Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What a bore...

Nuts! I kept an eye out for the partial eclipse. But not only was it cloudy.... it was CLOUDY!!!

Saw glimpses of the event, tapi tak seperti aku harapkan sebab it wasn't all what it cracked up to be.

I remember late 80s there was a total eclipse of the event. Now THAT was an event. Like it really got dark and all.

Here are some shots anyway I managed to snap This was I think mid-way about 6pm.

So it wasn't all that great. In fact, I think this cat looking at me with this weird look when I was on the roof of the house snapping away, was much more interesting. Eww... creepy!

Anyway.. hari ni sibuk jalan ke rumah sedara mara. Sempat tiga rumah je.

It's this time of the year aku semangat masih single. Kalao ikut tradition, tak kisah la umor, asalkan tak kahwin - leh dapat angpau tau. Those yang married must bagik. And kalao ni tahun pertama ko kahwin, ada option either takyah bagik ke, atau bagik double.

So ni la yang sempat dapat for the first day. Seratus lebih je... ok la tuh.

Wanna sleep now... esok nak carik duit... I mean...ermmmm.... nak lawat sedara mara.


wie...the cat is so cute. ohh... i almost forgot bout the eclipse. the cat looks much more interesting.

happy chinese new year joe

sy pun terlupa gaks masa 26 aibulan tu
naseb baik jiran2 ada kat luar
so joined them

haha.. aku dpt gamba eclipse ari tu yg besssssstt punye. kalo ko rajin, tgk kat blog aku k.