Friday, April 29, 2005

Fashion anxiety attack

Alamak! Just realised I don't have anything to wear for AIM tomorrow night. Rushed to this uniform surplus store yang jual pakaian seragam and bought some stuff tuk modified for my look. Ni nak lari beli bleach tuk my hair agik!


Anyway, supposed to meet si Bob later this evening after dia abih show nak gi shopping round two tuk persiapan to look decently acceptable for AIM.

Malam ni lak ada programme. This is one of the most chaotic days in weeks. Ni agik nak gi full dress rehearsal AIM lak malam ni.

OK ler semua...while I STILL can't locate my card reader to transfer pics...aku try amik ler banyak-banyak sikit pics masa kat AIM kang...

PS. (By public demand)
Spoiler for Akademi Fantasia III!
10 benda yang korang tak tau, tak patut tau...tapi aku tetap bagitau!
Do NOT read kalau tanak tau ek! Remember you heard it here FIRST! rasa nak gak pecah lobang ler.
Here are some facts about Akaemi Fantasia III yang korang patut tau tapi masih dirahsiakan!

*Bebudak terpilih Akademi Fantasia III akan check in a hotel in Subang Jaya (takleh le bagitau nama...) on May 14th

*Proses surprise tuk bagitau yang berjaya meka layak tuk Akademi Fantasia III akan selesai dalam lebih kurang masa kurang dari dua minggu.

*Seramai 20 pelajar akan terpilih (surprise!), dimana 10 perempuan dan 10 lelaki. Majority of the kids dari Semenanjung, dimana hampir semua negeri diwakili termasuk Kelantan!

*Pelajar Sabah dan Sarawak berjumlah 5-6 orang...tak banyak beza dari musim lepas.

*Takde pelajar klon Sahri/Bob tahun ni. Anyway....klon Mas pun kononnya takder...dengar semua lawa-lawa belaka dan berbakat!

*Syazliana, penyanyi kecoh berlambak album tapi tak laku syok sendiri kata dapat masuk Akademi Fantasia musim ketiga tak dapat ek!

*Tak ada pelajar yang akan membawa cerita peribadi yang akan menjadi kesinambungan 'plot' seperti Zarina musim lepas yang ada kaitan dengan Khai dan Rosma.

*Venue pilihan Akademi Fantasia untuk konsert mingguan 99% akan diadakan di Stadium Melawati Shah Alam, di mana capacitynya, tak silap aku 10,000 (tapi dengar meka pakai sparuh stadium je kot.

*Lokasi Akademi masih dirahsiakan, tapi dengar cerita pilihan Astro adalah banglo mewah yang konsep tak jauh gak dari dua musim lepas. Akademi tetap disponsor oleh company sama yang bagik banglo mewah Country Heights dan bekas Australian International School.

*Mungkin ada surprise lain dalam pilihan tenaga pengajar yang bakal ditambah.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Untuk peminat-peminat Akademi Fantasia, aku baru dapat tau beberapa details pasai season three smalam.

Mulai hari ni meka akan 'menyerang' pelajar-pelajar terpilih di mana the lucky ones will be told. Proses ni akan di jalankan the whole of these two weeks.

Now, I won't say much, but this time's intake is NOT 12. Tanak ler spoil ngan cakap lebih - so tu jer standby ler bila meka announce kang.

As for the the venue of th weekly concert, just rest assured it's BIGGER and better. Confirm semua leh dapat tiket nak gi tengok. No other clues. Remember you heard it here first!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Heart attack!!!

Aduh....dahlah I woke up late pagi tadi (make that afternoon dah past 1pm).

Tengok-tengok ada miss call dua, dan dua mesej.Tengok nombor tak kenal, but looking at the message, one indicating I had a new voice mail message and the other a text message, it was from my editor! Bukan Alam, tapi my big boss, the paper's editor!

Mengeluh manjang as I rushed to the office. Bump into Amir dan Adly kat smoking section, tanya meka, but they didn't have a clue.

Tanya meka Alam ada ngamuk tak...meka kata tak adalak.

Masuk je, tanya Alam terus, rupa-rupanya, boss nak tau sapa la betina personality TV yang pala kena celup dalam mangkuk jamban yang aku tulis dalam my gossip column out today.


Suspen wat tak pasal...

Call boss aku gelak-gelak citer pasal aku panik tahap gaban, dia lak gelakkan aku.

Aduh....tak pasal-pasal aku masuk ICU gak kang.

Ok lah guys...nak gi pejabat Persatuan Akademi Industri Muzik Malaysia ni. Nak amik tiket Anugerah Industri Muzik tuk Sabtu ni. Ada sapa yang gi?

See you guys..I'm gonna bleach my hair some more....dah lama tak menggila...

Screwed weekend

This has got to be one of the most wasted weekends ever!

I only spent it getting too much sleep (can you get a hangover from snoozing too much?), eating (I do that with or without a screwed up weekend), and getting pissed (more so over the weekend)

Made it worse by watching Hitch with Ted, Vernon and Nikki.

Romantic comedies depress me so....fuck fuck fuck.

Then got news that one of transvestite cross dressing friends is getting married, and sank deeper into depression.

It's that I'm gonna wallow a bit...Be with you guys after I locate my anti-depressants...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Akademi Fantasia III baru sampai office.

And here's the news you have been waiting for. Empat tenaga pengajar dikekalkan dalam Akademi Fantasia musim ketiga.

Nada Suara - Siti Hajar Ismail
Vokal - Adnan Abu Hassan
Tarian & Koreografi - Linda Jasmine
Penasihat Pelajar/Guru Bahasa Inggeris (new subject dlam syllabus Akademi Fantasia) - Fatimah Abu Bakar.

Dan tiga muka baru adalah :
Seni Persembahan - Marlia Musa (bini M.Nasir ler) Pakar Motivasi - Dr Azahari Othman Tarian & Koreografi - Mohd Fathee Abdullah
And of course the last post yang most important ialah pengetua - so suspen tak?

Masa press conference tadi kelakar - meka wat ceremony nak namakan pengetua baru, meka tunjuk clip Freddie Fernandez dan Ramli M.S., tuk hype up sapa akan dapat post tu.

Then Aznil announce kemasukan 'prop' iaitu pen marker beso!

Kononnya nak ganti the reign of Ramli M.S., object pilihan sebab dia kan terrorise Mas masa tu ngan campak pen tuh...

Dan pen marker diberikan pada...

Kita kembali selepas ni!

Ok...ok....the new principal for Akademi Fantasia season three is...

Drumroll please....


While that sinks in, aku nak wat keja pastu kena rush gi Melaka nak tengok show bebudak Akademi Fantasia II yang terakhir disana. Bye y'all....

Tenaga pengajar/new faculty for Akademi Fantasia!

Ok...tak ada banyak masa ni.Nak gi KL Hilton Sentral.Ada press conference sat lagi at 3pm to announce sapa yang akan menjadi team AF untuk musim ketiga.

Setakat ni, aku sempat announce dalam gosip column aku kemungkinan besar Linda Jasmin dan Fatimah Abu Bakar sudahpun menandatangani contract for another term sebab sumber Astro memberitahu ada dua orang sudahpun confirm their participation from the old team.

As of yesterday, aku dengar ada contract yang masih belum sign lagi, tapi setahu aku until last evening, memang confirm (mengikut sumber yang boleh dipercayai) Linda Jasmin dan Fatimah Abu Bakar memang dah pun setuju untuk bersama AF III, as well as Adnan Abu Hassan dan Siti Hajar.

Pengetua masih belum confirm lagi - tapi yang confirm dan pasti Ramli M.S. tak akan sambung tenure dia sebagai pengetua. Nama yang frontrunner for the post is Farihin Abdul Fatah as widely speculated.

Sejauh mana kebenarannya? Aku akan bagitau dalam masa beberapa jam agi.

Monday, April 18, 2005


Still can't find my card reader so you people are going to have to wait longer kalau you were waiting for me to upload the latest pics.

I haven't been up to blogging idea why...distractions aplenty.

Apapun, I have like totally gone off the Idol series, and am about to bitch about it.

Typical - since I've always had a severe distrust and lack of faith in human nature - I knew idiots casually make the list for everything when it's left to a public poll.

I mean...look at Malaysian Idol...while some were satisfied with the result, I'll just say that it could have been better, no offence to the ones who made it.

And you know what...the latest season of American Idol is really turning out to be major crap too!

I remember how earlier last season, early in the top 12, Leo and I were watching it in some hotel room when he was in Kuala Lumpur, and we both picked Latoya Londan and Fantasia Barrino.

You know what happened next lah.

Anyways, while Malaysian Idol reeks of a stench of failure (again...for me), American Idol seems to be failing too, into its fourth season.

Why do I say that?


How can anyone not see that Carrie Underwood, Anwar Robinson and Bo Bice - and oh, yeah, while I dislike him, I have to say Constantine Maroulis (eye candy factor - and the knack for picking the right songs - nothing else) are sure fire top four.

I mean...seriously...

Jessica Sierra was for me a waste - that girl should have stayed on! Ditto for Nadia Turner. Vonzell seems to be turning it on of late so she's a good bet too.


Please oh please, America! Vote out snow white, whiter-than-white Anthony Federov! We already have Clay Aiken, and Ant is hardly any competition to that!

And need I mention Scott Savol? I've hated that bitch from the start!

He warbles half decently...has a MAJOR inferiority complex - and for that can't take criticism (doesn't even sound cool fighting back like Fantasia - ends up sounding like a whining bitch!) and hullo? - he doesn't have anything to offer. If you ain't got the looks, make up for it with talent, like Ruben Studdard.

Instead, he lives in sheer cockiness and self-denial...afraid folks won't validate his 'talent'. Shyeah!

Well...anyway...Astro has this Asian Poll for American Idol going on (for those of you without Astro) and Carrie, Anwar, Bo and Constantine are leading the pack...Scott is the lowest...rock bottom...way below even Mikalah and gang who got eliminated early on.

At least Asians have better vote right.....(why should I even care? - cause I hardly want to see that bitch attempt another stab at 'singing' or whatever he calls that bitch ass wailing)

And I'll part with this bit - for those of you who haven't read this wonder I hate this bitch. First impressions do count I suppose.He's got a bitch mug that I just wanna smack with my flip flops after a jolly jamboree in cow poop!

Cops: Scott Savol roughed up ex-girlfriend during domestic dispute

MARCH 31--An "American Idol" finalist was once arrested for domestic violence after roughing up his infant son's mother during a Valentine's Day fracas, The Smoking Gun has learned. According to police, 28-year-old Scott Savol, one of the remaining nine "Idol" contestants, was busted following a February 2001 confrontation with Michele Martin at the woman's Ohio home. A Shaker Heights Police Department report notes that the unmarried couple had decided to "split up their living arrangement," with Savol scheduled to move his belongings out of Martin's mother's home, where the duo lived with their three-week-old son Brandon. But when Savol and his brother arrived at Martin's home, an argument ensued, with Savol calling Martin "several vulgar names." He then grabbed the woman's hand and pulled an engagement ring off her finger and "stated he was also going to take their son," cops reported. When Savol "grabbed the baby," Martin "stopped him from taking the child by telling [Savol] that she was going to call 911." At that point, according to the police report, Savol shoved Martin, pulled a phone from her hand, and then threw it at Martin, striking her in the chest. "This caused the phone to break," the report notes. Savol and his brother then left the residence. When officers arrived at her home, Martin told them that Savol had "made verbal threats to her in the past by telling her to 'watch her back.'" Martin, then 21, initially said she did not want Savol to be prosecuted, but rather sought a "restraining order on him." The following day, however, she signed a warrant for his arrest. Savol eventually took a plea to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct rap and was fined $500, placed on a year's probation, ordered to complete a domestic violence or anger management program, and sentenced to a suspended 20-day jail term. At a July 2001 sentencing hearing, Municipal Court Judge K.J. Montgomery also extended a temporary protective order (issued at Martin's request for her and the baby) through July 2002. Savol's rap sheet also includes a "no contest" plea to a 1995 misdemeanor trespass charge. He was arrested for entering Shaker Heights High School after being "warned both verbally and by letter" to stay out of the building. In a Q&A on the official "Idol" web site, Savol stated that his son's birth was the proudest moment of his life and that a personal goal was "to make sure my son doesn't have to struggle in life as I did." As for a "most embarrassing moment," Savol answered, "I don't have any."

Friday, April 15, 2005


I know I've been an idiot sebab for some time now dah tak post.

I've been quite busy, but after last night of scoring TWICE I feel obliged to come on and say something.

Erm...and I think that's it...

Apapun I will try and upload the pics as fast as possible that I promised everyone. card reader has gone missing...again!

Kena cari dulu before I get anything done. Nuts!

By the way, untuk peminat Akademi Fantasia, ada update sikit. Aku dapat berita, dua orang tenaga pengajar dah sign contract untuk musim baru ni. While takde confirmation for who, my sources katakan it will be Linda Jasmine and Fatimah Abu Bakar.

Yang lain, termasuk pengetua, akan diketahui paling awal pun minggu depan bila semua contract dah ditandatangani.

I'll keep you guys updated...ciao!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Back home

Sorry guys I haven't posted in a while.

Last Thursday after my last post, dapat tau lak I kena gi Melaka nak cover Karnival Sure Heboh kat Melaka.

Ni baru sampai KL singgah office. I will post more tomorrow.Tired.Nak balik rehat.

Akadami Fantasia fans, check fotopages. I will be posting pics from the event esok sebab Zahid dan Farah ada masa Sure Heboh, as were Nana dan Adi.

Until tomorrow, ta...

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Ari ni rushing kena abih gossip column aku...story melambak agi tak abih.

Time sure flies...not even like I'm having fun or anything. Nothing's been happening...nothing significantly worth talking about at any rate.

Got this pic a couple of days ago, thanks to kak Aida...I think I look amazingly horrendous in it. I mean, I look like some albino creature just crawled out of some cave and seeing the sun for the first time. Lord help me! I need a tan!

Hoping tonight I'll be getting some action cause I know I'm going to be really tired. Semalam tidur kul 8pm pun tetap tak ilang letih aku. Bangun dalam 1am, pastu sambung tidur about 6am. Terjaga pun dah kul 2 petang lebih. Aduh, my body really screwed up da.

Anyway, thanks again kak Aida for the pic...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Photo day!

Apa lagi...dah upload smuer pics....ehehehe...Nothing much to say today cause I'm really happy today. Got whoopie for the third time this month, and it blossomed in an unexpected place.

Takleh lak citer lebih sebab blog ni dah kena grade U lak...takleh 18SX agi sangat.Takut lak ada yang bawah umo yang membaca kan...walaupun awal-awal dah warning that the contents of this blog kekadang raunchy gak, though tak ler extreme sangat.

Apapun,called Vit, Tia dan Cindy, tapi cuma dapat Cindi saja.Saja nak tanya khabar...tengah shopping lak dia.Jumpa Bob for supper semalam dia kata Jeen ada mesej ngan dia.Ok ler tu.Ada gak maintain friendship kan...tak ada lah jumpa skali pastu never again.

Ni kat opis masuk lambat sebab ujan bagai nak rak.Tu pun letih agi sebab tak cukup tidur.Pas supper lak...balik lambat, si Bob mintak tolong morning call lak sebab dia ada show diRaja kat Kelantan tonight, tak silap aku. Anyway flight dia kul 10 pagi...apa agi, kul 7 tu set smuer alarm call dia bagi wake up call.Aduh...kritikal aku tak cukup tidur berapa malam ni.

Ni pun ngan ujan kat luar rasa anytime leh nap attack!

Ok ler...finishing uploading the pictures pastu nak ciao...Enjoy...and keep voting my blog! Remember to check out my Akademi Fantasia related pics at [klubbkidd's rave]-The fotopages! dan of course jangan lupa undi [klubbkidd's rave] tau for Malaysian Topblogs.


Monday, April 04, 2005

Oh gummbirrrraaaaaaaaaaa....

Aduhh...what can I say!

The weekend ended on a superbly high note for me.

Starting dari Thursday night...

But I told you about that already Friday lepak masa rehearsal malam kedua keluarga Akademi Fantasia di Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil was better.

Friday was a relaxed work day, did a piece for news to promote Konsert Kemuncak Akademi Fantasia before heading to the stadium for another session.

As usual, rehearsal chaotic lah sikit. I only got there later in the night, but it was fun to watch the rehearsals. There were a few glitches masa tu.

Serempak ngan fellow blogger sultanmuzzaffar...dia ngadu tak dapek nak gi stadium the next day for the show sebab birthday dia (Happy birthday SM!!!)...kesian dia...rugiiiiii....

Anyway, habis show je, kita sped straight to Holiday Villa Subang Jaya where the kids were staying.

Sampai je, lepak ramai-ramai supper. Budak Thailand semua tak nampak...keletihan kot sebab sampai-sampai rehersal tak abih-abih mana sempat rehat kan.

So lepak ngan adik-adik AFI, with Cindy, Tia, Veri dan Sutha ngumpat sekali bersama Bob dan Mas. Mas usik-usik Veri tak habis-habis, konon nak ayat. Kesian si Veri yang dah le rupa tak bermaya, terpaksa lak layan wanita gagah seperti Mas. It was funny.

After supper sambung sessi ngumpat with Along dari Maestro ngan Lina manager Adam sat. After finished that, Azizi lak kelam-kabut nak mintak family dia kirim baju dia.

Kita gi lepak bilik dia share ngan Khai pas dah sampai baju dia (tu pun setelah sejam lebih kot sebab family dia ter gi Holiday Villa kat Ampang sebab Azizi tak bagitau kat Subang lak)
Bob came to join us and circus ler alamatnya.

Pastu dapat call dari editor aku, so gi laa corridor, tengah sembang, si Mas lak jenguk luar pala dia dari bilik sebelah...then nampak kat bawah si Hafiz, best friend Zahid, pakai boxers ulang alik corridor kebosanan two floors down. Jap lagi, Zahid lak muncul.

Ikram keluar lak dari bilik Anding dan Fitri...semua cam restless...last-last about an hour of so, tiredness set in, semua surrender undur ke bilik, so I sent Ted home balik nak tidur.

Kelam-kabut sih!

Got to the stadium finally. Apa lagi...mengular sana sini ler. Dah ada access...gunakan la.By 7pm, jenguk tengok audience da dibenarkan masuk.Tapi cam tak ramai. Peliknya satu malam camtu...sampai dalam kul 9 malam tiba-tiba entah mana orang semua datang pack abih stadium.

Kerja aku paling bodoh, lari merata ngan wig Cindy AFI II (ye laa dia pakai wig...kan tengopk pic dia rambut pendek sebenarnya) kononnya wat pala terbang.

When the concert kicked! Semangat sih!

Enjoyed the concert...air horn abih masa juara Academy Fantasia Thailand Pacharapon (nama manja Vit) wat It's Gonna Be Me.Suara nothing great...kebanyakkan ler katakan.Tapi dia punya stage notch. Nyanyi terjoget cam beruk kena sawan, tapi maintain je vocal tak semput. Sampai ada yang ingat dia miming, which he wasn't. Abih stengah tin aerosol air horn aku tuk menggila sound masa abih show dia (yes, that was me)

Pastu si Tia masa wat medley Kris Dayanti pun aku abihkan almost the remainder. Aduh! Sampai time Milikku, airhorn aku da cam bunyi orang kentut sambil tercirit skali...ilang smangat!

Abih show lepak ngan meka kat dressing room, pastu ke press conference (terus tukau ler watak aku dari geng lepak meka jadi press).

Anyway, masa lepak kat post party, sambung usik si Vit (memang dah dua ari usik-usik manja dia tapi dia segan).

Sempat amik pic posing ngan dia...tengah aku peluk dia cuit aku lak.Siot...terkejut berok ler aku.
Si Cindy dan Tia pula kecoh-kecoh nak amik gambar bersama, so we took a group photo bersama ngan Veri dan Sutha.

Eh Aida blog reader kita pun ada. Cheers Aida and sis and entourage.Sempat amik pic agi.
After abis segala, went back to the hotel.

Sama ngan Ted, pastu Linda Jasmine ngan kawan dia, gi lepak bilik Bob, Patut dia kongsi ngan Kaer, tapi memang entah kemana Kaer tak dok sama. Lagipun abih je konsert Kaer kena kejar ke klinik, demam panas katanya.

Pas Bob dah abih mandi, join them for a private party. No comment mana atau sapa ada...but saja lepak-lepak ngan keluarga AF skali ngan adik beradik Indonesia dan Thailand.

Budak-budak AFT si nombor dua, Tanyanan (Jeen) dan ketiga Pongsak (Aof) best gak rupanya. Sporting abih! Pergh! Si Aof tu kalau joget cam go-go boy di Patpong! Amik ko!
Budak-budak kita terer gak...tapi no comment ler...nanti orang kata bias lak kan...

Geng AFI tak kurang seronok, even though Veri cam takleh masuk...blah awal gi makan. Sutha lak relax je...tak join sangat...skali skala je turn dancing queen.

After da letih smuer berjoget etc, kita pun masing-masing nak balik. Ye lah, adik-adik Thailand flight awal pagi tu...adik-adik Indonesia lak kena check out. Tapi meka extend stay kat KL sehari nak jalan, balik pagi Isnin.

Anyway, masa Vit nak balik tu, kita saja laa sembang-sembang kalau ko mai KL, kalau aku gi Bangkok...etc. Sebelum tu dia dah bagik aku nombor mobile phone dia di Bangkok. So sebelum balik tu, kita pun wish tu wish ni...then kata good night. I got good night kiss! Heh!

Pastu ingat nak balik, but AFI ajak gi makan. So kita jalan kaki dari hotel gi mamak sebelah 7-Eleven.

Aku, Ted, Bob (lapau je dia), Cindy, Tia, Sutha dan manager AFI, melantak and sok sek buat sejam dua agi sambil gosip. Banyak woo....cuma takleh ler citer smuer sini.

We said our goodbyes, tukau nombor ngan Cindy dan Tia and promised to visit them in Jakarta (Rindu Jakarta la...setahun daa since my last visit)

Before I turned in pas sampai rumah, memang dah biasa perangai to turn on Astro for a while just to see if anything interesting is on.

Kebetulan switched on CNN and got news that Pope John Paul II had died. I was kinda taken aback, and couldn't help but say a prayer for this great man, who if he wasn't the leader of the Catholic faith, would still be no less greater for his contributions.

Akibatnya...stuck on until 11 pagi tak tidur tengok berita. Finally KO.Bangun je da kul 2pm.Kelam kabut ler gi KL jemput Ted tuk naik Genting.

ABP ok ler...tapi cam bosan entah kenapa. Masaalahnya, yang tak glamer pun leh perasan glamer. Had a fun time. Nasib baik Nila ada nak layan gossip ngan aku masa post party yang tak seberapa tu.

Malam minggu still the best.

Bangun je tengahari tadi came back to office wat keja. Serempak Cat RuffEdge makan kat rest area Gombak.Dahler malam sebelum pun serempak kat mamak kat Genting. So delayed dok sok sek lagik ler...

Ni tengah rush story ni.Be uploading the pics tomorrow.Promise.

Ni nak cepat sebab dah janji nak jumpa Bob sat. Esok dia ke Kelantan lak ada show. Rabu lak dengarnya Akademi Fantasia Tour 2005 yang patutnya dah tamat pas Konsert Kemuncak Akademi Fantasia diextendkan ke dua lokasi. Stakat ni tak silap aku Wednesday ni kat Terminal One Seremban. pastu meka akan gi Muar tak silap aku.

OK...see you guys tomorrow...

Friday, April 01, 2005

Keluarga Fantasia

Semalam was one of the best days...not only did I get laid twice (since it WAS after midnight, I got lucky twice and the day isn't even over yet), the rehearsal session at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil besh giler.

Malam sebelum went to the airport to greet empat wakil Akademi Fantasi Indosiar. Since I've been told of their characters by Dudi, who is the choreographer there, I kinda knew what to expect. Memang Veri - juara AFI I, Sutha - juara AFI III, Cindy - peserta AFI II and Tia - juara AFI II (my favourite) were great!

Tak sempat bual sangat memandangkan they just arrived and were tired. Tapi semalam went to the hotel where semua budak-budak Akademi berkumpul. By this time, we were joined by the top three winners of Academy Fantasia Thailand, Pacharapon Jantieng, second placed Tanyanan Mahpiroon and third placed Pongsak Rattanaphong.

Terbelit-belit lidah nak sebut nama mereka!Mereka ni tak mesra sangat cam wakil Indonesia, tapi ok ler...malu kot...kalau taknya pun sebab language barrier sikit.

Apapun masa rehersal, bebudak AFT kira ok lah...pemenang si Pacharapon ni ala-ala Zahid sikit. Suara boleh tahan...moves and grooves dia, pergh!

But expectedly, what caught everyone's attention was peserta AFI especially masa duet between Sutha dan Cindy. Biarpun Cindy was not one of the big winners, she was definitely miles better than most of our contestants vocally.

Hujan emas dinegeri orang...bila Bob naik masa rehearsal Cinta Seorang Teman...terngangang mulut wakil-wakil AFI. hah! Baru tau orang Mesia ni pun power! It was nice to see that our kids were not left out in the praise section as AFI reps semua tegur Bob dan puji dia...

Called Dudi and letak on speakerphone mode...menjerit budak-budak AFI kerinduan koreografer meka. Kemesraan mereka with Dudi on the line and the way they joked about was interesting, sebab tak jauh dari AF kita, kemesraan yang wujud dalam keluarga AF ni.

Pas abih rehearsal lak...cadang gi Uptown. Bob ikut...sekali sampai sana melantak dan sempat jalan-jalan beli barang (Bob ler beli kasut dan entah apa) ngan some friends.Balik pun dah pukul 3 lebih pagi...letih.Esok full day agi...

Anyway, kalau nak tengok pics dari rehearsal...jangan lupa, go to [klubbkidd's rave] - The fotopages!. And keep voting my blog kalau nak tengok more pics of anything Akademi Fantasia.

I will try and update with concert pics tapi sebab next day naik Genting stay overnight untuk Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian entah, maybe Monday je sempat kot. Malam ni kalau pas rehearsal final I will try to post more pics.