Friday, January 30, 2009


Yeay... it's the year of the Ox!

And already dua incident da terjadi yang kait mengait. Kelmarin Adam dan Kimi balik dari Dungun, on the way ke KL tuh, ada keta tanak bagik meka overtake.

A short distance in front, they saw the car da went smack langgar lembu.

They brought the family to a hospital.

Pagik tadik dapat mesej dari As. Pas kita gayut kat phone baru aku dapat tau, rupanya dalam perjalanan balik Terengganu semalam, gatal punya pasal pakai coastal road, terlanggar lembu!!!

Memula meka tak perasan meka langgar apa. Ikut kata As, there was a loud CRASH suddenly and that was it.

Pastu meka bertiga dalam keta histeria jerk la cause there was broken glass all over and all.

Bila da calm down, As, ala ala dalam filem I Know What You Did Last Summer, reverse keta perlahan-lahan nak tengok langgar orang ke langsuir ke haper... and there was this cow on the road.

Yeap, apparently she hit the cow in the butt and there was shit splattered all over the car. Ewww... kaki lembu tu da takde... but it was still trying to get up... walaopon.

Then peronda mai, sembelih the cow so they had a good dinner (the cops, not As) Eeewww... roadkill!

To cut a long story short - beware of cows, people!

Nasty piece of work. They belong in a hamburger. No offence to vegetarians.