Saturday, January 03, 2009

Love, perhaps? Maybe definitely...

Heh.... saja nak blog jap. Sebelum tido. Damn I'm happy. Why? Nevermind. Let me say 2009 is starting pretty well.

Tadik gi meeting with Faz. New movie coming? Maybe. Can't say anything more. Tunggu officially sign dulu baru aku cita. It won't take too long... tunggu ek.

We then went for lunch. Chilli's!!! Yum...!!!! Faz belanja. Thanks babe. Yummy!!!

Then went shopping. Sales lagik kan... tapi Faz yang nak retail theraphy. Aku da overbudget. Heh... tunggu cheque satu agik masuk then leh la. Ni Faz trying on a hat I liked. Finally convinced her that it looked good on her. What do you guys think? Ok tak? She didn't get it... but she liked it enough.

A little Johnny Depp as a Buster Keaton wannabe. But she can carry it off kan?

We picked up Syarol then went for dinner with Kit and Aiman. Then headed to Arab Street (Jalan Damai) nak lepak. Love this Arab hangout - shisha sana sedap dan murah ok. RM6 jer and RM8 for the special.

We chilled there for a while and then headed back. Sent Syarol back. Ngantuk gila skang nih. Esok another lepak day. Weekends are relaxed, but weekdays skang for me is working my ass now. No more slacking for this year.

Ok... be posting soon.

PS - You mean the world to me. You do... I can smile again


wah...shisha is still available in KL in Brunei semua tempat yang serve shisha dah tak dibenarkan lagi...kesian...especially restoran arab kat sini...dah tak bape laku lagi...bisnes pun tak bape nak maju...unfair jugak...walaupun nak pentingkan kesehatan...the same goes for banning smoking at public places such as the eateries...the other day i saw customers still smoking at eateries walaupun dah terang lagi besuluh atas kepala dia kat dinding...sign kater NO SMOKING...bodoh betullah...takde maknanye...

ala, bukan kat kl je rocks.. kunun xble merokok d tmpt awam.. polis pun dgn bangganya menghisap rokok d restoran.. sakit ati je..

phewitt!! sis faz cantik la.. tu tembikai tabung ke? looks cute..