Monday, March 09, 2009

The first day

Hari ni memang besh. Dah la ujan tak stress sejuk pastuh mendung semacam je seharian. So walaupun kerja semua stress, tapi rilek sikit kot sebab semua excited bagai.

Ok, so you guys wanna know what happened today kan?

Ok... sebenarnya Diari yang korang tengok tu, is a two part affair. Some parts were from the recording yesterday. Opening ngan sambutan Maulidur Rasul di mana Mawi dan Rabbani masuk ke dalam Akademi.

Pas Mawi dan Rabbani standby nak welcome the kids ngan bebudak kat atas kat Akademi. So meanwhile tunggu ler the fourteen kids sampai. And finally they did.
Ni some pics of their arrival.

Ni abang Lan photographer amik pic. Dia la yang bertanggungjawab snappy all the pics about for Astro

Ni si Rini posing

Langkah masuk Akademi

More kids

Yang wanita

The men

Tuan RA briefing

Tuan RA siapa lagi kalao bukan Askrul

It was a bit hectic but fun to see the kids' excitement. A lot more stuff happened semalam and you saw most of it kat Diari. But honestly aku paling suka bab nikah mana si Obri nikahkan Aril dan Yazid.. oops Siti Yazidah. Si Qhaud pun mengada join. Pecah perot ok masa meka main main tunggu sesi bermula pas baru masuk. Bebudak ni bebetul happy go lucky... and kinda crazy.

Hari ni pengumuman pengetua. So we now know it's Datin Seri Tiara Jacquelina. Apa komen korang. Add your comments below... your feedback is much appreciated.

"We're not here to create a ripple, but a tidal wave," katanya. Dengar elok elok tuh. Merasalah...

Also pengumuman lagu tugasan. I'm making it brief so that all this is published as soon as possible for you guys. Take note, all update akan up by 10pm every day. So you can expect pics as well as info mana yang sempat aku nak load.

Lagu tugasan pelajar wanita
Adila - Di Bawah Pohon Asmara (Jaclyn Victor)
Isma - Sepi (Yuni Shara)
Rini - Elegi Sepi (Azharina)
Claudia - Sempurna (Andra and the Backbone)
Zizi - Molek (Elyana)
Aishah - Dan Sebenarnya (Yuna)
Rubisa - Matahariku (Agnes Monica)

Lagu tugasan pelajar lelaki
Qhaud - Phoenix Bangkit Dari Abu (M. Nasir)
Yazid - Penghujung Rindu (Jamal Abdillah)
Sidi - Terima Kasih Cinta - Afgan
Hafiz - Lagu Kita (Aizat)
Obri - Jeritan Batinku (P. Ramlee)
Aril - Rahasia Perempuan (Ari Lasso)
Akim - Hati Ku Kau Luka (Alleycats)

There are actually more pics aku nak upload tapi tak sempat so expect them in my next entry ok. Meanwhile, korang leh layan lagu tugasan bebudak kat sebelah ni. It's on autoplay. I will be uploading the audio of their performances sebaik je konsert abih (sebaik je sempat la) as well as upload lagu tugasan as well.

Esok aku akan kemaskini semua links tuk peminat Akademi Fantasia so you have the best action on the web. Later aku akan letak apa aku leh carik dari Youtube as well. So keep checking. Later ek... aku masih kat majlis pengumuman pengetua nih.

Banyak pics aku update kang je people. Ta for now.

PS - Layan Diari minggu pertama hari pertama.



demam af7 dh bermula


hv a great day ahead ya, joe lee..

hope dat u'll alwiz in d pink of health

huahuahua... thanks. sibuk wooo... apa lagik nak update bagai je keja

my first reaction masa reveal pengetua...dissapointed!

nothing against Tiara, tapi i'm trying to figure out musically - apart fr PGL the MUSICAL...what will she bring to AF7.

Horrid jugak tengok powerpoint presentations yg sungguh idealistic tu, but the kids seem to buy-it dgn semangat, so maybe they need that.

Anyway,i was hoping for Ramli MS punya return:-(

Its early days so i reserve my judgement...harap2 Tiara's vision to make this the best season ever menjadi...hehe.

tgk diari tadi..terkejut Datin Tiara yg jadi pengetua..but im not dissapointed selepas dgr kata2 dia..she will be good for motivation all these student..semangat,matlamat yg diberi akan buat pelajar2 af7 ni lebih belajar dan belajar..bukan motto dia aarrr..biar af7 keluar dgn berbakat dan memorable..u go tiara...

so soon ek u update diari AF7..
hm...i'm not really happy with the new principle.. but for sure astro have their own point of,just waiting for the coming 1st concert..

Wah....cepatnya Joe update!! best la ko yg lg sayang ko ni..ahaks...

w/pun aku suka kalau ramli ms jd pengetua....aku rasa tiara pon ok...
tgk cara dia tu...mcm she knows what she wants and she made it clear to the kids...nmpk dia harap2 the kids pon sama bersemangat la...

cuma aku musykil satu je....apa tugas2an Joe Lee sebenarnya lam AF7??? hehhee...

tugas aku nanti aku bagitau.

as for the updates.... every night by the end of diari you will get updates and these include pics bagai... so not so much my old recap reviews. exclusive la sikit.

yessss...memang transformasi habis...aku sokong betul2 Tiara jadi it a more elegant touch to AF7...aku beharap jugak wanita dijadikan sbg pengetua sooner or later...yes...i am sure this season's AF would be one of the best if not the best...

tengok2 student AF7 ni pun banyak sama hebat...bnyk yang aku minat...

all the best to the students...

B4 tgk diari x brape excited with the pemilihan pelajar..especially the boys..muka masing2 macam poyo n hazab jer..

After the diari..i'm in luv with all the funny n fun..xdelah bajet kontrol macho jer mcm season2 b4 ;)

Can't wait for 2moro's diari..

im glad ds tiara jd principal.. tengok @15 ramai yg meroyan, ramai yg only knowing her from PGLM je.. i think thats y ramai yg x leh terima.. but, pada sesapa yg tau her success story dlm industry forsure kagum ngan pencapai ds tiara..

ps- joe sape wat editing diari, next time xnk la camtu, makesure everyone bgtau lagu pe yg diaorg dapat la baru cut it out.. ni separuh je, yg lain harus bukak blog ko cari info...

thanks joe... hv a good day!

yeah..i'm totally agree with linahilmin..ntah pape reveal just part of the contestans with their lagu bout the rest??2 jugak mempengaruhi undian k..aku tgk mcm kurang part yg focus kat rini..mcm mana org nk vote dia berbagai nanti...yg asek ditonjolkan semalam more 2 boys like aril,obri,akim dll..pliz joe ko bgtau krew suruh be fair n square k...pnjg lg aku nk berleter ni nnti aku sambung..nak study jap..chow!!!hahaha*teremo plak*

masa tgk the revelation of the students hari tu..alahai...lemah semangat i nak menonton. most of them are do i say it...mmm....uurrgghh.....i guess i just leave it on my own. therefore, terus jadi malas nak tengok the diary and concerts.

tapi, selepas diketahui siapakah gerangannya si pengetua....wah! ini yang kembali bersemangat nak menonoton. Gusti Putri is the new pengetua! speechless! as much as i love ramli ms, i think DS Tiara will bring in a transformation needed for the students. she has vast experience conducting her Starmaker Bootcamp with Stephen Rahman-Hughes. Pendekatan DS Tiara mungkin lebih kepada apa yang telah dan pernah diaplikasi di Starmaker Bootcamp, who knows!

Harapannya, she will be able to assist semua tenaga pengajar untuk bersama-sama menggilap the star quality dalam diri pelajar2 baharu AF7.

p/s: since stephen is gonna be here again in KL starting this may, y not invite him as a guest kat akademi nanti... *wink* :D


yup! stuju! diari nmpk cam tak cbe fokus org2 yg mcm tak menonjol spt rubisa, adila, rini..


Af6 aku tak follow sangat, diari langsung tak tengok. Konsert banyak yang miss except the last 5 weeks.

But this time I promise myself not to miss any single concert anymore!! Diari harap tak terlepas. Rasa macam best kali ni.


Selain daripada pemilihan seorang Pengetua wanita, Astro turut membuat perubahan dalam pasukan produksi yang hampir keseluruhannya adalah orang baru. Ini termasuk pemilihan bekas wartawan Malay Mail iaitu Joe Lee yang sebelum ini sering mengkritik program realiti tersebut. Khabarnya, pemilihan wartawan itu untuk memantapkan program Diari...........(sumber: SM)

hah!! katanyaaaaaaa :)

Joe....kalau camtu harap ko tgk2 la budak2 produksi diari tu...semlm masa kak mah ckp asik tenggelam timbul prob maaa....derang takkan tak sedar time editing tu?

just my 2 sens....

huahuahua.. sabar je la. apapon.. i will enlighten you guys more on the production side this year. keep reading...

mula2 nmpk high heel tu ingatkan anita sarawak. wa a bit shocked bila tau tu tiara. cannot comment so much, have to see how she works first.

truly speaking... memang terkejut bila Datin Seri jadi pengetua... tapi memang interesting... sbb its something new.... kata nak transformasi kan... Lepas 6 penggal Af.. aku rasa Af ni dah makin layu.. hopefully after this AF will be reborn... macam phoenix bangkit laaa.....

Presentation masa first diary mcm present business plan plak tu....