Sunday, February 28, 2010


Spent another night at The Actors Studio watching Najwa and Yuna perform.

I seriously cannot get enough of them.

Apart from these two, there are only a few new artistes that I can say stack up - heck.. make that even among so-called established local singers, these two stand tall.

Susah nak dapat bakat-bakat camni. Pada sapa yang persoalkan bakat meka, tu la ko.. kemut sangat tak sanggup bayar nak tengok show meka tu yang ko tatau. Tu la akibatnya harap nak tengok show pree je merata, kat TV ke, kat jelajah ke road tour ke... harus la tak dapat menikmati.

Tapi kalao pandai layan Youtube - tuh pon you won't get to see the total awesomeness of these two.

Am so in love with Najwa's songs - especially Got To Go (meletop gila babs - melodi masih dalam pala aku) and How Long Must I Wait.

And my song from Yuna at the moment is Cinta Sempurna (actually dari ari tuh sejak dengar kat radio - yang stesen bangang tu yang suka mainkan lagu bes hanya pada pukul 3 pagi, lagu lain cam Kau Dan Aku busuk tu nak high rotation tiap empat jam) memang da suka, but listening to her performing live lain sangat. Haunting!!! Meremang bulu roma. Yang takde bulu pon leh meremang. Kalao da Brazilian wax pon remang kuar!

Anyway the show was again fantastic, tapi best nya gak sebab dalam diam, Najwa's family was present at the show.

Her father, our deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pon ada. Sempat aku borak ngan dia jap. Yerlah... skang da timbalan Perdana Menteri. Aku kenal zaman-zaman masih menteri, time keja aku cover news and politics. So beliefs aside, borak kejap ngan dia. Kira nostalgia ok dulu naik hulu hilir kementerian dia (dari Belia dan Sukan sampai la Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan hal Ehwal Pengguna)

Anyhoo, it was a pleasant Sunday, and a quiet end to the New Year celebrations with tonight's Chap Goh Meh.

Sempat ler petang gi umah sedara nak berjudi. Oops. Skali setahun gituh. Last call. Tahun ni best sikit sebab tak kalah langsung. Menang pon tak. Kuar modal RM130, balik pon camtuh.

Memula da menang cecah ratusan, but last call kuar balik semua. Janji tak kalah...

Am feeling extremely inspired at the moment... and have a few more ideas slowly coming about. Allowing it to take form.

Need to sleep on it... nanti jerk aku update agik.

PS - Dengar Malam Nada Biru is going to be for the boys lak! Dua penyanyi solo yang WOW! Serious.. simpan duit ok. Worth it sangat-sangat!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blue Tone?

Have you ever seen an ATM machine that swears?

Ok... so it's not entirely true and I made that up. Suka ati aku lah! Tanak gelak bukan salah aku.

Anyway smalam gi Malam Nada Biru with Najwa and Yuna.

What can I say... memang besh gila!!!! So many know Najwa from lagu dia featured on ngan Malique and Yuna from Dan Sebenarnya... but seriously, dua orang artis baru ni ARE THE FUTURE, people!

They are the future of the local music industry for their talent, for their originality and for their sheer passion for the music.

Sambil ada artis sendu dan nan hado yang harapkan kuota dan wajib siar tuk jual lagu, atau kalangan yang feeling artis nak harapkan jual lagu walaopon hazab - there are those like Najwa and Yuna who make me believe that masa depan muzik Malaysia masih ada.

I'm not going to review - but Najwa was mind-blowing! I mean it. Not syok sendiri at all like I expected from someone as soulful as her. In fact it was appealing, so much so ada kengkawan yang tak reti feel bluesy jazz and all pon terpegun by the time Najwa was done.

Also heard a lot of her songs in the 45 minute set - and it was all fantastic.

Then there was Yuna. Dan Sebenarnya is seriously overrated. Bukan sebab aku tak suka lagu tuh - but because if you listen to stuff from her album, it doesn't even come close to what this girl is about.

It was all in all a five star performance from both of them.

Najwa comel jerk
Yuna - rileks jer as always
The woman behind the show - my girl, Atilia
Congratulations to Atilia and Mujik Productions and Bsync Productions for the amazing show they put together. Simple presentation - but AMAZING in talent.

Sapa tak sempat gi Malam Nada Biru bersama Najwa dan Yuna, tomorrow night is another show. And possibly one of the last you get to see Najwa really rock it out on a full set like this.

Yuna dengar akan gi America for two months pas kena risik kat sana, and Najwa akan habiskan sikit agik study dia sebelom release her single (tak sabar cause her song is like WOW!) - though she will be opening for Babyface next week.

Tomorrow's show is at 9pm at tickets are priced at RM100 and RM85. Trust me - they are SO worth it!

Just go and get your tickets from The Actors Studio at Lot 10. Just take the lift and go level 8 on the rooftop. For more info, you can call 03-2142 2009 or 2143 2009.

Pas abih, zoomed to Pelita lepak one session for about an hour plus.

Suasana indah di Kuala Lumpur waktu malam - matilah ni yang aku nak snap!
Finished kat Pelita, rush balik Klang jumpa bebudak yang dulu satu sekolah rendah ngan aku lepak ngan meka. Berejam... kang je post entry panjang lebar bila leh.

To all my Chinese friends out there - happy celebrating the 15th and final day of the Chinese New Year festivities. It's Chap Goh Meh!!! Last day to gamble (aku tak judi pon dua minggu ni raya nih)

Have a good Sunday, guys!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Bunny sex

Just back home. Hari ni pala cam nak pecah. Tak cukup tidur pas insiden semalam. Still thinking about Koi's passing. Dude was younger than me, so you can imagine how it rattles me.

Plus on top of that, sebab baru jumpa dia beberapa jam sebelom he passed on... cam terasa how seseorang can just disappear in the blink of an eye. Life is that fragile.

Noya mendatang sikit, tapi aku put it at the back of my head. Bukan apa... I'll get really morbid if I dwell on it, cam when kak Min passed on.

So anyway, sempat ler abihkan semua interview pasal kes wajib siar. Erm... apa sebenarnya pihak kementerian nak wat sebenarnya masih misteri walaopon konon nak kuatkuasa Mac 1 kang. Seriously... someone needs to structure whatever plans they have before announcing it, and tagging a very close deadline to it.

Had three dinner invites. Couldn't make any of it because semua dah lah dekat, 7pm, 7.30pm and 8.30pm. So cancelled the 8.30pm punya.

Left with two. Finished everything and on the road by almost 9pm.

Had to forego the POCC dinner (sorry beautiful people) because I knew I couldn't make it to Curve in time with the mad traffic and all.

So opted for Bangsar at the Bangsar Seafood Garden Restaurant for the Astro Chinese New Year makan-makan sebab tau mesti start lambat.

Tulis invite 7pm. Sampai about 9.15pm baru abih first course, which was the yee sang (rugi.. but takpe.. da lambat..) Tuh la namanya Malaysian timing. Heh... sometimes it so works in your favour.

Met some friends. Had fun gak sebab banyak benda dalam pala, leh campak tepi sat. Ni a pic of me camwhoring with Jess just to show her how my Onyx stacks up to her antiquated Blackberry. Heh... silap lak pic ni blur! Argh! Gerak!

The food was ok... but of the dishes, the dessert must be the cute one. Amik ko mini dumplings ni cut and shaped like little bunnies. Make me feel almost evil to be chomping on them. Poor Thumper!

And thanks to the twisted mind of some of my friends (perlu ke aku sebut nama nih?), this is what happens when they get their hands on it. Kids... don't ask your parents why the bunnies are in this position.

Just google the word 'fornication' and look up its meaning.

So dinner was fine. And the company was nice. And it didn't hurt they had huge ass lucky draws. Didn't bother sebab my luck for draws usually sucky anyway.

But this one memang by table number ada and by individual pon ada. Sebab aku mai lambat takde la individual draw punya. But our table got a juicer each. Erm.. that makes what... three at home? Harus la aku carik kengkawan yang nak juicer gituh. But a friend passed on a mixer she had too, so punggah kedua ni balik tadik.

Spent time with some friends in Pelita.

And then tired, so headed back. Feeling restless. And a little weird.

Death... yeap... screws me up each time. Wondering how I'll go when it's my turn.

Just hope I will be remembered like some of my dear friends who have passed on are. The real value of a person can only be felt when they're gone. So I'll never know... but I hope those near and dear to me will always remember me for who I really am.

Ok la.. merapu da. Dah la time tima camni... selamat malam dunia...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A tribute

Just got back home.

At about 2am earlier tadi, dikejutkan dengan berita sedih. Khabar mengenai pemergian seorang teman dalam industri hiburan tempatan.

Nama dia cuma dikenali sebagai Koi.

Nama sebenar, Mohd Shukor bin Tahir, tapi honestly all this while, aku penah dengar nama Koi yang sebenar sekali dua je, sebab semua orang da biasa panggil dia Koi jerk.

Kenal dia zaman Malaysian Idol, masa tu dia bertugas ngan 8TV. Time tu, aku jaga dak bernama Nikki ketika proses pertandingan.

Pastu dia masuk 8 Unit. Ramai Rockensteiners especially kenal dia sebab dia jaga Faizal Tahir dulu.

Terbaru dia bertugas dengan Persatuan Akademi Industri Muzik Malaysia (PAIMM).

Petang semalam, baru jumpa dia ketika press conference Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian.

Tak sangka that was the last time. Masa pass by him, nak interview Faizal jap, and I tapped him on the back, said hi and that was it. Tak sempat cakap per pon.

Not that we spoke that often, honestly... but I knew Koi and well.. he knew me. Put it this way...things were awkward at best because we had mutual friends with a little history thrown in (between them, not me and him la). But memang ngan dia kalao layan, gila gak pala dia and he's a fun dude.

So it was a shock masa Syed tweeted mengenai pemergian Koi. Aku tanya Koi mana, sebab kenal sorang je nama gelaran tuh. Syed BBM aku, and finally it was confirmed.

Apparently, Koi sakit dada, sesak nafas when he got home past 8pm. Told his mom, kalao tak silap, and they planned to go to the hospital.

Dengar dia tengah nak salin baju or something dalam bilik air when he collapsed. His sister gave CPR.

Fucking ambulance came late apparently.... and when it did arrive, there were two... or so we heard. Apa lah... hish!

Time of passing was about 10pm, if I'm not wrong.

Anyway... called some press friends, none of whom knew. Also called beberapa kawan PR.

Then called Faizal, tapi tak angkat. Called Jac, she knew. Got a call back from Faizal. He was also on the way to Koi's family home. And very shaken... like all of us.. by the news. Takde orang leh caya.

Aku gegas ke Shah Alam. Tengok Jennifer Thompson and team PAIMM da ada. Also some of the guys from 8 TV/8 Unit side sekali ada beberapa kawan TV3.

Faizal came later... and so did many other friends.

It was painful.

To Koi - many people are missing you. Hope you know that.

To friends, acquaintances of Koi, if you want to say goodbye to our friend, his family home is at No 2, Jalan Limau Bali 4/4E, Seksyen 4, Shah Alam.

Family and friends will leave the house about 9.30am this morning. The late Koi will be buried at the Muslim cemetery di Seksyen 21,Shah Alam, at about 10 or 11 in the morning.

To his family, and his extended family too (Jen and Faizal, I know you guys hurting the most) - be strong. Hugs for all of you and my prayers will accompany you.

PS - To my Muslim friends, sedekahkan la Al-Fatihah buat arwah. And to my non-Muslim friends, please do say a little prayer for Koi.

PPS - Faizal ada pencalonan Muzik Muzik later today. Dude, be strong ok. You know Koi would have agreed the show must go on. Hugs, mate.

PPPS - Ini satu-satu video kenangan Koi upload. Ni hasil keja dia ngan Alif Azfar, Aziz Satar and Faizal. Makes me smile.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I wanna hold your hand

Petang tadi gi PC mengumumkan everything about Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian. Aku malas nak taip pepanjang so kalao nak aku list kan.. ni aku letak basic jer sebab malas.

Pengacara Raja Azura & Sharifah Shaheera while performances nanti from Adam, Ainul Aishah, Akim, Aril, Azlan & Typewriter, Black, Bunkface, Dafi, Datuk M Daud Kilau, Dayang Nurfaizah, Diana Danielle, Faizal Tahir, Hafiz, Jaclyn Victor, Liyana Jasmay, Munif Hijjaz, Nazrey Raihan, One Nation Emcees,Rabbani and Stacy.

Tema Cetusan Warna or something like. Kowser... English version - Riot of Colours. Awas ramai yang bakal jadik badut Circue Du Soleil pasnih la jawabnya ngan borong kain kat Kamdar. Heaven help us... confirm tahun ni aku cover ABP tanak wat fashion review. Pasti aku buta.

Petang tadi pon aku pening tengok some of the dresses ada artis pakai at the press conference. Seriously... bad hemming, loose threads, puckering... cheap fabrics, arghhh!!!! So many things I noticed yang salah. Ramai feeling fashionable tapi AZAB nan hado!

Ni some of the ladies in attendance tadik. Spot your favourites?

Ni si Aishah comel... saja nak snap dia sebab lama tak amik bekas anak murid aku nih. Heh... She looks so cute - pity about the dress though. Aduh..

Two hot ladies for the evening? Liyana Jasmay and Scha Alyahya. Merasalah red seems to be the colour. Tapi mana riot nya of warna warna? Takpe... janji tak badut ok!

Esok nak kena masuk opis awal sebab nak abihkan artikel pasal isu siar wajib kat radio. Pening la.. ada je benda dalam industri muzik kita yang orang dok sibuk dari luar.

I mean... people in the industry need help, and things like this are so superficial sebab I don't see how this can translate into help for our artistes.

Kalao orang tak suka, ko main seribu kali, lagik bagik orang menyampah.

Jangan bertongkat kuota. Jangan mengharap disuap.

Masyarakat seni kita seharusnya up their game and rise to the challenge should just prove their products are good by coming out with quality products. Ni nak siar wajib ni entah la sampah haper nak on air pasni (skang pon ada sampah terlepas tapi lagik teruk ah pasnih).

Bottomline - look at Koko Kaina/Zee Avi, Yuna, Meet Uncle Hussain... these were people who didn't make it because of radio. Radio NEEDED them! Sebab meka came up with awesome works which couldn't be denied, and they developed a following.

So by the time orang da suka gila, radio HAD to jump on the bandwagon.

Siar wajib ni ada banyak PROS and CONS. But honestly, I see it more as being potentially exploited by those yang BERANGAN saja nak jadi artis - yang hado talent sebenarnya.

How are the songs going to be selected to be on-air? Bukan semua leh masuk walaopon siar wajib. Kalao semua sumbat, sapa dapat layan? Kalao tak, sapa nak tentukan? Nak tubuhkan badan tuk luluskan? Sapa nak bayar? Sapa nak anggotai? Layak ke? Takde pilih kasih ke?

Industri ni kecik... susah... semua kenal sama kenal... there's bound to be personal interests. And if not, the person is definitely not from the industry and wouldn't qualify.

Out with the politics in seni ok. Tak kena... oh well...

Pastu kalao radio main sumbat main semua pon (dalam padan moka stesen radio tertentu especially satu yang aku nyampah tahap gaban skang, kesian lak sebab it IS a business at the end of the day), ada effect ke?

Ramai lagik ke nak beli album?

Memacam... too many factors. Malas nak pikir... too late. And aku nak layan Idol jap agik.

Owh by the way... sebab ramai setan racun aku (even in the last entry), aku akui...

Yeap. Bought the Guccis. That's it. This time it's for real. NO MORE SHOPPING FOR A LONG TIME! This is the last thing I'm buying pasnih... but so in love with my shoes. All three of my Guccis. Matilah!

Oklah.. esok je update. Nak layan Idol while having supper sikit... night all!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hootchie moments

It's been a while since I last caught up with Sarimah.for a real gossip session, so semalam extended gituh. Started at Wendy's Mont Kiara and moved on to Bestari punya mamak at Solaris.

Banyak gak gosip.

Oops! Pada orang Astro - no... tak korek bab Akademi Fantasia ek. Perlu ke memandangkan aku da dapat bocor awal-awal. Oops!

Apa dia? Dari 12 pelajar, ada enam dari semenanjung? Apa dia? empat dari Sabah, dua dari Sarawak? Oops... apa dia? Diari nak tayang kol 7.30pm dekat ngan waktu Maghrib? Matilah tetiba larik topik.

No no no... korek ngan Sarimah pasal The Biggest Loser Asia! Tuh lebih menarik. Heh! Tapi sayang... she sealed her lips. Damn! Kena follow gak final.

Comel tak dak Mah ni tanpa make-up?

Comel katanya...

Anyway, esok aku janji entry panjang sikit setelah sekian lama sebab esok ada press conference nak umumkan penyampai, dan mereka yang wat persembahan di Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian nanti.

So lots of piccies and camwhoring la.

Meanwhile... what do you guys think about this...

This is from the Gucci 2009 Cruise Collection. Me likey. Aku skang suka simple slip ons yang leh go at least semi formal. Bagik pendapat korang ek... saja je. Nak tau lawa ke burok ke apa...

Be posting more tomorrow...

Monday, February 22, 2010


In case you can't tell from the picture, I am VERY busy in the office. I mean.. was VERY busy in the office today.

No... seriously...

This was one of the few moments to kick up my Guccis and relax sikit. Matilah... and contemplate getting my third pair.

Aiyo.. no.. no... no...

Working out schedule for the next few days. Assignments coming back in, so you star gazers yang nak tengok gambar artis je kat sini, tunggu la sehari dua nih everything come back to normal eh.

Meanwhile.. excuse me.. time to check out the cruise collection catalog. Matilah...

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Had fun today at an event that cannot be mentioned for privacy reasons. Bukan wat benda tak senonoh, tapi majlis yang takleh didedahkan katanya.

Abih je.. serious, sebab seharian - ngantuk babas lak bila sampai umah. Sedar-sedar da kol 9 malam. Sempat la dekat empat jam aku membuta. Ni jap agik nak sambung.

Saja nak update sikit, but nothing much for today.

Tomorrow awal pagik nak jumpa kawan jap, sebelom ke opis (nak try dalam minggu baru ni nak stick back to original routine bangun awal - walaopon sememangnya routine camtuh sampai 10 malam, cam orang kertu nak tidur je da).

Hopefully sempat siap segala sebab lepas lunch ada another meet jap, sambung keja, and then petang ada short meeting and brainstorming session for own company.

Esok aku nak susun jadual semua balik. Aktiviti dalam seminggu akan datang ni takde sangat, sebab mood Raya still on - things will be back to normal in a week's time. But meanwhile... ni nak tido.

Bunyi mercun pon da rancak letop sana sini.

Hari kelapan Chinese ni sembah dewa syurga or something like that - so jangan tekejut kenapa suddenly tengah malam dup dap sana sini. And prayers for the ninth day lak.

Actually kelima belas hari pon ada something... cuma orang ikut betul betul ke tak je... and plus ramai tatau pon.

Dengar bunyi mercun ni rasa cam baru nak raya lak...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How can you not...

The weekend is almost over and the new week of work, work, work is coming. Malas betol bulan Febuari nih kan. Cuti je.

Kira balik berapa hari kerja bulan ni - minus the weekends, minus the public holidays... tokei-tokei mesti rasa nyesal tak abih sebab terpaksa bayar gak gaji penuh sebulan - walaopon...

So I'm planning walaopon masih dalam mood Raya (jangan lupa Chinese New Year ada 15 hari ye sampai Chap Goh Meh - which means malam hari kelima belas) - tengah psycho diri aku sendiri tuk get back in the mood for not just work, but also diet dan workout (matilah!!!)

So since this weekend kira last sebelom full swing - hari ni awal-awal pagi da keluar.

First thing buat - break my own promise. Kata no more shopping.. merasalah. Sila lihat bukti janji palsu aku pada diri sendiri. Kotak kecik sunglasses I bought a few days before menjelang 2010. Kotak besar latest acquisition gituh.

Dan isi kandung nya? Erm.... my guilt! Very nice piece of guilt though... matilaaaaaaaaaa... no more... no more.. no mooooreeeeeeeeeeee (ala Alicia Keys menyanyi nih)

And yes, it is original yer. Tak main Siam punya. Tapi akibatnya, pasnih NO MORE SHOPPING for at least six more months!

Well, actually, there's this pair of nice Gucci loafers yang I think I can squeeze into my budget... erm... aduh.. pening la. Tengok la camna.

Ni tengah nak siap kan hantar stok terbengkalai kerja. Esok awal pagi ada majlis rahsia untuk mengadili sesuatu (dimintak untuk jangan sebut so pepandai la paham tuk apa), and then mungkin last call lepak sebelom keja start on Monday.

Meanwhile... let me wallow in my guilt.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mode : Ular sawa

Sorry malas update entry hari ni... seharian rushing about ngan orang tua aku. Gi makan pastu kena beli mesin basuh lak (WTF???) cause sudden breakdown tak pasal-pasal.

Pastu later ni, kena tolong kengkawan siapkan hasil kenduri kendara gituh - joint makan-makan/doa selamat/kenduri kesyukuran all in one between J2 (J Squared) and BME. Two small and fairly new companies - which will hopefully do a lot more in 2010.

Balik pon letih. Thanks to all our friends that came. And sesapa yang tak dapat invite, so sorry... aku mintak tolong kengkawan spread the word cause Maxis line aku ting tong - semua kengka aku MMS invite and map tapi hado.....

Ada yang status kata fail - tapi dapat! Ada yang kata pending, call balik kata kenapa hantar sampai dua kali! And ada yang kata successful - tapi hado terima?!

Pe pon.. lain kali kita wat agik ek. Syukur...

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Syed, I know you're saying I'm becoming a label whore! No... no... no!! Don't equate me to certain floozies we know that we're talking about.

The reason behind Syed's accusation? (batuk dia yang dok kat Bangkok jenjalan tuh tak pasal pasal kena ngumpat ngan aku - benci tol aku nak ikut!... rasain!!!)

I am majorly guilty - of coming across another pair of sunglasses! That makes it my FOURTH in three months. Shit! And my last for sure (for at least six months... or less depending on bargain I get and budget).

Aku bukan gila label.. sebelom ni pon aku penah beli Gucci satu je, pastu kena kebas bila keta aku kena pecah. Tapi serious, bila ko keja dan beli ngan hasil titik peluh sendiri - PUAS! It's a different feeling, rather than getting it free in any way, apa agik kalao nak beli it (for cheap) and (as a status symbol) for cheap (aka beli ciplak).

Aku bukan moka kecik.. so nak carik sunglasses yang kena muka aku pun bukan senang. Me like the Bono-esque huge ass sunnies - elok agik kalao yang pop-out bug eyed ones. Dulu zaman skolah, penah kongsi duit ngan kengkawan beli Jean Paul Gaultier nya.. lawa gila! Bergilir-gilir setiap orang pakai seminggu ok! Tu je yang mampu... merasalah setiap bulan akan kelihatan pakai direct seminggu je.

Which was an okay arrangement until one day... one of my moronic friends dok on the glasses by accident. Apa lagik... berkecai la. Patah handle bagai... gi nak repair, orang kat JPG cakap haram mampu. So jadi bahan kenangan je la.. sebab takde yang sanggup pakai with tape wrapped about it.

Skang mampu sikit-sikit... beli la. Rezeki, syukur dalam beberapa bulan ni, leh wat simpanan dan wat belanja sendiri lebih sikit.

Sebelom Christmas, beberapa hari before, dapat D&G ni. Yang flash over the top (penah cakap entry sebelom). Then it was a pair of Gucci sebelom New Year. And then beberapa hari sebelom Chinese New Year came across a fabulous D&G. And semalam... erm... dapat ni lak.

Merasalah! The devil made me do it. And Prada be thy name! Argh! Pokai! Well not really... but no more spending pasnih! Tapi puas!

Aku rasa pasni aku nak jual benda-benda collection aku yang lain, like my Zippos and all sebab cam nak start collection bebenda lain lak. Have my Coke can and Zippo collection (CDs takleh sentuh!). May sell those off sebab menyemak lak. Heh!

Ni permulaan koleksi kot... maybe... kalao aku tak shift interest pasni.

But seriously.. no more shopping pasnih. Will be glad next week back full swing into work. Take my mind off shopping. Leh? No more... no more.. no more.. except maybe those fabulous Gucci sneakers I saw.. I mean... no... no... no!! Argh!!!

Jap... aku nak check into shopaholic's anonymous pas abih entry ni. Hah! No la... I'm not that impulsive. Maybe a bit... but I pretty much am budgeting myself enough - despite looking like a psycho nak buang duit.

Anyway... tengah malam ni shopping kat Pasar Chow Kit jer. Nak beli bahan makanan la...

Beli sayur dan buah-buahan segar. Esok nak wat kenduri sikit ngan kengkawan.

Sementara tuh.. mai dok makan kat Kak Som kat Kampung Baru (sedap!!!) and nikmati la air Ureng Krash!

I can't read Jawi, but love the translation I was given! Heh...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two camels in a tiny car!

Headed to the office today, just to check some things out. Still in a festive mood, but didn't want to be let out of the loop, so saja jenguk tengok ada apa-apa tak.

There was like a massive storm just after I arrived, and when it was over, gi minum jap ngan bebudak.

Owh... looks like it was pretty bad. No trees uprooting though. just random potted plants badly places going smack into someone's car. Ouch!

Anyway - topic of the day.

My Kris Allen story came out in the papers dah, tapi online, apparently my story has been noticed by a lot of people. It was the most viewed story on The Malay Mail's website (CLICK HERE to read)

But there were a lot of trolls commenting... or more like flaming. Heh.. apparently the story which was second in Google news bits on Kris Allen if you search, was also picked up by various Idol related forums, and most importantly on the official Kris Allen website too!

Strange however some fans saw it NEGATIVE!!! Sheesh. All I can say is - two camels in a tiny car! (thank you Ray William Johnson for the ultimate comeback)

Still, it was fun to see the reactions.

Apapon, lantak ler... aku happy with it, and proud to be an IMPARTIAL fan of Kris Allen.

Spent the night chilling with lots of friends. Suka sangat. Planning tuk get together kami nak anjurkan Jumaat ni for J Squared's kenduri kesyukuran. Baru masuk lapan bulan operasi syarikat aku kongsi ni, dan setelah mendapat pengalaman wat projek tuh nih, we have much to be thankful for. Also skali raih ngan kawan sorang ni yang baru bukak own outfit dia gak... syukur... networking together we have three or four companies helping each other out.

Going to be busy esok sebab nak bawak orang tua beli barang sikit, and then later in the night nak buat persiapan for the doa selamat cum kenduri kesyukuran we pulling together.

So expect a few totally entertainment-unrelated posts in the next day or two. Besides.. nothing much happening pon sebab everyone masih mood nak beraya. Ahad ni lak ada erm... important round two of something I will not mention. Heh...

PS - If you guys have been watching the latest season of American Idol, one of my favourites is in. Didi Benami for Idol!

PPS - While it hasn't been announced, one of my favourites (and I'm sure one of a lot of people's too since he did his version of Paula Abdul's Straight Up on the guitar), Andrew Garcia is rumoured to be in. Yeay! Hope he makes it all the way as he is one of the more talented guys.

PPS - And Lee DeWyze too! Yeay. Sad for JB Ahfua that despite the second year running he's made it to the Hollywood round the judges still haven't given him a chance. Oh well...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Masih mode beraya so takde benda sangat nak update. Hari ni hari paling environmentally friendly gituh. Dok umah je - kira green la sebab tak burn fuel, tak wat pe langsung tuk cemarkan alam sekitar. Boleh?

Parked my ass at home je, makan, tengok movie, tidur, jaga, makan, sambung movie separuh jalan.. tidur... and loop the process a few more times in 24 hours.

Cuma belah malam keluar ngan kengkawan.

And oh, been going app (not going ape) with my Onyx. A lot of funky ass applications I've been adding on. Nevermind memory aku cuma 2GB. Aku nak upgrade da pon anyway... Cuma sentap sebab sini MicroSD card up to 16GB, tu pun susah nak carik (and price tetap RM200 or so tak silap aku). Been waiting for friend abroad yang aku pesan tuk 32GB punya... murah agik - plus I read Onyx leh handle easily. So waiting for that.

Having the Onyx rocks for sure, and ramai member skang getting on the Blackberry da so yeay for that (tapi kaum bukan stakat pakai trackball ye - matilah!)

Owh yeah... remember, if you guys have Twitter, follow me at @klubbkiddkl ok - cause I joined Four Square dah. It's basically everytime I go anywhere, I 'check in' and occasionally leave notes about the place. So if you're heading anywhere I been, you can get to follow what my thoughts on that place are. Interesting.. and kalao korang da ada account, add me up there - my user name is also klubbkiddkl there.

Go to the site and find out more about it there. If you are on iPhone or Blackberry - this is just something fun you have to be part of.

Ok la.. nak sambung godek Onyx ni. Beberapa hari ni asik modify tuh ni kat phone je.

PS - Sapa mintak PIN aku, aku bukan tak kisah bagi... but please make sure we do know each other in real life before you do, ok? Hugs... and happy continuing celebrating for those of you yang tak perlu masuk keja da esok.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Makan...makan.. makan...

No long ranty entry today. Beberapa hari ni sibuk beraya.. makan je keja.

Melantak no end so much that once this week is over, I have to jumpstart my workout regime with DOUBLE the intensity and DOUBLE the workout period to work out the pounds. Benci tol. Aduh!

Yang penting... sempat snappy pic ni masa pusing pusing kat Klang nak melawat umah sedara mara.

Tuh dia.. side by side. If only all Malaysians could.. despite differences. Oh well...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kong Hee Fatt Choy!

Kong Hee Fatt Choy, Gond Xi Fa Cai, Happy Chinese New Year, Selamat Tahun Baru Cina... however you choose to wish it, to everyone, I wish you much health, wealth and good fortune for the year of the Tiger.

Here's hoping it will be great no matter what respective fortunes have been written for us in the stars. It's all, after all - up to us. We make what our fortunes be. Trust me. Things will be great if you believe.

All the best! And party on, people!

Just remember to be safe ok! Sapa yang nak party ke balik kampung, whatever... berhati-hati!

PS - Sapa yang celebrate Valentine's Day... have a good one. Me? Another year being single jerk. Heh.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The hazards

You know when you have to do last minute shopping and everyone else is rushing about too?

Memacam ko akan nampak. But have you ever seen this?

Ni minah Arab aku nampak. Moka Mariah Carey.. tapi suddenly I saw... THIS!!!

Yes.. obviously someone needs an iPad!

Yang penting masa balik tuh nampak nih. Kenapa mamat rempit suka pakai beg sandang camni??? And yes, I do belive it is authentic kan. Very original... heh!

Da.. rushing nak makan besar ni. Ciao!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rock on!

Planned not to go anywhere today sebab nak final preparation for New Year.

Tapi got a call from Rozi petang tadik.

So headed to Istana Budaya just now for Konsert Satu Suara.

Malas nak review. But if anyone of you are going for it - lucky you. Memang it's a good live show. A little stuffed shirt sikit la sebab kat Istana Budaya, but still... I think it was kinda good.

A little stifled rock, but all three of them did great. Aizat is slowly growing as a thinking performer, Faizal is still rocking hard walaopon masih tak sembuh sepenuhnya (couldn't see it pon) and Siti actually can rock quite a bit.

Sebab tak snappy pics ketika konsert, ni pics lepas masa lepak borak borak informal press conference.

Did they rock?
Aizat rocked for sure!
Faizal.. erm...
Rocked everyone's socks off!!! Gila tak???!!!
And Datuk Siti Nurhaliza?

Sorry la tak dapat nak entry pepanjang. Mode malas nak beraya nih! Hope you guys like the pics though. Esok nak rush about lagik. Last minute preparations.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Magika and the secret of Avatar

Tadik gi preview for filem Magika, the star studded musical from KRU Studios.

Pas finished my errands and all (and sempat wat shopping - Dolce & Gabbana be thy name), popped by Cineleisure to check out the much hyped movie.

And the verdict?

Honestly, it's going to be hard since a lot of comparisons will made against Alice In Wonderland, which is coming out in 3D and will have Johnny Depp.

Magika, not very imaginatively named, has Mawi.

Erm... but kena puji because of several reasons. So sebelom sesi carotan, mai aku bagi pujian dulu what I liked about the film which I think will help sell it.

Obviously first thing is the whole line-up of big names involved. Mawi, Ziana Zain, Ning Baizura, Sharifah Amani, Sharifah Aleya, Vanida Imran, Nabil, Diana Danielle, Adibah Noor, Aznil Nawawi, Datuk Jalaludin Hassan, Marsha Milan Londoh... so many. Pening nak namakan sorang-sorang.

Tarikan Magika gak will be because of the local references. Vee jadik Mahsuri, Marsha jadik Puteri Santubong, Mawi as Badang... you get the idea. So it's our own Alice In Wonderland where many of the characters are popular names in our own local folklore.

And Edry in the director's chair, aku kena puji.

After the horror of Cicakman 2 : Planet Hitam (bosan), Jin Nott (muntah darah)... aku tak tengok My Spy so takleh komen - it's nice to see finally that Kru are back on track with Magika.

It's wholesome family entertainment, and quite enjoyable.

Now the bad parts. The script walaopon holds promise wasn't executed to its full potential. The songs were mostly forgettable (I only seriously loved M. Nasir sebagai Naga Tasik Cini) and the lyrics were patchy, repetitive and tangkap muat.

Camera angles were dodgy and acting overall was not up to par.

And I know this is going to sound silly, but as much as I like Diana Danielle, she needed to wax her upper lip in the movie. Da berkumis da... to the point in the romantic scene with Mawi, aku rasa cam tengok Brokeback Mountain da.

Tapi kan, having said that, I would actually recommend people to watch Magika sebab it's worth the RM10 or so you're going to pay to watch.

No regrets, pasti.

Especially kalao ko nak bak anak ke anak buah ke anak sedara. Pacing of the film tak macam Jin Notti yang you wonder when the hell it's going to end.

Final verdict - Magika, a good watch and one of those few movies yang cater to a lot of people. It's not quite musical contoh, but it is a very good start for me to come up with more along the genre.

Kudos to KRU for it (susah aku nak cakap nih.. dan mesti ada yang tak caya)

Anyway... ni some pics from tadik of some of the cast members yang sempat aku snap. Susah nak amik banyak pic sebab asik dok borak ngan Vee, Shidi, Nani and Gavin (oops! - borak ngan Nani usik Gavin je adalah).

So for those of you who want to get a feel of what the movie is like, here's the trailer.

Now enjoy the pics...

Nani and Gavin - so sweet (matilah Nani carot aku pasnih!)
Marsha - sexxxxaaaaaaaay!
Vee and Shidi - the coolest couple I know
Pak Nil - happy and bubbly as always
Ning flashing those pearly whites
Kak Vee pon nak camwhore ngan Mawi - heh!
On his own - tak nampak Ekin in sight
Kesian Ziana - tangan luka dua belah (and peha as well as perot sikit) sebab kena air panas masa bancuh air bagi minum pagi anak-anak katanya...
Divaaaaaaa!!!! Me love Adibah Noor!
Nak banyakkan pics lagik but malas. Anyway... the title of this entry mentions the secret of Avatar. You wanna know what it is?

Here's what I saw in Cineleisure. Some of you who have gone there may have seen this....

But did you take a closer look?

Matilah!!!!!!! Upskirting gituh! Gelak cam babun jap. Aduh... lawak bodoh. Had an informal meeting after it was all over, which ended VERY late. Ni baru sampai umah nih.

Nampaknya for 2010, ramai kawan da bukak company sendiri. Semua dapat gabung networking. I like! Nak pose Adam dan Stacy la... bergabungggggg malaaatopppppppp!!!!

Eh nak tido la... berat da mata.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lock, stock.. and 10,000 reasons to be happy

Ok, this is going to be quite a loaded entry, so sit back, relax, dan korek pusat ketika membaca entry nih.

Malam tadi pengumuman pengetua, pengacara dan tenaga pengajar Akademi Fantasia.

As I share the announcements, ni beberapa komen aku sebagai peminat Akademi Fantasia dari musim pertama. Bear with me.

Let's start with pengetua untuk AF8.

Norman Abdul Halim. Otherwise big boss man of KRU and the businessman. Also the person I said would head Akademi Fantasia from the end of December da - for those of you who read my column in the The Malay Mail.

Aku sebenarnya tak nak komen panjang sangat Norman ni. He has the skills, but my only concern is he will stress to much on the need for for the necessary commercial appeal sampai lupa how to guide these kids into being artistes in all sense of the word.

Still... giving him benefit of the doubt.. mana tau kan. He couldn't do worse than what we've seen in eight seasons, so let's hope he exceeds expectations.

Next - guru vokal teknikal, Siti Hajar.

Da enam musim Siti Hajar da ajar... perlu ke pertikaikan. Undoubtedly a regular for a reason - simply being she gets the job done, plus it is interesting to always follow her classes. Cuma sayang takde geng in Syafie this year. Mintak mintak tahun ni takde la bangang yang start speku kata tenaga pengajar bias cam dia dan kak Fati kena last year. Bodoh tol... gosip beragenda sangat.

Moving on... guru vokal persembahan, Adnan Abu Hassan.

Tak silap aku da lima musim. Abang Dee memang has the ears for it. Berapa ramai diva hari ni yang discovery dia, so again, tak perlu dipertikaikan.

Moving on guru drama baru, Que Haidar dan guru tari, Linda Jasmine.

Merasalah 2 for 1 package. Takde maknanya... they're only the second couple to be in the Akademi together and I think Que deserves a break.

Dia memang a good dramatic character actor and I am kind of interested to see how he will teach. Just because he hasn't done it doesn't mean he can't.

As for Linda, tiga bulan pas bersalin dia da menyandang tugasan nih, kena puji la. Hope she brings something new and fresh to the performances and makes it more interesting that ever.

Next, counsellor and English teacher, Fatimah Abu Bakar.

Kak Fati kira sesuai la for this post, and like Linda, da tujuh musim in total wat Akademi Fantasia. Memang veteran abih bab AF nih. No questions need be asked about her ability.

And then there's the pengacara.

Of course happiness and applause all round sebab as I said, the two new hosts will be Sarimah Ibrahim (alamak.. tak sempat snappy pic sebab dok gosip je... sorry babe, kang kita lepak I snappy), and Jimmy Shanley.

Bab Sarimah memang happy gila sebab dia more than layak, in fact we've been waiting for her to get the job since Aznil stepped out.

As for Jimmy, dia ni untested so don't know how he'll do. And besides dia tak penah live hosting so kena tengok.

Ok, so it's going to be a shared responsibility. How? Here are more changes.

Sarimah akan start by hosting Tirai Akademi Fantasia. Jimmy akan hos kan Diari Akademi Fantasia. Konsert lak akan menjadi tugas dikongsi mereka berdua, dan Debaran Akademi Fantasia akan di jaga oleh Sarimah.

What is Debaran.... kejap ek dik non. I'll get to that in a while.

Konsep tahun ni, 2 in 1, so kongsi tugas. I don't really see the need for it, and I think ni da lari dari konsep Akademi Fantasia - as we know it, so I'm not favourable to the idea.

Why don't they trust a woman to be in charge of the show? Too risky ke? We've seen Sarimah do The Biggest Loser Asia and it's no problem for her. We've also seen her handle two years of Diari Akademi Fantasia and many awards shows - no problem there either.

So why? Demi perubahan? Entahlah... tapi memang aku tak setuju. Some things about Akademi Fantasia TAK PATUT diubah.

It's not about resisting changes, just some changes are not necessary for the sake of changes.


And here's how Akademi Fantasia will be presented.

Pada 13hb Mac, Tirai Akademi Fantasia pada jam 9 malam, Tirai akan memperkenalkan barisan pelajar as a sort of prelude. Don't know how they'll do it, but dalam sejam setengah, both Sarimah dan Jimmy akan hos.

Diari AF lak akan dihos oleh Jimmy, bermula 15hb Mac.

Ni yang pening sikit. Diari akan ditayangkan jam 7.30pm. Erm... don't people have things to do then? Waktu tak kena sangat. Nak early dinner, nak semayang, nak tuisyen, nak balik rumah dari kerja. Banyak alasan kenapa time slot ni tak kena.

Pastu setengah jam je tiap hari. Erm... boring! Kalao editing meletop ok la.. which will be left to be seen.

Moving on...

Konsert AF akan ada dua pengacara in Sarimah dan Jimmy kongsi tugas. Tiap Sabtu bermula 9 malam dari Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil, bermula 20hb Mac.

Ok.. ni perubahan yang aku rasa tak perlu gak.

Pada penghujung konsert, undian TAK AKAN ditutup, dan tiada penyingkiran.

Instead, konsep feeling fotostat Idol, hari Ahad esoknya, akan ada Debaran Akademi Fantasia jam 9 malam nak umumkan siapa yang tersingkir yang akan di hoskan oleh Sarimah. I hate this most - the fact they split the program in two.

Idol started this, and I don't see why Akademi Fantasia kena ikut. Peminat AF ni lain... kenapa nak tiru? Feeling Sehati Berdansa? Perlu ke? Aku serious rasa cam ni soal rating sangat plus soal perah undian gila-gila. Kononnya memberikan masa orang nak evaluate.. but seriously.

And setengah jam je... so cam no build up or suspense on Saturday, pastu Ahad , ala ala quickie and it's over (very the get it over quick).

As a fan of Akademi Fantasia, I think this sucks... but entah la. Program orang biarlah. Kalao tak suka jangan tengok. Tapi serious, aku rasa cam perah sangat. Chances are, I'm not going to vote sebab it comes across as a lame effort to capitalise on votes sangat.

So there you have it. Aku kurang rasa debaran Akademi Fantasia kali ni, unlike every year, and it's simply because aku rasa da lari sangat AF dari asal usul ketika program ni diperkenalkan. Again, changes for the sake of changes are not worth it... but entah la.. tengok je la camna.

Anyway, since tahun ni aku tak terlibat - dan bebudak bukan anak murid aku cam musim lepas, rasanya patut tak aku all out carot agik. Ke nak maintain polite gituh. Let me know.

Ok la.. nanti aku story lebih pasal Akademi Fantasia.

Ni cita lain. Remember I told you guys about the Power Over Cervical Cancer Campaign a week or so ago? You ladies da amik the online risk assessment test tak? Kalao lom - then do your bit for yourself and others. It takes only seminit dua for you to take the test, find out how much you know about cervical cancer. KLIK SINI tuk amik ujian mudah nih.

Sarimah is also duta tuk kempen ni.. along with someone else familiar. Aku la... This is from The Star on Monday (click on the pic to enlarge it and to read).

And guess who was on the cover of the Utusan pull out semalam? Sekali with other blog ambassadors? Again, klik pada gambar tuk besarkan.

Bangga aku for such a worthy cause. Aku dan kak Mah serta kengkawan lain memang sokong kempen ni tuk tujuan menyedarkan kaum Hawa tuk realise the threat of cervical cancer and to hopefully spread the word so korang leh equip yourself with the power of knowledge to prevent yourself from being a statistic.

Remember... everyone always thinks it's someone else. That someone could be you.

So CLICK HERE to find out more. To the ladies, do it, and spread the word. To the guys, pass it on to a relative, a friend... you may just help them from going through a lot of unnecessary suffering.. or worse.

Ok la.. esok blog agik. Aku nak sambung tido. baru abih keja sikit nih. Night (or morning) to all of you.

PS - Got a few more pics of Kris Allen to share. Next entry je la ek.