Monday, July 13, 2009


Aku sebenarnya malas nak blog sangat. No, it's not because of any reason.

Semalam, lepak ngan Faz, Jue, Jiji and friend, pastu jumpa Wan, Pora and geng pon tak amik pics apa. Letih pikir na update blog nak transfer, edit dan upload gambar buat sekarang.

Simply because kalao leh aku nak betulkan apa yang tak kena ngan blog aku nih dulu.

Biasalah, baru pindah masuk, ada je yang nak kemaskan sana sini kan. So anyway, look forward to any feedback from you guys. Kalao korang ada komen apa apa yang aku patut ke tambah atau buang, let me know ok, so I an consider to make my blog more easier.

Ni tengahari kang ada urusan ngan Faz nak ke Balai Berita jap, pastuh nak rush office Malay Mail sat, and then I will update more later today. Ada benda na storykan.

By the way, sebab mulai seminggu dua ni aku akan melampau aktif kembali, lower down the blog, aku da siap add an events list of well... events yang aku akan hadiri, so korang tau what's coming up. Right now tak banyak sebab tuh je yang come to mind yang confirmed. Yeap, reunion kat Sarawak aku tak confirm ikut agik... so that's why it's not there.

Ok la.. be updating later. Hope to hear comments from you guys.

And pray for me. My life is getting busier by the minute mulai minggu nih. Syukur.

PS -Kalao korang regular sini, don't forget to join my Followers list. So aku tau la korang ada ke tak nih. Heh.. kat blog ni bukan nampak pon kekadang sapa yang jenguk. And kalao korang nak read the blog by feed (walaopon labat sikit), subscribe to the feed as well. Senang sikit. Also add me to Twitter for more updated news of what's happening, kalao korang interested.


wpon bz...make sure sempat bernafas yer joe..huhu...

i hope banyak lew gambar lepas ni huhu......... lamew nk tgok gamba FAZ yg terbaru......... sweet huhu...... joe aku tak sabar nk tgok ko nyew 'product' baru by J square ko tuh..... i still waitin huh.... tgok org kg aku kew tuh..... ahakssss

hi joe!
i suke...i suke..(your renovation!)
looks so clean and neat!

hey Joe,

its cleaner, tapi malassss nak tekan 'Read More'. hahahahaha.

okay okay. tekan lah jugak. ;P

Joe, pls check your gmail inbox.

P/S Joe, events tu kena letak kat atas la. Lambat bebenor nak scroll nuuuunnnn kat bawah tu.

CPMS kalao malas camni je. kalao ko pakai mozilla, ko right click and open new tab je so tak kaco main page.

muckcheek : ehehehe.. sabao le. tu kes line tuh.