Monday, July 27, 2009

Heartless #$%^s!!!

Did you catch the front page of Kosmo!

Inside, was a beautiful article, written by Feride Hikmat on kak Min.

Outside however was this 'polite' reference.

Without being emotional, I can only say this.

There is nothing untrue about it. And there is nothing unethical about it.

But you know what... it's also uncouth, uncalled for and unassumingly ignores the sensitivity of the situation and any sense of respect to the family of kak Min.

Not to mention kes kecut telur takde byline on that story. Ball-less! And the play on innuendo. Why not cita penuh since ko da tak hormat the memory of her, or the sensitivity of her family? Cakap je.. dia ni sex op ke apa! Kenapa nak insinuate? Tak berani? Why play on innunedo and taboo since that article imply lain? Are they really that stupid?

Tanah masih merah, they play on society's stigma and prejudices, to conjure up a story that guarantees their paper sells. And memang it sold well. No one could get their hands on it. Laku sangat Kosmo! hari ni.

Congratulations Kosmo! For one day of heartlessness, I hope it was worth it.

Let's all congratulate Kosmo! Send in your letters, emails and calls this way!

46M, Jalan Lima, Off Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 92214001 ext 508 & 506
Fax: 03 92218590

Spread the word! Make sure everyone you know does it. Do it repeatedly! Ask nicely for an apology. Not to us. But to her family and the memory of Yasmin Ahmad. A brave woman who would have told them off to their face if they had dared do it (obviously they didn't) if she was still alive.

Bloggers - spread the word! Join this Facebook tribute group for fans of Yasmin too, by CLICKING HERE!

Kosmo!... for all their claims of balls - now you know who doesn't have them.

PS - A friend told me he has already emailed them. Yasmin would have thanked you with a hug Fendie. Member dia lak call to complain - and you know what response he got? They laughed at him over the complaint. Seriously... a news organisation? You sure?

PPS - Aku di Melaka da. Nak update aktiviti sini, but tunggu je lah later today. I think this deserves more attention.

PPPS - If you guys want to read my tribute to Yasmin (tapi kalao orang baca blog, it's going to sound familiar) CLICK HERE. And kalao nak baca a heartfelt tribute in Utusan (out Tuesday) CLICK HERE! - by Syazwan - a friend who USED to work at Kosmo! now at Astro Awani (good career move!) I know how much he misses Yasmin too.
Also, read Marina Mahathir's comments on Kosmo!'s fantastic bit of journalism by CLICKING HERE!


Kosmo sucksssssss!!!!!!!
Mmg aku pon panas satu badan baca
semlm...giler ke hape????
Tak hormat org langsung!!!!!
Just bcoz ko nak jual sok kabar
busuk ko tu.....sampai lupa
sensitivities org lain!!!!
Ni bukan masanya nak buka citer2 ni ok????

KOSMO SUCKKKSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Semiga roh Kak Min dicucuri rahmat
dan ditempatkan bersama2 org yg beriman.

haiyo KOSMO ni agak-agak la. ;(

bad KOSMO..bad bad KOSMO....the writer is so kejam...the auditor lebih kejam....and KOSMO owner is the most kejam....

Serious shit! Kosmo is shittier than shit.

Takda rasa hormat langsung, tanah kubur masih merah.

Like MJ, Yasmin lebih aman di sana.

Joe - OMG...I cried when I read your tribute and Sywazwan's. Beautifully written!! I am sure she is smiling down from above.

You are definitely one of the luckiest people on earth to call her a friend.

Al fatihah untuk Yasmin and semoga rohnya di kalangan orang yang beriman.

p/s : Air Asia posted a full picture of her in the Star....I cried when I saw it...

p/p/s : Please post in your blog if you know how we, the public, can get hold of Muallaf and Talentime. Thanks!

Do they have to do that? I wonder why?...let Yasmin rest in peace la, hanya Tuhan yang maha mengetahui, y wanna play God all of a sudden,who are they to judge????

Hi Joe! Am the silent reader of your honest journal since your blogdrive era.. anyway I can't help it when reading KOSMO today. WTH is happen there? How could the reporter tergamak write this such things even tak sampai 1 week pun of her passing? And how could the editor approve the story???

I dont know how its manageable in media journalist industry but i believe since u also had been there, let say if any article who breach privacy or sensitivity of a person/community/society, are the journalist & editor will be suspended or getting sacked??

Hope u can explain more (takyah detail2.. just apa yg boleh dikongsi).

finally, i think kosmo berangan nak jadi The Mirror or worst, National Enquirer (kot?)

memang kosmo macam cilaka kuarkan benda tuhs ..

tak pikir perasaan mak bapak yasmin ke? i know her parent .. derang x hati busuk macam penulis tuhs !!


their argument would be public figure - hence no brech of privacy, and konon artile tu takde kena mengena soal sensitivity. they can jutify it all they want... tapi hakikatnya... tanah kubur masih merah dan story camni plays of the taboos of scoiety and akan mengundang seribu satu bahan mulot pada jenis orang yang won't think about it intelligently. which is the point of what they did.

takde tindakan pon akan dikenakan. malah aku rasa mereka bangga hasil kerja sebegini.

if you guys feel as strongly as i do, email them or call them demanding they apologise to the memory of yasmin and her family. spam them!

as for how you can catch kak min's movie, am in the midst of organising a tribute. will let you know details as soon as i can.

Joe.....kat mana nak baca yr tribute
yg newrule mentioned tu?

KOSMO ya pun nak be different from the others in what you publish, agak agak lah pun jangan sampai memalukan or menjatuhkan maruah keluarga mereka.

OK Joe.....dah baca....thanks alot for giving
us an insight into who Yasmin Ahmad really was..
U sure are damn lucky to have personally crossed
path with her..

Syazwan's tribute too was touching...guess all who
were fortunate to have known arwah personally have
only kind words for her...

Love & will always miss you, Yasmin Ahmad.

sangat ramai yang sensitif ttg isu ksmo tuh..i read that article on my way back to kl...terasa juga dlm lubuk ati..kenapa sampai nak dedahkan berita tu..tuhan lebih tahu segala2nya...

dan pasti kerana berita ni..kosmo akan terus diboiot..

betul, tak hormati keluarga arwah langsung

thank you for your defense of a great great our slanderous modernity almost don't deserve.thank you

mmg sakit ati kan bace kosmo tue..

tajuk tak boleh blah..

ape arwahnye dlu pnah ckp nak meninggal dlm keadaan lelaki ke?

tak hormat langsung..

Aduan: "Takdir Yasmin" di KOSMO, 27 Julai 2009 (salinan)

from Ajami Hashim
date Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:20 PM
subject Aduan: "Takdir Yasmin" di KOSMO, 27 Julai 2009

Salaam & Selamat Sejahtera..

Saya, Ajami Hashim adalah salah seorang sahabat kepada arwah Yasmin Ahmad. Dan saya juga adalah seorang bapa kepada 2 orang anak lelaki berumur 7 dan 4 tahun yang pernah saya ketemukan dengan arwah dimana saya memperkenalkannya sebagai Aunty Yasmin. Kelmarin saya beritahu kepada mereka bahawa Aunty Yasmin sudah meninggal dunia. Dan rasanya mereka faham apa yang saya maksudkan kerana Abang, anak saya yang sulung pernah menyaksikan atuk mereka (bapa mertua saya) meninggal dunia dahulu. Cuma Adik, yang kecil mungkin agak keliru. Tapi kedua-duanya tahu bahawa saya bersedih dengan kematian Aunty Yasmin. Abang sudah bersekolah Darjah 1, maka sudah tentu dia faham makna sebuah persahabatan yang dipelajarinya di sekolah. Dan sudah tentu Abang pandai membaca. Manakala Adik pinjamkan dirinya untuk saya peluk ketika saya amat kesedihan dengan pemergian Aunty Yasmin.

Sudah tentu anda semua yang lebih dewasa dari Abang dan Adik lebih faham erti persahabatan dan makna kehilangan orang yang kalian sayangi. Kerana itulah saya amat terkilan dengan berita bercetak yang disiarkan sebagai tajuk utama akhbar KOSMO bertarikh 27 Julai 2009 semalam (muka 1 dan 2). Maaf, kerana Abang tidak membacanya. Adik pula memang belum pandai mengeja. Tapi saya pasti suatu hari nanti sudah tentu mereka akan membaca artikel itu juga. Sebenarnya saya tidak dapat bayangkan reaksi mereka nanti apabila mengetahui 'siapakah' Aunty Yasmin yang anda MAHU beritahu itu? Namun jangan risau, buat sementara waktu ini saya hanya akan beritahu mereka bahawa Aunty Yasmin merupakan "salah seorang sahabat papa yang paling papa sayangi sampai bila-bila pun". Mereka tidak perlu tahu apa-apa selain daripada kisah kasih-sayang Aunty Yasmin dan kenangan mereka dalam pelukannya dahulu semasa bertemu.

Sekian. Terima kasih.

Yang benar,
Ajami Hashim

Wartawan kan ke kebanyakannya bermuka-muka.. masa Allahyarham Yasmin Ahmad hidup, diorang jugak yg dok himpit.

Bila dia dah pergi menemi ilahi, diorang jugak la yg menikam.

Kan ke kebanyakkan wartawan di malaysia ni bersembunyi di sebalik perkataan ETIKA, yg dimana etikanya selalunya melaga-lagakan orang dan menjatuhkan orang.

Kan ke kebanyakkan wartawan di malaysia ni berkuasa, kebanyakkan kuasanya di gunakan untuk mengelakkan dari memohon maaf dari kesalahan yg di lalukan.

Tuhan tak memberikan kemahiran menulis untuk mengaibkan seseorang tapi untuk mejaga aib seseorang.

RIP Yasmin. Al-fatihah..

I'm normally a silent reader, but today it's a different case.

Just to share a story.

My uncle read Kosmo this morning, on his way back to KL from East Coast. He was really sad, and crushed with the story. He nearly cried, too. He said he was ashamed and really embarrassed and couldn't even believe that such heartless being exist. He was so angry that he can't even said a word thruout the whole journey.

And that coming from a person who was a TOTAL ignorant of the entertainment industry.

RIP Yasmin Ahmad.

p/s: He's a store owner, and plans boycott the paper as a sign of protest.

Im a malay. I come from Terengganu where most of the rural people come from. I read the Holy Quran. I learn agama. And i love my GOD and HIS RASUL. And im not 'Straight'. But i like to think of myself as sumone who is unique and special in my own form. Bcos i believe in GOD. And i do believe Yasmin is truly a Godsend. Yasmin was not only a creative person. She was not only a transgendered. But she was also a daughter. A sister. An aunty. And she was also a 'MAK' to the younger people who knows her along her lifetime..

I was there when the Imam recite the Talkin. I was nervous and a bit worry wondering bout wut name the Imam will summoned during the Talkin. Alhamdulillah.. When the Imam summoned her name so dat she is prepared to meet ALLAH and the two malaikat, the Imam summoned her as YASMIN BINTI ENUM.. And. Subhannallah.. Maha Suci ALLAH.. My whole body trembles hearing dat..

Do u kno how much it means when u die as a transgendered and u are being accepted as a woman in front of ALLAH?? Do u kno how it feels when u had to make a huge decisions and ur parents accepted u juz the way u are and love u and treat u like no difference from the other child? And it clearly shows how Mak Enum and Pak Uda love Yasmin so much, when after few minutes the Imam recites the Talkin, Mak Enum passed out until the ceremony over. Everybody there burst in tears looking at the love Mak Enum have fer her daughter. When the parents accepted who she is. And love her like she was born as a woman...

Then who the hell are we to be the judge and say another story bout Yasmin Ahmad? Clearly dis people in KOSMO do not belajar agama. Bukankah ALLAH pernah berfirman, "Kalau kau bukak satu aib orang ketika orang itu masih hidup, AKU akan buka 10 aib kau di padang masyhar di hadapan seluruh manusia yang sedang berhimpun menunggu giliran mereka." Dan apetah lagi kalau kite bukak aib orang yang sudah meninggal.. NAUZUBILLAH...!!

Kalau ade orang KOSMO bace ape yang saye tulis ni.. Saya mintak department KOSMO dapatkan seorang Ustaz untuk mengajar agama bermula dari asas.. Tak boleh hari hari pon takpe, sekali seminggu ustaz tu datang pun cukuplah.. 'People like me' who is different from others maybe dipandang sebagai tak layak untuk bercakap pasal agama.. But people yang normal dan 'Straight' macam orang orang KOSMO sepatutnya jadi lebih mulia.. Sekian..


i dont see anything wrong or INSULTING when kosmo wrote an article about yasmin Ahmad history (his achivements when he still known as a guy)??? this usually been done by lots other newspaper or tv news when big names people died in malaysia or around the world e.g michael jackson..etc.. so why would you consider its an insult???!! the article was all facts!! no made up stories!! duhh.. so how in the heck do you consider it an insult???

ItsnotanInsult-okay said...
Facts they may be....but u have to remember that we're in malaysia where
sensitivities are high. It may not seem insulting to you...but the way and the time the article was written sure was insulting and by no means acceptable to many...esp family members and all peace loving Malaysians.... remember we are not in the West where the media can strip a person naked just to sell their papers!
If you still don't get it...then just read Asmidar Shahrizal's comments...
Thanks Asmidar....well said!

Kosmo is insinuating that Yasmin's transexual? Okay...someone should tell Kosmo that a transexual has done more for the country than the editor of Kosmo will ever do. Shame on Kosmo

I love Yasmin Ahmad and her work. I cried in every Petronas advertisement and waited for the ad every year without fail. There were so much sensitivity in her and only a few people can see through her lenses. I am glad I am one of them.

KOSMO really sucks. Ingat bleh jadik hero le tu. Masa hayat orang tu ader tak nak plak tulis artikel tu. Patutnya tulis le yang baik-baik apatah lagi kubur masih merah. Yang nyata mengaibkan orang kan berdosa. Ingatlah jasa Kak Min terhadap kita dan sentiasa bersikap positif sepertimana arwah semasa hayat beliau. Semoga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat ke atasmu KAK MIN....

manipulation of fact, telling something halfway is balless.

and at an hour when the famiy has suffered a loss, i hope one day you experience what the family has had to go through.

i said before.

not that it's untrue. not that it's unethical even.

it's just FUCKING insensitive!

ni bkn nk aibkan arwa tp sbg pngjaran utk org lain jg.nntjd musykil ms nk solat jenazah samaada nk solat utk laki2 atau peremuan...pikir la psl agama jgk whai chater oi.mgkn ada hikmah dari perkara yg terjadi skg ni

Anonymous, talking abt solat jenazah...someone dah pointed out that masa baca talqin...arwah was addressed as yasmin binti dah jelas la yg org yg mengimamkan solat jenazah pon dah informed...if only kosmo had not missed out some important facts dlm mengeluarkan artikel ni...all these confusions n worse still...
mcm2 speculations leading to fitnah tak akan timbul....
Lain kali kalau nak sgt cerita...cerita abis2...jgn separuh jln...and guna lah akal yg Allah beri tu pikir dulu adakah sesuai perkara ni disebarkan during the family's hours of grieve? Ikut kata nabil....Lu Pikirlah Sendiri!!!!!

Al-Fatihah buat arwah.
You will be forever missed.

My POV there's nothing wrong in KOSMO's article. The fault is timing. Time was wrong. I don't see in any way that KOSMO defame Yasmin. Mengatakan seseorang itu "trans" adakah menghina. Kecualilah bagi pembaca yang memang ada befikiran begitu. Trans itu adalah pilihan beliau, kenalah hormat. Article di KOSMO malah mengangkat tinggi peribadi beliau. Naib Juara Bintang RTM, Pelajar bijak dan ahli sukan handalan. Orang yang naik angin kat KOSMO adalah orang yang memandang hina "trans" dan hipokrit. Konon sayang Kak Min tapi tak suka menerima hakikat dia "trans".

Apa kena dengan korang yang support KOSMO ni??? Takde otak ker??? Even keluarga arwah pun marah! Ada la sebabnya! Ni korang nak kata yang KOSMO ni betul sampai mengangkat peribadi dia pulak.. ape la!!

Kitorang kata artikel KOSMO tu salah bukan sebab kitorang memandang hina 'trans' ke apa ke.. tapi tolong la letak tempat korang di kalangan ahli keluarga arwah or even di tempat arwah sendiri..
How would you feel??? Sesuatu yang korang tak akan bagitau dengan public pasal diri korang tiba2 di reveal oleh media massa??

Kalau arwah masa hidup pun tak nak komen langsung pasal isu ni, maksudnya dia TAK NAK orang tahu atau tak ingin nak ambil tahu!
Ni tiba2 pulak KOSMO dengan bangganya lepas arwah dah tak ada dedahkan habis2san mengenai perkara ni, keluarga mana tak marah? orang yang sayangkan arwah mana yang tak marah?

Ha! defend la lagi KOSMO tu.. dah benda salah kata betul pulak.. macamana korang ni fikir eh? ke korang ni ada connection atau kepentingan dengan KOSMO???