Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Melaka - Day 2

Heard that there is supposed to be an announcement coming from the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia's (4As), the Media Specialists Association (MSA) and the Malaysian Advertisers Association. Waiting for the official word if it materialises or not. Look out for that.

Kalau betul jadik, some people are going to pay! Or make that.. not get paid! Hope they come through with it as I heard. Until then, aku diamkan diri dulu untuk official announcement.

Yesterday was day two in Melaka. Aku takde pe pon sepanjang hari. So meanwhile lepak je la abihkan some work via email. Peningkan pala jap... and so on.

Lewat petang baru gerak ke location. They finished quite a few scenes today.

Masa aku sampai, semua tengah makan malam da. Joined them for dinner. Then si Aril dan Akim ada shoot kat kedai kat depan for their scene. Malas ikut.

Lepak layan bebudak lain. The rest of the girls, selain Zizi dan Aishah balik dulu sebab scene tak libatkan meka. Owh Siti Hajar pon ada sekali for her cameo appearance.

Yazid sempat nak KO jap, si Obri dan Sidi jamming jap

Zizi mai baru dak Yazid bangun!

Anak sapa entah ngan cikgu Siti

Comel dak Aishah ni

Later ada scene konon meka balik sembahyang terawih and all. Followed by last call shoot of the night - part musical mana si Akim nyanyi pada Aishah. Heh.. sapa lagik kan? Lagu apa? Korang tunggu je la time Raya hari kedua pagik masa tayang tuk layan.

By the way, sorry kalao pics blurry ek! Salah korang takde sapa beli DSLR tuk birthday present aku hari tuh. Heh... merasalah kena carut ngan korang agik.

Romantika Raya (kononlah... heh!)

Nak amik pic Aishah so easy

Si Akim? Ada je muka dia wat.... tengok lah

Last scene for the day

Hari ni tunggu si Reza sampai. Kalao everything ok, later today my turn lak. Aduh... malas nya. Nak tidur je... turning in for the 'night' (salah sapa kalao time camni baru nak tidur, kan?)

Will update if I hear any developments on the thing I mentioned above. Tak sabar!

Links to entries on Melaka shoot for Akademi Fantasia Raya program
CLICK HERE for Day 1
CLICK HERE for Day 3
CLICK HERE for Day 4


Thanks for the updates Joe..

Tak sabar juga ni nak tau apa
announcement sure has to do with arwah kan..

tq Joe for the update, x sabar nak tgk RT AF7 ni....

as for the announcemnet tu, can't wait for that too...

Joe....dah baca today's Star tak? Banyak articles on Arwah...

tq d sweet of cute

FazzzyFaz - Betul lah, Star is awesome today kan!! I read the office's copy and am buying one later today to keep for myself!!

Joe - keep us posted on the news ok. And please, please beritahu any info regarding compilation of aruah's movies and even aruah's advertisements. I would love to keep them! Thanks Joe!

hye joe...
mcm tau jek lagu ape yg akim nyanyi utk aishah....
mesti lagu...*ehem....takpe..kasik surprise..* too tak sabar mau tau announcement tu pasal ape...

thnx or d updates...
pesanan: berlakon best2...huhu..

FazzzyFaz - NST too had an awesome article written by Fatimah Abu bakar for aruah, kat Life & Times section. With awesome pics....and I cried again....

akim macam naik je badan dan mukanya, ke mataku salah tgk. pepun, aishah cute la

Newrule...I've saved the articles in my notebook...
Looks like I've missed the NST article...will look it
up right after this... all YA fans....don't miss this sunday's
majalah 3:

Paparan istimewa "Pewarisan Yasmin Ahmad' di Majalah 3 Ahad ini
MAJALAH 3 Ahad ini tentu sekali akan dinanti-nantikan oleh peminat setia Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad dengan paparan "Pewarisan Yasmin Ahmad."

Sebagai memperingati hasil kerja Yasmin Ahmad, minggu ini Majalah 3 akan mempaparkan satu jam paparan istimewa membabitkan hasil kerja dan karya seperti iklan dan filem di bawah arahannya.

yes. datuk seri farid will be on it. you should watch it. datuk seri was close to arwah too.