Wednesday, May 26, 2010

AF8 -Siri Autopsi 3

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

I believe it was Abraham Lincoln who said that.

Selepas keluar Siri Autopsi, banyak reaction aku dapat from a lot of people.

Strangely enough - the negatives a handful, the ones in agreement jauh lebih banyak (yang handful pon dari IP sama je, tapi tukar nama - matilah!!!)

What you have to remember is - this analysis wasn't against the show. Just this crap season. Heh... ada beza tuh.

Takkan la peminat takleh critical ngan program dia follow, kan? Do we really live in a society where you have to hold your silence if your programme (yang hidup hasil kaut keuntungan dari public) does not cater to the public anymore but to the syok sendiri nature of the production.

Bak kata seorang blogger tersohor, "Mengkritik tidak bererti menentang, menyetujui tidak semestinya menyokong". Tuh dia kata orang kertu! Matilah aku!

Tak kisah la orang nak judge apa pon... hakikatnya, masa memula aku da cakap this is some the show is going to be affected, orang kata takde bukti. Dah bagik bukti lak, ada lak yang melatah.

No matter how much PR spin you put into it - AF8 was a failure for so many reasons.

As a show - it failed. The figures and AFUNDI was judge of that.

Perubahan rancangan membunuh AF8 dengan sendirinya. The production were not too wise (in a polite manner of speaking) for screwing up on that.

1. Change of format (dari waktu Diari di tayangkan, duration setengah jam yang memang WTF, editing yang takde perisian etc)
2. OverBranding the show sampai nak hard sell. Orang advertising zaman batu kah diupah untuk nak conceptualize how branding should be incorporated? Seriously? Nak pakai tali kasut masa konsert, berlakon minom benda ala pati ayam and lampu hijau?
3. Obvious control more than ever ke atas juri yang diarahkan 'positif'. No one learns from pujian alone. You have to point out a person's fault for them to realize - though in the case of production, bila point out defensive and hado nak menerima walaopon peminat sendiri cakap?
4. Execution of drama too staged sampai tahap menghazabkan bebudak tu sendiri.
5. Debaran tak cukup perisian sampai kesian tengok Sarimah struggle nak hype kan.
6. Jimmy yang menyerlah ngan Trek Selebriti, hambar dan terlalu kanak kanak Ribena ngan Diari (and konsert lak Zombi Kampung Pisang)
7. Lagu-lagu persembahan dipotong sampai iklan Brand pon lebih panjang and minus one semua seperti muzik iringan oleh orang buta yang main keyboard kat Kotaraya.
8. Too much smoke and mirror. Dah ler persembahan semua underperformed dari segi time - ni lak ada yang dibantu sampai tahap gaban backing vocal dan penari (especially time final). Mana gi their so-called performance ability.
9. They rolled out so much pay content nak on bufet la on tu la on nih la... semua demi nak mobile content revenue. This show's budget has been cut gila-gila (production pon tau hakikat ni benar) and this has greatly affected their ability to put on a better show than ever. Ini ibarat RTM feeling nak wat Gah 1 (what a name) nak kalahkan TV3 nya AJL padahal bajet AJL tak silap aku RM3.5 juta dan RTM nya bajet - hado? Matilah! Motif aku tau?
10.Lack of people who are really capable of scouting for talent. Throughout the audition process - meka gunakan orang dalam industri ni, yes (walaopon ada terselit yang hado tau pasal muzik skalipun). There is a difference between people merely in this business and talent scouts. Look at Idol. Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson are producers and talents scouts. They don't have to sing.. du-uh! Kara is known for her songwriting and ability to redirect talent... and create a whole new sound for them. These are people who make a talent what it is. The problem is there is a lack of understanding on who shapes the talent for the mainstream market - so in the end they just want a public face - even though hado know anything.

I could go on...

As a talent scouting avenue - it failed, because it didn't manage to unearth any talents we haven't seen before.

The kids are all talented - but are they unique?

Talents banyak kat luar tuh. And unless you're a couch potato yang dok ngadap TV je keja, you would agree that there is little special about the talents they've showcased.

I hear thousands of new talents in various competitions, and performances that are low key, and I hear a lof of fantastic singers out there too. With package too. But the sad reality is something doesn't go right for them in being discovered.

So - there has not been something groundbreaking this season. I guess people will say, that's subjective. And that's true. It is.

But AF8 - has become a horrible clone of Idol, meets Sehati Berdansa versi hado.

Takpe la... lantak ko la labu.

Ada yang kata kenapa nak sibuk? Just turn it off. My answer to that is - some people are just born to be sheep. Grow a brain, dickwads. If you want to wallow in stupidity to be able to have your own thought processor working, don't blame the world for being able to analyze and digest things in a more intelligent manner that is PR free.

So... aside from the show, what can I PERSONALLY see in their future.

Ada yang tanya aku - sapa yang ada potential to succeed.

Ok. That's the tricky question. In REAL life... there are a lot of factors that make for the success of a talent.

Honestly - kalao tak produk skema, familiar and tried and tested - and a lot of effort, and a little bit of money pumped in - dan bukan dilayan seperti MLM nak cepat returns jer, the kids can get somewhere.

Honestly, I've maintained Shahir as a commercial package from the start. Adira pon leh if given the right A&R (tapi bawah AESB/KRU I doubt). The rest? Possible, but seriously it takes a lot more effort than just 10 weeks to shape them.

So who knows... what is clear is - I say AF8 gagal. When I say AF8 failed - I don't mean Akademi Fantasia - just AF8. And when I say it failed - I mean programming wise. Post show talent? Left to be seen.

Tu je. Ok la... nak tutup buku AF8 yang hado. Hope music lovers continue to support our local industry kalao sesuatuh produk boleh dibanggakan. Don't be be bullied and guilted into buying a product or service, something of substandard quality. Know your rights, because blind buying doesn't help anyone but the people who put it out in the first place.

Ok... signing off.

PS - Yes, my Comments are moderated and auto ban on IP is still on. Tak kuasa balaci dan binatang yang masuk. Heh! Tough! Stupidity is not tolerated here, thank you.


xterkejut pn sbnrnye ble u xkomen setiap peserta final. general comment pn da cukup menggambarkn segalanya..

Sya tahu, post ini tidak akan dipublishkan oleh saudara Jo Li. Cuma saya ingin bertanya, adalah kutukan dan kemarahan saudara Joli pada ASTRo ini adalah kerana anda tidak dijadikan tenaga pengajar AF8 atau dengan kata lain dikick dari AF setelah AF7? Tak publish pun takpe, asalkan saudara Jo Li ada jawapannya yang tersendiri yang mana saya sudah boleh jangka apakah jawapannya.

1. My name is spelled Joe Lee. If you can't get that right, tatau la camna.

2. Soalan ko tuh, bosan dan repetitious dari orang2 yang tak paham jawapan setelah berkali.

Aku tak pernah di 'kick' cause Astro yang approach aku mintak ikat contract ngan meka tuk ajar bebudak media communication atas dasar rekod aku da grooming ramai artis. But obviously you're not an industry player so ko tak kenal aku, tak kisahla. Aku bukan kejar glamer pom.

Soalan aku kembali is - adakah figures ini di buat oleh aku? Jangan nampak kebodohan diri sendiri ye. Angka2 ini dari Arianna TV ratings system dari Nielsen yang Astro sendiri tak penah bagi.

So can I lie about the figures? I have the full table with me, and if I did Astro can take full action against me for tarnishing their image. Hakikatnya, semua kata gagal, cuma segolongan dari Astro, KRU dan kaum kerabat FC dan keluarga yang menidakkan. Bottomline is - you don't decide. The numbers do.

So am I bitter? Nope. Astro doesn't pay so good. Tu hakikatnya. And bab keja tuh pon meka yang tawarkan bukan aku mintak. Hehehehe... so baik ko tanya diri sendiri yang tak puas ati orang kata gagal, takleh tima kenyataan tuh, bukan ke bitter sebab usaha hado mereka tak diiktiraf dan di kutuk peminat sendiri?

Aku publish comment ko sebab wat kali terakhir aku jawab benda yang sama orang takde modal nak post kat sini. Takyah masuk kalao ko tak suka baca. The fact also is golongan cam ko ni, say I'm nothing but still read me. Strange kan?

go bro.
good writing. kau patut mantain your good comment on certain issue dlm showbiz ni supaya org msia (peminat muzik) tidak terus diperbodohkan.

maybe your can also include lagu 'engkau yang satu' dari kumpulan wow. dengar betul2 cara sebutan lirik lagu itu-sebiji2. pastu like you mention, campur ngan lagu casey tu,maka kedengaranlah seperti lagu si juara tu...just a thought.

lama dalam industri pun kalau produce lagu yg mcm dah biasa dengar aje buat apa!

Well done Joe sebab ko dah wrap up all our comments. Betul..bila kita komen tidak bermakna kita benci, in factI LOVE AF. I've been a fan of AF since the first one till now and memang really disappointed dgn production team of AF8 as they killed the ORIGINALITY of the show. Each year tunggu bila musim AF bermula to enjoy the diary and concerts and to vote but this year memang tak mengikuti sangat. I love the kids, they worked so hard. Shahir deserved to be the JUARA, boleh nampak good character, personality and TALENT definitely! lagu baru Shahir memang BEST...especially chorus part...pheww....

hello. first of all, great job on AF8 Autopsies. seriously, i bet production team pun xtau pasal ni.

i admit though, the main problem of AF8 was not the talents, but the production. they changed too many things at once. plus dgn bende2 silly yang dorg buat nak naikka ratings kononnye, tp without research yg cukup.

AF perlu go back to basic.