foreign material?
Then what? Block out the Internet?

Because you'd have to do all that to get what you want, which is for the spotlight on you. Even then... dont be too sure peminat nak layan ko kalao ko sendiri tak reti nak in step with the changing times.

You may be a legend, iconic or even a ground-breaker. Hakikatnya, what matters in the music industry - is sales. And that happens only when you're relevant.

Am doing more research into the matter. Aku rasa benda ni kena wrap once and for all. Tak larat kalao isu ni based on 15 year cycle.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Heroes returns!

What can I say... I got mojo going online and finished downloading Heroes, Four Months Later, the first episode of season two.Lambat lah sikit...tapi ok lar.
Remember - for those who haven't watched - and for those of you depending on Astro, tunggu January jer lah... DON'T READ if you don't want to know what goes on.
Yes, this whole posting is about the latest episode of Heroes, so kalao tak minat, then it's going to bore you.
Here's the developement of the characters so far.

MOHINDER SURESH is in Cairo, Egypt, lecturing about the 'special' and tells of the plague that can wipe them out. He is approached by Bob, a representative of the Company, who offers him a job to achieve that. Mohinder takes up the job.

CLAIRE BENNET @ CLAIRE BUTLER is in eleventh grade in Costa Verde, California, under a new identity and struggles to fit in as she hides her intelligence and cheerleading abilities (that indeed is a superpower!). The development of her love interest in West begins this episode (read below for characters introduced to find out about West)

NOAH BENNET @ NOAH BUTLER or the Horn Rimmed Glasses Guy or HRG (miss calling him that now he has a name) is trying to get back into the boring routine of life, or in other words, being a Bennet. We're later shown, he's communicating with Mohinder. In fact, apparently he and Mohinder are planning the downfall of the Company.

Does he have any powers? Don't think so, but when he grabbed his manager's finger and got that little b***h twisted in a knot, he appears to be strong. You never know.

HIRO NAKAMURA is of course found outside Kyoto, Japan in 1671. He meets up with Takezo Kensei, the legend he often was told stories about since he was a kid. Tapi dia terkejut sebab Kensei doesn't at all fit the description of what he's been told of the hero.

We're also introduced to the swordsmith's daughter, his upcoming love interest. Yes, the nerd gets to be with a girl - only in the movies (or TV). Trying to save Kensei in an earlier scene, he changes history when the town of Otsu burns down attacked by the bandits that Kensei would have hunted down otherwise.

MATT PARKMAN finally gets to be elevated from low ranking officer to detective (no major difference is there). Since we all love Matt Parkman aka Greg Grunberg, here's a little trivia. His badge number on the New York Police Department badge is 8954.

Cepat gi beli ekor! Mesti first prize.

Heh... We find out that he's taken in Molly and putting up in Mohinder's apartment as he plays daddy after his injuries and divorce (You stupid b****h... you left him??? Are you crazy???) Anyway, both he and Mohinder have worked out a protection for Molly. Oh, and we learn he can't cook.

MOLLY WALKER, the little kid which is the human freak mapping system is facing problems staying awake due to endless nightmares. She keeps her smart ass act going, and refuses to talk of drawings she made with Matt, and even screams her ass on him to avoid talking about it.
Her drawings are mostly random pairs of creepy eyes, with the symbol, the helix.

Refresher course, the symbol is two Kanji characters: 才 (Sai) meaning "Great Talent" and 与 (Yo) meaning "Godsend" literally meaning "God sending great ability". The drawings, the Kaito ad Angela warning tells us of a bigger baddie than Sylar this time, lurking abot killing the Heroes, apparently one of the earlier Generations.

KAITO NAKAMURA, Hiro's dad is still in the same spot that Sylar got his ass whooped in final showdown with Peter and the gang where Peter ended up putting on a fireworks display with Nathan.

Kaito discovers a picture of him, ripped from a larger one or the earlier Generations with the symbol. He tells Ando that he will die in 24 hours as it's a warning from one of the earlier Generations.He later reveals in his talk to Angela that it's retribution for the sins of their past And that he sought redemption by helping Hiro save the world.

Charles Devaux, Linderman, Mr Petrelli Senior are three of the dead elders. According to Kaito, there are now nine left - and he and Angela are two of them. Who are the other seven? Have we been introduced?

Anyway, we don't get a glimpse of Kaito's power as he gets thrown off the building by the mysterious killer. Killer survives. Kaito dies - du-uh.

ANDO is still in Manhattan, and still hopeless as ever, functioning only to tie in the plot. Wish they would kill him off already.

NATHAN PETRELLI.. yes, he's alive and scruffy, drinks too much dan masih berkabung tuk Peter, whose apartment he's staying in, in New York. He still believes Peter is alive and can't get over what happened. We're told by Angela he's driven his wife Heidi and his family away but we do know he still allows for contact with Claire, who if you missed the plot, is still his biological daughter.

ANGELA PETERELLI is still an uptight b****h, she receives the same warning, with her face marked as well like Kaito.

PETER PETRELLI is back! He's found with a cooler haircut, wearing the symbol all dirty in a trailer by Ricky (read below on new characters) when the baddie and this thugs try to pull off an ipod heist. Even though Peter is alive, and back without that stupid GQ floppy hair, we don't know what happened that night four months ago, and neither does he! Amnesia is always a good device for a TV series.

NISSAN too makes a return. The major sponsors return with the Rogue model early on which strangely enough, Noah is able to afford, despite his lowly position in Copy Kingdom. That's TV and sponsors for you.

MAYA and ALEJANDRO are brother and sister and are shown running from the police in San Cristobal in Honduras for their involvement in some murders. They apparently have read the Suresh book and are on the move to the US to get help for Maya, who later is shown to wipe out a truckful of stinky people on the run, after the driver and his partner negate on a deal and dump Alejandro. How, tak pasti lagi, all we know is they bleed from the eyes which turn all blacked out. Freaky!

'BOB' will turn out to be a pretty central character, according to some spoilers I've read (scroll below kalao tak sabar nak tau what it is). He may look a sad geek anda weird pervert, but he has powers too! He can turn metal into gold! Cool gift. Talk about the Midas touch!
Oh, and remember how Claire found out she was Nathan's biological daughter. Spoiler below tells how Bob is related to the existing group of Heroes.

WEST is obviously interested in Claire and gives a clue that he's different too. And yeap, he is. He flies! And he senses Claire has a power, and is on her tail for her to admit that she's different, which she's stuggling not to even give a clue about.
The superpower couple. Nice...

TAKEZO KENSEI is white, and turns out he's a major loser. He was an English trader turned bounty hunter. Self obsessed, drinks too much (could be friends with Nathan) and generally a prick, Kensei is one whacked out white dude.
He does throw a good punch though and knocks out Hiro for interrupting his drink of sake. Good one! Nice punch to the geek!

DEBBIE is the mean head of the cheerleaders. She looks too dumb to have any powers, but who knows kan?

APRIL is the good cheerleader we see in the background when she takes a sympathetic look at Claire being bullied. Wonder if she has powers too. B***hing cheerleaders with powers.. yeah! Good TV

THE BOOGEYMAN is unknown and medium built. He wore a hood when he threw Kaito off the roof so we don't know who he is.The spoiler below reveals where the plot is going and who it is, though if it proves true it means he may have more than one power.
That is - if Molly was dreaming about the killer in the first place, because the boogeyman in her dreams need not necessarily be the killer. Boggles the mind kan?
Why he wants to knock off the elders, we don't know. But we'll definitely find out.

RICKY, I assume his name is based on earlier spoilers is introduced as head of a gang of thieving thugs in Cork, Ireland. Powers? Possibly.. but don't know yet. He however doesn't really flinch at Peter's powers so he may just have it too.

And now for the spoilers. Remember THESE ARE SPOILERS!

These spoilers give away a large chunk of the first four episodes of the eleven they're shooting for Volume Two before the Christmas break (yeap... they're going to go on break midway like last year AGAIN!).
With that said, kalao nak tau gak, what's coming up, use your mouse, highlight the area below and read on the spoilers for the upcoming episodes. If you've seen episode one of Four Months Later, you can tell it's pretty accurate and believable.

Episode One "Four months later"
Mohinder is approached by a strange guy named Bob, who offers him a job with a mysterious company.
Mohinder realises the company is his enemy and trying to penetrate the orginization.Claire nearly gets run over by her new boyfriend West, who she later learns can fly.
She has a run in with head cheerleader Debbie, does a backflip- and breaks a bone, she then uses her powers to heal herself.

Episode Two "Lizards
Peter was captured by Irish criminals in the seasons premiere, has amnesia and has to re-discover his powers.He has a love intrest Caitlin the daughter of Ricky, the leader of a criminal gang.
Hiro's father is killed by being thrown off a rooftop by a stranger who jumps off the roof with him, but disappears before they hit the ground.
Hiro travels back in time and impersonates his hero, Takezoand, and using his power to stop time he disarms 11 bandits.
Hiro falls in love with the swordsmith's daughter but steps aside so his hero Takeo can fufill his destiny.

Episode 3 "Kindred"
Saylar is still alive.. he kills Candice Wilmer who had rescued him, but then to his shock -he loses his powers.
Peter is forced to help the criminals with a robbery and saves the gangsters by levitating an armoured car and hurling it at the guards. He discovers he has powers of shooting electricity from his hands and telekinesis.
Suresh saves the dying Haitian by injecting him with his blood.
Niki joins the evil company.

Episode 4 "The Kindness of Strangers"
A new hero (Dana Davis) has the power to replicate any physical motion.
She foils a stick-up man by snatching his gun and flooring him with a double backflip she once saw during a wrestling show.
American students Derek and Maya find Sylar lying face down in the Mexican desert and rescue him. He tells them his name is Gabriel Gray and seems willing to help them but secretly kills Derek at a gas station.
Molly's "boogeyman" turns out to be the mysterious Bob from the company , who is actually Matt's father.

So.. with that out of the way, looks like it's going to be quite interesting where they're heading as they weave the plot more.I found the first episode a little draggy, butmaybe because I just wanted to find out whowas alive and who was dead.

As expected, everyone is alive, Peter and Nathan (du-uh!). The only guy that seems dead is obviously Dl because Niki and Mikah make their return next week.
Oh well, turst them to kill of the only black guy.

American TV... predictable at times.

Anyway, was it good? You bet your ass it was. Can't wait for next week.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Indo rocks!!!

At the risk of sounding preachy, here's my two Sens worth on the whole issue yang dibangkitkan Amy Search mengenai lagu Indonesian yang membanjiri radio tempatan.

First things first, actually, I felt like blogging about this, because this is my personal view, and secondly because I think a lot of people don't consider beberapa fakta penting dalam menentukan, what's actually killing our music industry.

Malam tadi, patutnya ada dua event nak gi. Amik ko.. dua buka puasa. Pening ok. Planning nak abihkan berbuka puasa ngan Ahmad Dhani kat Berjaya Times Square Hotel secepat mungkin, then move on to PWTC for event Recording Industry of Malaysia lak.... tapi tak sempat.

So instead, got some time to speak to Dhani, dari kumpulan Dewa 19 (one of the best Indo rock bands around, and my personal fave after Samsons and Sheila On 7). Dia ni cool.. relax je. Tanya lar soalan apa, dia nih maintain jerk... kalao you're being honest and transparent in your questions, he takes it all.

Also spoke to Pak Tam (Rostam dari Era) and sevral other people including Tang there to get some opinions, and generally agreed with them.
Without putting down anyone - here are my debates on several points Amy raised, which I think should be thought of before we embark on a witch hunt.

*GLOBALISATION - In this day and age, music, of all things, which transcends boundaries of race and religion, or even geographical measures, is much the only thing left untouched by prejudice. So while the world is opening up... why are we shutting ourselves?

*SERUMPUN - Orang selalu cakap, serumpun... baik Indonesia atau Malaysia... so why differenciate. It's the same language, with a little difference here and there. Why target their releases specifically? Sebab same market?

*ART - Isn't it all about expression anyway? Who cares where it's from.

*FANS - Amy kata bukan soal peminat nak dengar, tu alasan stesen radio. In fact, ada lak yang katakan, kalao stesen radio pasang lagu tak sedap pon, leh jadik sedap dengar. Erm... aku masih tak minat lagu Lips, or New Boyz... and honestly,don't ever disrespect the fans. They HAVE the right to choose. If people were requesting your song, it would be played. A station hardly wants to lose fans by ignoring lagu lagu diminta kan?

*BUSINESS - That's what it is. Private radio stations pun cari makan. Nak ramai pendengar, so they have statistics to boast to advertisers who pump in money. It's not a charitable organisation to help you just cause you feel you're entitled to it.

*SPOONFED - Kalao music ko dah sedap, campak ke mana pun orang leh hargai. So why afraid of competition? Kenapa nak ada quota system pelbagai? Fans have disposable income for things they want. If you're in the list, they'll still buy you, even if they have an Indo CD in their list.

ROYALTIES - Soal duit kuar negara sampai berjuta Ringgit kerana lagu Indonesian... pelik... kenapa takde orang soalkan duit kuar negara akibat mainkan lagu omputeh main tak abih abih? Ke Pussycats Dolls pun Malaysian???
Why just Malay songs lak Vested interest? Besides, didn't Amy do a cover of an Indonesian song baru baru ni? So... kalao nak ikutkan... how are radio stations supposed to judge? Camna lak bila Siti Nurhaliza nyanyi lagu komposer Indonesian? Is that Indonesian or Malaysian? Anuar? Kalao nak ikut composer, bukan ke artis cam The Lima yang nyanyi lagu KRU untung atas our resources gak? So why discriminate in the first place?

*BLURRED VISION - Kalao nak sangat syarat wajib putar, then why not impose the same conditions on English stations like Hitz and Fly FM? Buat apa nak bagi duit kat 50 Cent ke Pussycat Dolls ke haper... we have a lot of local English talent yang can't get on radio. So again... why discriminate. Nak tolong industri konon... tolong bebetol.

*UNDERSTANDING - Slalu artis kita bising kata artis Indo dominate sini but they can't break it in the Indonesian market. Understand this.
Nak promo album kat Malaysia, ko kalao bab radio, interview dalam 10 biji radio station da enough cover satu negara nak dengar. Kalao kat Indonesia, that's not even enough to cover Jakarta, let alone the rest of the country.

Ramai artis kita ada album dipasarkan kat Indonesia, tapi takde sambutan. Analyse dulu sebab sebabnya... kalao takde promosi, tak sanggup take time off nak promo tour sana berbulan and do a million interviews and photoshoots for a nation which has more than 27 million people... camna nak laku??? So jangan salahkan orang lain kalao malas.

*PATRIOTISM - It's not fair to use the terms 'Merdeka' and patriotism kalao nak fight issue camni. Kalao camni, geledah la orang yang laungkan semua tuh... check make sure semua ko pakai tuh Made In Malaysia. Cmon... being patriotic is definitely something I'm all for... but let's not start burning books here.

*POLITICAL - Kenapa issue camni nak ada political inteference? Kalao nak sangat tolong industri muzik, dah bertahun orang mintak tolong. Piracy for one... how many pirates have been charged in court? What percentage do they form of the total pool of losses dihadapi industri kami? Kenapa takde orang nak cadangkan dana tuk local recording companies to invest in more local talent? Industri filem kan ada... Kenapa takde insentif diberikan for outfits yang generate local talent. So many issues to fight, and they pick the most 'glamorous' nak masuk suratkhabar... adoi!

*GENRE - perasan tak.. selalu isu camni sentuh bab rock Indo je. Erm... Artis solo takde masaalah. In Malaysia itself, Siti Nurhaliza anytime ramai agik peminat dari Kris Dayanti. Sebagus Marcell ke Glenn pun, we have Anuar Zain!
Kenapa band rock je terasa sangat - can't Search be better than Peterpan or Samsons? If they are... then why not prove it?

*RULES - Katakan ada syarat wajib putar, yakin ke lagu ko laku ngan peminat? Ke tak kisah pun album jual ke tak kalao peminat rasa azab, sebab janji dapat duit royalty from MACP? Don't cheat the hard earned money of people.

*EMOTIONS - Ada yang mengatakan radio swasta ni lebih teruk dari lanun cetak rompak kerana apa meka wat dalam mainkan lagu Indo, lebih membunuh muzik tempatan. Hello??? Can I have statistics and figures please? Again.. ko ingat kalao lagu ko kalao tak sedap diputarkan, ada nak minat ke?

*SALES - And why target radio? How much of a factor is radio in promoting sales? I think even local artistes know, kalao lagu meletup kat radio pun tak semestinya album laku. So again... what's your beef? Everyone knows the exposure is good for awareness of the product, tapi honestly.. radio becomes overrated in times where the Internet is more important in determining which CD listeners buy.

*GROWTH - It's time our artistes realise, we have to grow. Aku membesar ngan rock kapak, rock leleh of the late 80s and 90s. Febians, Ekamatra, BPR... you name 'em, I love 'em. But that was 20 years ago!!!! Takkan artis kita tanak kembang, maju ke depan? Music is not limited, but our artists limit themselves. Why?

Dengar lagu rock Melayu skang... compare ngan lagu rock 10 ke 20 years ago. How much different is it?

Kalao dulu, memang lar, album Fenomena Search was iconic, even for the Indonesians, But they grew. By leaps and bounds. Jangan salahkan orang lain kerana meka improve themselves. It's time to do the same.

As legendary as Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath or KISS were in the history of rock, meka wat album hari ni pun tak sepower bands of today. Kalao da zaman berlalu, jangan lak marah peminat yang abihkan wang Ringgit meka lak atas apa meka pilih, when it's not you they choose.

*FAIRPLAY - Amy should be one to talk, since he was big in Indonesia with Search in the late 80s, early 90s. Skang orang mai sini, ko mintak kurangkan exposure lak. Erm...

Banyak lagi points aku nak raise, but malas. Because no one's going to bother to take notice and understand why MUSIC IS WITHOUT BOUNDARIES. Stop using the excuse of patriotism. Not everyone drives a Proton (I proudly drive a Wira).

Aku paham keluhan Amy, and there is some truth. But good music is just that. I understand even substandard Indo rock acts (for me like Kerispatih yang biasa biasa aja) get attention simply because they're Indonesian, but hey... sabar ler. It's a trend. A fad.

Every music market is affected by it. All the time. Dulu zaman Fiona, semua orang abaikan rock nak layan KRU, 4U2C, Res2 MsTeens, Feminin, Nico Freshies, Krash Kozz dan sebagainya.
And remember the dangdut revolution??? Masa tu album dangdut je laku. And how about time Raihan muncul? Nasyid je menjadi staple.

So trends and fads will happen.

Like late 80s rock was the main thing. Then it dies towards the mid 90s because of saturated rock kapak. Then into the 2000s it was back to solo female acts.

Reality is... like a producer once told me.

If you want to sell, make music people want to hear. If you want credibility, go record yourself on a tape player, and listen to it on your headphones, cause no one else may be bothered about how you sound, or what you have to say.

To Amy and everyone else - happy arguing about the issue. Like Dhani said it best - apapon orang nak cakap, apapon orang nak buat - the fans are smarter than you give them credit for and know who to spend money on.

I'm still going to be buying my Samsons and Sheila On 7s and Dewas, even if people say I'm unpatriotic! Because I know I also like my Siti Nurhaliza, Ning Baizura, Dayang Nurfaizah, Nikki and so many more local artists as much as I like Smashing Pumpkins, Madonna and whatever other acts, no matter where they come from.

By the way, kalao Amy berani sangat bersuara, sebut lah station mana yang mainkan banyak sangat lagu Indo.. sebab not every station does that.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Berbuka lagi

Malas nak posting pepanjang sebab banyak gambar. Today ke buka puasa Astro Shaw, which of course includes Tayangan Unggul (holler out to the lovely folks there - Tengku, Gaya, Anita and Co). Ni pics yang sempat aku amik.

Let me kick off with this first pic I absolutely love!

Why do I love it? Aku pernah letak pic Michelle from Melodi on my blog before this. Tapi kali ni aku letak dia ngan Awie. He looks scary at best... tapi dia ni relax gak kalao you know how to speak to him.

But that's not the reason aku letak this pic. the reason is, of late, Melodi banyak kena kutuk for their sensational stories, and Michelle especially is put down by many for her straightforward questions.

People... it's a job. If you really don't like it, don't watch it. Where there's demand there's supply. Simple economics.. du-uh. Kesian lak kekadang tengok Michelle kena bang teruk akibat jalankan tugas.

Oh well, people who can't... b****h. I want to see anyone who dares comment about not doing the job right, or talking about ethics, lasting even a day in the demanding job as an entertainment journalist, especially when you have to be savage to get your stories, and still be human because you ache to cast your personal opinions or beliefs aside.

Taking orders for the sake of professionalism, and getting the job done, is so easily labeled so many things daripada orang tak paham. Michelle, girl... shout at to you. You're doing a good job. If I wanna b****h about my fellow writers, only two names come to mind... but that's a different story altogether.

Now on to the rest of the pics.

Afdlin and Aziz M. Osman (with new hairdo) in an animated discussion.

One of my personal favourite blog readers Mamat Khalid squeezing in for a photo op (abang, aku tak carut ko kali ni ek!) PS - korang patut tengok mohawk abang Mamat... heh!!! Dia segan nak bagi aku amik pic post kat sini.

Raja Farah

Jehan and Jue

Intan Ladyana and Que

One of my fave actresses, Maya Karin.

One of the grossest sounding dishes! (sorry, but aku tak makan lidah.. well.. not unless...)

There's a million more buka puasa events to go sebelum Raya. Mak aih... aku setakat ni tinggal tiga hari dah, tapi whatever it is, I literally feel myself putting on weight. Help!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Up... up and away!

Aku sibuk ari nih, sambil layan paranoia aku, and keja. So didn't have time to really post an entry. But I had to make this one because of the headline in today's papers


So anyway, here it is.

The Malaysian astronaut to blast off to the International Space Station on Oct 10 will be decided at the last minute after both the country's candidates are recognised as astronauts.
Prime minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said today that Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor would be placed with the first crew for the Soyuz 15-S mission while Captain Dr Faiz Khaleed would join the second crew.

"All the final changes in the selection of the candidate for the mission will be decided by the Russians later. This process is necessary to ensure that the mission proceeds smoothly and successfully," Abdullah said when making the announcement live from his office here.

The two Malaysian astronauts will be at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, from Friday to undergo final training before the launch on Oct 10.

Abdullah said the selection of the two was on the recommendation of the selection committee chaired by Tun Haniff Omar based on a meeting of the working committee of the Russian Intergovernmental Board and the final assessment report on the preparation of the Soyuz 15-S mission by the Russian space agency (Roscosmos).

He said the government was very proud that the Main Crew Commissioning Board had acknowledged that both the Malaysian astronaut candidates had passed with distinction and were qualified to represent the country in its first mission to space.

"This means that the country has produced two Malaysians who can join a space mission at any time when needed and has been accorded recognition by an international astronaut training body," he said.

Besides Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, 35, a medical officer from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital (HUKM), the Russians have proposed that the first crew for the Soyuz 15-S mission comprise Yuri Malechenko of Russia and Peggy Whitson of the United States.

The second crew will comprise Sharizan Sharipov of Russia and Michael Fincke of the United States besides Captain Dr Faiz, 27, a dentist with the Malaysian Armed Forces.

"On behalf of the government and people of Malaysia, I wish the mission success and I pray that it will go smoothly as planned," Abdullah said.

The programme to send a Malaysian to space was conceived in 2003 when Russia agreed to send a Malaysian to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of Malaysia's RM3.4 billion purchase of 18 Russian-made Sukhoi 30-MKM jet fighters.

Meanwhile, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis said it was normal to name the crew at the eleventh hour as anything could happen between now and the launch date.

"Remember Yuri Gagarin (the first man in space) was not the first choice. He was the secondary choice but was chosen at the eleventh hour because the primary choice crew came down with measles," he said.

He said the final decision on who would be on board the Soyuz -- whether the first crew team or second crew team or mixed team -- would be determined by the Russian mission director
Dr Jamaluddin confirmed that at least one Malaysian would be on board the Russian rocket to be launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan at 9.21pm (Malaysian time) on Oct 10.

Dr Jamaluddin said Dr Sheikh Muszaphar and Capt Dr Faiz were chosen from a total of 11,275 candidates since the Malaysian National Space Agency (Angkasa) started the screening campaign for the programme in 2003.

The Malaysian astronaut is expected to conduct scientific research on cancer cells in space to study the effect of a weightless environment on the cells.

He said the government planned to telecast the launch live through all the local television stations and the prime minister would also witness the historic moment through live telecast.
Dr Muszaphar and Capt Dr Faiz, both bachelors, who are currently undergoing a 12-month training at the Yuri Gagarin Aerospace Training Centre at Star City in Moscow, would be informed of the announcement later, he said.

The minister said that initially it was difficult to convince Malaysians that they could be astronauts too but slowly "the possibility became a dream and now has turned into reality,"
This will be the first time in space history that a Muslim astronaut is expected to fast in outer space as the mission coincides with the month of Ramadan.

Haniff said he believed that fasting in space should not pose a problem to the Malaysian astronaut as Islam was a practical religion which provided for flexibility in performing one's religious obligations.

The space crew will spend about 10 days at the ISS, located 402.34km from the surface of the Earth.

Erm... so why the need to point this out? First of all, pride! Malaysia now can send someone into space. Two even. Nevermind we don't have an immediate practical reason to... we do!
Secondly, the quips in my office about... well.. erm.. either you know or you don't lah kan.
"Talk about going to look for the ultimate black hole"
"To boldly go where no man has gone before... they can't use that anymore for more reasons than they know"
"The thrusters have always been fired up, and ti's always ready for a launch"
"Are spacesuits in this season?"

You name it, every joke that could be made, about erm... you know... well if if you do lah, was made. Oh well... congratulations to the duo anyway.

We're proud of you guys. And yes, PRIDE has a lot to do with it (sorry, couldn't resist). Laughing as I write this... later...

PS - The angkasawans have their own blog, but it looks like most governmental webpages and all, it rarely gets updated. Well, it has been ages since they updated and there's not much. But read it anywaylah for patriotism's sake. CLICK HERE for their blog.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Do you want to be...on top??? (that sounds nasty!)

Yeay!!! I watched the premiere episode of America's Next Top Model, finally, since it appeared on torrent after it was aired in the US on Thursday, bout noon or so, local time.

What did I think of it? Well, prepare for a long entry.

It doesn't seem as hot as last season's, or even the previous seasons. I don't know, cam tak best lak kali ni. Takde umphhh. To make it worse, I think Tyra's getting so, erm... what's the word... contrived.

Trying too hard kali ni. Like the time when they the shortlisted 33 were on the cruise ship for the casting call (cool location this time, that's for sure). Tyra appeared to them as a wannabe showgirl, erm.. I wouldn't say singing, but kind of breathy and all. Ugh!!!

If that wasn't bad, her so-called 'funny antics' were. guys have to watch to understand the scenes, but I think it drives my point home how hard Tyra is trying this time around to jazz up the program, because somehow the talents this time appear mediocre at best, in comparison to the girls from the other seasons.

Some of the girls were simply intolerable. Sarah for one, is just a waste of time. But her 'sense of humour' must have counted for personality cause she got in.

Here's a shot of her doing the 'straw accordian' act. Eew!!!

And Tyra's reaction? For once... suitable.

This season seems to be the oddball showdown because all of the girls were obviously chosen not for their look but their personalities or characters (or disorders, if you must). Take Heather for one, I kind of like her, but she's a self professed computer geek, with a hunch, and a mild form of autism which makes her behave all awkward in social situations.

Still, as creepy as she can look, I think once groomed, she's one of the real threats to winning the competition. Why does she remind me of Fasha Sandha?

Anyway, check out the swimsuit shot... talk about bad postures.

So here are the girls' portfolios for now. I only missed out on the screenshot of Ebony's because they didn't display it. Which is ok cause Ebony's going to be around too even though she's the super b***h of the competition, though I think that's ok cause Bianca appears as a hootchie c**t!

Apart from Ebony and Heather, I likd Sylvia, but she didn't make the cut, and Chantal, who undoubtedly will be one of the favourties.

Jennifer was ok too, but she didn't make it in either. My afterthoughts were Ambreal, Lisa and Janet, who is the token short haired gal this time about, but I think she's quite Naima-esque.

The other were questionable. Mila looks so pumped with collagen, Victoria is so berangan and so wrong just cause she looks weird and thinks too much of herself, and Sarah, the accordian-straw playing girl was just common. Saleisha has nice proportions but... I don't see anything unqiue about her... and Kimberly??? WHO??? Owh...the porn star lookalike..

Throw in Jenah as well (nama pon cam anak kak Yam). So here's the list of the 13 girls who made in the house and their portfolio so far, minus Eboy again cause I didn't get the screenshot.

So what do I make of it? Too early to tell, but I'm going to be following America's Next Top Model VERY closely. So TV season begins again, and my social life takes a dip for a while, sebab Heroes pun dah nak start.

As for the girls, we'll wait until they go for a makeover and they've had their photoshoots before I make my choice, cause most of them just look extremely plain now.

Oh by the way, something that caught my eye was the opening motage of this season's premiere episode. For those of you who have watched it, watch the start again. Perasan tak apa-apa?

Yeap...look clsoely at the beauty queens in the bottom row, the ones in the swimsuits. Now look at number three from the left.

I don't know what competition this is, Miss World ke Miss Universe ke...or what year it's from, but hey! At least now we can say a Malaysian has been on America's Next Top Model. If only in the montage..I'm outta here....

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day of rest... not really

Malas nak tulis panjang arini cause spending time off the weekend for myself with Boo Boo. Just wanted to share this picture, which really is kind of ironic... spot the mistake if you can lah...

So did you guys get it? Aku amik pic ni masa kat area KL. Yes, you have four policeman, on their civilian motorcycles. And guess what?

First big mistake, just like how they're parked at the redlight, meka jalan pun sebelah menyebelah... I mean it!

Seriously, isn't that like the first obvious mistake? They're not parked like that only tau, masa jalan pun, side by side, cuma as the pemandu berhemah like I am (yeah right) I didn't take a pic then.

Secondly, two of them takde lampu.. leh? Apa lah. So much for leadership by example etc. I really hope the police force isn't as erm... well. Just another insight into reality.

Ok lar...nak go enjoy myself for tonight.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Undead and Unwed

Today, thankfully, there will not be a million pics in my blog, so hopefully, korang leh baca cepat sikit ler dari nak tunggu satu satu gambar nak load.

Kepada sesapa yang tak nampak any of the pics, all I can say is, keep hitting refresh, and pray that the pictures eventually show up, and that's the only helpful hint I can offer in making sure you guys dapat share the pics.

Hari ni was all about work... work... and more work. Sampai berbuka kat office. Ni second day aku kantoi dalam minggu pertama berpuasa ni. Mana tak nya... dah asyik sangat wat keja, tangan automatically reached for the Twisties dekat ngan aku.. and before I knew it.. *krookkkk*...I started crunching away.

Erm... so, two days tak puasa. Still not too bad. Sorry Boo Boo.

Apapon, today was not that event filled kecuali gi location scouting for one of my projects, which was actually quite fun. Got the place, confirmed it... and am ecstatic because I know it's going to look oh-so-fabulous!

Went back early today, and popped a Xanax before continuing the current book I was reading which is Undead and Unwed. I know... I know... it sounds weird.

I've always been into bimbo reading material, and I think this is as close as you get to the actual definition, apart from the Shopaholic books (you should read those too if you're like me).
Anyway, the book is the first of six I think in the genre of 'paranormal chick lit', and simply bloody amusing.

Summary? Elizabeth Taylor (yes, that's the character's name) comes from a broken home, is gorgeous, but bored of it, takes a low end job as a secretary, loves shoes, and on the samed day she gets fired, she gets bitten and infected.

She turns all vampire-like, but can actually hold crosses, stand garlic, take a Holy Water shower and yes, she still loves her shoes!

Turns out, she is the much awaited chosen one, who is to be the queen of the undead!!!

Beat that!

The whole book is a riot and you guys will love it, if you bother to take a read. Yeap... I finished it today, and am planning to scour for the other five soon (along with the new Shopaholic one which I have yet to get)

So this weekend is going to be book reviews, unless I can finish downloading the premiere episode of America's Next Top Model cycle 9 which is bloody slow on torrent.

Ok... Xanax taking effect...zzz

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Yesterday was another event.... Gawd...there's a string of them this week. And I already have another line of events for next week. Pening siot. Everyday ada jerk.

But bayangkan kalao aku yang keja yang berderet event, camna lah hidup artis time bulan posa nih. Dok kena usung sana sini for event berbuka posa yang neverending for a whole month. ada story sikit. I mentioned ada some projects in work, well actually ada dua.

But here's one of them. And here's the clue...

The Fabulous Cats - ngan pose memacam...

Ahli Fiqir - Tukang Kata lak takde...

Dayang Nurfaizah - finally.... a pose worth it!

And that's the clue. What do The Fabulous Cats, Ahli Fiqir and Dayang Nurfaizah have in common? Well, apart from being at the rakaman Rumah Terbuka Melodi semalam?

Well, it's not confirmed, but these three names are in the list at the moment for a little project I'm helping out with, and tunggu confirmation subject to dates. Not to mention that several more (Adam and Jac perhaps?), kalao jadik. Kalao nak tau kena tunggu lar ek dalam seminggu dua nih tuk aku confirm.

Until then, I am not going to give away much. The second lagik ler rahsia, so can't even give any clues about that.

And by the way Cat, kalao ko read this, about that offer to join up for your project, just buzz me ok and let me know.

Meanwhile, since entry ni akan banyak gambar, let's get on with it.

Antara my two favourite divas - Aishah and Adibah Noor!

The two sisters kick off their shoes for a pic.

Yazer tetap maintain...

Fasha Sandha.. manis nyaaaa (jangan marah ah..Fasha yang nak amik pic ngan aku)

Sweet couples... Khai dan Rosma... dan Sarah dan tunang dia.

Favourite diva Boo Boo... Ziana Zain. Tetap vogue...

Ayu dan manis, Amy Mastura and Nora.


Nita dan Farhan...

Sharifah Zarina... so cute and girlish...comeinya!

Ramai lagik yang hadir semalam tapi aku tak larat nak amik pics bebanyak sangat (dreading pikir nak upload seketul seketul...pening) Lagikpon, dalam seminggu dua nih dah banyak sangat event, kena gi, so there will be a lot more pics and videos from that, cukup ler wat entry nih ek.

Just make sure kalao korang nak amik pics ni nak tempek mana mana, please credit me and add a link to here ok... again it's only fair to respect the source kan?

Semalam was a weird day. My not too distant past haunted me. First someone who was in my life and decided to disappear, decides to reappear and make like everything was alright. Not angry, just confused... what makes someone think they can do that without explaining themselves or apologising?

And the cheek to blame us on being angry for making like nothing happened. Oh well... time will tell.

Then there's this Dia... whose been b****ing about me ton kingdom come. Oh well... entah lah. For me, it's simply obvious now that there are small minded people about, and I can only do my best to tolerate it.

Tengok camna la...ok...popping a Xanax and going to bed with my newest read, Undead and Unwed by Mary Janice Davidson (not to be confused with Janice Dickinson).

Until tomorrow...