Saturday, March 21, 2009

Isn't it ironic... don't you think?

Kata orang... Akademi Fantasia takde kualiti! Kata orang.. (yang sama)... program lain lagik best! Kata orang... (banyak nya orang tak seberapa jumlahnya ni nak mengatakan walaupun nan ado!), Akademi Fantasia azab.

Well, for me, Akademi Fantasia is the show you love, or hate, love to hate or hate to love.

But the reality is, the show is number one! In terms of SMSes, and viewership. In terms of loyal viewership.. in terms of branding. Akademi Fantasia is a pop phenomenon... walaopon ada yang mencari rezeki kat negara kita tapi tak mampu pakai Bahasa Malaysia rasa meka lebih vast dan meletup.

Matilah aku mencarut.

Nih.. nak cakap sikit pasal One In Million. Lotih dok ada sorang dua lalat dan langau nak masuk sini promosi One In A Million cam ler best sangat. Ni blog Akademi Fantasia la dol. I don't do other shows yang AKU (since this is MY blog) tak berminat pun nak ikuti.

Is it better? Aku takkan komen panjang lebar. Selera memasing.

All I can say is, take out Nine - vocalist Coco yang da ada album dan experience, or Tomok yang sebelum akil baligh (merasalah statement pepandai jerk) da wat album, as well as Amylea, top three musim ketiga Akademi Fantasia - and what do you have left? Honestly.... aku rasa bebudak Akademi Fantasia skang pun lebih baik.

But again - that's just MY opinion.

Semalam, aku menghadiri show One In A Million bukan atas kerelaan yer.. tapi member ajak), and I laughed. Sebab the best performer easily was.. Amylea!

Hai... seazabnya Akademi Fantasia nak kena kutuk, tetap best performer undoubtedly, ahli keluarga Fantasia. Camna tuh. Walaupun judges tak anggap tuh terbaik dan tak bagik immunity (very original... to follow with quote from Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World... NOT!!!!) kat dia... aku bangga anak didik Fantasia gak yang berjaya narik minat orang. Korang layan video persembahan Amylea tengok sendiri. The rest were nowehere close to her at all.

Apa je la wok! - terikut lak perangai bebudak nih... aduh! Akademi Fantasia is still number one, and offers the opportunity pada mereka yang need a break in this business. Bukan stakat nak naikkan rating nan ado. I'm just stating the obvious...

Ok ler... for the fans of the best reality show in Malaysia.. layan Diari EXT ek and get your dose of Akademi Fantasia for the day. Jangan lupa update later pas konsert malam ni, and jangan lupa AFUNDI!


bukan ke aisyah, rini & akim pelajar yang di reject dr oiam3... y pasti oiam n af still aku layan...

aku sker adam! :)
tengok gaya cikgu siti hajar masa adam dok bagi tip low note kat aril, aku yakin dia bangga giler ngan anak didik dia, product yg dia bentuk!... go af go!!!

af tmpat bdk2 yg kne rijek dr other reality show like oiam, MI, gangstar etc..


agree with linahilmin, cikgu CT nampak proud of adam, and also nubhan...kan anak didik dia.

adam nampak matang......what he said and all....kasi advise w/pon aril panggil dia BADAM;-)

rasanya advise Jgn Poyo tu untuk sapa advise untuk bebudak musim ni, ramai ada tendency nak go cocky & poyo.

and best part komen Adam dalam diari ext pasal conflict bebudak...lelaki kenalah gentlemen sikit katanya...kan matang gitu.

hmmm..masa phone call cikgu Shafi tu korang perasan tak obvious gak dia take sides...

X boleh dipertikaikan AF is THE BEST reality shows in Malaysia! Other reality fans merungutlah banyak mana pun, or hooha2 lah byk mana pun still xleh challenge AF. So wat if pelajar2nyer adalah rejek from other reality shows? At least once diorang masuk AF people kenal sbb they got exposure yg hebat. Honestly I x pernah tau pun yg some of the students or ex-students pernah enter competition lain, yg pasti diorang jadi pemes sbb AF not the other reality shows! Pasal those yg direjek sjk audition dari OIAM tu, baguslah cos they have potential and need guidance by the tenaga pengajar to shine. And tengoklah nanti after the two shows are over they will shine brighter than the contestants dari OIAM, u just wait n see. Tengok jelah ex-contestans dari program mana yg banyak kluar tv, dijemmput for roadtour, kluar citer dlm magazines, or masuk lagu dlm carta radio? AF graduates wins hands down 8:2 berlawan dgn all the other reality shows combined!

To other reality shows:
Ada org kesah sape jadi pengetua? Ada org kesah wadrobe x cantik? Ada org kesah sound system kurenngggg? Ada org kesah sape jadi pengkritik? Ada ramai org kesah sampai nak buat blog bagai?

In conclusion jgnlah sibuk sgt nak compare AF ngan OIAM kalau sah2 AF akan menang hands down! Buat malu jer wokkkk! :P Jgnlah just becos u don't have Astro n can't watch the show nak kutuk2, YouTube can ada? :)

P/S: Go Amylea! Make ur AF family proud :D

i was shocked when i saw joe last nite at oiam..huhuhu..i was there evryweek..n i'll also at af konsert everyweek..
actually no need to compare between dis two reality show..that's different at ada kelebihan sendiri n duduk kt tmptnye sendiri n gitu jugak ngan patutnye no perbandingan at at the end dowang same2 dlm industri n oiam hnye platform dowang jerk tuk d kenali n tuk org luar tgk bakat tak kisahla kt af or kt oiam..
1. ape yg aku tgk bile masuk af..ko nyanyi best atau tidak for sure ko akn glamer..tak mcm oiam..sape yg kuar awal2 tuh sure akan tenggelam pastu..
2. af d didik dlm smua aspek..rmi cikgu yg tolong..semua bende d ajar one by one..but oiam..hnya ada 2/3 org cikgu yg hnya ajar tuk buat overall more basic skills d ajar..pandai2 ko la belajr sndri benda basic tuh...
3. af lagu d pilih oleh produksi..arrangement pun d watkn skali..but oiam kene cr lagu sendiri..kene ubah lagu tuh sendiri.jd kan ianya lagu dak2 dlm oiam kene la pndi arrange least tau camner nk ubah sesuatu lagu jd sedap n jd ianya kelihatan mereka yg cipta lagu student af ada ms tuk concentrate hafal lagu n lirik..n oiam kene cr arrangement mn plg sesuai ngan tone n voc dowang d samping hafal la lagu yg dh jadi br n lirik yg mmg sedia ada tuh..
4. student af perform full song..but oiam tak..mase singkat n time tuh la kene wat yg betul2 menarik perhatian..if not...habisla..dak af penat nk abiskn full song..sempat tgk dowang semput..penat wooo..n fikir movement lain lg..2minit(half song) n 4minit(full song) berbeza tau..
5. af tempat dak2 yang takde basic tuk belajar...belajar smua bende..cube semua genre lagu..n tonjolkan bakat lain selain menyanyi..but oiam bile msk kene ready ngan persediaan sendiri..time ni bkn peringkat belajar basic dh but peringkat yg ko kene tunjukkan kepandaian ko dlm pemilihan lagu n pengubahan lagu mengikut kesusaian vocal sendiri..tau ape kekurangan n kelebihan sendiri...
mcm ape yg amylea ckp time die masuk oiam..'Af tempat saya bermula..saya belajar bnyk bende basic tuk masuk dlm industri..but oiam nih tmpt saya tonjolkn bakat sy'..lbh kurang gtu la..hehehhe

so aku just nk ckp reality show dua nih tak pyh la kut ada yg kutuk program nih..ada yg kutuk program tuh..masing2 ada kelebihan mahupun tgk la kat dua2 side kite tak jadi bias...
apepun aku ikut AF nih dr AF1 lagi..tak pernah tinggal langsung..n ikut gak OIAM nih dh 3season..but slama nih tuk kedua2 program ni aku tgk kat tv jerk(diary mahupun konsert)..cuma tahun ni..kedua2nya skali aku turun padang tgk live..


sesungguhnya aku jugak menyukai persembahan amylea smlm. bestttt tue.. tp juri dah suka peserta lain. Af tetap hebat , wlau cam mana sekali pun.

tahniah gangstarz coz dari sini riz, stacy n aril berjaya... jgn mare...

hye joe..

to me...

i prefer AF more..

salah satu faktornya, AF menyatukan seluruh family I, sedara mara kalo dtg umah, sbb sume nk tgk AF, if OIAM, my parents mmg x minat.. tp AF mmg hiburan utk keluarga smpai diary pun akan layan sama2

in term of Popularity & survival in d industry, dak2 AF lebih lagila... OIAM besenya yg top 3 je akan survive, yg dh tkuar tu org xkan ingat dh... tpAF tkuar awal ke, tgh2 ke, final ke, most of them adela jln lain slain penyanyi, leh jd dj, actors, at least ada.. hehe

AF ni to me branding kuat sgt..
n season 7 ni yg pling promising sbb kite masih blom nmpk sgt ane2 contestant g overshine others... so blumba sama2..

& xkisahla if org nk ckp bebudak tu sume reject dr prog lain, kalo diorang msuk AF dan dpt survive dlm industry later, dats GREAT!

sori joe, mencarut lama sket. 1st time nih..


bukan nak melagakan.

tapi bila musim2 realiti tv ni, orang suka sangat membandingkan.

the thing is takde orang realise.

sapa yang kena rejek kat AF masuk show lain yang berjaya?

now... reverse that. stacy contoh dari evoke. kat gangstarz ado diberi bimbingan sampai berjaya? kat AF juga dia dapat guidance to be where she is today.

biar nak kata yang masuk AF kena rejek dari dari show lain... but AF is the real starmaker.

and that... cannot be denied.

ko masuk la seribu show pun... takde sama ngan AF. huahuahuahua. and that's the truth.

aku malas nak wat perbandingan. tapi meluat bila orang wat camtuh, and this is my word on the matter when people tell me, AF takde kualiti.

strange kan how being no 1 always opens you up to nonsensical attacks like this.

yup dh kat standard die yg mulakan semua nih..n af yg plg lame program reality kat mesia patutnye tak perbandingan tuh semua...

bile nk ckp psl ex reality student nih..ape yg leh ckp..hnya bintang af yg bnyk dlm industri nih..klu dak2 oiam or mi..klu dh kuar awal sure tak nmpk batang idung dh dlm industri nih..but bintang af..wlupun kuar awal kite ada tgk dowang lagi..tak kire la nyanyi mahupun berlakon..itu smua tak leh d nafikan..bintang rmi dr af...

dua2 pon aku layan...sbb nak tgk cara budak2 they progress from week to week sampai final ( bg yg bertahan sampai ke final la)...
sedih aku amylea tak dpt imuniti semlm coz i think she deserves it...
pandai dia buat arrangement baru tuk lagu tu...and the way dia sampaikan lau tu mmg interesting...dia dah buat lagu tu mcm lau dia mcm ni la yg kita nak utk memulihkan industri kita yg dah tenat tu...i hope she stays on till the final & kalau boleh mng the RM1mil...

No doubt AF is the #1 reality show in Msia due to a lot of factors especially ratings and Aznil's legacy.. BUT..
Performance wise.. omg.. i really wanna puke.. menyesal betul tengok the 1st concert.. there were no quality at all and no star value.. first show of OIAM pun i already terangkat.. okay maybe i am too harsh .. got to admit that some contestants do have star quality and this season macam everyone can be a winner without someone yg macam mawi and stacy punya season dulu.. But the performance (last weekend) was not enough to prove on the transformasi.. they really exaggerating it.. Kesian that most of them pun talent very raw.. I wonder how did they passed through the 'strict' so-many-stages-audition? Is it because our youth had shift their attention to other reality show?? So, yang tinggal for AF is the 2nd class talent?? Oppssss sory ya.. just wondering..

and OIAM? recycled material from other show winners and experienced artists yang tak ke mana? yawn... i rather have raw talent fresh from the farm (even nasi adila kira muda lagik and leh groom) dari just a ratings magnet that doesn't work

Don't get me wrong Joe.. FYI, i am and always will a loyal fan of AF since da very 1st edition.. It just that this season, obvious sangat that the contestant spoiled the 1st concert (with exception of Hafiz).. I wanna give them a break and wanting more from them this week.. A lot of factors contributed to the dull concert last week:
..The exaggerating of the word 'transformasi'
..The missing of important elements/identities of AF
..The host (this is his 2nd more excuses)..
..The judges..Adlin is the only person yang fit to the chair..yg lain..ntah pa2..
..The stage and format that very similar to other reality show..
..The lighting was so bad for home viewers(for instance,me)
..The appearance of contestant: dress code sucks..
..And the list goes on..
That's what I think on the 1st concert.. I mentioned it in my blog as well.. I just hope tonite they make me suprise..

Saya rasa kedua - dua AF and Oiam sama je lah.

I rasa the concern patut lebih kepada target audience kedua - dua reality tv shows ni.

i personally rasa this industry ada something wrong.

Kat sekolah saya, satu insan pun tidak tengok AF ataupun OIAM.

AF tu kira mcm xyah mention lah tapi OIAM maybe is dianggap as a lil bit cooler.

Bottom line, dua - dua show ni mcm alien.

sth has 2 be done.

so that malaysia ( as a whole ) cina, melayu, india semua dapat pay attention maybe a lil bit to the industry.

and trust me, if that day comes in my life time, the industry akan jauh lebih menguntungkan. : D

And plus, one of the main reasons indonesia punya market besar sebab the whole country pay attention 2 the industry as a whole.

If sum1 makes it big there, beratus - ratus ribu album blh jual. ( of course faktor kualiti dan bilangan penduduk also lah )

The only time in which the people i kenal bothered was masa time estranged dulu.

that lagu itu kamu?

fuh. gempak jugak lah. masa tu siap nyanyi2 kat kantin.

and of course, malaysian idol season 1. and jaclyn victor. gemilang and stuff like that.


the only director a handful of them kenal is yasmin ahmad.

pelakon? penyanyi ? pengacara lain?


Mawi who?

"Oh, that botak guy In AF. / Oh yes, his tunang and all. / The guy who sings those lame songs."

this IS the real situation.

Believe it or not,

i asked a girl not too long ago whether or x she tengok AJL ( a malay girl - coz yes, i assumed she watched it ), muka disgusted she bagi.


Mawi who?

Although this isn't a crime, really, but sementara korang argue reality tv mana lagi best padahal sama je,

on the other side of the world.

situation tu mcm nilah.

walau bagaimanapun,

aku tidak berhenti berharap.

i hope in my lifetime,

there would be a local film yang suma orang akan tengok, melayu, cina ke india, making it box - office giler.

and singers where malaysia as a whole would talk about coz i know we have the talent. and album mencecah ratusan ribu.

in my lifetime.

we have the market.

cuma agak berbelah bahagi.


panjang giler ku tulis.

wtf, aku dah nak tido.

good night. : D

i agree with u, amylea did absolutely well in oiam... but when she was in AF, somehow i didnt see her this good. lucky her, she got this platform to show her true talent. compare to oaim, the performances in AF are too amateur.

oh btw, i enjoy watching both af & oiam... but in term of performance in the concert, i prefer oiam... mesti ada persembahan yg deserve 'wow!' every week.

amateur simply because most of them are really green. not established. and the wow comes from either nine, vocalist of coco... amylea, third placed for AF3, or tomok (huahuahua)... from new boyz. busuk2 rizu pun da perform AIM da. perlu ke... cooler? biasalah kalao demographic yang nonton pun majority non malays, with viewership berapa orang? huahuahua

aku setujuk sama ko joe!!!

aku pun tensen ngn langau2 (kawan2 aku sendiri) yg sbnya xtgk pun af tp da set kat mind af ni very the kampung...

xlayak nk dicompare ngn oiam kekdahnye..oiam lebih bermutu katenye..tang mana tu???

plg aku xsuke statement bodo dr sstgh org yg kata af ni tmpt utk dak2 oiam yg direject...nk tye cket?direject tu bermaksud dorg xbes ke?yg oiam top12 tu sume bes sgt ke? cth: klu season lps, mark, shone...

aku tgk kedua2nya,baik af, baik oiam,both ada kelebihan tersendiri, tp aku mencik manusia2 yg terlalu merendahkan af...

and the best part is, AJL belambak budak af yg layak.. yg dikutuk2 tu jugak lah yg dpt masok AJL.. yg lain p mana? FT ja pon yg boleh dibanggakan sampai skarang :)