Friday, August 10, 2007

Bam bam!

Ok...I have to say this first! Esok jangan lupa ke Menara PGRM kat Cheras for Samsons live in concert! Heh...tu pun kalao ada ticket atau invite yang berikan percuma oleh DiGi pada subscriber meka.

Untung jadik pelanggan kan...kan...kan!!!

Aku going for sure!!!! Tambah agik sebab Bams janji nak main my favourite songs from their second album Penantian Hidup in Seandainya. Kalau rezeki ada, mintak mintak lar other faves cam Perbedaan ada.

Aku sebenarnya tak minat sangat kat meka ni mula mula, and I especially despise Kenangan Terindah sebab that used to be my ex punya callback ringtone. So a lot of bad memories with that tune. A lousy excuse I know, but I never found them all that great. Overrated I used to think. As bad as Radja (yang hancus live) and Nidji.

Tapi pas second album ni, aku convinced gila meka amazing.Aku letak above Dewa, and below my all time fave Indo band, Sheila On 7.

Sebelom show meka esok, ada press conference siang tadik. Aku first time cover meka nih, sebab tak penah minat nak cover meka sebelum sebelum ni meka mai sini. Wanted to see, tul ke orang cakap, Samsons ni semua humble dan soft spoken.

And the verdict?

The are an AMAZING band yang humble, happy go lucky and very friendly!

Tapi yang penting, my fave Indo rocker, Bams had one for the album with me. Amik pic bawah tuh. Yeay!!! Keep in touch yer Bams... such a teddybear dia nih. And ko pun Irfan! We both love Eros' work, so would love to hear your upcoming stuff. Yeap, just in case you're interested they're already planning their third album! Ok tak pic ni....(erm...nampaknya naik agik aku nih)

Yang pentingnya esok aku akan gi layan Samsons ngan dia on a...erm...non date. Hey babe...aku da tau lagu apa aku nak dedicate kat ko.

Anyways pas abih PC aku ngan Farihad nak jejalan shopping. Sandy, boss Universal usik aku mintak jadik tour guide sebab bebudak Samsons nak shopping kat Sungai Wang. Haiyo! Tamau la. Kang orang ingat aku ni groupie ke.. pekerja meka ke...

So Farihad and I went around, but in the end we couldn't elak nak gi Sungai Wang because I needed a new bag cause my old messenger bag (not my laptop bag) ripped akibat slalu bak lebih muatan.

Sana asik serempak bebudak Samsons yang semua pecah on their own (tapi escorted ngan a bodyguard each just in case) and everytime bump mesti gelak. Baik jadik tour guide jer camni.

We went about even after I got my bag, saja nak window shopping, then aku joined Rudy ke Aswara nak layan teater experimental. Saja je sebab kak Ellie Suriarty lakon, so nak gak tengok. Since I had no other plans...malas dok lepak sampai member semua ada masa nak lepak, so decided to catch it. Lagipon lama tak layan teater.

Tajuk pementasan Monodrama, and it was basically just that. A dramatic staging of monologues, by Khalid Salled and kak Ellie.

Khalid's piece was too self-absored, though interesting. Tapi kak Ellie punya, amazing! She blended dance, movement, costume and lighting to make the minimal presentation a visual experience apart from the wonderful monologue of a strong woman, scorned and seeking vindication (so familiar!)

Me likey! Nak amik pics, cam phone aku bukan elok sangat, so ni je la leh share.

Two more days to go for Monodrama, though aku tak pasti esok dan lusa sapa yang perform because I know there are some other monologues dan performers. Abih jlayan Monodrama, lawat kak Ellie jap say hi and then gerak balik to central KL nak lepak.

Had a fun night on my non date. Enough said. Got sloshed too though, which I am so going to regret tomorrow. Eh wait a minute... no regrets sebab spending time together tomorrow again. And maybe spending some time together on Sunday.

Possible? Don't know. Malas pikir. Kang lain lak jadinya. Just enjoy each day that comes for now.
Anyways, smalam, nak add sikit. Pas aku pack up my laptop nak gerak dari 1 Utama aku jalan nak ke parking amik keta, aku nampak someone pakai cap yang muka familiar. Rupanya...EBI!

Dia nampak aku terus panggil. Rupanya skali ngan Candy dan Mila. Apa lagik, amik kesempatan catch up and sembang jap sebab lama tak jumpa. Mila lain la...baru arituh jumpa.
Apa lagik.. amik pic terbaru sat.

Candid shot

Ebi tambah ensem. Candy tambah...erh.. wat muka camna tuh sayang oi.

Alahai... Mila tambah comei!!!

Alamak...nak tidur la. Nak beauty sleep dulu. Esok nak layan Samsons.. yeah yeah!

Tunggu entry besok pasal their concert and lusa Ikon... live dari PICC lagik.