Sunday, May 09, 2010


Yeay! Esok nak ke Penang!

Layan pelancaran Adrenalin, album terbaru Faizal Tahir kat Hard Rock Hotel kat Penang. Best... best!

Tunggu ek for pics and all.

Today was another laid back day, and probably the last for a little while sebab nak sambung planning. Another flashmob in the works, bigger and again, different from things we've done, so it's going to be happening!

But seb baik yang projek terbaru ni kang tak banyak songeh, straightforward so takyah sparuh mati nak organize kalao banding ngan yang baru lepas ni.

Again working with my regular crew nak assemble - using THE BEST street dancers in the country.

Anyway smalam layan Debaran sebab member paksa gi (konon nak surprised ngan sapa akan dipilih pakai AFMASUK). Opocot! Terkejutnya Shahir dapat. Heh... pe pe je la.

Semalam jumpa bebudak pon, I just shrugged. I kind of sympathize with them, but hey, the real world is going to be a lot different from the fantasy they're being fed, so good luck to all of them.

Dah dah... malas nak cita panjang lebar. Me enjoying last day of break before back to business!

Have a good remainder of the weekend, guys.


all the best with the upcoming project, keep all of us updated yeah ;)