Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I need a hero!

I'm so excited... I could spit!

Erm...maybe not, but tomorrow morning leaving for Singapore. Yeap yeap, it's the Heroes World Tour! The day is finally dawning when I get to see my fave TV show which got me all nuts earlier this year, causing me to lose sleep sebab tunggu US abih tayang jer nak download kat torrent.

Er... forget watching it on Astro three months later than the actual date.

But still, naik psycho siot sebab nak keep up every week. And the suspense. Arghhh!!!! Anyway, as in my previous posting, I will be interviewing Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder Suresh, Ali Larter (Jesscia Sanders (or Niki), Greg Grunberg (officer Matt Parkman) and Masi Oka (Hiro Nakamura) The best thing is... I am also interviewing creator, and executive producer Tim Kring.. THE man behind the phenomenon of Heroes.

So anyone who's a fan.... eat your hearts out! Erm.. I mean, I get to share some really cool pics with you.

My flight is at noon tomorrow, but the best thing is, the cast of Heroes will be touching down an hour after I do, so we're all going to hang out in the airport to greet them. Makan hati!!!! Checking in at The Hilton (anyone in Singapore SMS me ok!) and then it's rest and relax and tons of shopping... erm I mean rest!

Thank God for my prescription Xanax (yes, druggies, eat your heart out, I have it prescribed to me), so hopefully aku dapat some rest there.

Then the next day is interviews and stuff in the morning at the Four Seasons, and a meet the fan session at VivoCity hosted by Channel [V]. It's going to be AWESOME!

Cuma sayang... jauh dari Dia tuk the longest period sejak kami berkenalan. Oh well... between all this ngan Dia.... I think it's obvious which choice is more important (cam kesial kan statement!)

Am not passing this up. See you guys in Singapore. Will update at the earliest opportunity!