Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Melaka - Day 1

Aku memula nak update pasal nih. But given I wanted to highlight the last entry - I chose to hold it. Oh well... life goes on.

Kat Melaka nih. Sampai petang semalam lepas complete everything. Got some more good news. Syukur.

Apapun, sampai-sampai saja, headed to Merlimau.

Tujuan kat sini?

Shooting untuk Akademi Fantasia Raya special. Biasa la drama muzikal. Kali ni aku diundang bukan untuk wat liputan, but cameo - along with several others like Reza and Sarimah (lain not sure - patutnya tenaga pengajar lain pun terlibat, but kak Fati given the circumstances tak dapat participate.. and dengar one or two others couldn't make it)

So lepak ngan bebudak semalam layan scene meka. Yang takde cuma Hafiz, Akim dan Claudia yang belum sampai. Heard they'll be here tomorrow.

But it was still fun, and a getaway from all the things I left behind in KL, so ok lah. Walaopon ting tong sikit pala, tapi ngan perangai dan gelagat bebudak ni, ringan sikit la... it's time out to just chill and forget so much drama that has been going on since the pasing of kak Min.

Korang layan je la pics bebudak smalam.

Mood Raya... camna tuh?

Tuan director sibuk ngan keja

Bebudak letih... shooting can get tedious ok!

One of the scene dak pompuan

Time makan. Melantak sebab kebulur sangat memasing

Trivia : Rubisa wat apa tuh?

Mesyuarat tingkap

Pakcik Qhaud and cikgu Aris

Tak sabar nak settle for the night

Abih je, check in hotel kat bandar Melaka. Letih dan ngantuk gaban! And I haven't even done anything lagik. Camna tuh?

Oh well.. tomorrow will be better. Nak relax sikit... be posting more pics.

Links to entries on Melaka shoot for Akademi Fantasia Raya program
CLICK HERE for Day 2
CLICK HERE for Day 3
CLICK HERE for Day 4


ni yg klu JOE join dak2 af nih..
mest ada pic2 bes n story yg baik punyee...
kalu Joe join ju rami2..kan bes..huhuh

*silap type lak..

nih yg bes kalu JOE join dak2 af nih..hu2



thankz 4 the update n pics..