Friday, July 24, 2009


Just back from the Damansara Specialist Hospital. Kat rumah Mont Kiara sekarang.

Waiting for a late meeting with dancers tuk another project in a while kat Hartamas Square.


The whole staying at the hospital for four hours or so in that condition... erm... not a fun experience.

Aku memang risau keadaan kak Min, but malas nak gi awal, sebab knew it would be a circus. With every Thong, Dev and Harith there. And true enough... weird why these kind of kejadian pun ada yang nak menyemak. Bersangka baik jelah... orang risau genuinely.

Aku dok tepi je, sempat sembang ngan Datuk Seri Farid Ridzuan and Farisha Pawanteh jap dapat updates.

About 9.20pm, parents kak Min sampai hospital. Apparently they flew in from Langkawi. Her father looked tired, while her mom was just in tear. Aduh... Friends who got to see her after the operation tadik filled us in. Malas nak masuk nak kaco, so dapat updates je.

Now kak Min will be under observation for the next 24 hours. And if she passes that, it will be extended until she's really out of the danger zone.

The actual situation?

Well, apparently she did pass out during a presentation masa di Sri Pentas. Yes, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza and husband and TV3 staff pon ada.

Stupidly, fodder for rumours, someone pronounced her as well... you know...

She did stop breathing said some, other said her pulse was strong.

Bottomline is they revived her and she was carted in for an operation to remove blood in the brain. Something to do with her blood pressure and all. Moka aku nih cam medical specialist ke nak tau.

Anyway, pas operation tadik, she was declared stabil, tapi kritikal. Don't know what that means, but masa gerak just a while ago tengah malam, her heartbeat was still irregular, and she is still hooked on life support.

Me and a couple of friends decided to balik dulu, pas jumpa Nani. Kak Fati and family gi supper sambil pujuk Nani balik cause she insisted on going back to the hospital. Guess esok abih kerja je nak lari balik hospital lagik.


If you guys have been reading my blog for some time now, you know how special kak Min is to my family and I. All of us pray for her speedy recovery, and I ask you guys do the same in your own way.

Kak Min has been there for me many times, by phone, or when she manages to spare her precious little time to hear my problems. She is an amazing listener, and sometimes, through her silence, offers me more options and advice...

I introduced her to my sister for the first BMW Shorties that my sis was handing, where kak Min became the judge and she became acquainted to my sis too.

We both love her to bits, and it's sad news, keadaan kak Min sekarang.

Sorry takde pics ke apa, but I don't think it's appropriate for me nak snap around area hospital. Plus on top of that, I think those who know what I think of kak Min all this while, you don't need pics to illustrate it. Hopefully will have more cheery news to share with you guys soon on kak Min.

PS - Read the online new for updates. I know some of my media friends are still at the hospital ready to cover any developments. Please get your news from reliable sources, not witnesses or rumours. People who circulated rumours that she had passed on are just butt stupid.

PPS - Remember flash mob post? It's on! Confirmed today! And it's going to be BIG!

PPPS - And I start August for something else as senior writer. Aduh... banyak nya projek nak wat lagik ni... doakan segalanya berjalan lancar. Hugs to all of you.


Again...thanks for fhe updates Joe...And to Kak prayers are for u....

Keep on updating please. Need for reliable info. Thanks

i remembered i always saw her at kinokuniya KLCC. what an envy looking at all the books-filled paper bags she's carrying! she looked so posh and serene i shy myself to say hi!

then came another day earlier this year that i bumped into her and hubby. i smiled, starstrucked as usual. eventually she smiled back and walked straight to me, offering a friendly handshake!what a beautiful gesture from a beautiful lady.

i pray that she will recover soon.

u take care too, joe. update us on kak yasmin ya!

salam, kita doakan yang terbaik semoga kak min cepat sembuh. amin