Thursday, July 30, 2009

Melaka on day three... and some decent news

It's begun.

Friends of the late Yasmin Ahmad in the media and advertising industry are now beginning to make their stand known against Kosmo! as well as Chinese language newspaper Kwong Wah Jit Poh for their ridiculous and shameful act disrespecting her memory.

A letter drafted by current and former journalists protesting against that vile front page and article has been sent out to Utusan group chairman Tan Sri Hashim Makaruddin while a copy is expected to be sent to the Home Minister.

Read more at Rocky's blog by CLICKING HERE.

Meanwhile, that won't be the only repercussion of Kosmo!'s actions.

I promised to reveal it yesterday, tapi wanted confirmation first. Don't know when the official announcement will be, or if there will be one. But on Tuesday night I got wind of this, and yesterday night, confirmed with sources that this will indeed be happening!

The initial word was that the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia's (4As), the Malaysian Advertisers Association and the Media Specialists Association (MSA) will be proceeding with a one month ban of a certain 'newspaper' (I use newspaper reluctantly because my respect for it, if any has dissipated with the recent event) beginning 10 August.

Will that mean they get hit where it hurts most with no ads? Their pockets? I hope so. Details as I get them - but I have no idea of how far reaching the impact of this move is at the moment.

Yang pentingnya, aku bersyukur, ramai mula bersuara to protect the memory of Yasmin, against those who try to cash in on a loss so felt by us all.


Mampu aku senyum sikit hari ni walaupun sibuk sikit, with time taken up for shooting of my scenes today. Reza and I had fun for our scenes, and while it was hot and tiring - tapi the environment memang best and we got two scenes done very fast.

Bebudak lain semua shooting their scenes for the Raya edition of Akademi Fantasia. Including the opening scene yang aku gelak. Si Adila especially was a riot.

Korang layan pics je la for now. Nanti aku balik KL, aku banyak video nak upload perangai bebudak ketika shooting sini. Ada je aksi gila meka nak pass time.

Guys, for fans of any of these kids, as usual, I allow you to copy and save pics nih for your personal collection. Tapi kalau nak tempek kat website, blog or forum lain, please pastikan jangan nak edit atau crop watermark aku, and have the courtesy to credit AND link me kalao nak pakai any of these pics.

Thank you in advance for being respectful of my ownership of the pics (awas sapa pepandai nak crop edit especially tuk blog blog yang nak kaut keuntungan dari hasil orang lain and laman kelab peminat yang memang kurang ajar yang berani buat)


Aduh... tiga orang ni.. wat sarkas lak atas basikal

Hafiz suka gila... asik wat aksi atas the bicycle jerk

Claudia one of the girls yang terlibat scenes hari ni

Aishah blur jap sebab terlampau focus hapal skrip

One for the album for Nana

Dah hapal skrip, snappy time

Tuan director si Irwan bagi directions kat bebudak for one of the scenes

Lepaking with Ecah

Ayie, Akim dan Atan - The A Club

Sidi ngan Isma dengar Dian cakap pe tah

Rempit in the making!

Pergh! Ska City???!!!

Reza sampai je hit the script

Kecoh pekan Merlimau

Hafiz dan Isma sempat tuh snappy (update Facebook a tuh!)

One of my favourite scenes

Cameraman baru? Atan ngan Irwan

All the boys (except me and cikgu Aris yang takde dalam pic) in the cast

By the time it started to get dark, everyone headed back for dinner - and more importantly a shower! Panas, berpeluh... lagik da letih.

The girls have the night off, sebab bebudak laki je ada scene malam ni. But budak pompuan semua kena bangun kol 7 pagik lagik esok. Merasalah!

The boys pas shower and a short rest after dinner, terus start script reading sebelom they worked it for the cameras until lewat malam.

Aku malas lepak malam ni sebab nak rush balik hotel nak mandi and rehat. Sempat la membuta jap to recover before nak update blog nih.

Esok only have to be on location late noon for another scene. But tomorrow is going to be a busy day because it'll be Akim dan Aril punya last day with the cast - so kena abihkan al their scenes - cause meka akan berlepas shoting kat Jakarta lak for the other series.

But it's going to be fun despite me predicting chaos sebab selain Reza gak esok, si Sarimah is joining us as well. Whoopie!

Meanwhile... I need to go out for a bite. Skipped dinner sebab keletihan sangat. Ni lak da cukup tidur, perut lak mengadu da. Aduh.. camna tak semain naik badan ni, pas makan sambung tidur lak lagik.

Until the next entry....

Links to entries on Melaka shoot for Akademi Fantasia Raya program
CLICK HERE for Day 1
CLICK HERE for Day 2
CLICK HERE for Day 4


Serves them right! Biar ban terus lg baik!!
Let this be a lesson to them .... Lain kali
kalau nak tulis tu pikir2lah dulu.

Good for them, alang2 tutup je la ..cease to operate ...boleh?...

i hate what kosmo wrote. was so shocked! selama ni tak pulak nak tulis. memang teruk aaa. baguss aaa arini dah mintak mahap tapi berbaloikah? lu pikir la sendiri!!!

p/s: jojoe n ecah, miss u guys lar!

Anak perempuan I yang 17 thn pun ada otak boleh fikir. Dia cakap kan orang tu dah meninggal buat apa nak tulis macam tu lagi. Ni reporter yang tua bangka x ada otak nak fikir. Yang editorpun x tapis, boleh lepas article camtu. Kenapa Kosmo x tulis masa arwah masih hidup. At least she could defend herself masa tu. Walau apapun.. you were really great Yasmin. I watched and love all your films. I tengok balik semua iklan2 yg arwah buat dan I menangis berkali kali. You were a true Malaysian Yasmin Ahmad. Al Fatihah...

yezza...ban trus jek...
tulis pakai redah jek..
choii sgt taw..

thankz 4 the updates n pics bro

perghh!! berkenan basikal yg two seat tu

Hi Joe, dengar kabar Akim demam. Kesian dia..tolong tengok-tengokkan dia O.K. thanks...!