Thursday, March 26, 2009


Letih abih so update hari ni jap je. Kelas aku tadik start lewat sikit. Budget Cikgu Aris nak extend kelas dia, so sambil nunggu, aku lepak je tunggu. Tengok tengok memang overlap class, but aku leh start da.

Last last dua setengah jam lepak ngan bebudak wat sesi yang aku rasa best gila! All of the kids spoke out and had fun. Even yang diam cam Hafiz pun bersuara gak. No one left out for sure.

Ari ni wat konsep tuk make them understand public perception as well as how to confront truth when pressured and yet maintaining composure. And I think most of them did well.

Yang penting, they opened up and shared a lot about each other. They kept asking me the same questions... my evaluation of each of them. So today aku bagi meka my pandangan of their strengths and weaknesses, which syukur meka amik sebagai guide tuk perbaiki diri.

Biar pelajar laki ke pompuan, nampaknya meka bersungguh nak buktikan konsert ni meka mampu. Merasalah. I dared them to do their best... and I hope they deliver as I want to see the best from them that I know they're capable of.

Ada jugak suasana tegang sikit, time aku bagik meka open up, but it was following the drama earlier. Still, got more than enough time before and after class for some sessions with a few of the kids yang approach aku.

Hah... korang.. kena tengok Diari esok. Wajib! Best! Ada tamu, ada drama.. semua ada. Meletop!

Arituh aku sebut episod konflik korang tak nyesal layan kan? Tengok episod esok. Berterusan Diari interesting ok.

Anyway.. esok banyak pics nak post.

Hari ni best sangat... that's for sure. Except hari ni birthay bonda aku, miss tak dapat celebrate ngan dia dan ayah. But at least I got her something nice. Tunggu Ahad ni nak bak meka breakfast lak spend time ngan meka.

Also dapat berita kurang memberangsangkan. Mana taknya kalao ada makhluk ni ada je asik nak tabur bebenda elok dalam fikiran orang lain. Lantak ko la.

Apapon, cam tak caya, we appraoching the end of the third week. Cam tak caya masa berlalu cepat sangat. Takpe... just going to have fun all the way.

Another meeting set up two weeks from now. God willing, things will be good!

Ok la.. aku nak tido... korang layan Diari dulu ok.


aku suka tgk yazid kat diari td...aku rasa dia mampu buat kejutan konsert minggu ni...what do u think Joe?....harap2 he'll perform...

of all classes, yang paling ditunggu2 is principal tiara's class. her motivational class really boost me up. the way she approach the students minds and hearts using her words of wisdom, the multimedia presentation and one-to-one consultation is really good. she really meant what she says.

i paling suka masa presentation hari ni because she gave good examples on what a good performer is all about. anita sarawak, stephen rahman-hughes, sheila majid, siti nurhaliza and sudirman are in the league of their own. students need to look up to these people to gain knowledge and learn soemthing from them.

stephen...*sigh*, memang patut principal tonjolkan dia dlm presentation tu. as a mat saleh (tho half blood, i consider him a mat saleh since he grows up in london throughout his life), i tabik because mmg terbukti usaha gigih stephen mempelajari BM utk PGLTM berbayar dgn kepuasan setiap penonton yang meninggalkan Panggung Sari IB. He's a good example to show that nothing is impossible. bila students af (tak kira lah season apa pun) meroyan sebab dapat english song, i just laughed at them. look at this guy, tak tau ckp BM, took up the challenge and learn the language in a short time to be part of a giant production for three seasons. the moral is, takde yang mustahil. bak kata principal, kalo stephen bole buat, apatah lagi students af. budak2 af ni kena kuat semangat, jangan manja sangat bila di akademi. takut nanti tak dpt survive kat luar sana macam.....ehem...tak cukup kreatif dan inovatif.

and i like session principal dgn yazid. yazid nampak a bit relax dgn principal. berbeza dgn previous principals,, tiara's approach nampak lebih professional dan mesra students (ramli ms, i still love u :D). students pun takde la nampak tense sangat. me likey! :D

I'm with Team Principal Tiara and *cough* Team Acis :D


happy bday to ur mum..
"hope anty akan sihat & happy selalu"...

tade pun anggun semalamm...penat tungguuuuu smpai sanggup dinner lepas diaryyy..ekekekeke :P