Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm Not Single

Jangan terkejut ngan title. I AM still single...tapi tu lah tajuk filem baru arahan dan ditulis oleh Pierre Andre. Yeap, that was my assignment today...announcement of the shooting of the movie yang akan bermula sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Fraser Hill this Saturday.

Besh gak. Lama tak jumpa Pierre, so sempat bual panjang ngan. Matila usik pasal gosip ngan Fasha je. Malas nak tulis lelebih pasal movie tu sebab shooting pon lom, but nama paling besar is Pierre ngan Farid Kamil la. Ni pics terbaru. Pose Pierre malu malu lak, while si Farid wat pose konsep dan tema gatal.. erm... gatal mata!! Bukan lain ok!

Event tuh kat Metropoint Kajang, which is honestly one end of the gawddawmned world... but since movie ni bawah Metrowealth, dan restoran tuh, Lemon milik David Teo save budget dan sekali personal promotions kot, so kill two birds with one stone la. Abih je event, aku ke KLCC sebab erm... ada orang nak jumpa.

Unofficially date number two. What a good week this is turning out to be compared to last week's hell.

I am going to enjoy this while it lasts, cause knowing me, happy times like this never do. Heh...so much for the optimist eh?