Wednesday, August 15, 2007

To the movies and back

Dari semalam sebenarnya da planning ngan non-date aku tuh (gelak asik kena panggil dia non-date sebab tamau things get complicated walaopon hati da sayang nak tengok wayang. We talked about it, and since dia ajak aku tuk layan Ratatouille.

Seronoknya dia minat the same stuff aku minat. I mean, we have our little different interests, but generally we agree on quite a lot of things.

So dari smalam da plan, siang tadik hit a glitch. Abang dia kena rush Penang cause darling dia punya dad dah expiring gituh.
Someone aku nih tak nak ikut, so we decided nak stick to the plan, after sending abang dia and all.

Went to Berjaya Times Square, and were quite miffed that takde pon poster ke haper Ratatouille.


Rupanya esok baru mula tayangan. Aduh. Cam kesial. So we debated nak tengok apa. Dia nak tengok Flash Point, but the seat were second row from the screen! Horror!

I had the next choice, which was The Simpsons. Fifth row from the screen. Pass! Memang kes masuk hospital tuk sakit tengkuk kang.

We both agreed on a repeat of Transformers, but the movie was starting in ten minutes dan kami berdua kebulur tak makan agik, so we passed on the movie to postpone it to tomorrow night. Yeah!!! Another date... I mean.. non-date casual social rendezvous! Leh?

Masa kami makan, dia dapat mesej dari abang dia I think katakan pasal condition 'father in law' dia tuh, serious. Dia lak start feeling guilty, dan walaopon dia memula rasa nak hop on the next bus to Penang. In the end decided he best call jer sana and hope for the best.

Thankfully things were still ok, so dia lega. But we called it an early night sebab dia pon kurang sihat. Kira to be continued punya movie outing ler. Ingat nak review Ratatouille, but nampaknya the review will have to wait until tomorrow.

Unless we don't get tickets la...heh...

So posting ari ni.. simply about.... my desk!

Leh? Tempat dok kat opis aku. Aku penah letak pic dulu masa baru pindah new place kan. Tapi sejak da give it a homely touch ni, lom agik amik pics nak share.

So ni a tour of my... erm...workspace at the office.

My workspace

My huge monitor. Yes, size does matter! Erm.. cam familiar wallpaper tuh kan?

One of the most valuable things here. My autographed Slipknot poster masa bukan je jumpa, tapi lepak ngan meka kat Bangkok.

Erm... a disco, ball, a crown, a feather boa and an ostrich feather. Ask no questions and I will tell no lies.

My original angel sketch for my tattoo yang dah pun buat, pics of me and some model friends at an event I was hosting and a randowm clown thigie that just looks scary!

Kiddie land! Spawn - by Todd Macfarlane yang bebudak opis bagik aku for my brithday, also renamed Spawn-Dan (get it?) on the left. On the right, part of abang Bad's birthday present to me. Also a Todd Macfarlane creation, the fire dragon. I love it!!! My centrepiece!

Why the need nak tour my desk? Adalah sebab. Which is, tatau la da tayang ke lom, tapi ada one episode Trek Selebriti, Si Jimmy Shanley dok interview Zainal Alam Kadir, my mentor and former editor skang turned star gituh kan.

So anyway, masa aku takde, meka mai filming kat opis, tempat where Alam used to work, which technically da tak wujud sebab da pindah tempat kan.

Tapi kira for location pelbagai ok lar. Merasalah meja aku jadik tumpuan, dan bahan carutan.
Keji kan!!!!

When you have friends like that, who needs enemies? ok lah. Tu je pun nak share for today.

Got to sleep. Most hectic day of the week tomorrow.