Sunday, August 26, 2007

Love is in the air - and it stinks!

Wow!!!! Skali tengok pic ni pening! My my my... forget Becks and Posh! Asyraf Sinclair and Bunga Citra Lestari have it made, or so it looks. Got this pic, of the few that were posted on an Indo info-entertainment website called Kapan Lagi.

Erm... oh well. Looks like the paparazzi culture is spreading here, though honestly, I still think there's a limit to invasion of privacy, public figure or not.

But then again... nasib lar kan... da pilih dunia glamour.

Gawd... meeting a friend for some time out. Supposed nak rancang date ngan Dia but a few complications have arisen and it looks like a raincheck is in order.

Lots of things to do,. Post later.