Friday, May 21, 2010


Aduh... badan sakit gila babiks. Macam kena langgar bas rasanya - padahal hasil main futsal jerk... SELAMA SEMINIT! Hado ko?

Semua akibat Project Alpha punya futsal challenge one on one Adidas Ole KO Challenge kat Midvalley Megamall. Semua bloggers berlawan kalah mati konsep main futsal. Si Budiey kalahkan aku (awas ko!) ngan satu je gol

The pay-off?

Berbaloi la gak. We had dinner after that at Delicious (masa tu badan tak sakit... kalao tak sakit camni makan lebih). But thank you anyway folks at Adidas who chowed down with us.

As you can see, I had the duck confit spaghettini with sundried tomatoes and coriander, a Magnolia Bakery inspired bananarama with white chocolate frosting and tiramisu! Matilah.... I stuffed myself with more calories than I burned!

Anyway, this is going to be a short entry cause I need my rest.

Esok memang headless chicken sikit.

I will be on Rosyam Noor's Fenomena Seni over TV1 at 2pm. Isu asal artis dan peminat tak silap, bersama ngan Saiful Apek dan Mila.

Pastu lewat sikit, of course final Akademi Fantasia 8.

Aku da diam the whole musim sejak halfway seriously because it was nothing but painful.

And aku da predict (not predict, but stated THE FACT) that AF8 is the WORST ever. As a fan - suka hati la aku nak cakap. Nak salahkan pendapat aku, tuding jari je kat production yang lemau.

The proof is all there, and I can't wait for tonight's press conference to prove the fact that it IS the worst.

Pada yang tak setuju (which memang setakat ni takde kecuali pihak-pihak terlibat yang masuk sini anonymous comment manjang), tunggu je for it here. Kang aku update sepenuh-penuh.

Anyway, a little bit more - live tweeting fro the final, of course (so kalao korang lom add aku kat Twitter, it's @klubbkiddkl) and MAYBE, just maybe... live blogging as well as dari the final. Korang masuk sini usha je when the show starts.

Ok.. nak gi nurse myself first and rest before tomorrow.


mak aih... kenapa lagi banyak kalori yang dihasilkan daripada kalori yang dibakar? :P

mane gambar men futsal nyerkk?? ekekeke