Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I want to singggg toooodayyyy

Hari ni korang tengok Diari camna?

For me, this year, sebab terlibat with production aku nak transformasi sikit gak sebenarnya kat blog aku ni yang da hidup sejak musim kedua.

'Rumah' aku gak tuk dua bulan. Merasalah aku akan duk sini lebih lama dari majoriti pelajar Akademi Fantasia. Heh!

Yelah.. memang selama ni carutan aku panas tahap gurun Sahara. This was because I was commenting as a professional in the entertainment industry - as well as a viewer like all of you. Rasanya tu sebabnya ramai bersetuju ngan carutan aku yang memang mengundang kemarahan sesetengah pihak kan?

Tapi tu aku ikut perception orang ramai - placing myself in the shoes of everyone, their expectations, as well as my evaluation devoid of any personal influence on my choices. Walaupun ada yang kata aku perjuangkan yang aku sokong. Nan ado wei.

Anyway, this year, transformasi aku, aku akan lebih berikan insight into the production. Honestly it takes a lot to make a show like Akademi Fantasia. Tu sebabnya, sehingga sekarang, takde program yang berjaya tahan sampai tujuh musim seperti Akademi Fantasia and still going strong, and more relevant than ever, ngan bakat yang lahir dari program ni ramai aktif lagik dalam bidang hiburan, baik nyanyian or lakonan.

Of course carutan aku tetap wajib... just tahun ni balance ngan apa yang aku perhatikan dari sebalik segala yang berjalan.

Firstly... apa tugas aku dalam Akademi Fantasia? Well... secara sahnya, aku creative researcher. Tapi, tu nama je.

Aku setiap minggu akan ada kelas bersama pelajar-pelajar Akademi Fantasia, yang tak akan ditayangkan. Camna tuh? Kelas aku sebenarnya mengajar soal komunikasi media, cara meka nak berdepan dengan teman teman Press nanti, berdasarkan pengalaman aku selama lebih 12 tahun dalam bidang kewartawanan, selain daripada usaha aku selama ini untuk grooming artis artis baru yang kalao korang ikut blog aku selama ni.. tau la. Sapa tengok Diari Xtended tahun lepas tahu la bab apa aku akan ajar.... tapi kali ni siap syllabus panjang sikit tuk sampai final. And mungkin ada rahsia - trade secrets yang aku tak willing share on air. Heh... saspen tak?

Benda ni off air supaya aku lebih leh free ngan meka and besides... tanak la ada yang tuduh gila glamer kang. Aku wat keja aku jek. Tak penting bab lain. It's what I've been doing for years, and it's good enough for me to have this opportunity from Astro to be part of the team and to share my knowledge and experience.

Selain daripada itu, aku juga terlibat dalam aspek produksi dari segi creative input. This for me - apart from being a job where I use my pengalaman dan pengetahuan, ialah peluang for me to also learn the different disciplines behind the production of a show and get more in depth look at how it gets made to the point where it gets on air.

And berapa hari ni banyak sangat aku belajar. Terima kasih pada production team yang banyak ajar aku something yang is still very new to me.

Ngan creative team .. part of them here with Najib. Noobey dan Ayong

Farid - si comel yang slalu kena buli semua

Aniq - sorang agik yang mengharungi every minute with us

Ika yang slalu sibuk. Sanggup ko duk depan berbelas skrin TV tuk sembilan jam?

So tahun ni, I will offer what changes I can from the point of view of all of you - tuk sampaikan pada produksi, but at the same learn, compromise dengan belajar the limitations. So hopefully, korang pun leh paham apa yang leh dan apa yang takleh...

So Diari hari ni cover lewat semalam dan rutin sampai siang tadi.

Tuk aku, jangan ek salahkan bab kenen kenen Obri dan Rini. Dah tuh yang camera grab. Heh... walaupun aku lebih suka Obri bebas dari gosip. Dak tu now one of my faves. But I think, Yazid, vocally is the strongest of the boys dengan kelainan tone dia yang rich.

Bab girls... takde la yang berjaya grab my attention lagik... but since baru hari kedua.. kita tunggu dan lihat je.

Anyway semalam kan, one thing yang seronok gila yang korang dapat tengok is the handing out of the Nokia phones. Korang tengok camtuh je kan. Korang tau... nak caj dan load lagu tugasan dalam empat belas phone ni.. hazab ok!!! Aiyo!!! Tengok je semak bawah meja ni.

Serabut tengok,... heh!

Tuh dia. Today was more relaxed sebab takde tamu ke apa, focus more on bebudak nya vocal and dance classes as well as sesi motivasi gituh ngan pengetua. Aku sempat wat dua benda hari ni yang aku tak penah layan.

One was observing the host link recording for Sarimah tuk Diari. Merasalah gila.

Eh? Yang hairstylist kena touch up ngan Sarimah? Camna tuh?

Seb baik ada pala ting tong cam dia about cause it keeps me sane. Heh.. camna tuh.

Second thing aku dapat wat hari ni is masuk the area mana hidden cameras located. Amik ko time kat dance floor kelas Cikgu Asri aku dapat tengok bebudak from up close without them knowing I'm there. So voyeurism on a classy level.

Apapon... hope you guys da start AFUNDI. Yang penting, aku dengar la.. jumlah undian yang da mula masuk, da kalahkan musim kelima dan keenam up to this level. So this may just be a massive return of the glory days of Akademi Fantasia. Not like it ever really ever slid since tetap takde competition.

Anyway... erm.. moving on to some official info.

For those yang nak tiket to konsert, here's how you can get them.

Konsert Akademi Fantasia
Harga Tiket : RM20.00
Talian Pertanyaan : 03-77115000
Laman Web : http://www.axcess.com.my
Lokasi : Dewan Sri Putra, Bukit Jalil

Dapatkannya di semua cawangan Axcess
Kuala Lumpur
MidValley Megamall - Rock Corner
Lot 10 - Tower Records

Bukit Jalil
Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil - Bukit Jalil Box Office

Petaling Jaya
Section 14, Jalan Semangat - Axcess office
Bandar Utama - 1 Utama Box Office
Sunway Pyramid - Parkson (Ambassador Counter)
The Curve - Rock Corner

Gurney Plaza - Tower Records

Johor Bahru
Holiday Plaza - Music Valley

So kat mana Dewan Sri Putra? It's right behind Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. Tempat baru.

Kenapa caj? Well for me, it's like back to zaman kegemilangan Akademi Fantasia yang paling top ketika musim kedua. It's for the fans. Not just people who want free tickets.

Aku ingat lagik orang sanggup beratur dari pagi buta just to get tickets. Tapi bila mai show, amik ko semangat. Musim tertentu yang lain, dewan bosan sebab orang yang masuk ni got freebies here and there and just wanted to be there to be part of the show - not to support the kids. So this is actually a return of the show to the fans.

And location? Aku lum gi sana agik. But I have seen the pictures of the set. All I can say is WOW!!!! Memang lain dari yang lain. Kalao korang ingat aku propah nak cakap je... korang tunggu tengok set. Memang aku terkejut. out of expectation cause tak penah ada reality show punya set camni ok for a weekend concert. Korang tak caya tengok je.

Ok... bab lain aku slalu kena soal. Will there be extended diaries online? Tahun ni takde broadband extras. Yang aku tau korang leh catch online Diari je.

Masuk bab website, the official website will be at http://www.astro.com.my/akademifantasia, tapi entah sebab teknikal apa ntah, it's still not online at the moment I publish this entry, Adooooo???? Korang usha je la sendiri nanti. Heh... mana tau sebelom final kang ada yang online kot.

So meanwhile I will deliver whatever berita I can get here... so kalao korang ada pertanyaan apa apa aku cuba jawab ok. Meanwhile... need my sleep. Esok another early day. Take care guys... and keep hitting me back with comments cause I love reading them.

PS - AFUNDI Obri dan AFUNDI Yazid! (Yang lain sapa nak AFUNDI aku tengok je sapa yang leh deliver more as the week progresses)

PPS - Sebab dok control room leh see and hear everything - I love the vocal classes all the more. Hapal ni supaya leh ajar diri sendiri the basics. Vocal lesson pree supaya tak sumbang ketika karaoke, leh? Matilah aku! I want to siiiiiinngggg todayyyyy!!!!!! Meanwhile.. layan Diari hari ni kat bawah ni.


ooo jd creative researcher. hope u can help those kids and not-so-kids AF7 contestants with all the inputs needed to face real world later.

aku still rs org yg handle diary lagi mantap jadi pengacara konsert sbb dia da mcm betul2 dekat ngan student.. lain la kalau pengacara tu mmg hari2 wat study pasal diari kan..

tgh student AF still ngah ramai ni.. ape kate wat lagu mnuju puncak lam version koir/gospel ke ape.. keh keh keh..

wah...Joe dah ada favourite students :) btw..pasal sesi ko ngan budak2 tu tak tunjuk? take best arr camni..

yatie tu title je.

kurt the kids can really sing kan kali ni?

fazzy so far obri dan yazid for different strengths. but still early. bab kelas aku, aku lebih suka camtuh. i don't think tv is ready for too much of me. LOL!

i'm watching AF7 this time around...all thanks to DS Tiara. her mysterious entrance during the first diary dgn her matrix look and stiletto hitam berjaya buat i terduduk depan tv. with her vision for AF7, i really2 hope DS Tiara dapat membawa satu perubahan dan transformasi yang ketara drpd musim2 yg lalu. i believe her working attitude and her experience will help towards achieving her vision.

i do hope those AF7 kids use this opportunity and previleges to the max. lucky them to be trained under this superwoman and her faculty. they're very fortunate.

joe pun apa kurangnya...bertuah badan dapat 'belasah' budak2 tu cukup2 off-camera. teach them well ya! they need all the guidance from a well experienced guru like u :D all the best joe!


Hi:) I hope AF this time around would be really really vogue! Cos Principal dia kan vogue.. hopefully these kids will develop a real sense of style cam Mdm Tiara.. tak ler tiap kali konsert tengok ker bebaju nyer...adusss.. Kali ni baju bebudak2 tu sape yang sediakan bro? Ada resident stylist ke tak? Anywayz, dah start demam dah nih..heheheh

hi joe! blh tak nk tumpang promote obri fc's site? its www.obrifc.blogspot.com thanks!

wah.. hope kesedaran theyols ttg PR makin elok la hendaknye. all the best to u n this season's team =)

yeah for joe....harap sangat af7 will be like af 2.....hehehe....


i agree with joe. production team, pls no more 'kenen kenen' between the students. 'publisiti murahan' and might offend some parties. how about focusing more on the lessons so that people see what the transformation is really all about. yes, rating might go up if the so-called-love-blossoming-stories are there, but votes for the students will be affected too. thanks!

to be fair guys... bab kenen tuh camera picks up what it picks up. it's not edited to look more than what it is. so too bad gak kalao bebudak allow perceptions to sway towards that if they seem to be closer to someone to allow belief that there is something going on.

pendek kata... let's have drama and see what sticks. :-)

joe, adakah ini bermakna ur blog akan jadi amat2 sopan? menakutkan!!! (sebut ngan stail kak mah)

ps- obri fc dah start... semangat! yazid fc dah wujud ke?

tak ada ker gosip behind the scene/off-camera???? ahahaha!

joe, walaupun the camera picks whatever it picks up...boleh tak first week ni jgn highlitekan lagi abt the pasangan-pasangan ni...

we just wanna have a feel first how the students talent are... concentrate more on them practising their songs

thank u very much for your updates

ala tak best ler camni....u have have been representing the viewers thoughts and mind....the criticism the bad and the good of AF....ko jgnlah stop carut yg sepatutnya....anyway, ko story ler sikit apa u belasah budak2 tu during ur session....
also makesure u laser astro tu bab pakaian bebudak tu....kalo this around time still the same...hampehlah

Joe Lee tak mencarut dah??? membawaaaaaaaaaa (ikut stail kak mah)
apa apa pun... joe lee, sila pastikan produk af7 tahun yang berkualiti... ajar dorang buat blog.... berusaha!

no no no. trust me. aku tetap akan laser. mampu ke ada sesiapa menutup mulut aku?


cuma berhemah sikit sebab tahun ni transformasi blog aku ni ialah to offer an insight into what happens behind the scenes that make it so.

stay with me for a while dan tengok sendiri what i mean.