Monday, July 06, 2009

Things to do when you're bored...

Things to do when you're bored.

How about play RISK with friends in a very public eatery.

Thanks to some friends yang joined for dinner - who just bought RISK, the board game (more like BORED game sebab pas seam baru figure out how to play) lepas makan malam kat Rasta tadi, leh main lak sebab ada yang beriya baru beli dari Toys 'R Us. Matilah depan khalayak menggila...

But had fun and started screaming excitedly... before I got dominated! Boo! Spent HOURS on it, sampai Rasta tutup. I think I need a life soon. Need to get busy... seminggu dua lagi...

In the process of figuring things out


tu tangan budak yang aku nak jumpa tu ke joe? hahaha. lain kali ajak la auk g rasta gak. ble minum2. hoho

sapa ek? yang ko nak jumpa tuh???

itu tangan I! Hehehe...
Thanks Joe... I hope you enjoyed it though cuz I did darling... :)
Especially with u there... from BORED game... it turned rite back into a BOARD game...
Thanks again sweetie! *winks*