Sunday, May 02, 2010


So sorry sebab keletihan ya amat... dan memacam drama swasta murahan yang tak perlu, aku tak sempat update on the flashmob. Hope everyone that came were entertained.

All I can say is after more than two weeks in total of panic and sleepless night, I was happy the show pulled together despite minor glitches which were out of my control.

Apapon, I'd like to especially thank Puan Siti Hajar Ismail for leading my vocal group of about 130 singers, Zahrein who led the percussionists comprising of KLDC, KL Stompers and members of the other families in the fraternity as well as my J Squared team for pulling it all together.Link

All the panic was worth it to see my idea take shape and brought to the streets to have thousands run to the centre of Kuala Lumpur's Golden Triangle and party for almost five minutes.

The official video will be out soon, and I will share pics of the event esok. Hari ni siap nak gi AIM 17.

But sebelom pe pe... korang layan ni. We made the headline news over Astro Awani! Thank you sultanmuzaffar and Ajami Hashim for this

A million thanks to everyone who made the show awesome! I love all of you - and here's to more flashmobs in the near future. Bigger and better ones!


sejak bilenye ade kl stompers ni???? kl stompers sume mostly macha la, ni satu hapah pon takde?