Saturday, July 11, 2009


Semalam was a damn emotional day for me. I don't know....

Ada je yang tak betul...

Day started out fine enough, rushing for a meeting. Nak pastikan lagu tuk artis company, kerana ada perubahan strategi. So meeting punya meeting, lom ada hasil. Bukan apa... memang betol kata penasihat. Pastikan produk berkualiti, bukan main tangkap muat. Tapi lagi sekali sangkut soal recording jap.

Tengah meeting, Marlia Musa sampai. Nak amik benda. Dia khabarkan Alam (Zainal Alam Kadir), my former mentor at Malay Mail - yang korang leh layan tengok kat Pentas Anak Wayang tuh (tak tengok lagik live) kena H1N1.

Called Alam later, and he confirmed it. Tengah dok bilik hospital. Amik ko kuarantin.

Cita nya da dua hari dia kena kuarantin, and bila sah positif, kena lagik kurung tiga hari. Skang pasnih, kalao everything ok, dia kena berkurung lak kat rumah selama seminggu without any contact. Amik ko!

But Alam is ok, and kita borak pasal bab keja. Dia dulu editor aku ketika wat hiburan kat Malay Mail, and we'll be working together again coming up soon. Merasalah the old team is comng back in place!

Anyway, abih meeting gerak balik.

Sempat gayut ngan Faz jap update berita terbaru terkini bagai. Korang da vote dia tuk Shout Awards? Kalao lom, masuk sini by CLICKING HERE. Incidentally, the awards pada hari birthday aku on 17 July, and kebetulan aku aan kembali bertugas menulis juga pada hari tu. Talk about comebacks.

Anyway pastuh disaster struck.

Malas nak cita in detail. All I can say is, aku malas da jaga hati orang. Kekadang kan, bila amik berat orang, people just take it for granted. And at some point, you just have to take a step back and declare that ko takkan wat keja kebajikan agik. Tak guna. Hati retak seribu ngan hinaan akibat kemarahan, susah nak repair. Amik ko... korang tak paham pon kan rintihan nasib aku. Takpela... buat buat faham pada orang yang tengah noya nih.

By the way, so far, just confirm I will not be part of Konsert Reunion Akademi Fantasia. Not officially. Adalah drama lagik tuh. Takpe... bukan rezeki. Camtuh lah kalao gamaknya kalao kena bajet je dan harap sponsor yang hado.

Of course, when I say I'm not going, I'm saying as part of the production. Dalam kedudukan lain lom tau ek. So I MIGHT be going still.

So noya for pretty much a good part of the night.

Dengan kesibukan perah mental seharian, nak abihkan planning bebenda semua, tak cukup tidur - tak sampai tiga jam dalam the past 48 jam, and tiredness setting in, added with masaalah tak perlu, it pretty much f*cked up the rest of the night for me.

Takpe. Janji aku da bebas belenggu emosi bab nih. Sometimes when people push you too far, it's just what you need to just back off. And I have chosen to.

Tapi sebab noya bagai takde mood, tak sempat jumpa Bob dan Shuib sebelom meka berlepas ke KLIA nak ke LA for the World Championship of Performing Arts. Harap-harap, Bob, Sarah dan semua wakil Malaysia will make us proud!

Sempat berSMS je ngan meka, and here's all the best to them for the coming week of competition.

By the way, one of the songs Bob akan nyanyi, in the R&B category tak silap aku, is my suggestion. Korang penah tengok filem Hairspray kan? Well, remember lagu yang dinyanyikan Queen Latifah? It's called I Know Where I've Been.

Anyway... going to bed now. Time time ni la insomnia aku set back in and no Xanax to pop. Cam kesial! Oh well.. here's to a new day... erm... today. To friends, I'm switching off my handphone and all, so will be out of contact. Aku nak bertapa jap. Need time to myself.

PS - To those yang lom vote for me for the Ikea Go Clean Your Room grand finals round, please CLICK HERE and go and vote for me! If you need more info, scroll below and read prevous entries. Not voting closes TOMORROW! So VOTE, VOTE and VOTE! Get friends and family to do it. Last kopek da nih!


joe lee, my bos also confirmed infected with H1N1. dia pun mcm alam gak kena kuarantin. and i as a secretary takut jugak i went to the hospital & check. i also kena kuarantin for 2 days. semuanya sbb suhu badan tinggi sikiiit jer 37.4c. just a low grade fever. terus kena amik nose swab.

i hope alam will be okay ajer.

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"Kekadang kan, bila amik berat orang, people just take it for granted."

Betul Sangat!

bn rs nak demam..
tekak cam gatal...

sekarang musim berjaga-jaga saja... so be careful la guys.

siyes alam kene h1n1?
i nmpk faz last 2week kat jb dgn ehem2.
huhuhu vote faz short chick ok