Monday, April 30, 2012

Help the search for Nayati

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bersih 428

Ok... this is one of those rare blog entries. Rare because since I tweet so much, I hardly have time to blog.

Technology has so taken over us, I'm spending time between Twitter, Facebook, my blog, Instagram, Foursquare...

Experts have already noted that it's virtually impossible to healthily maintain more than two social networks at once, so yeah... I get a spurt of energy once in a while to update ALL - but trust me, it can't be done on a daily basis.

Today's entry - is about Bersih.

Before you close this window, no, I am not going to debate for or against Bersih. I will leave my personal opinions in the ballot box when I cast my vote in the next general election.

What I am going to share is this.

I tweeted a joke that read like below.

Ok... so what's so blog-worthy about this? Look at the number of times it was retweeted. I am proud since this is my most retweeted tweet EVER! 788 times in 24 hours is pretty impressive, don't you think?

ESPECIALLY since the picture I tweeted to go with the tweet was this.

Yes, it was meant to be funny. Since everyone was so tense before the whole Bersih thing began, I wanted to lighten up everyone's mood. And I'm glad a lot of people found it funny. 

788 times. Times the potential number of followers of EVERYONE who retweeted me, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of you out there who saw this. Don't deny it. You did.

Considering Twitter recognizes only SPECIFIC forms of retweets (this differs on device and apps), I am sure more retweeted it, but hey... the satisfaction didn't come from the numbers alone (though I admit I felt good seeing it)... but the knowledge I made people laugh... or at least smile.

On Favstar, I tracked this, and yes, it was my most highly retweeted tweet ever. 

60 favourited it! Of course, again, Favstar too tracks tweets differently so it shows only 598 retweets.

Still - again - I made people smile or laugh.

And in times like this, we all need to just learn to do either.

PS - it's been retweeted a few more times since I screen capped it, and the tweet remains the MOST popular tweet if you search the word Bersih.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Dah lama tak update blog sebab kemalasan dan juga (always the same reason). So memandangkan baru balik Bandung, nak gak update sikit sebab day lama takde pics jalan-jalan.

Was in Bandung membawa Amir sebagai wakil Malaysia untuk acara 4th Marketplace of Creative Arts anjuran World Islamic Economic Forum. Memang best, tapi kesibukan sana akibat kepadatan jadual persembahan dan aktiviti memang membatas kan nak jalan-jalan sikit.

Dah lah duduk di hotel Sensa, right in the heart of Jalan Cihampelas. Rugi gila... sampan hati Jumaat sudahpun malam. Sabtu dan Ahad sudah penuh, bukan sahaja dengan Amir membuat persembahan (yang dengan bangganya aku katanya dia dan muzik dia diterima masyarakat tempatan) tapi aku juga menjadi speaker untuk berkaitan topik social media dan bagaimana aplikasi menggerakkan dunia seni.

Sempat la gak jalan Jalan Cihampelas sikit, tapi sana banyak jeans dan t shirt selain barang-barang pelik saja. Tak dapat nak lari ke kawasan-kawasan lain kawan-kawan semua war-warkan seperti Dago dan sebagainya untuk shopping. Sayang seribu kali sayang...

Ni je sempat snap.

Jalan sana memang pack. Berapa kali nyaris dilanggar mobil dan speda. Heh!

One unique thing about Cihampelas (siapa penah go mesti tau), kedai kedai di Jalan Cihampelas (atau Jeans Street) semua pakai memacam comic book characters lariskan kedai. Copyright owners tak saman ke? Merasalah...tengok je pics.

Anyway... balik acara 4th Marketplace of Creative Arts, bangga sebab Amir memang meninggalkan kesan di sana dengan muzik dia. Also, he was one of the youngest. Selain did, Aziz Harun (Brunei) dan juga Nisa yang juga berasal dari Kuching yang masih boleh digelar teenagers. Borneo power!

Ni gambar kenangan dengan chairman WIEF Foundation - Tun Musa Hitam. Bangga dapat jumpa borak panjang dengan bekas timbalan Perdana Menteri kita.

Memangh seribu satu kenangan dalam masa beberapa hari sana. Perancangan seterus nak tembus pasaran Indonesia untuk muzik Amir ada... jadi dengan itu, minta-mintalah datang dengan peluang lebih kerap jalan-jalan di sana. Hik.

Dengan itu juga kot aku lebih rajin update blog. Matilah... kena alasan camtu baru nak update.