Thursday, May 31, 2007

Photo day

Sebab kang banyak aku merapu menambahkan berat blog aku nak dibukak ni (kesian la meka yang masih terpaksa pakai dial up)

Anyhoo, hari ni Adly emergency leave, si Ida lak cuti. Hurmpphh... aduh. Aku lak kena in charge of the desk ari ni, Menci menci menci tol tanggungjawab nak jadi in charge nih.

Aku memang walaopon orang nak cakap apa pon, aku menci nak jadik head of something. Aku jenis believe in if you want to get something done, you hav to ge tit done yourself.... couple that with the lack of my trust in human nature, memabg tak sesuai ler aku nak jadik pala.

But nak wat camna, suka tak suka ari ni in charge ler.

Aku awal da jaga. Masuk opis je, ada happy news. Yeap, TV LG Flatron dan Astro Max tuk kami da sampai (thank you Astro!) for the entertainment section. Tapi tak install pelbagai sebab ada isu nak mount kan the TV or nak biar on a cabinet or something.

Oh whatever....banyak keja nak abih.

Lom pe pe, da Along Maestro call.

Si Mila, Ebi, Aswad, Heliza dan Candy da pon sampai. Meka nak tour Balai Berita ari ni. So dropped everything dan kena join sekali. First a interview semua, followed quickly by lunch.
Then back meka tour the English papers... sempat ler banyak gak sembang ngan the five of them.

Tapi hah...jangan terkejut. paling banyak aku sembang ngan si Aswad. Yerlah...dia tatau apa yang berlaku, so dia pon hanya baca dari @15, bahasa begitu indah yang fanatik dan juga yang anti.

Of course sora fanatik ler lebih lebih. Dia memula takut gak ngan aku nih, tapi in the end, gelak lak kami cita. I suppose my reputation precedes me...Yerlah..yang dok bising tuh peminat yang taksub sangat sampai ingat meka ni perfect. Tak paham pon beza argumentative comments.

Meka ni jenis peminat yang temporary sebab tak sanggup tengok kelemahan yang diminati tuh dikritik sebab meka nak perfection je. Kesian lak tengok si Aswad ni runsing peminat dia yang over.

Nak tergelak pon ada sebab bab cita pasal seseorang ni yang kami refer sebagai EMAK ANGKAT, Aswad hanya mampu kata, "pas kuar Akademi ni, ramai yang ngaku emak angkat etc".

Kerana molot sorang fanatik yang syok sendiri, dak nih pening lebih. Kerana bahasa begitu indah kat forum dan @15, ramai lagik meluat dak ni. Dah penah cakap... tapi panatik tanak dengar camna. Pepandai la ek Aswad hang handle...apapn all the best.

The rest memang ok jer bual, tapi aku rasa Mila, atau nama timangannya yang baru dari aku, Enfagrow (sebab dia ni petite kicik sangat) yang paling all out pot pet). Candy pon senang mesra ngan aku sebab aku confortable talking with Sabahans, I guess. Heliza and Ebi spoke the least, though ok gak.

Anyhoo, they got to get a rundown of the editorial process... hah...korang ingat reporter takde keja? Panatik jer kata wartawan makan gaji. Ingat stok wat gossip je keja.... heh...sabar lah ek dik. ada banyak keja. Meka bergerak je, aku kena abihkan column as well as masuk editors meeting. Malam ni ada media appreciation party for Akademi Fantasia.

Aku update pics ASAP, tapi apapun, ni beberapa pics lawatan meka tadik... jangan carut ada beberapa keping ni tak clear. Tu sebab aku siap individual pics so everyone lebih kurang puas.
Pada peminat meka, aku upload kan banyak agik pics meka as time goes by dan aku jumpa meka ok. Nak amik pics sini, leh jer, tapi kalao nak letak memana site, at least kredit aku, dan letak link ke blog aku ler seperti biasa.

Kalao aku dapat memana site atau blog pakai tanpa tepati syarat tuh, aku akan terus stop posting pics dak yang terlibat ok. So fans, I do this for you guys, respect usaha aku. Thanks... enjoy the pics guys!

Ok...more updates tonight ok...letih.

Aduh...baru ari ni da camni. Camna la kalao aku betul betul tima....tamau tol la...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm back!!!

Yer...da menghampiri seminggu aku tak update blog. A record yang memang berzaman lama da nih aku tak sentuh blog. Sengaja sebenarnya, nak amik cuti from blogging sat, while concentrating on work and other stuff going on.

As of last Thursday, I have refrained from updating my blog or answered any messages, which I will begin once again esok.

No real reason. Bermula je, immediately simultaneously, spent the week tanpa mendapat panggilan sesapa.

In other words, lupa terus alam maya sekejap. Just part of an experiment nak tengok how long aku leh stay away. And I have to admit memang susah. Sib baik sekali sekala malas tuh datang, tak rasa ler.Heh!

Apapon, have been snapping pics dan tetap kompol cita for each and every day, so mulai esok, a week later, aku start update banyak story mory yang da terkumpul. Kira aku akan update secara borong lor.

Today busy day gila and it's one of the only days yang memang nothing much to share.
Except maybe this pic yang aku amik kat studio ntv7 smalam.

So what do you see that's erm... well...see that's worth a posting of this. Kreativiti tahap black metak tol props department nih, kan?

PS - Aku sihat la..sapa yang tanya aku kena kidnap pirates ke, mati la (hish!) and so on, gila la korang. But at least korang miss me (perasan sat) begins again...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Of many colours... and Red

Tadik jumpa Mawi sebab ada event pelancaran medallion Mawi. Ala...remember that coin thing he launched masa Konsert Fantasia dulu?

Anyways, first things first, kenal tak minah sebelah Mawi tuh? Kalao koramg tatau agik, tu lah minah yang MUNGKIN menjadi Saliha. Memang aa korang tak kenal sangat...sebab dia ni wartawan hiburan.

She is also the wartawan hiburan yang dijemput M. Nasir untuk ujibakat untuk watak Saliha. Sebenarnya, Mawi pun tatau sifu punya choice. Nama minah ni Raden. Dia ni keja tuk online publication yang takyah pun diberikan publisiti percuma.

So korang tunggu je la sapa dapat watak Saliha tuh sebab lama lagik ler baru nak announce. Lupakan ler segala tarikh yang diberikan selama ni... and Raden beb.... good luck gurl for that role, walaupon tunang ko tak bagi amik watak tuh...oops!!!

Anyway, Mawi kan baru balik Sydney yang aku tak jadik ikut tuh...seb baik botak ingat aku!!!
Heh...botak jadik gak beli aku t shirt Hard Rock Sydney ok...katanya lah! Dia memang da kata nak belikan aku baju Hard Rock. Aku tak expect ler...kerana mana la dia ni nak ingat kat aku.

Tapi dia lak excited cita pasal pattern t shirt tuh yang dragon ala tattoo aku, with a tiger.

Ok ok...aku tunggu ko passing baju tuh kat aku botak. Heh...

Speaking of new stuff, siang tadik, biasala Monday morning blues. S the best solution?

Apa lagik? Retail theraphy la. Aku pegi ke Crocs punya boutique kat Ikano Power Centre. Aku memang nak beli lama da tapi tak jadik je. So a couple of days ago, aku ada lalu Ikano and saw the Crocs banner, so memang nekad nak beli gak!

And what good timing for the need for retail therapy kan!!!

Ok...I admit I almost got the pink pair. As you can see, memang spoilt for choice abih kat the boutique.

Ah...member semua kata bazir duit beli yang ori, yang pelesu kat Bangkok pon RM10 jer kan? Kat Mangga Dua pon aku ada tengok, convert ke RM tak sampai pon that amount. Tapi perlu ke?

Well, I wanted a pair that was not a rip-off punya, so I finally settled on a pearl white, which was actually off white, grayish.

Sebenarnya ada pattern baru yang lawa lawa tapi sebab gaji lom kuar, tak nak splurge sangat... beringat sikit nak ke Singapore dua kali bulan Jun ni. Especially since my first trip there will be on the 8th which of course hari pertama mid year sale.

Jimat cermat ari ni, esok leh shopping sakan ma.. gituh!!!!

Takpe...berapa ari agik aku beli second pair..kena balik sini gak. Heh...

Alamak...cita reverse lak. So after buying the Crocs, aku ke assignment Mawi, then pastuh dapat call dari Vern.

Dia memang kat KLCC which wasn't too far from Bora Ombak tempat event aku gi tuh. So planned nak meet up sebab malam tu ada meeting.

Jumpa kat Dome, lepak jap jer, we were joined by kak Red. Makcik merah ni memang aku da lama sedar kewujudan blog dia tapi orangnya tak penah jumpa.

But she was fun to yap with, and memang besh gak lepak ngan dia.
Molot sekali da start, sampai makcik ni kansel appointment dia nak main squash.

Merasalah especially when the entourage built up sebab a few friends joined us, including Dafi. Yeap...that's right... Dafi pon join ok. Tak caya bacala sendiri kat sini (kalau dia update) atau sini (bising dia aku tak update)

Terharu sebab kak Red tetiba dapat call, rupanya opis mate dia yang in the vicinity yang kem salam sebab cam aku. Heh...pembaca blog aku rupanya. To the akak yang kem salam yang sempat tegur tuh, tima kacih kak...sori tak sempat tanya nama, sebab akak pon rushing kan.
Kecoh gak thoughout the res of the evening..

Anyway, the rest of the night was confusing because we were moving about.

Aku dan Vern naik for dinner at Madam Kwan's (thanks for dinner to Tim and Samantha of Nuffnang). Kak Red balik dulu while the rest of the entourage gi Chilli's, couldn't get a place, then ke Sundanese where we joined them after we finished.

From Sundanese, kita gerak balik ke bawah ke Starbucks, sebab Dafi nak online kat Dafi FC nak chat.

From there, me, Vern and Rudy later continued on for drinks kat Lotus. Balik, banyak ler benda yang di hadam da nak kuar balik. Heh...pastuh tido!!!!

Oh by the way, sebenarnya kan aku kata aku malas nak amik pic bebanyak kan? Yerlah...akibat malas nak upload kemudiannya (sekali sebab battery phone da out gayut seharian memacam urusan).

So akibatnya ni pic aku amik dari blog redmummy, jangan marah ek makcik oi...bagik kredit da. Yang sebelah aku si Awin, 'bodyguard' merangkap chaperone Dafi (iyolah tuh!!! berangan comei ler tuh...heh!!!) ...Ngantuk....

Sunday, May 27, 2007

On the Surface

Extremely lazy Sunday (lazy seems to be the recurring theme). Entah kenapa, seem almost a little lethargic.

Surfed most of the day just to keep track of what's going on. Nak jadik techie geek sat. Any of you hear about Microsoft Surface soming out soon? Awesome! Three days to go. For those of you yang tatau...this is what the Surface is.

What is Microsoft Surface?

Microsoft Surface™, the first commercially available surface computer from Microsoft Corp., turns an ordinary tabletop into a vibrant, interactive surface. The product provides effortless interaction with digital content through natural gestures, touch and physical objects.

Surface is a 30-inch display in a table-like form factor that's easy for individuals or small groups to interact with in a way that feels familiar, just like in the real world. In essence, it's a surface that comes to life for exploring, learning, sharing, creating, buying and much more. Soon to be available in restaurants, hotels, retail establishments and public entertainment venues, this experience will transform the way people shop, dine, entertain and live.

How does Surface work?

At a high level, Surface uses cameras to sense objects, hand gestures and touch. This user input is then processed and the result is displayed on the surface using rear projection.

What is surface computing?

Surface computing is a new way of working with computers that moves beyond the traditional mouse-and-keyboard experience. It is a natural user interface that allows people to interact with digital content the same way they have interacted with everyday items such as photos, paintbrushes and music their entire life: with their hands, with gestures and by putting real-world objects on the surface. Surface computing opens up a whole new category of products for users to interact with.

What are the key attributes of surface computing?

Surface computing has four key attributes:

Direct interaction. Users can actually "grab" digital information with their hands and interact with content by touch and gesture, without the use of a mouse or keyboard.

Multi-touch contact. Surface computing recognizes many points of contact simultaneously, not just from one finger, as with a typical touch screen, but up to dozens and dozens of items at once.
Multi-user experience. The horizontal form factor makes it easy for several people to gather around surface computers together, providing a collaborative, face-to-face computing experience.

Object recognition. Users can place physical objects on the surface to trigger different types of digital responses, including the transfer of digital content.

For more info, CLICK HERE!

Tapi kalao malas nak baca ke nak main click ke mana mana, check out these videos to get an idea of what Surface is. I definitely want one of these!!! Too bad they cost a bomb, will only be available later this year, and will probably never make this part of the world even if you could afford them.

Check out the first video for the explaination of what Surface it (worth a watch!) and the second a full explanation of the technology behind Surface.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Citrawarna - and the lack of portable potties

Ari ni sambungan ari malas and n mobile communication. Read my previous entry tuk paham that this is a backdated entry. Also second day without mobile communication sebab da amik phone tapi terlupa bak charger.

Matilah...bak seketol je, so technically my contact with the world is not totally cut off, tuh pun bak family emergency number jer so hanya kuarga leh call.

Decided to go for the pre-launch shows of Citrawarna mana si Nikki perform.

Lagikpon it's been some time since I last drove to Putrajaya, so aku pon decided to join a scenic drive after meeting Vern up kat Plaza Alam Sentral where both Nikki dan Yanie ada show. Azmi pon ada sekali, so pas abih je, I led the way ke Putrajaya.

The show was at Precint 3, so it wasn't too hard to get to the venue which was near the Palace of Justice. Sempat ler amik pic kat suspended bridge yang ala ala jambatan Pulau Pinang tuh.

Amacam.... ada artistic tak gambar aku amik. Merasalah artistic katanya... padahal amik pic masa tengah bak keta, hawau!!!

Actually thought it was a nice day to take pics, tapi sebab terkenangkan aku nak elak dari update blog for a week, sebenarnya force myself to not take so many pics.

Yerlah, amik bebanyak, jenuh kang nak backdate entries semua banyak lak pics nak upload dan link. Pening siot!!!!

Still, thought it was a wonderful day, and the skywards angle I had to take, sebab tengah driving, made for a freaking good picture, so there!

Sampai je, we circled around looking for where to park. Actually since there were three stages, we didn't know exactly where to go... so circles around like vultures around a carcass (keji tak metaphor aku?)

Some smart ass prick forgot to throw in road signs, becaus they probably thought people could telepathically find their way kot... so it was a stinking waste of time before we finally settled on where we thought the stage actually was.

The next problem we had was parking, so again one more problem. Nak carik spot mana parking da reserved.

Keji segala keji, seperti biasa, efficiency organisers patut dipuji (not!!!) when we ran into another problem. Mamat security nih tak bagik parking lak pulark. Knon takde sticker. Padahal tak tima pon sticker apa. Then he started picking at bones kata parking tuh tuk media. Du-uh... aku bertugas pon takde sticker la mangkuk hayun. Vern said, tak guna argue ngan some people. Courtesy of two nicer security guys however, we were led to another parking lot a few hundred metres away where we got to park.

By the way, bawah ni ler pic yang mangkuk jamban yang kerek nak mampos. Is it any wonder why you're so erm...suited for the job? And some people wonder why they don't get ahead in life...

Yes, watching cars go past and giving a load of crap to people who have a valid reason of being there is such a laborous job. Lard many of those around of the berangan dan dumbass variety.

Anyhoo, Nikki was slotted for the pre-show,headlining at hotspot two, together ngan Rizal, Farha, Afiq dan Diya. Dengar khabar, hotspot one si Dafi, Noni, Shawal dan Fatin. Sebab jarak pentas dalam more than 500 meter, tak kuasa nak meredah onak dan duri gituh nak berjalan ke the other stage nak jenguk.

Still, found out had to walk, as Yanie needed to go potty and we found out there were n accesible toilets for a very, very long way.

In the end found some portable potties, about few hundred metres away, not too far from where we had parked our cars. Ni pic Yanie posing with the only accesible portable potties within a radius of at least 2km.

Yes, we can see how relieved Yanie was in discovering there were loos about that could be used.

Never mind the stench that was building up.

Back at the site, the show began shortly with Rizal.

Mmmm...memang meletop la. Beribu biru orang moncol... sayangnya semua orang bunian!!!
Yerlah...kalao hotspot one we found out later packed sebab at the start of the road, and the main stage takyah cita...hotspot two ni kat ujung dunia so no one about!

The maximum number of people there tak cecah 100 pon. Sodih!!!

And by estimate, they would have spent a total of RM50,000 for the whole set-up of hotspot two.

So why bother? Dua pentas, one main and one side show dah ler. Ni nak bebanyak nak abihkan duit... I mean, put our tax Ringgit to such good use. Sheesh!

The show carried on, break for Azan jap, so dalam nunggu, start le layan bosan.

Amik pics ler apa lagik... again tried resisting the urge nak amik pics bebanyak, but I thought this was one too nice to pass up on.
Don't Nikki and Yanie look absolutely cute in this pic?

Please ignore the fact that Azmi is attempting to sabotage the picture ngan his peace sign, trying nak bagik si Yanie horns.

We finally finished the show, said goodbye to everyone and gerak.
We left before they actually launched Citrawarna... thank goodness sebab tak larat tengok memacam costume ala colour blind assembled by the various kebudayaan bodies from different states scheduled to perform.

Honestly...can you imagine hues of red, yellow, blue and green of the fluorescent variety all mushed together to come up with a supposed traditional look? If you don't have that active an imagination, turn on RTM and you get what I'm trying to describe.

Had supper at McDonalds kat Petronas yang dekat luar kawasan Astro on the way balik. Tak larat...mata pon da berat.

The only saving grace is terbayangkan takyah nak update blog je so finally get some well deserved sleep.

However, kalao da dok ngan adanya orang ni, apa lagik... keja gossip ler.
After we were done, headed home.

Denied the urge to blog, and decided to call it a night.

Butt tired!!!! Nak get some rest... all in all, an amusing, though not all that eventful of a Saturday night.

Really need to find something to take up my time now that Akademi Fantasia is over.

After a bit, loads more gossping, called it an early night for the weekened ahead.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Hari ni sebenarnya hari malas sedunia for me. For some reason, work has built up (no more than usual, tapi aku rasa berat sangat nak wat anything online.

So planned to start staying away from my blog. Maybe I just deserve a little rest and R&R away from blogging.

Lagikpon, aku rasa dalam nak masuk tiga tahun da aku blogging, da lama aku tak 'cuti'.

Blogging used to offer me relief, but sometimes I just felt that it became a responsibility yang kekadang tak larat pon nak keep on and on doing, especially time kesibukan yang amat nih.

Still, part of my strength I get is from many of you ot there in the virtual world, who have become my friends online, and in the flesh, and if my little notes everyday can help cheer you up, as how many have cheered me up through the darkest hours, then maybe it's that little bit I can do to thank you guys for being there. And that comes from the bottom of my heart ok.

So experiement ari ni bermula. What you're reading now, and the pictures attached have all been drafted, to be published only a week from now. Kira bermula entry ni, until Jumaat depan, semua backdated jer ler. So jangan tekejut kalao a week from this date, masuk je berlambak entry. Heh...saja je...

Besides, post Akademi Fantasia, aku nak gak tengok berapa ramai loyal readers who are still with me. I know most of you still are, so thank you...again.

Keep reading and I'll keep writing. Hugs to all of you - and see you in real time dalam seminggu.

Meanwhile, I leave you with my original series of the 'perosak selera' variety. This is the third in the series I think, dan aku rasa, memang nasib aku ler, tiap kali aku nak makan kat memana, terserempak bangsa seluar terlondeh ngan suar dalam burok ataupon cam kes kat bawah nih....memang it's a curse.

Oh least you guys get to laugh at my pain.

Note : To owner of that butt crack, please - buy some underwear or at least better fitting pants so that the world does not need to see your icky 'cleavage'.

Also, sorry to everyone yang cuba call aku dari semalam on. Left my phones kat rumah kakak and tak de masa pick up. Looks like I'm going to see if I can live withut mobile communication too.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

And never shall we die...

The king and his men stole the queen from her bed
And bound her in her bones
The seas be ours and by the powers
Where we will, we'll roam...

Yo ho, all together...
Hoist the colors high...
Heave ho, thieves and beggars...
Never shall we die... what can I say. I'm officially a HUGE fan of the Pirates of the Carribean : At World's End. Aku da tengok both the previous movies before this tapi tak pernah melekat dalam pala aku camni.

I mean, everything about this movie is just so right. I've been singing that bleeding eerie pirates song since. Am I mad? Well, put it this way. I've watched it twice at the cinema since it premiered worldwide yesterday. Of course I mentioned I got a chance for the snea preview courtesy of Channel [V] yesterday, but got to watch it again yesterday courtesy of the lovely guys at Nuffnang, who held what is possibly the biggest blogger gathering in Malaysia earlier tonight.

Got to meet several bloggers or catch them in the flesh, yang memang the biggest in Malaysia.

It was kind of fun, though I suppose even though I suppose the biggest entertainment bloggers ke haper pon, cam segan wat kali pertama awed by the presence of such great names.

Aku kira memang ah an honour to be seated with such people yang respected for their alternative media works. Hope that there is a possibility to further mingle with these people so can cungkil sikit what they think and how they think so thatcan better myself and my style of blogging.

The event brought together over 200 bloggers (and their respective wives, dates, and significant others of varying status) which were as diverse as the blogs themselves, and it was heartening to see that many people believing in the medium of expression which has been so underrated by many.

Yang mewakili blog hiburan of course selain aku, MrManager, Budiey, sultanmuzaffar dan Juan Danza.

Apapon, thanks to Tim yang siap bagik VIP seats yang I think were the best in the house with what someone said was the best eye level seats possible.

Merasalah VIP katanya... walaopon sempit seat (bukan aku je yang complain ok - matilah da free lagik mau merungut kan)

The ambience was great, even though I had already watched the movie I was dead excited to see it again. Everyone was just chattering away, apart from us (well, SOME of us decided to do it during the movie didn't we?), and it was obvious this sort of events should be more emulated in the future by pihak yang berkenaan tuk tujuan promosi.

Kan rugi kalao tak wat camni... it realy does go a long way in making people excited about a film, which I might add, no amount of money, or corporate aid can get.

Oh well... people never seem to grasp the concept of moving on with the times, I suppose.
There was a salty air about.... (for lack of a better word apart from stench) actually make the whole venue more in line with the theme.

After much investigation (beriya jer) still couldn't really discover the source of the offensive smell.

Though I suppose the safest conclusion was the fact that Hall 9 where we were in was located too close to ye olde port-a-privy - that's toilet, thus allowing this seeping smell of erm...something not nice or other. Thanks heavens for perfume.

Yes, cheap scents and the aroma of human waste... how more piratey can you get?

It was a laugh however sebab biasa kan screening camnih takleh la bak laptop ke camera ke mobile phone yang ada recording device, but hey...does that all apply when you have a preview for bloggers?

So people were happily snapping away here and there, while I cursed leaving my sunglasses in the car as I kept getting blinded by flashing cameras in the dark hall.

The intro was my favourite scene with the mass hanging, and how all those convicted began singing the pirates sang by that little innocent boy.

Apart from that, my list is haywire, with splendid one-liners and comic relief inserted between the ass-kicking action and awesome effects work.

Aduh...memang set ah aku nak ke panggung tengok one more time (what's so weird ah? I saw The Producers thrice ok!)

Apapon for those yang lom tengok, this is THE movie of the year to watch (apart from Transformers!). Memang besh gila, and for a butt numbing almost three hours duration, worth every bloody Sen)

Watching it a second time allowed me to notice more details which added a kick to the storyline like how the lead in on who Calypso really was and her significance from the start, which I should have realised early on in Dead Man's Chest.

But the only 'flaw' if you must in the movie, aku masih tak paham how Tia Dalma aka Calypso, featured in the movie in the end. I mean they went all they way to rescue Jack from Davy Jones' Locker and then to congregate the Brethren to release her, but when they did, she just went *poof* into thin air (ok...I know...I know...the crabs)

What I mean is, she never had a significant bearing on the end, which even though was a visual spectacle, it didn't really provide a punch, as it was almost predictable that William was...oh well.. kang cakap...spoiler lak bagi yang takleh figure it out.
Still, like I said, it was big fun alright.

So maybe this weekend, kalao sempat I'll watch it again, then catch Shrek 3 cause that kind of looks like fun too.

Oh, by the way, off topic sikit, for Transformers freaks, kat KLCC TGV da pamerkan da the standee thingamajig promoting the movie, which means we will be watching it before basi.

I half expected it not to make our shores in time sebab ingatkan people kat sini tamau bak ke haper.

Eh sat...back reverse ke Pirates of the Carribean : At World's End, aku malas nak review panjang panjang, sebab kalao da movie tuh pon tiga jam, bayangkan betapa panjang aku mampu merapu kalao nak teruskan.

To put it simply, if you watched the two previous movies, you'll love this one cause it is the best f the three. Who says sequels are never better than the original.

Of course characters like Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), William Turner (Orlando Bloom) are back along with Elizabeth Swann (Kiera Knightley).

In fact the whole lovable cast is back, even the monkey and the parrot!

If you didn't watch the first two, fret not, as you'll probably understand the movie still, though you'll probably be irritating everyone else asking your friend who watched it what's this and that lah.

Erm...probably not as irritating as the idiot though sitting behind me who kept kicking and nudging my seat! Yes about it if you want...cause you were such a pain in the rear (literally!) some stills from the movie. Chow Yuen Fatt meanwhile is in it as Captain Sao Feng, the pirate lord of Singapore. Leh

If you want to catch a little of the movie before you actually go watch it. Here's the trailer and four little featurettes to catch a little bit of the movie for you to decide if you want to catch it (but do, do, do!!!)

By the way, just to hype up the Transformers movie and get everyone excited like me, sapa yang ingat the cartoon anyway, here are the a few of the trailers available online promoting the movie's release on the 4th of July (dunno la sini tunjuk tarikh berapa).
Whatever it is...I wanna watch it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Suka tak pic kat atas? Tima kasih Bob sebab bagik pic nih ek. Kalao nak tau, pic ni sebenarnya dirakamkan semalam on Tuesday night ketika gathering keluarga batch AF2 kat Senja. It was a small uinplanned gathering, but tunggu ek tuk kemunculan meka from the second season.

Yeap, almost all of them still very active n the industry, dan aku rasa tak keterlaluan kalao aku kata success rate antara semua musim, musim kedua nih ler yang paling berjaya overall. Takde yang tercicir.

Yerlah...yang mana tak nyanyi, masuk ke bidang lakonan, emceeing and so on. Pelbagai aktiviti seni memastikan meka masih berada in this industry dan tak ilang teros, seperti mana kalao nak ikotkan AF1, AF3, mahupun AF4 yang mana ada yang terus tenggelam.

Pada meka yang feeling nostalgia nak recapture saat saat indah dari the best season in Akademi Fantasia, wait for more news here ok, about the AF2 third anniversary kang. Aku rasa, nak wat special competition tuk invitation khas to this event, tapi tunggu gak perancangan siap sebelom aku leh umumkan apa apa.

Masa family AF2 melepak ni wat reunion, ramai gak tak dapat hadir, but the next get together, EVERYONE is going to be there. Pasti!!!

Sebenarnya aku dapat pic ni dari Bob semasa ngan dia dan Bob semalam kat opis Maestro. Actually went there atas urusan lain, tapi da terserempak, sempat ler catch up. Yerla memasing ada tugas tuh nih, we can't all keep in touch as much as we wish kan.

By the way, which reminds me, to Ieja of KSNM-ZA8FC, my deepest condolences girl, for the loss of your mom that passes away a few days ago. Many hugs to you girl... I can only imagine your pain.

Apapon, remember your family here for you ok. Zahid pon kem pesan sebab aku ada SMS dia everytime ko mesej aku, so I can keep him updated just in case. So he does feel it too. Apapon, many, many, many, many hugs to you from all your brothers and sisters in KSNM-ZA8FC ok. Love you babe...

Sambung cita, memasing ada meeting, pas meka abih, meka lepak la mamak tempat biasa kat bawah opis Maestro (sapa kata artis takleh lepak mamak), while aku settle kan hal aku jap.

Sempat lepak ngan Bob dan Zahid kejap nak borak.

Erm...nampaknya semua pesen rambut standard je spikey. Tengok si Bob tuh... amik ko! Cam trojan lak! Hish...mau nya mati lalat dan nyamuk impaled on his hair gituh.

So anyways, tunggu si Rizal sampai, and finally when he arrived ngan Farha, aku naik atas interview si Rizal sat, sebab ada cita gossip nak settlekan. Took less than half an hour, and aku turun dulu join the whole group of Bob, Zahid, Farha sekali ngan si Zain RuffEdge and also Aypol (hi Nana!!!).

Start ler sembang kosong, isi masa lapang. Tengok jam, aku masih ada masa nak abihkan kat sini sejam lebih sebelom nak gegas kembali ke office to pick up Farihad, to head to TGV KLCC for the sneak preview of Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End at 8.15pm.

Planned some stuff with Bob and Zahid, and then tiba tiba si Zahid made a motion to grab my sunglasses. Heh...aku da agak dia mesti suka. Gucci ma!!!

Pas dia amik, sambil kita semua borak borak, tetiba aku perasan dia amik phone dia, amik gambar my Guccis, bawah meja. Ingat kenapa...

Erm...biar lah dak Ribena nih. Malas nak bertanya. Then baru aku notice something masa dia stand up.

Uwaaaa...beg baru rupanya! LV is not only so five minutes ago, but also not as interesting as the new messenger bag yang si Zahid bak. Makan hati wo!! Patut la dia amik pics pelbagai. Sebab matching ngan beg dia yang black dan monogrammed with the Gucci logo.

I got to hand it to the boy. He has got taste!

And it's not a case of branded ker mahal ker haper, tapi dia pandai pilih yang bersesuaian ngan diri dia. Cause I know some people who splurge on things with labels, and yet they look tacky and totally wrong despite their hefty price tags.

Aduh...makan ati!!! I want that bag. But made me feel good that Zahid wanted my shades. Nak kena meredah carik tuk dia pattern cam aku nya sebab I know where to get 'em.

Erm...what's with that martian t shirt. Oh nevermind.
Rizal joined us much later pas abih briefing entah haper kat atas.
Zahid, Aypol (hi again Nana!!!) as well as Zain gerak dulu sebab entah nak ke Shah Alam ntah nak carik barang Adidas haper ntah.

So that left me with Bob, Rizal dan Farha. Borak ler pasal tuh dan nih yang berkaitan bebudak AF5. Bob sebagai antara senior nasihat ler dak dua orang ni pasal beberapa perkara.
Aku layan je. After a while member meka yang meka tumpang sampai, dan si Bob punya PA si Shuib pun tiba. Aku pon tengok jam pun masa tuh da 7.45pm. Erm...entahlah sempat ke tak nih.

So I excused myself, and rushed back to the office and picked up Farihad.

Sped to KLCC and by the time naik ke TGV, just nice. 8.15pm. Almost three hours later, staggered out of the panggung with my butt sore as hell. It was a fantastic movie!

Memang amazing la! takyah synopsis's basically a continuation of the Pirates series, so if you've watched the other two, you know where they're heading with this one.

Tapi this one ties up a lot of loose ends in the storyline of the first two, and complete the trilogy. Sapa yang tak penah tengok pon akan seronok even though ada ler some parts korang akan blur sebab tak paham jalan cita.

Effects, cinematography, costumes, art direction AMAZING!!!! CGI dia kelas gila!

Aku sebenarnya tamau compare ngan Spiderman 3 sebab aku rasa siri Spiderman nih ngarut la efek dia sampai tak nampak realistic da, but Pirates is just a WOW!!! and so in a league of its own.

Chow Yuen Fatt ada part movie nih, so besh lagik tengok ada Asian actor in such a big production.

And the opening of the movie, the setting is in some warped version of Singapore ok (kenapa jarang orang nak pakai nama Malaysia nih???)

Anyhoo, had a late supper with Farihad, along ngan Rudy, Zul dan Liza yang kami serempak dok satu hall for the Channel [V] event.

Also terserempak beberapa anggota kuarga Era seperti Nila and husband as well as Kieran (hereby known as Kieran Knightley)

Anyhoo, skang tinggal Shrek 3 je aku nak tengok, then I've completed the list of movies to watch for now.

Ngantuk... esok banyak keja nak settle, along ngan nak tengok Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End lagik sekali, kali ni ngan bloggers sekalian. In fact it's one of the biggest bloggers gatherings ever, if not THE biggest.

More on that late, very late tomorrow... before I end this entry, lupa lak pic Farha dan Rizal candid. posting tomorrow...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Back to Basics

Darn. You know age is catching up with you when your miminum requirement for sleep masih tak cukup.

Started the day early. As early as 8pm the night before actually when I stayed back at the office nak complete a ton of work, so I wouldn't have keja yang lom siap hanging over me for the rest of the week.

When I procrastinate, I get stressed, and I don't need any of that for now, thank you. It's still a busy period, walalopon Akademi Fantasia da melabuhkan tirai.
Completed everything by noon yesterday, ingat nak balik rumah Bangsar, mandi dan tidur. Got a call from Anita. Alamak...lupa lak pelancaran Diva was scheduled at 7pm.

Gi belah Berita Harian sat jenguk kengkawan, and found out Farihad and Zul were on the way to Astro sebab ada interview.

So aku popped back the Bangsar home, mandi, dan terus ke Astro. Jumpa Jolyn and Michelle to settle the Astro subscription form to get the Astromax decoder and then popped over for a smoke.

Made my way up to the studio after that to wait it out. Linda tengah bertugas on air sementara si Nila pon ada sebab baru complete work. Pak Tam, Man Maestro, add that with abang Badrul who played tour guide (get that tooth fixed!) and sultanmuzaffar, throw in Su photographer kami who appeared with Zul shortly, as well as myself, and the Era studio never looked smaller.

Apapon tengkiu ler bebanyak pada tuan rumah sebab you guys are such hospitable hosts. Tak penah bosan singgah kat konti.

The focus of everyone (termasuk Pak Tam yang segan segan amik pics, tapi amik gak in the end), was sapa lagik kalao bukan Mila. Kicik and very petite, seronok lak dia nih relax jer. Throughout the interview, Mila was calm, and very composed. Pada siapa yang ada dengar siaran Era bersama Linda mesti impressed ngan Mila nih jawab.

Headed down for a drink, joined by Reza who popped in the studio shortly before we all gerak ke bawah, and melantak.

Abih je tuh, gerak ke Planet Hollywood tuk pelancaran Diva. Start 7.30pm.

Sampai 7pm.

Sebab letih tidur, sedar je, 9pm. Boleh?

That's what I was talking about.

Anyway, si Adam yang dok orang kecoh ilang pon ada. Takde pon ilang. Dia balik kampung bercuti. Tuh jer. Heh...kesian lak tengok dia explain berulang kali sebab everyone kept asking him the same thing. Merasalah bangkai ayam katanya. Adam ok...sihat je. Pada sapa yang peminat tuh, takyah risau pon. Dia da back here and ready to get back to work.

After the event ended (thanks you Nits as usual, huggies), moi, Rudy dan Vern popped ver for the screen reading of Muallaf, filem baru Yasmin. Seronok tengok the cast berlatih. Tapi malas amik pic sebab tamau ganggu persiapan meka. But memang seronok lah.

Kalao korang nak tau anything more about Muallaf, drop by and read the updates and get the full info about the mvie as it progressed in Yasmin's blog. Thanks a mill kak Min for making it fun for us.

Walaopon letih dan tak selesa badan (battery aku rasa cam nak konk da), it was an enlightening experience of sorts getting to see Yasmin work. Sebelom sentap, tima kasih gak pada driver kami yang membawa ke lokasi sebab ngantuk, aku pon memang takkan larat bak keta.

Headed to Jalan Doraisamy tuk supper, and found myself headbaging sebab mata da berat. Aiyo... haven't felt this way in a long time. Body fighting back sebab tak cukup rehat nih. Seb baik balik ke KO flat terus. Got the rest I needed.

Woke up refreshed dan bersemangat. Got into the office a little late, tapi sebab stok keja dua tiga ari da hal.

Oh by the way, late yesterday dapat berita yang besh besh besh!!!

Any fans of Christina Aguilera out there?

Take note that Christina Aguilera be performing in Singapore at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on June 30, 2007 as part of her Back to Basics 2007 World Tour which started in Manchester, Britain, on Nove 23, 2006.

Those who watch the show will get to see the beautiful choreography THE Jamie King (Madonna, Janet Jackson, Prince) and the beautiful costume designs of Roberto Cavalli, who will be the tour's exclusive costume designer.

The Back to Basics 2007 Tour is said to feature a unique stage design that will allow Christina's fans unprecedented access to the stage with unbelievable sight lines. With it featuring three distinct stage scenes, illuminated by more than 600 moving lights, and a state-of-the-art hydraulic system, it's going to be one helluva show!!!!!

Those interested nak gi,tickets cost S$348, S$228, S$188, S$148 and S$98wil have gone on sale as of yesterday.

For more information on ticket sales, please visit the SISTIC site. Please note that the ticket prices are non-inclusive of SISTIC booking fee.

And why am I mentioning all this?

Obviously sebab semalam itself aku dapat confirmation I'll be going for it. YES!!!!

Skang keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get the opprtunity to interview her. And hopefully in a 1 on 1 at that because she is one of my fave acts of all time.

Ok ler...kang update entry agik. Nak abih keja sikit...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Kenangan Terindah? Almost....

Ini ada beberapa pic aku aku mampu nak upload dari press conference dan post party. Letih nak letak bebanyak, kang kalao aku rajin aku letak aa lagik.

Kalau tak the finalists will be coming for their photo shoot and all dalam sehari dua nih, so kang aku update ler.

Meanwhile enjoy the pics ok. Nothing fancy...

Dekna, Diya, Fatin, and a second pic joined by Noni.

Happy gila Mila menang!!!

Dafi dan Shawal

Setting post party yang cantik gak.. dan kak Ogy posing
Ni bukan kembar atau sedara Dafi ok. Ni sepupu Haziq yang berjaya masuk top 20 shortlist. Sama tak muka?
Lepak lepak...ngan Rizal dan Shawal.

Review terakhir for this season

I know nih lambat sikit, sebab ramai da pon sibuk review pelbagai konsert final. But this is my take...and aku hanya leh posting nih pas siap segala kerja, dan juga cukupkan rehat (sebab memang letih gila as usual after every event like this yang kena stay sampai pagi pagi buta)

Pertamanya...sebelom apa apa...mai aku sedikan sikit bahan semburan. Kalao tak kang ada je lalat, langau dan yang sewaktu dengannya yang tak puas ati ngan ewview aku walaopon tak reti yang penilaian orang tak semestinya sama ngan meka nih.

Yerlah...despite the season being over, fanatik fanatik sorang bintang Akademi Fantasia masih tak puas ati dan maki hamun memacam. Especially since tak menang, meka agik la.

But judging that meka ada memacam conspiracy theories yang it was all a set-up in the first place, you can basically judge their mentality and intelligence level, so no comments on that.

Aku cuma kesian ngan si Aswad satu je. Ada peminat fanatik yang kekadang tak pikir tindakan meka bagik orang meluat. Seolah meka je lah peminat kat dunia nih, sampai meka menentukan segalanya.

Mintak mintak da abih musim Akademi Fantasia nih, meka tone down sikit...kalao tak, tatau ler camna dak nih nak dapat peminat pasnih ngan fan club yang lebih lebih lak. on to the review of the final. I'm almost thankful it's over sebab letih siot nak teruskan benda nih lagik. It's the same routine every season.

Before I go on to the review however, aku cita sikit.

Cita betapa kelakar ada yang kuat ngata orang tapi sendiri tak ingat. Malas cakap in detail, sendiri paham ler.

Ewww... some people memang tak reti malu. Aku rasa sapa ada with me that night sendiri nampak perangai seseorang nih and can judge the professionalism of this person for themselves.

Anyways, back to the concert. Meriah gak walaopon honestly, memang aku rasa tak se-electrifying musim musim first, second and third. Tapi ok gak ler.

Erm...spotted the marching band in the back. Horrible looking.

Mak aih!!! Sib baik Dollah Cantek sebelom start dan warning awal awal berjaga tuk letopan.

Heh...kalao tak, ada ler stretcher menunggu.

The performance of Phantom of the Opera was just sad, I don't know sebab house system ker, ataopon apa, but maybe because of the acoustics everything just sounded horrible and I couldn't make out at all what they were singing. Heh...honestly. What as waste... and the costumes looked cam kedai sewa masquerade party. Cheap.

And cheap too indeed was the marching band which just looked damn ridiculous. And the cheerleaders too. Sad ler...was that a basket toss? I don't think so.

Good idea. A 10 for it. But for execution? 0!

Bebudak finalists masuk je abih sora jerit sampai abih. heh...yerlah. Everyone's a fan kan...and this is the final.

Erm...kenapa rambut semua horror? Dari ramai ramai cuma si Ebi punya je ok. Yang lain nampak cam kena naya siot!!!

Dari segi baju, paling kesian si Heliza yang nampak cam a bad version of Catwoman attacked by polka dots. I thought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was too cruel, tapi orang ni pun had the same vision. Berbaloi ke tidak Astro bak Jasmi Rejab tuh, they can see for themselves. Cuma slightly better than keja orang tertentu musim lepas je la... that's why orang tak bising sangat.

The whole intro took some 15 minutes, which I thought was just too long winded.
To make it even worse, abih break jer, the video montage of masa bebudak baru masuk and all.

Arghh!!! Buang masa!

And it gets worse... sebelom Heliza perform ada lak video montage si Faizal. Now that was the ultimate waste of time. Promo tuk dia kot. Yerla...kesiang juara yang tenggelam. So bagik chang ler.

Heliza - Cinta Boneka (D-Va)
Ok...she's back to being herself. I knew the song was the wrong choice from the start. Aku da agak mesti horror, and it was just that. Aku leh maapkan memacam tapi vocal dia, erm, just sounded like an amateurish karaoke outing.

Meleret, and she had a tendency to dip really low on the low notes yang irritating. It wasn't just the start and she didn't pick it up, unlike what Jee said.

Hattan kata dia improve confidence and all, but she never had a problem with that. Ogy said it too, which was weird.

Tiga lampu biru? I don't think so. It was quite bad actually, dan aku rasa jatuh standard dia in comparison ngan previous two weeks.Sedih gak sebab ni opening finalist number and I had hoped dia akan up kan tahap Kesal dua minggu lepas.

Sayangnya...sampai time nih aku da rasa dia slip back to her old faults. I mean, honestly it wasn't that bad, but firstly it wasn't final material and secondly aku rasa dia masih lom break through her shell (erm...for lack of a better word) and tunjukkan kemampuan diri sebenar dia.
A lot of potential, and yet, so deep inside.

Aswad - Bila Mati Cinta Terhenti
Aiyo...start je kekapakan. I'm sorry, but he really has to be more versatile.
Nak kata sora langsung takde, keji lak cakap camtuh. He can sing...but he really needs direction in grooming his vocals.

Nak kapak pun kena ada the right approach ma. I think apart from teaching them the basics of techniques and all, patutnya meka ni diajar to be more vocally expressive and absorbent of other influences. After all, that's the difference between a singer and an artiste.

Vocals dia pun strangely enough cam Heliza, cam lemah kalao banding ngan minggu minggu sebelomnya. He nearly cracked masa nak higher notes, but barely scraped through not too impressively.

The second half was just horrible. Sebutan muffled and I couldn't make up a word of what he was saying. Nak salahkan sound system ke projection yang Chipsmore ala ala ada ada takde gituh.

Overall vocally, he had the same amount of feel as peserta pertandingan karaoke.

Boring. He looked like he tried. But doesn't mean it was good. 10 for effort, 4 for actual execution.

Oh by the way lagu tuh sucked siot. Kenapa la lagu final bosan camni. Ewww!!!! Kalau orang nak kata dia kena naya, aku tak salahkan bab nih because lagu ni horror. Bagik ler lagu potential sikit.

Beruntung kata Jee? You got to be joking!

Tapi dari Jee, ke Hattan, ke Ogy it was pretty obvious it just didn't work.

"Saved by the lagu," kata abang Mamat!

Aduh...mati tergolek aku gelak pecah perot. Paham tak statement dia? Heh!

Kalao tak paham tatau ler.

The song wasn't that good to begin with.

Candy - Dedebu Cinta (Misha Omar)
Aiyo!!!! Sarung wig murah haper tuh??? Keji la rambut camtuh. What's with the stylist? Buta ke memang plan nak naya bebudak nih!

Why la they like to do this. Tak paham.
Baju lak cam yang jual bundle tambah detailing sikit jer.

And please, tell me, what's with the matching puke green heels? I know you were going for this thing with the top, but it didn't work at all. The whole outfit and the

But once dia bukak mulot aku da lupakan rambut kejung dia... oops...sensitif!!! I mean that horrible thing that died on her head!!!

Candy was mesmerising. Few, too few mistakes, and simpy spell binding!!!!

Empat lampu biru!!!! Yeay!! Er...untuk persembahan dia ek, not for the horrendous make up yang ala ala drag queen pencen.
Biarla wardrobe Astro dan Jasmi Rejab naya dia camna pon,she sounded fabulous!

Masa Mamat Khalid komen, ada lak peminat yang standard la kurang ajar, kecoh tak puas ati pengkritik semua puji. Teka la fan club mana yang bising tuh.Tak paham... mengundang je budak tak bersalah lak kena boo kang.

Apapon, memang beautiful!!! (sambil top mata memuji sora jer - damn you wardrobe Astro!!!)

Ebi - Sinar Cinta
Smart siot Ebi. It was a nice fitting suit and a good haircut that offset that ugly shirt he wore inside.

I don't was a little messy... but Ebi carried it ok I suppose.

Ramai ler merembes sampai kontang (pinjam statement Kbians - peminat Ebi) ler ramai ramai.

First things, first, the backing music for his song, was the only one so far yang sedap. Lain semua cam erm... tamau la cakap ringtone. Tapi decide la sendiri.

Erm...tul kata seseorang tuh. So it's not just me, kenapa every song kena ada guitar solo. So the 80an arrangement segala.Blast from the past!

Walaopon lagu ni pon ala rock kapak, at least masa chorus, Ebi brought out a vibe that played true tribute to the kapak genre (does it count as a genre of its own? never thought of it as an offshoot of rock)

It wasn't perfect, but I think it deserved a little more credit than that even though it wasn't fantastic.

Still better than Heliza though, and aku pelik kenapa meka leh bagik si Heliza tiga lampu biru and only one to Ebi.

Oh well...actually I know ler... but no comment.

Note : erm... the My Heart segment terok la. I would have liked it if they hadn't shown Rizal dan Dekna. Sorang tuh da bertunang. Jangan ler wat camni. Tak pasal pasal kang terjadi kisah lama rumahtangga bakal didirkan roboh. Hish...keji...keji...

Mila - Persis Mutiara
Kenapa la bebudak ni dolled up sampai camni. It's so tarty!

Kesian tau!!! Hiish! Kalao make up nak grand jangan ler sampai moka cam colour pallette lengkap semua warna warna warna pelangi.

Dah kira moka cam bontot merak la pakai mekap tebal tebal camni. All the girls are beautiful, and I think the make up, walaopon for stage effect, takyah la tempek sampai kena pahatkan nak buang kang!

Penghinaan tol ler aku rasa meka kena plaster moka ngan make up camnih. Nih mesti pakai make up artist ala ala mak andam yang kedai sebelah kedai mak Non yang niaga sebelah Parit Dua tepi gerai burger si Hassan anak Pak Din tuh.


And should I go on about the curtains she was wearing? The top bit spoilt it for me and ended up making the lower half which was actually kind of nice, draped all wrong. Don't know...just didn't work. Colour was nic ethough (desperate carik benda nak puji pasal wardrobe nih sebab pujian asik nan ado jer)

But suara dia memang besh, dan bukan je dibantu lagu ok, even though it's the least busuk so far of the original compositions.Tak paham ler...

Kenapa tahun ni lagu lagu tugasan yang original cam kurang menyengat. Ke aku je nih???
Malas nak cita panjang. Jusr simply deserving of empat lampu biru yang sebenarnya tak perlu.

Aswad - Mata Hati Cinta (Awie)
Here we go again. Karaoke session with Aswad. Honestly he reminds me of some wedding singer. Tapi aku rasa kebanyakkan penyanyi kenduri kahwin aku penah dengar pun better than this. Erm.. kang aku komen lebih, tak puji orang kata biased lak. So camna?

Walaopon aku suka lagu ni, aku terdiam. I thought he would prove me wrong, but the only thing wrong was his vocals. Lagu da kuat tapi hasil nan ado.
Ogy kata yang penting dia enjoy. tapi in reality kalao it ends up syok sendiri ler in the end. So wat per?

Suka carutan abang Mamat. Besh... heh...paham ke tak paham terpulang. Dia ni kali ni banyak double meaning. Takde sedirect as it sounds.

Apapon, I suppose in a way I wanted to be proven wrong, sebab aku ingat dia mampu nak tackle lagu ni. But to be kind, it was just average.

It didn't help, dia dipakaikan jaket dan seluar ala ala beli kat bundle kat CHow Kit jer. Hish...melampau dan semakin melampau wardrobe nih. Well.. at least baju dia yang awal tadik tuh lawa ler.

Heliza - Cinta Di Lautan Lalang
Aduh...tajuk dia aku memang tak tahan. Siot je abang Loloq! Heh... aduh...apa la metaphor nih yang dia nak gambarkan. Mungkin jiwa aku nih kurang sensitiviti seni, but I think the title and the song itself was either laughable or just too deep for me to fathom (jangan marah Loloq - lu masih geng!)

Aiyo...close up moka dia pon sama cam Candy dan Mila overdose make up.
Dan erm...kalao korang perasan like I said, again she's wearing the same black body stocking/turtle neck. Aku tau ler dia ni kena limited sikit wardrobe, but jangan ler pakaikan baju yang seksi kalao asik dirosakkan body suit tuh. Carik ler baju sopan cover cover...

Bosan siot lagu baru ni... kenapa ek kali ni lagu lagu langsung tak melekat dalam pala aku. Aduh!!!!!

Tak satu aku leh ingat melodi. Kalao musim pertama, ingat lagu Vince dan Azizi, dua, Zahid, Farah, Adam, dan Bob, tiga aku ingat lagu Mawi, Marsha, Amylea dan Felix. For musim lepas, lagu Faizal, Farhan, Velvet... this time satu pon setakat ni tak masuk langsung. Kenapa ek.

Tak strong satu, pastuh arrangement kehausan. Sora ok ok jer...aduh. Apa nak jadik nih...takde umphh langsung.

Tiga lampu biru lagi? Aku suka pun kat dia...but erm...entahlah.

Aku stuju dan tak stuju ngan komen Hattan. I agree she's found her own sound, walaopon tak defined, tapi aku tak stuju yang the first performance was better. Weird.

Candy - Demam
Kenapa penari backing dia cam senamrobik jer? Who the heck choreographed these people. Sodih!

They were actually a bad distraction and not complimenting her performance at all.

Ok...of all the songs yang original compositions, I think this is the best. The best of the worst, but the best. It was just infectious and catchy and I suppose that it stuck in my mind, for want of a btter tune though.

I found myself grooving to it. Arrangement was weird though, tapi Candy managed to rock the house. I thought she carried herself like a pro.

Dalam bebanyak meka komen komen, tak nampak lak kakak Candy di celah celah pengkritik seperti biasa. Nak gelak aku... teringat konsert konsert lepas moka kakak dia posing celah pengkritik sambil pose sakan termasuk jelir lidah sana sini. Ewww..!!!!

Oh well, people find it hard to appreciate her, and that's going to be her demon for sure when she comes into the real world ni.Still, her talents are undeniable, and at least that's a good foundation. Still.. she has a long way to go in terms of getting close to completing the package.

PS - Aku tak ingat sangat tapi bab Candy nih aku rasa gambar baju dia ni terbalik kan? Patutnya aku letak pic ni kat lagu first. Apapon, keduanya burok so sama jer (matilah malas ubahkan)

Ebi - Farhana (Jinbara)
I never really likes this song and I probably never will, but Ebi did quite good!

Not as good as the girls, but still, he did good!

His vocals were rocking all right, and it just worked, though I don't know. So many distractions to overcome, with the stupid backing dancers it was just silly!

And the clothes just looked cheap.I said wedding singer because for some reason the top (maybe the illusion of the shirt too) made it look like a bad take of a cheap ass tux.

Apapon, you gotta give him credit sebab dia mampu maintain vocal dia despite melonjat sana sini. I didn't like it, but it worked, so there. Erm.. pretty much like Kasih Laila, so questionable ler soal showmanship dia punya originality. I mean you can only do that so many times before it becomes a tired gimmick.

Satu lampu biru je? Erm.. to be fair he deserved more la. Hish... oh well. Go with the flow ler.

Mila - Cinta Pura Pura (Ezlynn)
Was it just me? Kenapa I'm so reminded of the Swamp Thing ngan baju ni? She looks so so draped in seaweeds. Like Ted said, it was so Pirates of the Carribean.

Cam pinjam baju extra lanun hantu. Heh...

Kenapa la stylist nih. Tak bagi bebudak imej sendiri. They tried to make her look like Ezlynn tai secara jujurnya kalao korang tengok dalam pic sebelah kan, she actually looks like a young version of Datuk Sharifah Aini!

But she definitely didn't sound like Ezlynn that's for sure. Aku respect dia nih ler. Memang jauh perjalanan dia da.

Dari performance first and second week, she's now made it to be deserving of a champion.

Now THIS is a champion's performance!!! Baru aku rasa sikit cam final!

Dan aku rasa satu stadium pun stuju!!!!

The only performance for me to get excited about for the whole night.

And the only five star rating I'm going to give this season.

Apapon aku nak gak rating kan bebudak yang eliminated punya show sebab aku rasa meka deserve kredit. Most of them tunjukkan peningkatan walaopon tak beruntung cam para finalis dapat dok Akademi lama sikit nak belajar lagik.

Aku nak tengok, siapa antara meka akan berjaya sebab aku yakin ada sorang dua cam Shawal ni memang ada potential.

Diya - Kaulah Segalanya (Ruth Sahanaya)
She was ok but her vibrato was so heavy. Still aku imagine kalao si Mila leh improve camni, apa perjalanan Diya kalao dia maintain dalam Akademi seminggu dua agik. After all, minggu si Diya kuar, si Mila second last hampir eliminated skali. Now this is called rezeki.

Afiq - Keabadiaan Cinta (Anuar Zain)
He wasn't too bad but I didn't get it so much. Still, promising. Needs quite some amount of work though on stabilising his vocals.

Fatin - Aku Cinta Padamu (Sheila Majid)
Honestly, she's one of the only ones I have no regrets about her not being in. But I have to say, she sounds better than masa dalam Akademi. Strange kan how some things work.

Farha - Perpisahan
Another one who might have gone out too early, quite some potential but voted off. Could have better with some proper training, but not convincing enough for me for th night, especially bab stage showmanship dia, asik tengok lantai kiri dan kanan with zero contact with the audience.

Noni - Semoga Abadi (Misha Omar)
Ok...she was the only one I felt was totally karaoke. She didn't bring anything, and biasa biasa saja.Still, takde la azab ke apa. Cuma no vibes off her.

Dekna - Pelangi Petang
Is it just me or does she look like she's been crying. Tapi sedap tol. Ok...there were parts she was off...aku rasa dia ada something on her mind, because the tears came too naturally for me.

Dekna ni sayang je...

Kalao dia bersungguh awal sikit dalam competition, she could have stayed on longer and possibly ended up a lot better.

Rizal - Laguku Untukmu (Hasnol)
Ok...the biggest surprise of the night. Kalao dia asik sumbang abih dalam Akademi tanpa skali pon leh nyanyi betul betul, ni lak ok.
(for sheer effort!)

Aizat - Yesterday (The Beatles)
He did ok, though perhaps I expected him to totally take this song. Not too shabby but he needs to work on his delivery and to control his body language on stage to make it more genuine.

Dafi - Mungkin Nanti (Peterpan)
Erm...timing dia skip here and there masa verse, and erm, just not there. With some work...erm...and good songs...mana tau lah...

Shawal - Kau Ilhamku (Man Bai)
Another wasted talent. I maintain he should be in the finals. Tapi takpe. Sora dia sedap, rezeki dia kalao ada, ada lah. He is so promising.
But he also needs quite some work as potential alone tak cukup menjaminkan apa apa.

Lagu Bonus - Ikhlas Tapi Jauh (Ikhlas Tapi Jauh)
Shawal for me was outstanding again. and it just was the culmination of something overdrawn. Erm...ok jer la. Ramai sangat melalak laaaaaaa...aiyoooo!!!!

Note : Why ler meka tunjuk lagik skali time bebudak kena eliminate? Perlu ke? Ke nak cukupkan masa...move on already!

Note again : Erm..what's with the Auld Lang Syne on bagpipes? I mean it was nice and all but honestly, tak yah la da. Erm.. Farah looks..erm..different. And Reza just spoilt it with the cuecards. Aznil honestly deserves it sebab he has put a lot into the show, but erm... why make it sound like an obituary?

Despite the TOTAL TACKINESS of it all, I'm not ashamed to say nak gak nitis airmata aku at this point. I mean, cakap saja pasal Aznil, dia manage to hidupkan the show, and no host has brought the life into a programme like him.

Walaopon sakit telinga ngan nyanyian meka semua yang melalak...but I can forgive it...just for this moment.

Lagu Bonus - Kenangan Terindah (Samsons)
Sakit telingalah!!!! Ouch!!! Ow!!!
(bagik can walaopon rasa nak bagik pam jamban)

Menuju Puncak
Ok...I've always wanted to see Menuju Puncak bersama. Dari tour Siti Fantasia, aku harapkan reunion dua musim akan gabung.

Then Akademi Fantasia yang menggabungkan prohram dari negara lain. Masuk musim keempat tak nampak and finally...this it it.

Aku memang time ni aku nitis airmata sebab that's more than four years of my life in Akademi Fantasia, dan memang banyak nostalgia dan kenangan. Walaopon tak lengkap semua bintang Akademi Fantasia, tapi still, it was moving tro see so many of my own extended family yang kenal meka dari Akademi Fantasia, untuk sampai ke tahap ni. WALAOPON ada yang masih lom tercapai impian, but still to many of them aku da feel for until today.

Keputusannya semua da tau kan? Congratulations Mila atas menjadi juara wanita pertama, dan yang paling muda. Aduh...tengok airmata kegembiraan dia... touching lak (sib baik make up da pudar sikit dari masa start...)

Ini breakdown. And some quick facts.By the way, jumlah undian tuh approximate figures based on the total of 1.9 million SMSes yang diterima pada malam final ek.

Juara - Mila (32%- 608,000)
Naib Juara - Ebi (26% - 494,000)
Ketiga - Aswad (21% - 399,000)
Keempat - Heliza (11% - 209,000)
Kelima - Candy (9% - 171,000)

Sejumlah 6.6 juta undian diterima sepanjang musim termasuk 1.9 juta pada malam konsert akhir. AF1 mencatat jumlah undian SMS 4.5 juta, AF2 - 15 juta, AF3 10.9 juta dan AF4 - 7 juta.

Tapi AF4 punya total termasuk 1.21 juta undian yang diperolehi ketika AFMASUK, so kalao kira tolak AFMASUK nih AF5 lebih ler sikit dari AF4.

Ok...before I end this entry, time tuk masukkan bebanyak pic. Sapa yang line cam *toot* tuh nasib ler korang reload ler 50 kali sampai semua gambar muncul. Jangan mesej tanya kenapa tak kuar pics lak...sekeh kang! Dan kalao nak pakai mana mana dipersilakan, tapi sila kredit DAN link ok. Tu je.. thanks...

Ni lak beberapa pics koleksi peribadi, sapa tak suka jangan tengok ek. Ni kebanyakkannya masa post party yang diadakan Astro untuk celebrate Akademi Fantasia 5.