Monday, January 12, 2009

Love is in the air

Merasalah kan title tetiba nak love is in the air. Bukan aku la. Aku naik fobia perkataan tuh skang. Heh... tapi still, being an old fashioned romantic (katanya....) I like watching people who are in love.
And semalam masa persandingan Mawi dan Ekin diberi nama 1001 Malam (tu tempoh tuk apa ek), aku perasan ada kengkawan aku yang berada dalam industri memasing da melaram partner baru.

Tapi kira cover sikit sikit ler. In fact, dua pasangan to be exact yang aku rasa serasi gila sebenarnya. Tapi since aku tanak la publisiti murahan, and these people are my friends, biar aku diamkan je. Kang kalao ada rezeki sampai ke jinjang pelamin, aku bersyukur jerk atas kejayaan sampai ke situ.

Korang carik clue sendiri la.

Anyway, semalam benda paling touching semalam tuk aku ni.

No.. no.. no. This picture doesn't tell it all. Of course, it's the final persandingan between Mawi dan Ekin. But as the union of both of them, is known by the whole country.. perhaps people should see sapa yang hadir, dok jauh belakang dewan semalam.

Ada satu pasangan yang menarik minat aku tuk strain a little bit more to make sure aku tak mistaken.

And no I wasn't.

It was Mawi's ex fiancee Ina sekali ngan suami dia Suhaimi and their kid.

Aku terdiam jap. Teringat time sembang ngan Ina, and also Mawi during masa all the controversy and fighting broke out in the papers. I heard both sides of the story, and aku tatau nak cakap apa.
Sometimes... these things just happen....

But semalam, hati aku tersentuh. Melihat kehadiran Ina. Jauh di sudut hati, aku berharap Mawi yang inginkan Ina hadir tuk melihat his happy day (da berapa kali da happy day gituh) and not some person yang invite sebab saja nak gimik kehadiran Ina.

Apapon... it was touching that Ina and Suhaimi attended. I suppose this is what it means to have true love. In whatever form. Love is forgiving.

And I guess... having been in love, I should be too. So to that person, I forgive you for being such an asshole to me - maybe it's just you and I have to accept that. So remember - SHOO! Matilah lari topik balik bak mencarut.

Anyway, at the moment, me happy enough with my life. Love is no longer that kalao it distracts you and pains you beyond comprehension. So me happy with friends pun leh da lah...

Apapon, seronok dapat jumpa Ina pas so long tak meet her. Dia pon masih ingat aku. Sembang pendek je.

If I'm not in love, watching people in love pun jadik la kan.

Eh... start melalut da aku ni.

Ok... korang nak pictures je kan sebenarnya. So aku teruskan je. Bab naik bot dan kuda bagai, jauh sangat dari kita so aku tak amik pics. Aku snap pon mostly of friends, and a little bit here and there of the decor.

Sebenarnya malas nak amik of the ceremony sangat. Aku rasa dari luar tuh, cam sarkas da. If it was one, it would be equivalent to a three ring circus co-organised by the Barnum & Bailey and Ringling Brothers gituh. The essence of it was there, but too much 'grandeur' actually cheapened it in some ways instead of the opposite desired effect.

Apapon.. on to the pics. Malas nak caption. If korang tak cam these people below, asking won't help. Heh... so pepandai.

Merasalah keletihan, dalam ngantuk, sempat transfer, edit, upload, watermark dan link all these pics.

Sebab so many pics and loading is going to be hell for sapa yang line slow, again aku link only one entry on the main page. Kalao korang nak check previous entries, click the archives on the right sidebar ok.

Meanwhile ni links yang related kalao korang nak usha balik pics lepas. Please remember all images belong to me - and you can only use them UNEDITED (jangan pepandai crop) and you MUST also CREDIT AND LINK if you are going to repost them in another blog or website or even forum.

Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat (Felda Taib Andak Part 1)
Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat (Felda Taib Andak Part 2)
Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat (Felda Taib Andak Part 3)

Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat - Part 1 (Hantaran)
Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat - Part 2 (Debaran upacara akad nikah)
Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat - Part 3 (Selepas akad nikah)
Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat - Part 4 (Resepsi di Stadium Tertutup Johor Bahru)
Perkahwinan Asmawi Ani dan Nora'Asikin Rahmat - Part 5 (Resepsi di rumah Ekin)

Ok la.. nak tidur sat. Later aku ada announcement. You want to read this... I think...


Alhamdulillah....dah habis pun semua majlis...Bukan apa, dah tak larat nak tengok promote di Astro hari - hari tentang diorang ni:-) hehehe...Apapun semoga bahagia...Dato CT dan Erra Fazira tak datang ke majlis ni??? Tak ada foto pun ???.Biasalah...dugaan orang popular dan ternama sentiasa ada di mana - mana.Hanya kebijaksanaan diri mampu mengatasi...Mulut orang, selagi belum tutup mata..macam - macam persepsinya


yg gmbr ko bertiga tu, dekat tul ko dgn ekin.. ermmm.. hehee..



JUst wanted to say, thank you for taking us (readers) "through" the wedding. We appreciate all the lovely photos and stories. its like we were there ourselves. think your site is just smashing! full of updated entertainment news, juicy gossips.. etc!

keep it up ermm..what name do u go by anyway yeah?

sakura : ura2 datuk siti ada, but none of us saw here. erra takde.
Anonymous : close to mawi you mean. tu my bro tuh
chef : erm.. tengok betol2.. ada tuh
jules : thanks for the comps. my name is joe - my byline in the papers used to be joe lee, which is the name i go by in this business. but am now freelancing

make up ekin cantek sape buat eh?..baju rizalman pon cantek!!!

Thank You Joe, kerana banyak upload gambar kahwin Mawi n Ekin.

Silent Reader

JOE! Tolong! tolong! tolong explain kenapa gambo wiwi& kikin yang last skali tu i nampak benjolan manja di seluar wiwi? wiwi stim ker pegang kikin? tolong explain!

bace ayat atas "lol"
nak minta si joe explain mender?
ala stim pong dgn bini dier ,

*hp lar kan sapai ke peha tu