Thursday, May 27, 2010

Congrats Ning!

Aku recovering from a night of partying! Actually overdose pekena milo ais dan kopi O ais sebab lepak ngan kengkawan semalam.

Mana taknya... smalam dah ler full day nak gi two different assignments. Pastu gegas lewat petang gi launching of Celebrities Club - co-owned by the one and only Ning Baizura.

Aku seriously teruja with the club, because as a lot of singers know - this is THE place to perform.

Dig JBL Everest! Damn!

Ramai artis da test power nyanyi sana - even dengar Datuk Siti Nurhaliza dan Datuk Seri Khalid Jiwa da drop by usha the club da.

Tak sabar sebab Atilia kata ada kemungkinan Malam Nada Biru 3 - featuring Aizat dan Marcell akan diadakan sana.

It is an amazing club - for music lovers. Kalao stakat nak stargazing and stalking, baik takyah ler sebab irritating kang sebab ramai ke sana nak enjoy the live music. And no teenyboppers here.

Anyway - the launch at Celebrities Club at Soho KL, Solaris memang happening and fun gila. Most of the live circuit performers were there. Altimet (sorry aku da gerak minum masa tu), Imran Ajmain, Iz, Atilia, Farhan, Elvira and a lot more people performed there - including the hostess, Ning herself pon nyanyi. Aku suka gila.

Aku melayan kengkawan ramai sampai lupa nak snappy. Only at the end of the night sempat camwhore nih jerk.

Ngan tokei besar, Madame Ning
With my ladies - Farhan, Hani and Atilia

When the crowd thinned out - aku layan free use of the Selphy by Canon. Awesome! Dari phone aku, aku print berpuluh pics jadi postcard. Matilah kan... nampak sangat camwhore punya bangsa.

Finally called it a night with some friends and lepak Dr Cafe Coffee nearby. Sampai 1 lebih da nak tutup so gerak ke Bistari lepak sambung sesi borak.

Then this happened.

Tuh dia! Sapa kata artis takleh lepak mamak? Gila ke haper kalao feeling stakat nak dok five star establishment jerk. Just in the case of Ning, she does it in style. Heh... sebenarnya konsep malam tukar baju and since Celebrities Club just across the road, dia drop by ngan laki diaOmar, Alywn, Ken, Altimet and some friends nak minum.

Tuh dia... tetap nak maintain vogue. Yang pentingnya baju ala ala feeling Dreamgirls - very Beyonce (matilah teringat member yang sebut Beyonce as BOUNCE!)

Arghhh... overdose lepak. Balik pon da kol 6.30 pagik. Matilah banyak diborak sampai lupa masa. Time to work my ass off jap. Ada benda nak abihkan...

PS - For those wondering what happened to the Natasha Hudson press conference by Alibi Music, tak jadik yer. Postponed. Until when tatau.

PPS - Universal Music mungkin akan tarik semua lagu mereka dari stesen radio satu nih. Sebab? Asyik dok promosi lagu-lagu sendiri sampai tahap sampah da mengabaikan orang lain dari feature lagu baru artis mereka. Ini tindakan drastik - especially nak protest tindak tanduk radio station yang sibuk nak feeling A&R nak ajar artis, label dan pihak pengurusan camna nak wat lagu. Kalao betul jadi - banyak artis akan ilang dari stesen radio tersebut. Local - Aizat, Anuar Zain, 6ixth Sense... ramai agik. Indonesian songs, English songs (termasuk Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, Justin Bieber, Timbaland etc) will no longer be heard on THAT radio station kalao jadi. If you want to read more CLICK HERE to read my article.