Friday, August 24, 2007

Happy anniversary Datuk Siti Nurhaliza and Datuk Khalid Jiwa

First of all, I have to say, I freaking love Fridays! Sebab time hari Jumaat ni lar I can really afford to take it slow, and get in the mood for the weekend to come. And today was no different.
Laid back, and with things slowly in the process of getting better, though not as I expected them to be, it was one of the best Fridays I've had in some time.

Started the day ngan Azie cancelling our meet for a little event I have in mind. Tak apa, dia janji hari Selasa kang.

The highlight of the day was sambutan ulangtahun pertama perkahwinan Datuk Siti Nurhaliza dan Datuk Khalid Mohd Jiwa. Sebab aku malas nak redah jam pelbagai (Fridays suck when it comes to traffic), so I made a move early on. I was at the venue by 7.30pm, half an hour before the scheduled 8pm.

Location - One World Hotel kat Bandar Utama kat Damansara. Pening gak mana ada hotel kat Damansara ni yang grand. Seb baik ada member kata yang belakang Sri Pentas. Owh... rupanya....

Cantik gak hotel tuh. Sebab sampai awal... apa lagik. Aku pun snaphappy lar awal awal dalam menunggu sorang sorang sampai. Cam tak betul pun ada, wandering about on my own, ngan masa tu yang kenal semua lom munculkan diri, snapping at whatever caught my fancy.

Ni just some of the pics I took. Not much, as I wanted to enjoy the evening more than just take pics.

The theme of the night was retro, though I didn't see why they needed it, though ada yang made some unkind remarks why. Hish... anyways, it was a simple and yet interesting event.

The lobby area outside the ballroom - cantik! And the inside! Erm.. colourful!

Meja VVIP dan meja tamu tamu yang lain. Setting ngan buahan pelbagai.

The potpurri dan kek lapis Sarawak and stuff inside the goodie bag. Siap print special tuh.

Thank you card attached to the goodie bag.

Kesian Chris tunang Ning dibuli ngan aku.Dia pakai baju warna warni.. which looked like everything else, including the lollipop which was part of the decor on the table (don't know why) which later aku makan gak. Ning picked his shirt. Heh... amik ko! Oh by the way, fashonistas take heed. She's wearing an Alexander McQueen top!

The chanderliers were the most gorgeous I've seen in a long time. Pic lagik satu, the two apples and part of an orange which was part of the table decor yang menjadi alas perut tunggu dinner start.

Antara tamu yang hadir, Fasha Sandha. And the woman at the center of it all, Siti Nurhaliza herself. Fashionista trivia - she's wearing a bernard Chandran matching ngan Datuk Khalid.

Acara potong kek. Nanti aku letak pics lebih jelas.

It was quite interesting walaupun it started only at 9.15pm. Lapar... tahap kebulur da bila it started. But when it got going, makan, minum dan enjoy jer. Seronok meka wat event ala ala informal.

Yerlah.. dalam keja, rilek gak. Erm... bukan nak sangat pergi ek. Walaopon kang ada yang kata tak dijemput pelbagai bak kata orang konon senior tapi rasanya akal kureng bila kata seolah teman satu profession kecoh kata tak dijemput pelbagai terdesak nak gi event camni.

Erm... somehow that person forgets that all of us have a private life. Those passionate about getting their job done, will do it, by all means necessary. Ask anyone who's had news experience and they'll tell you. Ask anyone within the profession abroad, they'll tell you the same.

And you know what... just cause they have no friends, and others do because their work is their life, then really... get a grip. Not everyone is an outcast like you.

Resourcefulness? Cmon... first rule. Being at the scene, or getting first hand info. You don't write second hand info, no matter how much you think you can verify it, and besides, kalau da tulis pas everyone, it just shows how lame you are.

I could go on and on, but I think it's ok. There are always these types in the industry, and some people who think they've spent whatever's left of their lives bitter about being an outcast, will always wallow in it. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. And as for dia ingat dia je betul, and everyone else salah sangat sampai dia sanggup malukan the very profession she talks about - that's hypocrisy on the highest level when she wants to talk about professionalism.

Moving on... kang aku post more pics.

Nak tidur. Party party party...

No fun tanpa Dia though. Oh well... get used to it. Don't want to become a bitter old hag now.

Oops! Takde niat carut sesapa... tapi kalao terasa... bagus lar.

Heh... more pics tomorrow. Kena cover showcase Mila and Friends kat Planet Hollywood esok. Sapa takde info benda tuh, read the previous posting on who's going to be there.

By the way, it's 3pm to 5pm, so see you guys there.