Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Please spare a moment

At 3.44am yesterday, Juita updated on her Facebook with the status.

"an ol fren, eddy kong disappeared at the Mines lake during a stunt that went awry on a movie shoot @ 5pm 20jul. they havent found him since."

Didn't know what happened until Juita updated her status again at 12.47pm.

"Stuntman Eddy Kong missing @ Mines lake still not found. Heavy rain not helping the divers/rescuers. Do send him/his family your prayers."

Damn... this time I replied. No one knows what happened and search is still on.

Checked all the online papers today and these are the stories.

Click here for more info :
The Malay Mail
The Star

Aduh... aku baca pon pening. But what was worse was Juita's update tadik at 7.15pm on Twitter.

"so-called scuba unit refuse to dive into lake to look for drowned stuntman at Mines. fear of drowning themselves? sigh..."

Like what the... for the sake of Eddie's family, please pray that he be found.. no matter what.

Aduh... these sort of things shouldn't happen. Wonder if the damn Bollywood movie is any good even.

Humph... anyway... erm.. just a note for all Akademi Fantasia fans. The kids are all in Sarawak for the reunion this Saturday. And if you guys have nothing over the weekend, Ahad lak ada Jom Heboh which is going to have quite a few artistes participating. So people in the Land of the Hornbill - it's time to PAR-TAY!!!

Me? I'm going to sleep soon... had my Transformers marathon (not the movie ok, the 1984 original animated series, season one).

Over and out.