Saturday, March 14, 2009


Amik ko! Hari Sabtu telah pun tiba, dan Konsert Akademi Fantasia minggu pertama akan diadakan in just hours.

Oleh itu, pam jamban dikeluarkan balik tuk sesi carutan musim ketujuh. Owh... korang ingat aku takkan carut agik ek. Awas! Bukan je pam jamban biasa ok kali nih. Aku siap da upgradekan pam jamban tuk penilaian meka, to weed out those bathroom singers.

Nih dia pam jamban model AF7-2009, with super suction (batteries not included). Tak sabar nak pakai.

Selepas layan Diari semalam and then Diari EXT, most of my worries have been pretty much justified.

Most of the kids are just bland and colourless in their performance, and aku tatau la camna meka nak perform depan lebih seribu orang hari nih.

Anything can happen, but right now, the only ones aku rasa MAY deliver is Claudia, Yazid and Hafiz. The rest are pretty much on thin ice.

Yazid however, may face nerves as an issue. Disebabkan kekurangan pengalaman dia, dan memang kelihatan dia terlalu mudah membenarkan dirinya influenced by his surroundings, I think he is in danger of screwing up, walaupon kalao ikutkan, he's already got the tone.

Claudia and Hafiz lak problem tuk aku sebab they're just too safe. Claudia sebab lagu Sempurna tuh memang strong - though it's not exactly competition level strong may get complacent and not go all out. Hafiz lak trying too hard to be Aizat, and really has an issue ngan being short of breath all the time, what with lack of stamina as well as applying the wrong techniques.
In short - both of them can just end up not being horrendous, but boring as all hell.

The worst performer aku budget? Rini, Akim and Qhaud. I find meka ni la yang cam takleh masuk pe pe, ala jamban tersumbat. Their personalities and character leaves much to be desired when it comes to preparations and their only hope is a miracle that will somehow see them proving me wrong.

Diari EXT semalam memaparkan carta tenaga pengajar and I agree with Obri and Claudia being on top. Bukan sebab suara, but their overall progress, and work ethics when it came to the first week's classes. They were the most focused, and hardworking from every aspect

As for Akim dan Rubisa being paling bawah lak dalam carta pilihan tenaga pengajar, I so agree too. Akim has been fooling about so much, and crying when he's not - that it's hardly appealing walaopon ada yang sanggup ngundi dia hanya kerana merembes.

As for Rubisa, she has allowed her health problems to dominate her performance this far, and one can only wonder camna dia nak perform hari ni kalao keadaan dia masih lom recover sepenuhnya. Is she going to allow her frustration to take over.

Apapon, pam jambanku akan menemani diriku ke Dewan Sri Putra tuk ke konsert minggu pertama!

Ok la.. you guys layan dulu Diari EXT semalam and I'll be posting my review, the videos and songs as soon as possible once the concert is over. Dalam tengah malam la gak rasanya. Don't forget to tune to Astro Ria channel 104 for the live broadcast.

Ok... nak gi jalan-jalan and enjoy my Saturday. Ta!


Pentas AF7 dah gempak pom pom pom
budget dah abis untuk bayar penyanyi latar yek?
kalo tak pun bagi la bebudak tu jadi penyanyi latar macam AF yang lepas-lepas.

Nas Adilla salah sorang calon yg paling sesuai untuk jadi penyanyi latar sebab walaupun dah ade pengalaman tapi persembahan dia.. alahaii sedih...