Saturday, March 28, 2009

Karma.. karma...karma...

Ok, first I have to say, Anggun was excellent! Nurul and Imran Ajmain who jumped in the act weren't - far from it in fact... but Anggun was amazing.

Just too bad the show wasn't all that long, since cuma showcase jerk. And apparently the song Mimpi was scrapped (according to the songlist given) to make way for Mantra which was to feature both the names mentioned above.

Disaster! Whatever reasons will be given by the guests, thought it was so bad, that nothing could excuse such bad singing, which I think was memalukan jerk, especially since it was the closing tune for the show. Talk about your anti-climax. And I really wanted to hear Mimpi too. Damn!

But for those of you yang tak dapat go to the show - here's a recording of Jadi Milikmu (Crazy), done acoustic with Edrie Hashim on guitar. There was wardrobe malfunction, sebab time dia nyanyi tuh, her top slipped down, revealing a little more than it should... just lucky you can't really see it in the video because of the crap visuals. Don't complain... at least the sound is great. Matilah aku... ada jerk nak feeling kan.

Whatever it is, Anggun is still fantastic, even more so (if that's possible) than when I first saw her first showcase here about a decade ago.

The other good part of the show was after the thing was over. Dengar berita yang buat aku tersengih. Adalah... malas nak cita.

Anyway, on a totally unrelated tip, dengar word Maestro is closing. Apparently, dari teman-teman PR syarikat rakaman semua, both Maestro Talent & Management and Maestro Records akan tutup kedai officially Isnin ni. Motif?

Apapon, pada meka kat Maestro, cam Along, Syed... you guys are the best and I'm lucky to have known you guys and spent time with you guys on the road masa zaman Akademi Fantasia tour dari lepas musim pertama sehingga tour dan events sampai aku quit kerja suratkhabar. Korang memang besh... kenangan terindah gituh. We had so much fun on the road, that the stories will live on. Matilah... gosip-gosip panas gituh. Heh!

Lainnya tuh, tak perlu aku sebut sini. Oops!

Pasang telinga - and dapat lebih story pastuh dari rakan wartawan lain - kisahnya, entah betul ke tidak, cuma lima orang talent akan dikekalkan... dengar nama Stacy... and tak silap Mawi. Not sure about who makes up the rest.

Apapon, rasanya Astro Entertainment lebih dari mampu nak handle keja Maestro.

Gosip berejam later, pasal David Archuleta mai KL kang, along with one of the best male vocalists from Indonesia, Rio Fabrian yang pun nak mai promo sini as well as Alexa (besh!), gerak gi melantak and then on to more gosip session.

Camtuh la ngan hidup ku yang solo skang. Heh.. solo tapi berpunya sebab yang menyayangi nun jauh.

Aduh... ujan jerk... tapi dalam ujan... ada little signs for me. Erm... takpe. Saja meroyan. Abaikan.

Oklah.. nak tidur... sapa nak layan Diari EXT, silakan.. here is the link. See you guys kat Konsert Akademi Fantasia minggu ketiga besok. Tak sabar nak tengok apa gimik besok lak. Dengar stage da mula transformasi da pun.


sape yg kene ajak nari dgn anggun atas pentas tu? malu2 abg tu hik hik hik

'Camtuh la ngan hidup ku yang solo skang. Heh.. solo tapi berpunya sebab yang menyayangi nun jauh.'

declaration ker joe... jeng jeng jeng

joe yang ayu dah becoming softie now... larikkkkkkk