Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Preview Maut

Still not feeling too well sebenarnya. Semalam punya pasal aku run around, siap caught in the rain, and then tido lambat agik... memang cari nahas. Resultnya today aku koma!!!

Bangun, tido, bangun, makan, tido. bangun... ngantuk lagi. The medication aku amik obviously galakkan tido je.

Anyway, aku nak try review Maut pasni, so not to take anything away from it, here's some pics from preview event semalam.

There was a good nosh up (sesi melantak ler) at the Amarin Thai restaurant, before we all headed for the show. Thanks to Tayangan Unggul for the event (dan juga kerana tiada gimik ke tarian ke apa before the show - merasalah Puaka Tebing Biru dan Histeria)

Lotsa friends about. Cam mini gathering da.

A bunch of talented directors - Saw Teong Hin, Mamat Khalid an Aflin Shauki, an upcoming scriptwriter - Ajami and a red mother.

Mirror image! Sama talented. Mamat and Afdlin

Couple sighting #1 - Fauziah Gous dan Iqram (takde maknanyaaaa)

Couple sighting #2 - Linda Jasmine dan Que Haidar (tunggu jemputan korang tau for February)

Couple sighting #3 - Liyana Jasmay dan Aizat (suka tau korang speku kengkawan)

"Don't you dare facebook this pic!!!" - suka propah skrip tuk orang aku nih... heh!

Va Va Voooooommm!!!

*terkesima ramai yang takde figure camni*

The soon to be Mr and Mrs Q

Awal dressed to tema character dalam Maut

Korang tunggu jer ek next entry for the review. Me nak dose up medication sat.


Hi Joe,

I'm the lady in pink (red's friend)...all tis while..i'm ur silent reader...nice to meet you last tuesday...really admire ur nails...haha...