Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Be back soon

Merasalah korang mesti carut aku habis-habisan sebab biarkan link video je tapi update lambat. Alah.. once a while la korang bagik la peluang aku nak have a life. Heh... mengadap laptop tiap hari pon bosan gak.

Semalam geng KEPITA (Kelab Pelita) ada sesi 'beramah-mesra'. Da lama kengkawan semua tak lepak, so semalam hanya semua anggota turun padang la melantak to gosip dan basically catch up.

Kecoh la akibatnya walaopon tak full membership yang ada (Faz da gerak gi JB sebab ujibakat Anak Wayang this weekend), tu pun da empat meja sambung.

Bob, Syuib, bebudak 6ixth Sense and a couple of their friends, Watie, Juan, Jue, Syed along with our our 'guests' on temp pass, Nadia adn Obri. Heh... kan da kata ramai.

Borak punya borak, tak sedar sampai kol 4 lebih pagik. Once a while catch up ngan kengkawan, skali ada new addition nak meriahkan memang seronok. Hajat nak amik pics tuk blog pon tak kesampaian sebab sibuk borak meriah sangat... sedar sedar je time to go home.

Anyway, ramai korang layan Diari nak tau apa cerita Hafiz kan? Dan apa drama sebalik perasaan dia down dan kenapa dia rsa macam dipulaukan. All I can say is, keep layan Diari. Korang tengok the ongoing drama. Rugi tak tengok!

Besok nya will have some more answers to your questions. Heh.. sorry tak nak komen pe pe. Spoil the fun. Kita discuss what happened kang when everything is revealed.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Malasnya hari nih. Sejuk.. ujan.. ngantuk... nampaknya bukan aku je yang feel that. Ok lar guys. Korang layan Diari ek. And nih lagu tugasan tuk minggu nih.

The boys wat lagu-lagu dari Datuk Siti Nurhaliza and the girls wat lagu dari Amy Search.

Nanti jerk la ek aku wat entry panjang-panjang.

Lagu tugasan Konsert Akademi Fantasia - Minggu 4

Akim - Destinasi Cinta
Qhaud - Di Taman Teman
Hafiz - Cinta Ini
Sidi - Ku Milikmu
Aril - Lakaran Kehidupan
Yazid - Aku Cinta Padamu
Lagu Bonus Pelajar Lelaki - Jerat Percintaan

Claudia - Suralaya Dalam D Major
Isma - Kerja Gila
Zizi - Aku Dah Bosan
Rubisa - Tiada Lagi
Aishah - Mentari Merah Di Ufuk Timur
Lagu Bonus Pelajar Perempuan- Isabella

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Letih gaban hari nih. Rancang nak keluar tapi tak semangat aku. Merasalah nak kuar pun malas. Apapon, korang layan je Diari INT hari nih.

PS - Dengar ada orang seronok kembali bebas gi jalan-jalan hari ni ek. Enjoy ek. Pasni banyak kena wat nak bebetul jadik anak seni. All the best!

Konsert Akademi Fantasia - Minggu Ketiga (Part 2)

So sorry guys I didn't post my review up earlier.

Aku sebenarnya keletihan abih, dan walaopon da sparuh jalan nak posting entry jer, tak tahan da, gi lelap jap. Budget nak sambung shortly, tapi terjaga jerk da petang. Merasalah KO katanya.

Ok... anyway, honestly thought yesterday's concert was a step up yet again and there was a marked progression in the performance of the kids. Tumpang bangga la most of them have brought their efforts of the past week out, and delivered the results.

First nak bermula ngan meroyan sikit pasal Earth Hour. Ada yang mengkritik kenapa Konsert Akademi Fantasia didn't do more to participate in the symbolic movement.

Tuk aku, yang tengah makan kat luar kat area production tuh, tepat jam 8.30pm all the lights went off. Merasalah makan dalam gelap. Entah apa aku suap dalam molot aku pun tatau. Heh... something tasted a bit crunchier than usual, tapi anggap tu la ayam goreng je.

Anyway, my point was - a lot of people don't seem to understand what Earth Hour is all about. It's about switching off NON-ESSENTIAL lighs and household appliances in a symbolic move to raise awareness and encouraging action on climate change.

It doesn't mean total blackout of the TV station ke apa. That would affect revenue-generating airtime - which is much needed especially time nak gawat nih. Lain la kalao stesen TV yang memang tak banyak iklan ke apa pon.

So the concert going on was not an issue. But some people think it was... stupidity. The opening yang gelap, balcked out abih tuh kira symbolic support of the movement ok lar tuh. Plus the reason they did it acapela was so it would be minus any of the electric instuments. But I supposed some people don't understand symbolism. It's amazing how much hate is directed towards Akademi Fantasi, simply because it's still the reigning reality (and probably the only, because the others are only SMS based programs) show.

Hah... ni dia abang bersemangat kat konsert semalam sebagai gambar perhiasan

For those haters, whatever la. Keep the hate going, cause you only inspire more love for fans of the show. And ultimately, it's the love for the show... that keeps it going. What you will never understand it, the success of Akademi Fantasia is down to the fans. The real fans who keep it going. Year after year. So keep hating... cause it gives fans that extra push to keep loving it. Which is something you'll never get your way. And by the way, don't you feel a little ashamed to politicise a cause like Earth Hour just to get your way. Sodih tol orang camni. Heh...

Kak Ziana yang berbaju biru matching segala pun has no love for haters ok

Apapon.. I loved the acapela intro for Menuju Puncak. Congrats to Cikgu Syafie and Cikgu Siti Hajar kerana berjaya dalam tempoh tiga hari or so to get the kids to dish out what they did. And the kids themselves too for the effort they put in of course.

Among the people responsible for the show... the faculty

The kids who did great for the opening

It set the tone for the show for sure. And I think is one of the most unique and beautiful renditions of the song which really paid tribute pada lagu nih yang berhantu abih. Best! A five star effort no less. Now on to the performances.

Rating : ***
No matter what is said, based on performance, I think Yazid has show massive improvement dari the previous two weeks, and I think if he keeps it up, he may come off better in time to come.
He was a lot more comfortable on stage and he didn't seem to be too off his element. Soal confidence banyak improve, though some parts dia masih nampak kekok a little bit.
Vocally it was an 180 degrees turn from previous weeks and I think Yazid should be commended for his significant improvement.

Andainya Aku Pergi Dulu
Rating : ****
I knew the arrangement by Acis was more mellow and in a way even more melancholic and I hoped Aril would be able to pull it off.
And he did. Like Yazid, nampak improvement abih, and I think he was actually overall the most improved in this concert.
He had a little glitch here and there with the lower notes, plus I agreed with Adlin, at some points the song became a little monotonous because he didn't exploit and versatility of the tune to provide a little more climax in terms of dynamics of his vocals. But that's a minor issue in comparison to the leaps and bounds dia da memperbaiki persembahan berbanding yang lepas.

Lama Tak Jumpa
Rating : ** 1/2
She did well, but not well enough as I expected.
For me, vocally she was shaky in some parts, and she didn't seem to have much improvement compared to before this in addressing some pitch problems as well as the rather stiff movements which could have used more fluidity.
And Adlin was right in terms of the performance being slightly flat as she didn't infuse her own mojo into the bouncy tune. Still, not too bad, but in a week where improvements were the mainstay of performances, she was just average for me.

Seloka Cinta Remaja
Rating : ** 1/2
A little more zest and gusto and her performance might have been a whole lot better. She did ok, but like Claudia, she didn't up her performance from last week.
Given much aid, I expect the kids to improve by leaps and bound, no matter what the limitations to bring on the competition.
Overall, Rini performed decent and I think it was a shame she was eliminated this week since her performance was a lot better than a couple of others.

Pilihlah Aku
Rating : * 1/2
While I did not agree to pemilihan dia last week sebagai pelajar cemerlang as I didn't really see any improvement, I think this week, there were bits and pieces here and there where I heard the real voice of Qhaud somewhere in the mix.
And he did have something to offer vocally. Tapi masaalah tuk Qhaud nih in looking for his own style. There were little moments where you could hear it, but they were far and few.
Undoubtedly the potential is there, but I think it he needs a whole lot more push towards unearthing his true potential. At this stage of competition, he needs a lot more out there to prove he's on par with the best.
At this moment, like the critics pointed out, too many sharps, flats and numerous pitching problems along with little of his real self into the song - he needs to buck up big time.

Anak Gembala
Rating : ***
Akim perform elok lagi minggu ni dari minggu lepas. Seperti Yazid dan Aril, aku nampak dan mendengar perubahan yang ketara dari persembahan dia.
Issues ngan his opening note, which is a recurring problem, tapi performance dia memang menghiburkan, walaopon masih ada ruang lagi dia nak perkembangkan kemampuan dia dari segi penghayatan.
Secara keseluruhan, dia banyak kena belajar lagi dari segi memasukkan jiwa dia sendiri ke dalam sesebuah lagu.
Not too impossible, and Akim is really starting to shape up as a real competitor.

Rating : ****
Rubisa melakukan sesuatu yang memang merupakan masaalah utama dia. Everyone knows she has a range, and the point being hammered home was that she could not hold it in and use it the right way.
The problem this time was that she held it a little too much in, dan persembahan dia was a little too withdrawn in comparison to become too simple.
She did well overall, tapi like some of the others, she was good, but lacked the zest to have put the punch into the delivery of the song.
Still, as a singer, she definitely is pushing herself further and I hope she can find a balance in her delivery.

Ini Rindu
Rating : ***
Aku suka gila lagu nih dari dulu and I think this was a decent performance. Bagus gak, tapi aku rasa lom sampai tahap kemampuan dia yang sebenar.
Her show was a notch up in terms of embodiment of the tune in comparison to the other competition, and I think Zizi did well.
Cuma aku tak sabar minggu-minggu akan datang nak tengok apa kemampuan dia dari sudut lagu-lagu tugasan yang akan datang.
A serious competitor for sure.

Hanya Di Radio
Rating : *
Mmmm.... banyak sangat kelemahan dia yang belum diatasi sejak minggu pertama. I think he needs to really pick up the pace. Based on performance alone, Sidi is in trouble to remain in the Akademi, and he needs to brush up on every single aspect of his performance.
Disjointed and rather painful, Sidi perlu perbaiki vocal nya overall as well as persembahannya yang terlalu biasa.
Not impossible, but at this point, looking highly improbable. Nak masuk konsert keempat, ini bukan persembahan yang aku inginkan daripada memana pon pelajar.

Abang Beca
Rating : **
Kalau student lain, majoritinya soal character tak kuar dalam lagu, I think Obri's problem became that because it was overwhelming. He didn't do as bad.
Suaranya dia memang light and nipis dan perlu lagu-lagu yang sesuai to actually fit him.
His attempts nampak la application apa yang dipelajari, but I think he lost a lot of the actual essense of the education he was given.
I think less stress should be on the theatrical approach towards their songs, because like this performance proved, it was a little too contrived and made it not so much of a vocal performance, but almost a visual trainwreck.
Obri could have done better in weeks to come, tapi sayang rezeki dia takde.

Rating : ** 1/2
A lot of people noticed Aishah was a little stifled by the whole production of the choreography and all. Not that it was bad, but memang tak perlu bagi someone like her, who is able to carry things on her own.
I think kalao diberikan masa, Aishah just needs to find a way to communicate what she needs and wants without others overcompensating for her performance.
Vocally minor glitches, and pretty much still srious competition despite a rather weaker performance in comparison ngan yang lepas lepas.

Rambu Ramba
Rating : ****
I think they saved the best for last.. and second last. Ngan Isma dan Hafiz dok sebagai antara persembahan yang paling ujung, it was definitely a wise choice.
She didn't fail to deliver and Isma berjaya nak bawa lagu Rambu Ramba yang bagi kita semua joget in our seats. She was able to ooze the confidence of a professional dan aku rasa she definitely is on the right path.
Again, her only problem for me is her own identity and her own stamp though her vocals and performance.
Taking the lead for the female students this week, Isma mampu menghiburkan the way all the kids should.

Mat Disko
Rating : ****
Who would have guessed. Bangga Hafiz da mula tunjukkan character dia yang sebenar. I mean he has always been able to bring it onstage, tapi kali ni aku rasa kali ni, I saw snatches of him here and there, which he is also bringing to his real life character.
Definitely the only one to really progress among all the kids, and I think he should be the example of how a student of Akademi Fantasia should be dalam mencari bukan sahaja dari segi mencari ilmu dalam Akademi, tapi juga mencari diri, dan identiti tersendiri dalam lagu dan persembahan.
Can't wait for his future performances. Wasn't keen on him getting this tune, but I think he did WAY better than I forecast.

So there you have it. Meletop gak la minggu ni. And what a way to end the concert by having Anggun come on and belt Jadi Milikmu (Crazy). Need I say anything more? Nangis sapa tak dapat tengok live cause the vibe was totally awesome in the dewan itself.

It was sad to see a double elimination at this stage as it's only understandable that a fewweeks is never going to be enough to equip anyone to be at a level where they can be polished to deliver what takes years to accomplish. But nak wat camna. Tuh la namanya competition and I only hope the kids hold on to what they learnt and make the best of whatever situation.

It was a moving moment to see Obri and Rini go (walaupon aku takde la nitis airmata pon.. heartless sangat). And I feel the sadness of the pelajar yang masih kat dalam.

Obri was the slightly quiet but fun comic in the Akademi. So things will bea little quieter without him now. And Rini being quite a character too pun will be felt for her absence in the Akademi.

Kedudukan AFUNDI skang gila sikit. Korang tengok je kedudukan time tutup undian. What do you guys think? Setuju tak? Kalao tak setuju cepat AFUNDI sekarang!

Things are heating up, and it's only a matter of one or two concerts before things work up into a massive frenzy. Tengok je la apa halatuju kedudukan bebudak dari skang. Hoping it's not the wrong ones eliminated from now...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Konsert Akademi Fantasia - Minggu Ketiga (Part 1)

Tunggu komentar panjang pasnih skali BANYAK pics dan video lagik. Aku minggu ni gila nak letak banyak pics bebudak perform.

Also, pesanan dari Obri dan Rini, since both of them jadik mangsa double elimination.

Sebenarnya letih gila ni. Pas abih show tadik, layan press conference, and then gerak ke hotel (terima kasih kerana ajak AO - you know who you are) tuk join keluarga menyambut bebudak.

Spent some time with Obri's family and friends, as well as berborak ngan Rini's. Dah lewat sikit bebudak dapat barang-barang mereka dari Akademi, kita gi minum.

Am proud of these two sebab they did their best tonight, walaupun rezeki takde, takpe la. The real competition starts now, so we see lah masa depan meka yang kini dalam tangan meka sendiri.

Anyway, korang layan Konsert Akademi Fantasia minggu ketiga nih. Review, pics and more video tuk follow pasnih. Layan...

Karma.. karma...karma...

Ok, first I have to say, Anggun was excellent! Nurul and Imran Ajmain who jumped in the act weren't - far from it in fact... but Anggun was amazing.

Just too bad the show wasn't all that long, since cuma showcase jerk. And apparently the song Mimpi was scrapped (according to the songlist given) to make way for Mantra which was to feature both the names mentioned above.

Disaster! Whatever reasons will be given by the guests, thought it was so bad, that nothing could excuse such bad singing, which I think was memalukan jerk, especially since it was the closing tune for the show. Talk about your anti-climax. And I really wanted to hear Mimpi too. Damn!

But for those of you yang tak dapat go to the show - here's a recording of Jadi Milikmu (Crazy), done acoustic with Edrie Hashim on guitar. There was wardrobe malfunction, sebab time dia nyanyi tuh, her top slipped down, revealing a little more than it should... just lucky you can't really see it in the video because of the crap visuals. Don't complain... at least the sound is great. Matilah aku... ada jerk nak feeling kan.

Whatever it is, Anggun is still fantastic, even more so (if that's possible) than when I first saw her first showcase here about a decade ago.

The other good part of the show was after the thing was over. Dengar berita yang buat aku tersengih. Adalah... malas nak cita.

Anyway, on a totally unrelated tip, dengar word Maestro is closing. Apparently, dari teman-teman PR syarikat rakaman semua, both Maestro Talent & Management and Maestro Records akan tutup kedai officially Isnin ni. Motif?

Apapon, pada meka kat Maestro, cam Along, Syed... you guys are the best and I'm lucky to have known you guys and spent time with you guys on the road masa zaman Akademi Fantasia tour dari lepas musim pertama sehingga tour dan events sampai aku quit kerja suratkhabar. Korang memang besh... kenangan terindah gituh. We had so much fun on the road, that the stories will live on. Matilah... gosip-gosip panas gituh. Heh!

Lainnya tuh, tak perlu aku sebut sini. Oops!

Pasang telinga - and dapat lebih story pastuh dari rakan wartawan lain - kisahnya, entah betul ke tidak, cuma lima orang talent akan dikekalkan... dengar nama Stacy... and tak silap Mawi. Not sure about who makes up the rest.

Apapon, rasanya Astro Entertainment lebih dari mampu nak handle keja Maestro.

Gosip berejam later, pasal David Archuleta mai KL kang, along with one of the best male vocalists from Indonesia, Rio Fabrian yang pun nak mai promo sini as well as Alexa (besh!), gerak gi melantak and then on to more gosip session.

Camtuh la ngan hidup ku yang solo skang. Heh.. solo tapi berpunya sebab yang menyayangi nun jauh.

Aduh... ujan jerk... tapi dalam ujan... ada little signs for me. Erm... takpe. Saja meroyan. Abaikan.

Oklah.. nak tidur... sapa nak layan Diari EXT, silakan.. here is the link. See you guys kat Konsert Akademi Fantasia minggu ketiga besok. Tak sabar nak tengok apa gimik besok lak. Dengar stage da mula transformasi da pun.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Away... away...

Out for the night. Layan Anggun nya showcase. Tunggu aku upload video ek. Sapa nak layan Diari, if you missed it, here it is. More updates pas aku abih partying malam ni. Skali skala...

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Susah betol nak mendiamkan sesuatu yang membuat kita excited abih. And yes, now korang tau. Anggun yang menjadi diva tamu dalam Akademi Fantasia.

Awmigawdddd!!! Memang seronok ok. Aku rasa leh lawan excited pelajar-pelajar. But we were so damn lucky to have Anggun in the Akademi nak share pengalaman dia dengan para pelajar.

And yes, the kids were so awed and inspired by her sharing of her experiences.

Tapi pas sesi dia yang besh, di mana bebudak semua seriously jumpa seorang superstar - sampai they sang for her and took her for a tour of the Akademi. we all pun had fun with her talking too, jap.

Merasalah the last time I met Anggun was about nine years ago... I think....when I interviewed her.

Masa tuh dia turun wat promosi album dia kat sini as well as a show kat JW Marriott. Heh... sampai Anggun pun terkejut it's been that long. Then Sarimah abih recording jumpa Anggun jap, the first thing pun dia cita pasal jumpa that time. Amik ko... semua pecah lobang umor sebenar kan?!!!

Takpe.... sebelom aku meroyan, baik aku share pics jerk.

Anggun!!! In the Akademi!

Cikgu Syafie pun fan of her vocals

Kak Mah apa lagik la...

Aku pun nak! Muka terharu tuh!

With part of the Diari family

Heh.. seronok kan muka sekor sekor jumpa Anggun. She is such a beautiful, charismatic person, that when she walks in a room, she just lights it up!

Ok ok.. cukup bab anggun. Nak tengok dia perform Jumaat nih. Da janji nak gih

Ok... masuk bab drama lak.

Sapa tak paham cita, here's the summary.

Zizi dan Rubisa passing notes in Cigu Syafie's class. Bila Askrul nak rampas note, meka menggelabah, and Zizi bak note terus ke Cikgu Syafie supaya bebudak lain tatau. Now you know that this is not allowed in the Akademi. Pernah pun berlaku sebelum ni. Nota TIDAK dibenarkan untuk komunikasi.

Anyway, dari apa dikatakan, Syafie kecik hati sebab cara dia kata seolah bebudak mengatakan dia pilih kasih memberi perhatian pada some other students. including yang 'top' dan yang memain.

Lom abih Syafie tegur perangai meka, masuk bab back up vocals, Akim lepas geram and walked out of class. Bila di pujuk Qhaud, rupanya citanya dia nakkan bebudak yang bersuara soprano backing dia tuk lagu dia, tapi semua cam tak kuasa nak layan, so dia kecik ati sebab dia rasa meka selfish.

Next development. Si Rubisa explain meka pass the notes sebab rasa tak puas ati ada pelajar lain yang 'main-main' ambik masa cikgu sampai yang lain kena tunggu, dan masa kurang tuk dihabiskan bersama mereka.

Masuk class balik mintak maap kat cikgu, Rubisa explain dan tegur kengkawan yang lain kata sapa nak amik masa cikgu, kena be considerate sebab orang lain pun perlukan masa dengan cikgu.

Akim, yang masuk balik kelas da pas mintak maap ngan Cikgu Syafie, tak puas sebab dia kata Rubisa antara yang tak amik pot bila dia mintak back-up vocals, and kata bebudak pompuan ada yang pentingkan diri sendiri.

Rubisa lak lawan balik kata dia tak dengar, dan Akim lak berbalas lagik kata bukan je da cakap, siap da sindir takde orang yang nak tolong. Dia kata Zizi pun ada offer, walaopon sora alto.

Aiyo... minggu sebelom sebelom ni, drama melibatkan Rini, Aril dan Qhaud. Lom pe pe, Isma pon masuk drama nangis. Skang lak Rubisa dan Akim, skali diheret masuk si Zizi dalam kes nih. Merasalah.

Stress abih bebudak nampaknya dalam usaha meka nak all out. I love competitiveness. Just hope they are able to balance being competitive and being nasty jerk. Tapi kelas malam semalam ngan meka, aku nampak semua ok jerk. Ada lagik geram terpendam, but biasa lah. Manusia dan perasaan... takkan leh tekan Ctrl-Alt-Del leh buang terus kan.

Ok moving on... hari keja ada la sakit jiwa aku bab tak kena ngan keja. Takpe. Control jerk. Apapon sejuk ati bila Cikgu Acis ada. Heh! Dahlah jarang serempak, Sapa peminat Acis sini, silakan merembes ek! Matilah aku....

Tuh dia.. jejak paling ensem dalam Akademi

Ok, make sure korang watch Diari esok. Sambungan drama - tapi episod lain lak. Takleh cita. Korang kena layan!

Lari bab lain. Pengumuman calon-calon akhir tuk Anugerah Industri Muzik diumumkan siang tadik. Kelakar lak aku tengok line-up. Aduh... no komen la. Thanks sultanmuzaffar for the list.

1. Artis Baru Terbaik – Artis

1. Hujan
2. Joe Flizzow
3. Malique
4. Meet Uncle Hussain
5. Suki

2. Persembahan Vokal Terbaik Di Dalam Album (Lelaki) – Artis

1. Aizat – Lagu Kita
2. Bob AF2 – Cinta Terhalang
3. Reshmonu – Doa Untuk Dia
4. Reshmonu – Sayu
5. Rithan (Deja Voodoo Spells) – Rock ‘N’ Roll (English)

3. Persembahan Vokal Terbaik Di Dalam Album (Wanita) – Artis

1. Ayu – Hanya Di Mercu
2. Dina – Sejauh Ini
3. Shila – Memori Tercipta
4. Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza – Di Kayangan Kita
5. Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza – Di Taman Teman

4. Persembahan Vokal Berkumpulan Terbaik Di Dalam Album – Artis

1. Ajai & Marsha – Sayang
2. All One – Bilal bin Rabah
3. Pop Shuvit – Marabahaya (International Version)
4. Rabbani – Bila Nur Melimpah Di Hati
5. Raihan – Assubhu Bada

5. Kulit Album Terbaik – Pereka

1. Florence Lee – Hawa – Nikki
2. Nadia Jasmin – President – Joe Flizzow
3. Nicholas Chong – Transit – Altered Frequency
4. Nizam Rahmat – Satu – Ferhad
5. Vignes Balasingam – Remain Unknown – Estranged

6. Rakaman Album Terbaik – Jururakam

1. JD Wong – Remain Unknown – Estranged
2. Nick Lee, Greg Henderson & CL Toh – Finally/Akhirnya – Suki
3. Paul Morisson – Satu – Ferhad
4. Puja, Edry, Bajai & Yudi – Adam 3 – Adam
5. Reshmonu, Murali, Will Quinell & CL Toh – Harapan – Reshmonu

7. Video Muzik Terbaik – Pengarah

1. Douglas Lim – Hanya Di Mercu – Ayu
2. Douglas Lim – Sampai Syurga – Faizal Tahir
3. Kerol – Mati Hidup Kembali – Butterfingers
4. Kerol – 1000 Tahun (Mahu Hidup) – Butterfingers
5. Reshmonu – Oh Anok Anok – Reshmonu

8. Album Pop Etnik Terbaik – Artis/Produser

1. Khazanah Pujangga – Syura
2. Lentera Timur – Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza
3. Selagi Ada Rindu – Pak Long (Shafie Ahmad)
4. Zapin Suri – Haziq

9. Lagu Pop Etnik Terbaik – Komposer/Penulis Lirik

1. Di Kayangan Kita – Johari The – Keon - Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza
2. Di Taman Teman – Fauzi Marzuki – Hairul Anuar Harun – Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza
3. Dirgahayu – Radeen Sri – Hairul Anuar Harun – Ramlah Ram
4. Nafas Cahaya – M.Nasir – Loloq – Misha Omar
5. Zapin Suri – Pak Ngah – Siso Kopratasa – Haziq

10. Album Nasyid Terbaik – Artis/Produser

1. Allah Habeebi – Mawi
2. Istimewa Tiada Dua – Nice
3. Nasyid Nostalgia Memori The Zikir – Nazrey Johari
4. Nostalgia Nadamurni – Rabbani
5. Setia – Wildan

11. Lagu Nasyid Terbaik – Komposer/Penulis Lirik

1. Allah Habeebi – Farihin – Yasin – Mawi
2. Bila Nur Melimpah Di Hati – Asri Ibrahim – Ito Lara – Rabbani
3. Kemuliaan Al-Quran – Amin InTeam – Amin InTeam – InTeam
4. Serulah Namanya – M.Nasir – AD Samad – Mawi
5. Teman Hakiki – Ku Sham – Dr.Mohd Asri – Mawi

12. Album Rock Terbaik – Artis/Produser

1. Bongkar – Kristal – Kristal & Bong
2. Hujan – Hujan – Noh Hujan
3. Keamanan – Nrocinu – Mus May
4. Kembali – Butterfingers – Butterfingers/Faizal Shahrin
5. Modern Minimals Glamour – The Times – Gizmo Records

13. Lagu Rock Terbaik – Komposer / Penulis Lirik

1. 1000 Tahun (Mahu Hidup) – Loque – Loque – Butterfingers
2. Aurora – Estranged – Estranged – Estranged
3. Bila Aku Sudah Tiada – Noh Hujan – Noh Hujan – Hujan
4. Dugaannya – Noh Hujan – Noh Hujan – Hujan
5. Yang Pernah – Estranged – Estranged – Estranged

14. Album Pop Terbaik – Artis / Produser

1. Alyah – Alyah
2. Arus Qudus – Yassin
3. Harapan – Reshmonu
4. Misha Omar – Misha Omar
5. Percubaan Pertama – Aizat

15. Lagu Pop Terbaik – Komposer / Penulis Lirik

1. Cinta Adam Dan Hawa – Azmeer – Loloq – Misha Omar
2. Dingin – Azlan Abu Hassan – Azalea – Ziana Zain
3. Ketentuan – Azlan Abu Hassan – AD Samad – Ramlah Ram
4. Lagu Kita – Aizat Amdan – Aizat Amdan – Aizat
5. Sampai Di Sini – Ajai – Slen – Misha Omar

16. Lagu Hip Hop Terbaik – Komposer / Penulis Lirik

1. Bergerak – Johan Ishak, Ceza Mutyara, Khalid Kamal & Saiful Amri – Johan Ishak, Ceza Mutyara, Khalid Kamal & Saiful Amri - Joe Flizzow feat Joeniar Arief
2. Isabella – Johan Ishak, Iman Ishak & Search - Johan Ishak, Iman Ishak & Search – Joe Flizzow feat Hady Mirza
3. Mengapa Harus Bercinta ? – Johan Ishak, Terrytyelee & H ady Mirza - Johan Ishak, Terrytyelee & H ady Mirza – Joe Flizzow
4. Mantera Beradu – Malique, D’Navigator & M.Nasir – Malique & M.Nasir – Malique feat M.Nasir
5. OK – DJ Fuzz, Malique & Cat Farish – Malique & Cat Farish – Malique feat Cat Fabuloso

17. Album Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik – Artis / Produser

1. Dark Sun Big Rain – Karen Nunis Blackstone
2. President – Joe Flizzow
3. Remain Unknown – Estranged
4. Take Five with Juita Suwito at Avanti – Juita Suwito
5. Tapestry of Life – Shal Sagan

18. Lagu Inggeris Tempatan Terbaik – Komposer / Penulis Lirik

1. All Around My World – Johan Ishak & Ceza Mutyara - Johan Ishak & Ceza Mutyara – Joe Flizzow
2. Dances of The Spirit – Estranged – Estranged – Estranged
3. In No Time – Estranged – Estranged & Chow Ken Chung – Estranged
4. KL Streets – Malique & D’Navigator – Malique – Malique feat Lah
5. Marabahaya (International Version) – Pop Shuvit & Dandee – Samsol Nahar, Dandee, Moots, Daly, Thaitanium & Jamir Garcia – Pop Shuvit

19. Album Cina Tempatan Terbaik – Artis / Produser

1. Homely Life – Rynn Lim – Ryan Lim
2. Man Jiang Hong – Man Jiang Hong – Alex San
3. Meet to Listen – Cheng Lee – Cheng Lee
4. The Real Hou Ren – Hou Ren – Lee Nai Kong
5. Will Be Good – Will Ng – Cheng Lee, Will Ng & David Koon

20. Lagu Cina Tempatan Terbaik – Komposer / Penulis Lirik

1. He, She & Me – Cheng Lee – Cheng Lee – Cheng Lee
2. Man Jiang Hong – Alex San – Ah Guan – Man Jiang Hong
3. Missy Missy – Will Ng – Will Ng – Will Ng
4. Prisoner – Will Ng – Will Ng – Will Ng
5. Zhong Du – Alex San – Yap Kah Heng – Man Jiang Hong

21. Album India Tempatan Terbaik – Artis / Produser

1. Agarem – Agarem
2. Ethirrpaarkiren – Anbarasan & Anuratha
3. Veera Puranam – Chakra Sonic

22. Lagu India Tempatan Terbaik – Komposer / Penulis Lirik

1. Enna Venum – Coco Nantha – Coco Nantha – Agarem
2. Ethirrpaarkiren – Anbarasan – Divya Saraswathy – Anbarasan & Anuratha
3. Sottu Sotta Remix – Sundrra – Coco Nantha – Agarem
4. Sudum Mannil – Sundrra – Coco Nantha – No Entry
5. Tu Khendi She – Goldkartz – Arvinder Raina – Goldkartz feat Arvin

23. Lagu Bahasa Melayu Terbaik yang Dipersembahkan oleh Artis Luar Negara – Artis

1. Aku Dan Dirimu – Ari Lasso & Bunga Citra Lestari
2. Ayat-Ayat Cinta – Rossa
3. Bila Rasaku Ini Rasamu – Kerispatih
4. Matahariku – Agnes Monica
5. Menjaga Hati – Yovie & Nuno

24. Susunan Muzik Terbaik Di Dalam Lagu – Penggubah

1. Audi Mok – Pada Cintanya – Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza
2. Azlan Abu Hassan – Tiada Maaf – Danell Lee
3. Estranged – Aurora – Estranged
4. Fauzi Marzuki – Di Taman Teman – Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza
5. Sham Kamikaze – Bukan Mimpi – Farhan

Apapon, tahniah Bob! Yeay wakil geng Pelita masuk senarai. Ada rezeki... leh tuh. Also Aizat - walaopon aku rasa pelik artis baru leh masuk main category but Best New Artiste nya calon hampeh sungguh, dan Aizat leh tak tersenarai. Oops... kata tadik tanak komen.... walaopon nampak bias semacam.. eh terkomen lagik. Gatal molot aku nih nak carot.

Ok... I'm out of here. Will link Youtube Diari secepat mungkin. Ada meeting jap nih. Be back later.


Letih abih so update hari ni jap je. Kelas aku tadik start lewat sikit. Budget Cikgu Aris nak extend kelas dia, so sambil nunggu, aku lepak je tunggu. Tengok tengok memang overlap class, but aku leh start da.

Last last dua setengah jam lepak ngan bebudak wat sesi yang aku rasa best gila! All of the kids spoke out and had fun. Even yang diam cam Hafiz pun bersuara gak. No one left out for sure.

Ari ni wat konsep tuk make them understand public perception as well as how to confront truth when pressured and yet maintaining composure. And I think most of them did well.

Yang penting, they opened up and shared a lot about each other. They kept asking me the same questions... my evaluation of each of them. So today aku bagi meka my pandangan of their strengths and weaknesses, which syukur meka amik sebagai guide tuk perbaiki diri.

Biar pelajar laki ke pompuan, nampaknya meka bersungguh nak buktikan konsert ni meka mampu. Merasalah. I dared them to do their best... and I hope they deliver as I want to see the best from them that I know they're capable of.

Ada jugak suasana tegang sikit, time aku bagik meka open up, but it was following the drama earlier. Still, got more than enough time before and after class for some sessions with a few of the kids yang approach aku.

Hah... korang.. kena tengok Diari esok. Wajib! Best! Ada tamu, ada drama.. semua ada. Meletop!

Arituh aku sebut episod konflik korang tak nyesal layan kan? Tengok episod esok. Berterusan Diari interesting ok.

Anyway.. esok banyak pics nak post.

Hari ni best sangat... that's for sure. Except hari ni birthay bonda aku, miss tak dapat celebrate ngan dia dan ayah. But at least I got her something nice. Tunggu Ahad ni nak bak meka breakfast lak spend time ngan meka.

Also dapat berita kurang memberangsangkan. Mana taknya kalao ada makhluk ni ada je asik nak tabur bebenda elok dalam fikiran orang lain. Lantak ko la.

Apapon, cam tak caya, we appraoching the end of the third week. Cam tak caya masa berlalu cepat sangat. Takpe... just going to have fun all the way.

Another meeting set up two weeks from now. God willing, things will be good!

Ok la.. aku nak tido... korang layan Diari dulu ok.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ok aku nak fast entry sebab sibuk esok so nak tidur sangat. Selain kerja, esok ulangtahun bonda aku yang tersayang, so kalao leh nak celebrate kalao sempat.

Siang tadi lari ke Akademi seperti biasa. Selepas memastikan everything ok yang mana memerlukan aku, aku pun lari ke sidang akhbar pelancaran rancangan realiti baru Astro yang akan ditayangkan melalui saluran Astro Ria dan Prima. Camna tuh?

Well, rancangan yang di berikan nama Anak Wayang, akan fokus pada pencarian anak seni dalam bidang lakonan. Seperti konsep Akademi Fantasia, rancangan diari harian, yang di panggil Sesi, dan rancangan result akan di beri nama Pentas Anak Wayang. Bahagian rancangan realiti tuh, akan ditayangkan melalui Astro Ria, dan drama yang akan menampilkan peserta akan di tayangkan melalui Astro Prima.

Audition da nak mula in just over a week, beginning from Johor Bahru, followed by Penang and then Kuala Lumpur. Korang just keep an eye out for the announcements.

Kenapa aku ke sidang akhbar tuh? Sebab... teka dapa korang dapat layan tiap-tiap hari melalui Sesi?

Cantik ok rambut Faz skang... meletop!

Yeap. This was the announcement aku nak sampaikan pada peminat Fazura. She will be the host for diari harian peserta melalui Sesi. Yeay! Rusdi Ramli akan menjadi hos tuk Pentas Anak Wayang lak.

Here are some other pics from the event.

Pentas pelancaran anak wayang

Sketsa kelakar Faz dan Rusdi

Rusdi, Faz dan orang orang kuat Astro

Rusdi and his wife, Sharon... my old college mate. Bakal menimang cahaya mata bulan lapan ni... besh!

Pas abih, aku dan Faz, gerak skali ke Bandar Utama to make our way to Cineleisure for the gala premiere of Talentime, the latest movie from Yasmin Ahmad.

Tuh dia Faz jadik model!

Salah satu pelakon Talentime - Jac, with her mom

Also in the cast - Pam Chong

With her mom. Also in the movie.

Snappy snappy!

The cast and the people behind Talentime

Mawi dan Ekin as well as Nasser pon ada nak nonton

Jac and Nani

Along with Yana and Sazzy

Aizat and adik dia, Alif (eh... tol kan dude.. or did I get your name wrong?)

Oh my God!!! All I have to say about Talentime is.. YOU MUST WATCH IT!!!!

If there is one Malaysian made movie in your life you have to watch - it's Talentime.

Kalao korang nak tengok filem yang bebetul melambangkan semua cultural, social and religious beliefs that we have in our diverse melting pot of a nation called Malaysia - watch Talentime.

Kalao korang nak filem yang bebetul realistik in documenting what all of us have at one time of another faced...watch Talentime!!!

Aku tatau camna nak cakap agik. Aku tanak review at all. Cukup aku cakap (tanpa perasaan bangga at all malah melarikan diri sembunyi) aku nangis gila babiks!!! Malu siot! Abih je, kuar kredit aku larikan diri takot orang nampak mata aku bengkak! Merasalah!

Go alone kalao nak bebetul feel. Then bak yang tersayang kalao nak add feel. Then bak family so leh feel bersama. Besh gila! Pendek kata, wajib tengok ok! Rugi kalao tak.

I think this is Yasmin's most accessible movie yet, and ramai akan suka for sure. Yang pasti, aku warning dulu! Bak tisu lebih sikit. Faz seb baik ada tisu sekotak! Yang penting tiga panggung abih time gala premiere tuh, ramai yang kuar mata bengkak ok!

Yang pentingnya, pastuh meet kak Vee gi minom kat Rasta. Tapi syukur, mungkin rezeki bakal datang, kami dijoin oleh seorang CEO yang set up meeting tuk aku. Adalah benda nak bincangkan, yang sebenarnya aku da patah semangat tapi kini diberikan nafas baru kot.

Sampai rumah, layan Diari. Alamak... cam banyak isi kan Diari ari nih. Layan.... tapi ampun sapa nak carot sora aku tuh. Aduh... tapi kelakar kan. Aku suka Yazid ngaku dia mampu nitis airmata da skang walaopon dia tak feeling memula. Sebenarnya dia kata dulu dia heran orang nangis nangis ni dalam Akademi. Skali dok dalam... hambik ko! Heh... tu la. Bebudak nangis korang carot.

Korang tatau perasaan to be housed in quarantine with strangers yang memacam perangai dan peel away from your loved ones. The stress gets to you ok. Yang penting aku tengok bebudak sorang sorang da mula show their true personalities. Tunggu seminggu agik... ko tengok la diri meka yang sebenar.

Ok la.. sapa lom layan Diari... ni dia. Aku nak membuta da. Goodnight...

PS - Esok besh kat Akademi!!!