Saturday, March 21, 2009


Ok... it's Saturday, so get in front of the TV and be prepared to chat about the Konsert tonight.

As usual, I have moved a copy of the chat app here, so korang leh borak sambil tonton Konsert (pada sapa yang takde kat Dewan Sri Putra).

As usual I will also update ASAP bila da sampai umah, complete ngan video links dan MP3 (aku akan wat yang kualiti... last week memang kelam kabut).

Am so lazy hari ni sebenarnya. Ikut gerak hati nak tidur je keja. But ni jap agik nak bersiap ke venue da. Hari ni nak kesana awal sikit.

Sambil-sambil menunggu masa nak gerak, just catching up on videos I downloaded. Banyak movies aku lom layan agik sebab kebelakangan ni asik keseuntukan masa jerk.

Hari ni sambil ngadap laptop layan movie nih, tangan gatal wat 'kraftangan' sikit.

Now, aku ni jenis, always carry my phone in my pocket - but it's heavy, and always gets stuck somewhere between my keys, my cigarettes and whatever else junk that makes up the contents of my pockets. Ni lom agi kes missed call sebab tak terdengar phone kalao situasi yang bising.

Plus I carry two phone, so leceh lagik. Kalao letak bag, memabg masaalah nak cari phone ke nak dengar time bunyi pose the same problems.

So, having grown up on Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica (the 80s version please), Star Trek (again... William Shatner and Co. version) and assorted cartoons like MASK and such... I really want a watch phone. But the models yang ada in the market azab ok!

So until there's a nice one I like, I have to carry about these two.

Until yesterday that is. Dalam setengah jam, I solved the problem, and also had a new toy and accessory. Hanya dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan nih.

What the hey is this for? Bear with me. Two wrist guards (for about RM30) and a mobile phone pouch (RM10) as well as an old casing (pakai moulding plastic kat dalam je) plus with velcro strips (RM5 for about four pairs)... and half an hour later.... this is what I came up with.

It's sturdy, it's tough, tak tertanggal langsung. Also get to hear or feel my phone when a call comes in, plus I always know I have it on me, so takkan tertinggal ke apa. When I'm driving, aku activate loudspeaker je da leh borak cause memang tangan da kedepan da pegang steering wheel, so directional focus gituh. Plus it looks cool to talk to my wrist (motif???!!) - since I grew up on cartoon with such communicators. And now when anyone asks for the time (aku malas pakai jam tangan), I can look to my wrist, cause my phone doubles up as a watch for me anyway.

The only downside is it may be bulky for some to carry two phones on your wrist, but I like it, and it's comfortable for me.

Matilah kreativiti petang Sabtu yang malas... ok la.. nak siap ke konsert da. Check for updates malam ni. Ta!


WHATTTT????!!!!!! Joseph Lee Cheng Kim! This is waaayyyyy freaky even for a Trekkie okay!!!! Apelah kao nieee...


u really going to wear that when u go out??? lucu... mcm robocop pun ada...

creative siot...

maybe kesatria baja hitam??? or power rangers...

muhahahahahhahaha .... ko nak jadik Sailormoon kew???? kekekekek .... "dengan kuasa bulan, akan menghukummu" ... wakakakkaka ... klaka gilerrrr!!!!!

Mari Berjuang!!!!