Saturday, May 31, 2008

Al kisahnya...

Uwaa uwaa uwaa... banyak cita ari nih. Dalam tidur hanya sejam dalam keta dalam perjalanan ke Shah Alam nak layan show Nadia (hantar Boo ke bus station kerana nak balik kampung, the hantar anak anak hamster ku ke rumah Juan) banyak lak story aku dengar yang sampai telinga aku. Tengah pikir nak cita ke tak pasal bab nih... malas sebenarnya drama swasta orang takde keja ni.

Anyway, sapa tak ke PKNS Shah Alam tadik miss show Nadia rugi! Besh besh... lepas rindu tengok dia kat konsert.

Sempat lepak jap ngan mama dan adik Nadia. Bump into papa dia later. Ni a few pics jer sempat snappy.

Nanti jer la cita lebih ek.

Sorry ler pics tak cantik. Dalam blur tak cukup tido... then pas pikir paperwork lom abih... asik bercamping sampai subuh branstorming.... ting tong lak aku. Kalao minat Nadia USHA SINI at the official Nadia Fan Club website.for more pics and info ler. Nanti jerk aku story lebih mendalam, and also post pics Stacy in Sabah.

Friday, May 30, 2008

What? Who?

So it's the end of the week, and yet tak sampai sparuh jalan what I intended to do. Damn! So many things, so little time!

Belah malam, free sikit, so played Santa Claus and dropped in on my sis to send her the shoes I bought. She liked them! Thank goodness I know her taste.

Sempat singgah lepak jumpa Ramli MS kat Plaza Damas. He was with Syd, kak Liza of Riz punya fan club as well as several other people. Caught up with a little gossip and then made a move when the place closed up, and bung Ramli had to meet someone in Ampang.

Met up with friends kat Uptown lak later for supper. Yes, the Ratatouile zone I posted pics about some time back. What can I say... memang tuh port baru pas Pelita da.

Some people can be so excited over chicken chop.

Just a note, for Stacy fans, she's taking the 7.30am flight back to Sabah tomorrow morning. Greet home the champ ok... and sesapa ada amik pics, email me at so i can post them here. I will credit you. Just share how the moment was.

Sempat gayut ngan Stacy, thanks to Nadia, sebab Stacy nya phone abih battery had to call Nadia's. Gayut with both of them a while.

Nadia fans, ingat kat Plaza PKNS Shah Alam besok at 3pm, Nadia will be there for a BSN do. Tak pasti sapa lagik ada, but worth checking out.

Aku kena go there anyway tomorrow sebab kena jemput Boo for brunch before hantar dia balik kampung. Also nak jemput 'anak anak' aku (my hamsters la in Mek and Donald and their two batch of kids).

Be posting more tomorrow...

Thursday, May 29, 2008


First of all, I mentioned semalam aku tengah pikirkan sesuatuh. Finally came to a decision, and this is what I have to say.

Terima kasih bab semua yang sokong ketika kemunculan aku dalam telemovie Gaia arituh, it was a learning experience for me in so many ways.

However, ngan musim kedua tengah shooting, aku da cadang nak tarik diri dari production for season two. So no more Master G, unless they still keep the character in with someone else.

Yang penting, aku da pikirkan masak masak, I don't think I want to do it for season two.
Moving on, berapa hari nih, aku sebenarnya nak rehat. Yerlah, Akademi Fantasia sudahpun tamat. Time to focus on so many other things that I need to do.

Benci sebenarnya the corporate practise, ngan paperwork pelbagai, but hey.. nak masuk dunia ni kena belajar lor.

Yang penting, mulai sekarang usaha aku, aku yang akan get credit, and get paid for it.

Biasanya kalao wat sesuatu sebelom ni, kekadang tak dapat credit, kekadang tak dapat bayaran, kita wat kerana passion, but I guess that's always mistaken for being gullible. It has happened too many times to me in the past, and while I never used to mind, now I do. Other people rake the benefits, takkan aku tak deserve to get a piece of the pie.

Need to work harder to continue on the path to my dreams, and not allowing anything to stop me.

Today was one of the many days thay will be my staple routine for the near future. Paperwork.. preparing proposals and all.

Tapi nak jadik cita, pagi tadik ke warehouse sale. Hari pertama of a three day sale tuk jenama Lewre. Kira tiga empat ratus gak ler harga kasut kasut dia.

Aku pun sibuk ke sana awal pagik da gih. Benda tuh start kol 10 pagik. Aku sampai 10.15 pagik da gila!

I didn't take any photos of the sale sebab seriously gila despite it being a working day!
Orang berasak tak hengat cam bagik kasut pree jerk. Mana taknya. I got a tan pair of pumps for my mom. Retail price about RM300 plus harga sebenar. Simple but classic. Harga sale? RM70 jerk.

For my sis, two pairs of black pumps, one dekat pattern Guess dia beli, for just RM50! Another pair tuh dapat tuk RM30 jerk. Matilah harga pun cam Jukebox lak (motif tahu jerk tahu harga Jukebox?) walaupun leather.

Also a pair of party heels in pink for my sis punya member which had several rows of diamante also at RM70.

Kan da kata... aku ni shopaholic. Walaupun beli tuk orang lain pun kepuasan tak terhingga tau! Janji discount. Damn! Ni lah akibatnya sejak dapat duit VSS control sangat bab shopping. Sampai kasut heels bukan aku leh pakai pun leh abihkan RM220. But all in all, the retail price for the four pairs of shoes (two Lewre, two under the Luxury brand) pun da over a thousand. So definitely worth it.

And more so bila mak aku try dia suka sangat sebab orang tua aku ni suka nak vogue nak pakai heels. My mom funky ok.. umo jer 62, tapi tetap maintain.

Esok thinking about going back again, so sapa nak ikut jom!

Just kena beranikan diri sikit.

Whoever coined the phrase that the women are the weaker sex, has to be a man because he has not only not gone through labour, tapi tak pernah ke shoe sale! Time ni la kaum Hawa mengganas ok!

I swear I got whacked out of place by a 70 year old woman who was angling for a pair of heels yang ijo pucuk pisang gituh. Matilah! Had to do a little pushing and shoving walaupon rasa bersalah sebab aku lelaki tak elok gituh nak tolak pompuan.

But hey..bab sale ni, it's all about equality of the sexes!

Dalam keta excited sebab nak tengok apa aku beli

Where my RM220 went...

Ni info sale.. sempat lagik korang nak gi

Seb baik aku da lama risik shoe size mak aku (a six).Aduh... tapi worth it siot. Korang kalao sempat usha gi lah. Tapi pada ladies yang kaki bukan antara size 5 to 8 tuh, baik gi awal sebab other sizes payah nak cari kalao lambat. Ko hengat ko sorang jer nak kasut mahal for a cheaper price?

For your info, the shoes memacam pattern ada. From wedges to pumps to sandals to court shoes... kasut lelaki pun ada. Semua antara RM30 to RM70, though none to my liking. Go take a look. Definitely one of the best sales in a while.

Sampai rumah tengahari, tido jap sebab letih siot mengharungi lautan wanita wanita pantang tengok kasut murah..

Got up a few hours later and continued proposals.

Malam ada meeting nak discuss some projects. Ada berkenaan budak finalist Akademi Fantasia musim keenam ni... tapi takleh cita lebih for now. Hush hush... tunggu confirm aku announce. Tapi aku rasa bebudak fan club pun da tau. Tapi diamkan dulu ek... nanti aku mention sini bila confirm.

Dalam time lepak ngan geng Maestro, Haziq dan ayahanda dia and his sister pun ada. Sempat cita pasal album Haziq. Cantik cover (tapi ingat ek Ziq.. buang payung tuh)

Haziq pose handphone dia... lama punya ok.. dia jenis bersederhana tak suka tayang. At least ada kaaaaan...

A lot of things discussed ngan pihak Maestro. Baguih ni. Nanti jer la ek aku cakap apa dia. Exciting times ahead with many things to look forward to. Will keep you guys posted.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Silence is golden

Kalau sesiapa tunggu cerita terbaru, buat sementara ini aku akan berehat. Just for today. Nak tolong orang pindah, and tuh pun tuk bakal office baru production aku gak.

Korang sabar jer ek.

By the way, aku tengah pikirkan something ni nak wat keputusan. Hati mengatakan gituh, tapi bila pakai otak dapat jawapan lain.

Entahlah... will update esok je. So many things to share.

Konsert Final Akademi Fantasia 6 - Part 1

Aku kol 4 petang da sampai tapak karnival ngan Nafi to meet Juanyang da memang awal pagi melangut sana. Lewat sikit aku sebab rush carik air horn, yang masa sampai je kat stadium pasang, bunyi cam kentut. Actually I think I can kentut louder than that too so kind of pissed off.

I have to say, kali ni karnival yang paling BEST ever aku pernah experienced. Musim musim sebelum ni pun best kot tapi kali ni aku memang lama lepak and had fun like hell.

Start lepak booth Alif FC. Sebelah booth tuh, jiran rumah sebelah Nadia FC. Seang dua rumah tuh rumah Pepari atau Riz FC. Sebelah rumah meka lak Stacy FC.

Aiyo.. kecoh! Sampai geng Alif FC dan Nadia FC start joget lambak ngan muzik dari Gempak the Musical yang ongoing kat depan jerk. Beberapa orang dari Pepari pun join. I'm actually glad that MOST were ok with each other, because it was the final, and whatever differences tuh, put aside, Tonight nak celebrate, tak kisah la suka ke tak results kan?

Still, I know ada ler beberapa ekor tuh tak puas ati aku kerana statement statement aku. All I can say is, oh bloody grow up. Ni cam tengok bola jerk, masa sorak ker haper ker, you shout for your team, and yes, you may occasionally put down the other team. Not to mention, supporting someone, ko takkan nak dengar the negatives... so you get worked up.

But digressing, REAL fans of Akademi Fantasia know once the season is closing, we pull together and have fun no matter what. And weirdly enough, the poco poco was what pulled most of us together.

Fun gila tapi peluh tak hengat! Ada gak guna bawak perfume Versace nak sembur merata (time konsert pun sibuk sembur sana sini alao show busuk).

Here are some pics from the carnival. Sorry aku tak amik lebih. Either sibuk poco poco, or recovering because too tired pas ikut bebudak. Biasalah... umur catching up. I'm 32... you guys have to forgive my lack of stamina. Matilah statement!

Rumah Stacy FC

Syurga Pepari

Rumah Nadia FC

Rumah Alif FC

Nadia FC rumah paling grand! Berbelon bagai!

Siap belon promo tuh!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Another day, another project! Malas nak cita skang sebab baru proposal stage. Kencang ada projek skang, syukur lah atas rezeki... God is great. Niat aku pasang tuk perbaiki taraf kehidupan orang tua aku, nampaknya semakin dekat nak tercapai with more potential jobs pouring in. Skang my only problem is... cukup ke tangan nak handle everything?

Anyway, semalam was fun too.. not just all work (work ke kalao da bangun 3pm nak recover dari tak cukup tido sejak Sabtu?).

Petang tadi gi Maestro.

Dah janji nak jumpa bebudak sana, ada urusan, skaligus lepak jumpa ngan bebudak finalists semua, with Stanly as well. Masa lepak bawah kat mamak port biasa ngan Juan, skali ngan Syed (ko memang by best friend la.. aku utang ko dari 'favour' arituh) and friend. We were then joined by some familiar faces.

Ada orang tegur "Hiiiii!" dari jauh. Aku nampak just a lot of hair. Rupanya Nadia. Skali ngan Riz and friend (Kuza is it?) and Nubhan. Man joined us. Toi tengah membuta (kesian bebudak semua tak cukup tido), while Stanly da Stacy pun kat office Maestro kat atas.

Sempat ler catch up ngan Nadia. Also had a word or two with Riz and Kuza (gurl hope I got your name right.. ampun la tak ingat mana satu komen uols kat dalam ni)...glad for the stuff we chatted about. Just gelak jerk la.. small things not worth boggling the mind.

Anyhoo, tak sempat abih minum, nak gerak da, so we all moved upstairs to the office.
Sana jumpa the rest. Aiyo.. Toi tido nampak cam so tired. Stacy animated though while Stanly was on the phone.

Jumpa abang Eidil and all the rest of the Maestro gang skali, before settled in for a quick chat and exchange of numbers with Nadia, and Stacy. Actually had a slightly longer chat with Stacy pasal some things.

Didn't stay long. Bebudak ada sesi kat Awani, so I buggered off for dinner.

Time takde Diari nih, takyah rushing sangat, so the 'Diari hour' smalam spent on live Diari lor. Ok gak.. it was packed with gossip, carutan and a few laughs as well as a surprise or two. Just too bad Sarimah wasn't there or it would have been complete.

Today ada hal sikit... peminat Zahid will be glad to know, since my bro's album in the stores da, esok ada press preview, so expect more stuff here ek.

Better late than never kan?

So, will post later. By the way aku malas snappy pics because engrossed in coversation here and there, so this is all I took. Nadia's turn la aku nak tempek pic sikit.

Jeling sapa lak tuh dak nih...

Sempat tuh...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Konsert Final Akademi Fantasia 6 - Part 2

Finally pagik pagik buta camni, imageshack baru ok so baru aku dapat upload all the pics of the night before. Amik ko... opening shot nak tunjuk trophy Akademi Fantasia juara. Setakat ni da tiga kali aku pegang trophy ni yang berwarna emas.

Of course, there was Zahid's which was such a proud win for me, because memang aku follow gia, and then there was Mawi punya, which also aku rasa bangga sebab believed in him enough walaupon time tuh da tersingkir dari Konsert Prelude... and now, I got to hold it once more, belonging to someone I can proudly say I supported all the way.

Yes, congratulations to Stacy!

I am so proud of you, only the second girl to win this competition, and the first East Malaysian to defy the odds of orang orang dengki yang mencari seribu satu alasan menidakkan bakat ko.

Anyway, ni some statistics korang mungkin interested to know, beginning from kedudukan peratusan total by the end of the close of the votes, to the total undiam diterima and statistik jumah AFUNDI kalao dbandingkan musim lain.

Finalis Peratusan Undian Di Konsert Akhir
RIZ 18%
TOI 13%

4.5 juta
15 juta
10.9 juta
7 juta
6.6 juta
3.8 juta

Konsert Akhir AF6
Keseluruhan musim AF6
Jumlah Undian
879,000 3.8 juta

So tuh ler facts and figures. Malas nak ulas, so spekulasi sendiri apa yang korang nak. Whatever it is, personally, I don't think Akademi Fantasia is a failure sebab angka AFUNDI jatuh, sebab ratings meletop tetap naik jerk tiap musim.

Tapi tuk aku ni menandakan orang da malas undi, especially because 1. production values concert tak melambangkan sincerity towards the arts of performance (dari pilihan lagu, ke kehadiran pelajar yang kualiti kureng, production values termasuk hos yang hardly interesting to pengkritik yang paling boring antara enam musim) and 2. kejayaan or lack of product Akademi Fantasia post competition.

Nama Akademi Fantasia masih gah - but only as a TV show, so hopefully Maestro plays its part well to ensure AF6 winners deliver the goods in term of albums while Astro lak pastikan musim ketujuh nanti (yer... ada dik oi) lagik elok sikit. Dengarlah rungutan orang ramai. Jangan pekakkan diri jerk... the power of the audience should be respected.

And so what I think of things now? I'm damn happy sebab Stacy will now be a major threat to many in the industry kalao Maestro treats her right. Apart from that honestly, aku yakin Nadia dan Riz pun menyengat, while aku yakin Nubhan will do well too. Toi? Erm.. entahlah but I wish him all the best because honestly he is going to need it because aku dari awal da see his path. But biasanya I hate to see myself being right on this kind of things.

Yes, it's post competition, so takyah stress gaduh sapa pilih sapa lagik, aku mintak sapa selama ni sokong their favourites, termasuk anti klubbkidd yang membantah segala kata kata aku skang, pull together and keep supporting these kids.

This is when they need you most.

On to a happier note.. ni pics dari smalam. Enjoy the pics guys.. kalao loading lambat aku takleh nolong! Memang kali ni wajib berat sebab pics banyak!

The finalists with a champion - abang Ramli MS!

Now on their own...

The top three

Tempat kelima - Nadia (tetap diva aku and still worthy of a top three spot no matter what)

Tempat keempat - Toi

Tempat ketiga - Nubhan

Tempat kedua - Riz

And the champion? STACY!!!!!!!!!!

Nadia and I

Walaupun muka berminyak nak gak amik pic of the moment with Stacy... da berpeluh poco poco sejak 3 petang mana muka tak camni...

Perasan tak baju kak Mah glamer kita cam familiar? Love both these ladies.

With her brand new Peugeot!

And another lovely Sabahan lass, my baby sis, Marsha!

But not to be forgotten... the other bintang bintang Akademi Fantasia. Keep supporting all of them no matter what if you really thought they were worth your time selama ni...
(from left : Alif, Stanly, Naim, Lufya and Saida)

(from left : Faisal, Rina, Ika and Yana)

Phew!! !Now you guys know la why it took so long nak edit, upload and link everything?
Am I happy? Hell yeah! Stacy won. Memang aku disappointed sikit Nadia got fifth, but takper.. like I said, rezeki meka masing masing kat luar lain lain, not determined by ranking, so sapa nak berjaya work harder la kan? Yang penting sapa kata sokong, keep on supporting.

Enjoyed the night immensely. Dapat jumpa carut mencarut ngan Saida yang honestly aku tak jumpa sejak elimination dia sebab ada je hal. Also Lufya (matilah ratu ketek) yang aku memang suka personality dia sangat sebab dia colourful and fun. Naim was polite dan perkenalkan diri sebab lom jumpa and cam terkejut berok aku sibuk carut aktif sangat ngan Lufya dan Saida, sambil laser Alif yang sengih biasa da kot ngan molot aku. Sempat wish Stanly condolences.

Yana salam ngan aku malu malu, Ika tegur panggil aku pelakon Gaia (aduh!), mama Rina cam happy to meet me nak perkenalkan diri sebab baru sempat jumpa while Faisal sengih jerk keja takot kena carot.

Aduh.. had so much fun.. walaopon sedih sikit Faz ada tak sempat jumpa dia. Got to meet Stacy's family though yang tegur aku. Mom and dad dia lak nak bergambar ngan aku, which was so sweet.

Kat post party pas PC semua bebudak dikerumuni, but got some time with Stacy who seemed to be enjoying every moment of it all, which touched me so much because yes, I do know her personal story walaopon aku tak jaja kat blog ni sebab tujuannya tuk elak mengundang simpati.
I wanted people to see her talent, I hoped for it, and it happened. And I am so proud. I hope this is indeed a new beginning for her to change all the things she went through.

Lepak kat stadium dan ciao by about 3am. By the time balik, bergayut ngan Sarimah yang withdrawal symptoms da katanya sedih Akademi Fantasia over. Told you girl, this was no ordinary competition and you get sucked into it.

Over an hour later, tried updating sangat but gave up.

Spent the whole Sunday doing the same thing but hopeless.

Ni baru sempat update everything because damn imageshack baru up and stupid torrent baru completed for me to rip the mp3s nak letak sebelah.

Anyway, will post more pics tomorrow of the kids. Kalao sesapa minat Riz dan Nubhan sila ke MrManager, dan kalao Toi.. erm... ke SINI kot. Kalao nak more on AC Mizal, CLICK SIN! (aku sah kena carut bebudak ni nanti)

Ok... going to catch a little nap. Siang ni ada hal lain lak. Ciao bella!

PS - Sesapa suka the pics, you can use them ON CONDITION ada kredit aku and link me. Jangan pepandai crop dan tempek cam it's your own pic, that's just rude... not to mention an infringement of intellectual property copyrights (plus mengundang malapetaka kang ngan sumpah seranah dari aku.. so matlah ko!) Fan clubs yang nak these pics, email me at and ask for non watermarked pics ok.

PS again - pada semua yang tegur aku, thanks,, sori kalao aku kelam kabut sikit rupa... biasa la.. panas berpeluh melekit tak selesa pas sibuk poco poco masa karnical. Love all of you yang said hi, and hope you guys keep supporting me!