Monday, January 30, 2006

Hooray!!! about a great start to the Chinese New Year!

Pagi tadi bangun awal, was preparing to go to my eldest uncle (on my mother's side) punya rumah nak family gathering - tengah dok bersiap dengar Carta ERA...listening out for Nikki's Pinta - ingat da terlepas sebab da nak masuk top ten...and guess what? She was no. 8!!!

Melonjat kegembiraan sat! Five weeks into the charts, initially it was climbing, tapi aku ingat after minggu pertama at 19, kedua at 17, ketiga at 14, and finally the fourth week at 19 balik jatuh gila babas...I thought it would be out of the charts!!!

And lo and behold! It flies up to 8!!!

It set the pace ler for a quite decent day. After all, masa aku kat Sabah at the ned of last week, got SMSes telling me about Nikki's nomination at Anugerah Planet Muzik coming soon in the Best New Female Vocal category. Tunggu lak Anugerah Industri Muzik and see how she fares there.

So often people confuse quantity with there...I said it.

Apapun - I support all new talents tak kisah ler popular ataupun everyone deserves peluang untuk membuktikan diri. From Nikki to Idayu....from Mawi to Jac...
Cuma sampai bab ni aku nak maki hamun sikit....pasal mereka yang kononnya yang gelarkan diri peminat. bukan posting padal fanatik....tapi cerita pasal ada ler beberapa people yang berangan sikit ler meka ni make a difference in the music industry.

Orang-orang ni, yang tak berani mengaku siapa diri mereka ni, practise the so-called 'freedom' of sharing digital music online @ mp3, and condemn those who attempt to stop them mengatakan kita memacam. Konon we do it too...and a million and one justifications for their criminal actions.

Konon tolong ler artis sangat dengan upload mp3 leh tolong padahal aku tau sangat niat meka. Artis favourite meka lak tak share kan...takut lak kena hamun ngan fan club dia join ni selepas idola dia sendiri pun pernah kutuk piracy. CD ori pun tak janji ada kat rumah. Semua dia offer, yang dia download dari tempat lain.

So anyway...camna dia teruskan perangai lahanat dia?

By kononnya sharing music orang lain.

I can tell you one thing...nomatter how you look at it. YOU'RE STEALING!

Cakap apa saja...tapi anda tetap seorang pencuri. Konon halal ler and you have a right to do it. What right? Ko agama apa aa yang halalkan mencuri ni?

Cakap lebih-lebih on the Internet...but you don't even dare identify yourself.

So kalau orang camni takde common sense...what do we do?

Senang je...the Recording Industry of Malaysia, atau RIM, badan kira in charge of the music industry da memulakan pemantauan sites and blogs yang kononnya wat pahala ni ngan berkongsi padahal are nothing but thieving b*****s!

Dalam masa terdekat ni, tau ler ko...konon pakai third party for file sharing? The fact you have a link is enough to have action taken on you. So wait for it...I really hope our music fans grow up dan jangan ler layan perangai selfish people like this...who know NOTHING about the industry...and help destroy it by their stupidity!

Downloading digital music files is not just petty's a full fledged criminal action.

So prepare for the industry to fight back. Ok ler...getting worked up.

Man...I'd love to see wajah orang-orang terlibat ni bila meka kena kang...masa tu...kita tengok ler berapa berani bila da kena....

So start saving duit tuk legal representation ko...cause yes, you will be tracked down.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Woof woof!'s not the best picture to start the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year with, but I really could care less.

I was supposed to update my blog before I left for Sabah to come to Kota Kinabalu on Thursday, but because I was rushing a lot of deadlines with the long holiday stretch and all...memang tak ada masa ler nak buat.

So at the moment, I'm updating my blog from a place called the Airport Internet at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport where's I'm bloody f***ing stuck here as my 5pm flight has been delayed to 7.50pm.

Why am I superbly pissed to the max? Sebab the staff at the MAS or Motherf***ing A**holes Sons-of-b****es office here at the bloody airport is so clueless, dumb and just plain f***ing rude without a sense of PR at all their their sagging, wilted bodies. And this goes to the b*****d named Khalid based there sebab bodoh nak mampus, bangang tahap baik keja as a crash test dummy.

I bet your parents are real proud of you.Tanya flight delayed kenapa pun macam tanya bila mak ko nak berhenti dari jadi bohsia pencen.

Memang lahanat!

Yes...I am ultimately, supremely angry...sebab for the first time in my 29 years plus on the face of this bleeding planet, I am going to miss my family reunion dinner. Dahler because flight semua initially full, aku da cakap ngan family aku I will be late. Ni lak...totally out of the question to be with them at on time sebab sampai pun confirm about almost midnight.

So dalam geram aku...dari aku sambung ngamuk kat office anak-anak bangap MAS kat airport ni...yang too stupid to tie their own shoelaces let alone let me know why the flight has been delayed...or take it out on anyone else, lebih elok aku dok sini update je blog aku.
Lagi pun banyak aku miss out nak update.

I'll continue on Sunday where I left off on the last entry. I had a slight (quite massive actually) emotional breakdown...and spent some time wallowing in depression. I have to thank my guardian angel for listening to my problems in the wee hours of the morning and providing me the emotional support. Friendship indeed the best gift you can ever get...

On Monday lepas tak semangat nak kerja, walking around like a dazed zombie (you could say like a MAS ground staff) aku screwed up my time management big time sebab banyak sangat appointment and really tak ada mood nak even keep one in my state.

Happy sikit bila gi assignment launch of Akademi Fantasia Tour 2006 jumpa bebudak yang hadir. Tiga orang je missing, namely Fuad (expected), Aidil (MIA) and Amylea (ada show).

But it was fun to meet up with most of them yang aku takde masa nak catch up for some time now.

Malas cita panjang-panjang sebab tak larat nak taip...bukan interesting sangat pun (and plus most of it is not for public information) so ni beberapa pics from the event. Hanya sekadar buat semua lepas rindu je pada mereka.

By the way...aku malas amik sempat Yazer, Amy, Felix dan Mawi je.

And by the way...Felix punya Beyonce pose yang trademark kat blog aku ni...bukan aku yang mintak tau....dia sendiri gayakan camtuh nak wat pe...(pening pikir...I've created a monster!)
Nanti masa tour kalau aku ikut (sebab cam malas lak musim ni bukan cam Akademi Fantasia II punya tour) aku janji amik more pics for all of you as usual.

Anyway, sambung cita. Later in the evening gi tengok training team Astro tuk bowling for Fiesta Media Idola.

Dapat lepas aa tension masa tu campak bola bowling sana sini. Tapi main dua game je sampai tiga ari sakit badan!

Pastu lepak lak sampai dekat kul 2 pagi masa tu sebab sibuk main snooker ngan Wan ngan Nasser.

Masa sampai, abang Bad (ganas punya coach!) was there already. Soon one by one arrived, and the celebrity team members apart from the production team from Astro was Ning and her princesses in Nikki and Yanie, Zahid, Khai, Rosma...sapa agik aa? Mawi datang much later...and by the time everyone left and sebab dia sampai lambat tuk training...dia extend ler session dia. Best player among the celebrities?

No one really...everyone either sucked or was pretty average...and I think that the coach je mengejutkan aku sebab he was quite good! Boleh tahan nampaknya....Zahid I have to admit, sebab first time aku tengok dia bowling not too bad ler...Siap dia ngan Khai with gear lengkap tuh!

It was fun...and I got to forget a few of my problems ler...takyah ler dwell sangat on the negative for the moment and have temporary relief in just first throwing a ball around...and later hitting a couple with a stick (doesn't really sound like a sport when you put it that way kan?)

Pagi aku bangun mengejut sebab ayah aku ketuk-ketuk pintu urgently. Turns out my mom had an accident on the way to an appointment.

Panik ler aku sebab my mom is turning 60...and even though dia masih strong and all...I didn't like the idea of her getting into an accident. Turns out with the traffic and the hot sun, she accidentally bumped into someone in front of her.

It wasn't too horrible, tapi dia nya Satria had the hood kinda folded at the middle. The other car sikit last-last settle cash RM100 on the spot bagi mamat tu.

The rest of the went by without any incidents...and my week seemed to be to be getting better even though I was suffering from a severe lack of sleep due to my heavy schedule.

It's Wednesday and a day before my trip and I'm still bogged down by tonnes of stuff to finish before I go off. Still lacking sleep...macamana ni??!!!

Apapun aku masih terpaksa bangun awal sebab gi ke the preview of Buli Balik for the blogging community.

A little sad that of the allocated 200 spaces, the list comprised only of below 80. But I suppose it's still a good sign that that many turned up on a Wednesday morning...a working day...and they paid to get in (lain laa kalau masuk free kan...mesti berlambak yang datang 'memberi' sokongan')

Anyway it was really I got to meet other bloggers and people who blog-hop that I haven't had the pleasure untuk jumpa as yet...

Pada mereka yang aku tak sempat tegur...I'm so sorry...

Pada those who yang tegur tapi I tak kenal siapa...bebanyak minta maaf sangat sebab meeting people for the first time, aku ni pemalu sikit (hah! mesti ramai gelak aku cakap camni!)

So pada mereka yang was the movie? Was it as great as I said? Pada mereka yang missed out...go catch it at the cinemas NOW! For more info on the movie head over to the official website, sultanmuzaffar, juandanza or even Afdlin's own blog. Pada mereka yang ada masa preview tu...leave your comments below on the film and share with us what you thought...

it was a decent day. Rushed home by the time I settled some chores and all and it was late evening. Ingat nak tidur...tapi sebab pantang kan kalau ada TV programme yang menarik...aku sangkut terus tengok audition American Idol yang dok marathon kat StarWorld back to back episode.

Tidur tak sempat, rush gi jumpa member kat KL again sebab nak pass barang. Pastu rush to office tuk habis kerja. On off tidur sebab letih but finally got most of my work done and settled with. Bloody flight delayed...sepatutnya leave by noon. Last-last...flight time only at 5pm. Tu pun delayed sampai 5.30pm baru take off. Lembab gila MAS!

Then sampai lak letih gila...the next morning kul 8 pagi dah kuar gi Monsupiad Cultural Village for the launching of Linda's Jika Kau Kekasih. ada a few pics from the beautiful place we went...with Linda in it. Erm...aku pun sempat ler amik pics kenangan kan!

Belah malam gi tengok show dia featuring Atama (a local Sabahan rapper yang rupa ala Azwan Ali-jangan gelak aa...tul laa!) as well as several local talents including Gracie yang dulu program Auditions dulu.

Malas nak panjang-panjang punya entry sudah because it has been about two hours sudah online sini. Mahal wo! RM10 sejam! Very the ancient punya pricing. Cam zaman mid Nineties lak Internet mahal sangat (dah biasa R3 sejam max).

So I'll just leave you guys with a Kong Hee Fatt Choy (or Gong Xi Fa Cai) from me...and hope you guys all have a prosperous year ahead of you!

And be blogging soon on more rantings.

By the way - I know I had very limited time in Sabah, but to friends yang aku kenal melalui blog aku ni, terima kasih banyak-banyak sebab sudi menjadi tour guide and was great meeting all of you. The next time I'm back in Kota Kinabalu (not using MAS definitely!!!) aku guarantee akan call korang!

Thanks to rem, gidong, miss josie, Zoe and Jason (especially from picking me up from that God forsaken part of town to join all of you!)

And to Rozan yang aku da bertahun tak jumpa...see you dude bila mai Kl in April! Been nice bumping into you after years of not having met!!! Tu laa orang kata...tak rancang pun leh terjumpa...

Ok laa semua...take care...I'm logging out and going in for a mocha..........

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Help! I'm going deaf!

Sebenarnya, ni tengah pening-pening sikit...tapi still gigih nak wat posting. Kenapa pening? I'll get to that part soon.

The weekend has been quite productive for me, banyak aktiviti ler nak keep me occupied...sampai tak cukup rehat.

Tapi dalam kesibukan tu, I still have time and space to feel bored...don't ask me why.
Friday kelam kabut sikit even though it's usually a relaxed day for me. Started off with a little work, and then malam, kuar ngan the entrepreneur tuk gi Hits 1 kat RTM. Dia kali pertama jejak Angkasapuri katanya! So terkejut sikit ler ngan the rundown state of the place. Dari kertu-kertu (don't ask) yang keja kat sana, sampai the rundown state of the backstage to the horrible sets, it was nice to see Muzaffar shocked. Aku lak dah lali ngan the state of RTM...or Angkasapuri to be more accurate that I've lost all hope da.

Mana taknya...budget entah kemana. Dari bina pintu gerbang besar gedabak yang burok tu, baik spend some money on their studios. After all, a TV station is not judged by the archway into their place but by the production content. And one told those old folks at RTM that.

Hits 1 takder ler menarik sangat sebab aku da pun tengok full dress rehearsal malam sebelum. The whole night sakit hati sebab terpaksa dok lantai kerana bangang punya production crew leh bagi orang lain dok tempat reserved. PR sana sibuk jadi GRO dok melayan yang tak mengena that they didn't notice how uncomfortable we were. Lum agi staff selangkah masuk kubor yang berangan nak jeling-jeling kita. No wonder ler I (along with sane individuals) prefer Astro anyday.

The show was ok...and the results tak mengejutkan langsung. Proud of Jac...about time she won something.

Takyah laa kan aku nak review panjang-panjang. Takkan nak post sini kan. Tunggu je review aku dalam paper (yang tu berbayar personal)

After finished lepak dressing room sat. Masa kat sana bump into Sharifah Zarina kesian lak tengok dia. Anugerah Juara Lagu dia tak make it...Hits 1 pun tak menang...padahal untuk aku, she is extremely talented and aku rasa Langit Ke-7 tu is such a strong song.

Well...what to was against another strong song...and in another case, fans who don't know better. And also blame RTM sebab backing dancers meka menyemak je. Dahler baju burok...choreography pun burok....execution burok...memburokkan segalanya je.

Also too bad was for Adam yang aku rasa show dia entertaining, apart from V.E. and Jac...nice moves though I think dia punya dance break a little contrived.

Balik anto warga emas (lepas kul 10 malam kira lewat ler tuk dia) selepas jamuan yang di join sekali ngan pusat kebajikan bergerak yang sampai ala diva grand entrance seperti biasa. Hung out with some friends and went home to sleep it off.

Tengahari tu sepatutnya start 12pm nak gi AF & Catering, restoran baru dibuka milik Bob, Sahri dan Zarina. Very enterprising kids. Bangga aku! Anyway...aku malas nak gi awal-awal so sampai pun just as ended at 3pm. Masa gerak, call Nana, dia bagitau that she had just left with Reza and tak silap Fitri sekali.

Tawaf 50 kali last-last jumpa ler parking. Tu pun parking haram yang nasib baik keta tak kena saman atau tarik.

Masuk tengok Iqram ada...and then famili Akademi Fantasia yang masih lum balik masa tu Yazer, Ekin dan Elliza (selain tokei tiga orang tu.
Sempat ler merasa makanan...not bad! You guys should try ler kedai meka ni. Kalau nak cari senang je. Kalau tau studio Linda Jasmine, ngam ngam kat belakang je. If you're not familiar with it, use Ampang Point sebagai landmark je. Dia kira tepi Ampang Point je. Kalau tau drive sana, parking dekat-delat Ampang Point dah very the walking distance. If you take a cab, dari KL menghala Ampang, stop just upon reaching Ampang Point, masuk slip road tepi tu da sampai. The restaurant's orange in colour. You can't miss it. Kalau alamat, yang aku ingat the road is Jalan Mamanda 5.

Lepas melantak, lepak ler with Yazer (merembes ler si Fiebie) sat sebab tak jumpa dia dan member serumah Felix da lama da dengan semua sibuk with urusan sendiri.Rupanya banyak perubahan dan update that I missed! Haiyo! Baru sebulan lebih je tak meet da left back in news.

Apa cita? Takleh ler bagitau...tanya Yazer sendiri. Si Yazer mai tu ngan Ekin and her sister, so lepas habis celoteh with him, joined Ekin lak. Gelak cam orang gila je wat lawak tak henti-henti ngan Ekin. Haiyo! Pecah perut gelak tak henti-henti.

Sempat ler celah-celah tu amik pic meka tengah gayut...tapi takde ler with each other...but with their friends, tapi lain je kalau tengok pic meka gayut!Sempat ler usik seribu lagi aku...biasalah kalao ada bahan nak kenakan! Terus memulakan projek menyelamatkan my phone book ngan mengumpul kembali nombor sorang-sorang yang aku hilang masa mobile phone aku kena virus.

Sampai time, si Yazer nak balik, si Ekin tengah melayan Ekin ngan sister dia nak gerak si Yazer lak dok sok sek ngan orang. Pening aku jadi tukang panggil sorang tu...pastu tukau lak panggil sorang lagi.

Dari start nak gerak...ada ler setengah jam sebelum any movement.
Time meka nak beredar Zarina pun decide nak sat...Zarina...siapa yang jemput tu...


Mereka gerak Adi Fashla pun sampai. Lambat sikit ler...selepas tu, Farah sampai ngan sister and ayah dia. Abang Askrul pun mai ngan orang rumah dia. Lama gak ler juga semua dok sembang. Sekali-sekala jumpa Farah, so bak sembang gak with her awhile...sempat ler nostalfgia pasal AF II (Sori Adi...AF II tetap the best! AF I ok ok je...AF komen) Aku gerak pun da lewat petang da...about 5pm ke 6pm gitu. Alang-alang da ada kat KL, decide to just hang out sebab kalao balik mesti KO awal-awal.

So hung out in Cheras with some friends sembang and lepak until about 11pm. Singgah makan dan sesi bak mulot sampai dekat 2 pagi baru headed home. balik pada permulaan posting...yang aku kata pening tu. Nak tau pening apa? Patut 8.30am I should have been in KL da...tapi jaga pun da time tu, so kelam kabut ler bersiap and then rush to Concorde Hotel untuk final judging Anugerah Industri Muzik 2006.
Inilah peringkat di mana top 5 akan dipilih (and of course, subsequently the winner is determined ler)

So kami awal-awal dah ada idea siapa akan menang walaupun tidak tahu pemarkahan orang lain. Agak-agak jer ler ikut sentimen...sebab final result hasil audit firma dilantik. Usually the top five is very obvious, and occasionally the winner too...disebabkan competition kurang dari segi kualiti produk.

This time around, I think there has been another slump in terms of overall quality even though there were quite a couple of interesting albums of the many trashy items that had to be listened to, inflicting much pain!

Erm...sambung story sat..ada one story yang takde kena mengena about the whole thing tapi aku rasa nak kongsi anyway (not like you have a choice in deciding that - you can only stop reading the most...or choose to skip this part). Masa aku sampai rupanya ada lagi yang lum tiba. It is Sunday morning after all.

Decided against having breakfast, so just setakat alas perut je sebelum briefing bermula. Time briefing lak...(hah ni nak ala poetic sikit) tengok lak ada lalat besau - (cam lalat buah lak) da fall into orange juice. Sebab da biasa ngan briefing, cam lebih interested lak pay attention to the fly. Dia dok dalam orange juice tu struggling berapa lama nak keluar.

Interesting! Cam tengok Animal Planet lak. Camna la tengah-tengah function room Concorde Hotel ni ada lalat sebesau issue cleanliness ni! Sib baik ler no one mistakenly dranf the orange juice which I cordoned off with silverware (tatau ler lepas aku tinggalkan meja) Mana tau ler ada yang minum ingat orange juice Peel Fresh ler katakan....ngan sirat-sirat tambahan (yak!)

Ok now...back to the event. The judging rooms were divided into a lot of rooms with some six judges in a group, judging either one, or two categories. Semua yang selected di masukkan dalam category where they were ascertained to have no personal interest to ensure a fair judging.

As usual, aku kena dua kategori, tapi takleh cita lah here which category I was part of judging...sebab rahsia!!!

Yang pentingnya...balik beginning of my posting yang aku pening tu...di sebabkan jumlah entry kita terpaksa layan. Berpuluh ok!!!

Seperti biasa...ada yang draw a "WOW!" reaction...manakala ada yang leh naik pekak dan buta melayan! No komen artis mana atau album mana yang very the penyebab kepeningan tambahan.

My head was throbbing by the time we were done more than three hours later. Masa lunch tu, sempat ler sembang ngan orang industri lain pasal the overall kualiti.

Ternyata AIM 2006 ni, will belong to newcomers dan orang yang tak pernah diiktiraf kerana ramai orang lama atau artiste yang established takde rakaman terbaru yang layak dalam tempoh, ataupun they were just too far in terms of standard by comparison with a lot of new artistes.

All in was worth getting up early for as we got the full representation over what the last calendar year for the local music industry has been like. After all...there are a lot of locally released albums that don't get enough publicity yang bagus-bagus.

These underrated albums, will get due recognition not for the popularity factor but for its sheer approach to quality. Kan orang kita suka kelirukan keduanya...popular doesn't mean quality, and vice versa.

Ok ler...nak offline...esok ada program launching Akademi Fantasia EVO album dan tour. Pastu ada event ngan ERA...tu aku try blog by tomorrow night sebab banyak cita menarik...dan juga sebab nak clear stok blogging awal sebelum gi Sabah dan kesibukan Raya Cina akan datang ni.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Echo still rules!

I've been so busy that nak update blog memang kira luxury la sekarang. Still...I promise myself kena at least three updates a week, so I'm keeping to that by trying my best to not be too backdated la in my postings. Lagipun...lama-lama sangat...pening korang nak baca panjang-panjang. Aku pun tak larat baca kang.

Today was weird rush day for me (not going into yesterday cause it started bad...and ended up just ok).

Pening migraine...tapi got to Planet Hollywood on time for my assignment...until I bumped into my friend Sharina yang keja sana and found out that I was actually early! ONE BLOODY WEEK EARLY TO BE EXACT!

Apparently I had made the stupid mistake of thinking it was this Thursday when it was actually minggu depannya. Cam sial! Habis clash dengan aku nak ke Sabah.

Malas nak pikir how I'm going to attend that AND catch my flight to Kota Kinabalu.
So anyway...jumpa peminat telenovela and ajak skali gi just across the road to JW Marriot where they were having PC tuk pelancaran Bcuz Of You (kalau dengar ERA tau ler movie tu kan). Alang-alang da in the area kan...

Masa sampai kat function room (silap sebab ada lak dua tempat yang dibooking walaupun the first place kita pegi tu tak pakai langsung), terkejut sebab nampak Kristine Hermosa dan Diether Ocampos just duduk berpegang tangan kat couch luar bilik function. Rupanya meka dok luar tunggu nak diannounce tuk masuk.

So apa agi? Da meka tegur, so aku pun layan la sok sek.

Diether said Kristine kena flu, so dia cam lemau semacam. Poor thing. Still...she was friendly and really warm.

Later had a nice chat with them again bila masuk interview sekali ngan kawan, Michelle dari Melodi TV3. Pic bawah belah kiri tu Michelle yang dok interview meka tu. Last pic tu amik ler kesempatan aku nak abadikan kenangan...tapi tak berani dekat sebab didn't want to catch any germs from Kristine (matilah aku kena carut ngan Kristine bila aku cakap camtuh - gelak sat). Aduh...kena diet lagi! Nampak debab abih kes salah angle ni....kes naya! Siot je....

Finish je rush balik office, habiskan column aku. Tengah jalan, kena rush ke Hits 1 lak nak follow up gossip issue (baca paper Jumaat ni tau ler pasai apa). Lepak sampai habis full dress rehearsal. Mula-mula bosan sikit walaupun ramai artis yang hadir.

Sharifah Zarina dan Azharina cam biskut Chipsmore...kejap ada kejap takde. Mawi cam blur terpikirkan entah apa, Misha lak dok tepi ngan kengkawan dan desara mara. Jac focus last-last aku lepak ngan bebudak V.E. je (Cham ler) as well as Dayang dan best sekali yang bagi kami gelak cam orang gila yang terlampau gila....Amy Mastura.

Seriously she is just so fun to be with. Aku da lama tak lepak apa-apa event ngan Amy and I forgot what a barrel of laughs she can be. Dahler aku dan Dayang asik gelak dia melatah....bila tak melatah pun sama!

Cita sampingan...dalam nak kejutkan kak Amy melatah, si Cham mintak aku torture...sebab dia tak berani cucuk Amy. So aku pun lepaskan ler bunyi "POW!!!" sekuat alam...rupanya bukan je si Amy melatah Cham leh join in duet lak. Aduh! Pecah lobang! Melatah jugak rupanya mamat ni!

Selama ni kenal dia tatau lak.... moment of the night must be bila joget ala gadis kabaret masa Pop Ye Ye. Si Dayang pun layan!!!

Amy start je dengan character dia...Dayang pun goyang sekali...last last wat tarian entah apa...wat pose pose je...ala vogue tak jadi. Kelakar habis...sempat ler berhibur...nak harapkan lawak kat pentas...erm...tak selawak yang diharapkan...

Aku amik gambar tarian meka ni...walaupun tangan berat nak amik pics sebab malas campur letih campur ngantuk...tapi sorry ler guys cause tak clear sangat. Backstage gelak cam @#$%^. Entah ler kenapa meka kemut sangat proper funding tuk perbaiki Auditorium Perdana ni. Harapkan dari luar saja cantik....tengok backstage cam khemah pelarian!

Anyway...balik topik si Amy ni...tagline dia kalau kena usik...dia hanya jawab, "Jangan...nanti emosi aku terganggu...doktor marah!" (I suppose that makes a nonsensical fashion!) Anyway, time flew past with her...and headed back to the office about midnight.

Ni baru habis kerja nak ada masa nak update blog sikit. Esok 11 pagi da ada appointment lauching album lak. Event EMI dan Maestro with Mawi lak. Then malam nak gi layan Hits 1 live kat Angkasapuri lak (nak gelak tengok kak Amy wat tarian Pop Ye Ye dia lagi).

Guys...jangan lupa the special preview for Netizens ye untuk Buli Balik. Tengok my last posting for info ek and book your seats fast. Like I said...kalau kerja ke...ada kelas ke apa ke...PONTENG!!!! Sehari je! And it'll be fun! At least warga-warga online semua ada alasan nak berkumpul...mesti meriah!

Wokei laa...dah lewat ni....esok update blog je la lagi ek......

Friday, January 13, 2006

Take me now!!!

There goes one of my new year thanks to the incompetence of Maybank. Bayangkan kul 11 pagi kelmarin...awal-awal da melantak McDonald's (McChicken LARGE value meal - tension mah!)

I decided to be be all nice and sweet and keep to my resolutions to get lots of things sorted out.

One was to get my credit cards replaced (if you've been reading my blog musti ingat cita hantu aku kat Hotel Royal Adelphi where I lost my wallet).

So by freaking 10am I'm at Dataran Maybank in Bangsar...and what do I find out? Of my Visa and Mastercard, the bloody Mastercard still has a debt of about RM600 that's been overdue for more than three months.

As it is, aku tak dapat apa apa reminders by mail. Credit collection hasn't called up and threatened to break my leg off and beat me to death with it if I don't settle it. Nothing! Kalau dulu setakat sebulan lebih default je sampai freeze my bank account (very sial...).

Lucky ler staff kat Dataran ni memang friendly. Akak yang attend kat aku relax je. Aku lak kesian dia bila call credit centre nak enquire pasai kad aku. As usual...their bloody lines are all engaged, or no one bothers to pick up (aku penah try call them myself so I know from experience).

Finally settle semua, aku fork over RM600 and that was it.

Freakin' hell...there goes my budget. Cuma nasib baik I've been controlling my spending (and shopping urges) this past week or so, so ada ler duit lebih sikit can spare. Had to dig into my meagre savings, but ok lor...janji kalao aku expire ari ni, aku tak mati dalam utang.

So anyway the night before last...ada ler mini gathering. Actually it started out with just a few people. Laurielle (not to be mistaken for Laurier tuala wanita tu) stop over kat KL I think dua tiga ari, and sempat nak jumpa sebelom berambos mengkayakan ekonomi tempatan Bali. So janji ngan dia nak jumpa...along with Fiebie. Aku jumpa warga emas tuk an event earlier in town, dia kata tanak ikut, but later changed his mind...sekali confirm with peminat nombor satu Ramlah Ram.

Seperti biasa aku sampai awal sikit (harus kena carut sebab statement ni)...but Marshmallow Man dan beberapa kengkawan da sampai. Later everyone showed up and it was right circus!

Tapi best gak...Poster girl/boy for Weight Gain nampaknya makin sihat (ehem...terbatuk lak) after not meeting for over a year plus.

It's nice to know sometimes....friendship exists even though you think it couldn't last all the shit we face in our lives.Apapun...aku nak amik pic, harus ler Toccara (America's Next Top Plus Sized Model) tanak pose...tambah agi malam tu masa gath dia tak alami 'transformasi'. Apa lagi tengah mekar hijau bumi Tuhan (nampak ler Laurielle ni leh sedara ngan Ginger Jingga) So ni je hasil fotografi yang berjaya. Actually kalau korang tengok pic tu...bukan aku dekat sangat ngan model aku ni...tapi pertambahan berat bada dia punya pasal...viewfinder tak muat (mati aku kena hempuk ngan lemak extra dia kang!)

Balik letih gila babas....especially after tengok aksi Fiebie pose mengasyikkan control ayu (nampak sangat remote rosak) bila berdepan ngan si Ameer ngan godaan seribu...very tiring to watch (mampos aku kena steamroll ngan Fiebie yang teramat slim).

Was tired out as hell...but still made it into office awal the next morning (keletihan banget sih) for an important meeting (malas cita details but those yang tau isu terkini tempat kerja aku paham ler apa - baca The Star ari ni).

Supposed to go KLCC for a luncheon ngan bebudak Akademi Fantasia tuk PC nak announce konsert haper ntah. Tapi tak lepak office je.

By 2pm, sped to 1 Utama nak gi GSC sana nak tengok media preview Buli Balik. Tujuan sebenar nak interview Afdlin but one shot redah ler kan. I didn't have high expectations for the sequel sebab personally aku a little let down by Baik Punya Cilok. Secondly good can a sequel get...right? No matter how interesting the predecessor...

Wrong...cause it did rock. I mean I still thought editing was a little wonky...and there was a little over emphasis on a character or two...and too little development on others...but was pretty good.

I think since Sepet...this is the only local movie I would really fork out money to watch. In fact...bila pikir balik...aku memang akan gi tengok kat panggung bila bukak kang! After all...this is a movie that deserves support! Apapun - if Baik Punya Cilok can shoot past RM2.3 million (or something like that...Buli Balik should hit the roof.

Should la being the operative word...because Malaysian moviegoers tend to be a bunch of wankers at times sanggup tengok wayang yang *bleurrghhhh* (muntah sat) when there is good stuff that should be paid attention to.

I won't bore you with details of Buli Balik...despite some really cheesy and cliche scenes, it is a good piece of work that features a blend of romance, comedy and also a touch of drama. That enough should be reason to watch it.

If that's not enough...Adibah Noor is one good reason..she positively prime evil in her role sebagai quiz master (mistress?) of a programme. Tak cukup? Ada cameo Ramlah Ram siot! Kelakar nak mampos!!! Won't say to much...but guarantee gelak sampai orang depan basah kuyup ngan air liur tersembur ko.

Tak cukup? Nasha Aziz ada ma! She is such a great actress I really think she should be one of the most sought after names when it comes to Malaysian leading ladies. She takes on her roles so naturally...takde laa cam the so called leading lady of Malay film yang *ehem* nyanyi live sumbang...nari pun cam senamrobik...oops! But seriously...I think Nasha exudes this classiness that most actresses don't have.

After all...ramai pelakon wanita yang leading ni (yang harapkan cantik je) style...gaya lakonan meka very the ciplak dari Drama Minggu Ini gitu.

Overdramatic...and not even theatre like in that sense...just...plain...over! Nasha however breathes in her role...and I really salute her.

And this is a must watch...because Hans Isaac actually acts in it! I've never been a fan of his...tapi aku terkejut cause Buli Balik, he shows a side to him that I've never seen.

He is pretty impressive...and if he manages to hold on to the promise shown in Buli Balik...then tak mustahil ler Hans akan naik as one of the best male leads in time....deservedly!And if that's not enough...kan ada Afdlin Shauki...need we say more. That alone is worth the price of the ticket da! (Chief Kodok...mana aku nya under table money) A lot of factors to fork out the meagre price of the jangan lupa bila bukak kat panggung...tengok Buli Balik tau. It opens in cinemas beginning 26 January!

For more informtion...usha review power atau words straight from the kodok's mouth! It was a fun evening...and one well spent...not just over a good movie but with also kengkawan yang ada cam Juan yang lama ala cookie Chipsmore menghilang.

Nasha ajak minum with her friends...tapi cam kureng comfortable sikit with the people we were with cause tak kenal sangat, so gi ngan senior citizen dan Mak Limah for a drink kat Secret Recipe je sambil ngumpat pelbagai and discussed the pros and cons, the good and bad of the movie. Tengah sok sek...we made a horrific discovery!

Yerlah...biasalah kalau da mid life beli VCD DVD...beli Ringgit Kasorrga....Titanic...haiyo!!! Kenapa la Muzaffar ni??!!! Well kids...if there's one thing I's never judge your matter how senile they're becoming! (mati lah aku kena review hentam kang) Tapi yang penting siap bangga tu posing ngan those titles (yuck!..I'm flying....I'm flying....bleurghh!!!)

Apapun...lepak lama gak...tak perasan how time flies! Abih rokok...

By the way...suka tak lighter holder aku tu yang dalam pic? It was a Christmas present from Rudy! Anjing katanya...well, at least I'll have something to remember him by (not very flattering huh when you put it that way). Apapun...flip the 'doggie' over...and you'll see it's 'anatomically correct'.

Aduh...nampaknya ni another long entry ni. Ok ler time to end it. Sebelum aku abihkan posting kali ni...aku nak share satu pic yang aku rasa memang cam sial jek. Ni aku amik dekat ngan Secret Recipe masa kitorang nak berambus. Ada beberapa kerusi and all there yang aku sakit ati...aku satu couple ni...dah ler dedua nya muka karat (ugly people should not be showing affection in public, ok!) minah tu pakai tudung, gedik nak mampus peluk cium pelbagai. Mak bapak ajar ke ni? Hah...lain kali nak wat benda-benda camni...tanggalkan tudung dulu! Wat malu je kes camni!

Patut ler time camni ler ada pegawai jabatan agama...huh! Ari ni kena kamera Nokia aku je...esok lusa? Sedo ler...get a hotel room ke apa ke ko punya pasal le...lobang kubor ko sendiri. Tapi nak wat depan orang...(kalau muka elok sangat takper leh feeling free show again cam stok Reject Shop punya muka) hmph...aduh...renung-renungkan lah.... By the safe's...