Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beep Beep!

Aku saja biarkan panas sikit tengok komen-komen in the last couple of entries.

I wanted to see just how many were against what I had to say.

And the result? Well, based on UNIQUE comments, undoubtedly setakat sekor dua langau tuh apa sangat kalao berbanding dengan musim-musim lepas aku review Akademi Fantasia ramai berbeza pendapat, kan?

Looks like this time, almost all fans agree on one thing - halfway there and Akademi Fantasia has nothing to show for it, walaopon kompang memacam.

All I have to say is, if you have to tell people how good your are, or how fantastic something is - it really wasn't in the first place.

People can tell... but, with that said. Lantak.

So what I have decided is, right now... wat per nak bark at a mountain kan? I suppose some people can't get it through their skulls, they're messing up, so let it be. AUDITED figures of ratings and SMSes will tell them, as well as post-production hype will reveal - what we've been saying is true.

So... remember how I said aku da malas nak even bother commenting on Diari? Likewise, bab Konsert pon aku da tak kuasa da. If I have nothing better to d over the weekend and I do decide to cover it, then maybe...

I am still a fan of Akademi Fantasia. Just as far as AF8 is concerned, da ilang minat sehingga meka bother to WORK on getting better.

But it won't happen for at least a couple more weeks.

Because this week... I prefer to spend my time with...

Can I get a hell yeah? Tak sabar konsert Kelly Clarkson.

I've only seen her perform before in a showcase and not a full show. And that was YEARS ago when I first met her when Idol exploded BIG TIME. The song then was A Moment Like This, and the location kat Singapore.

She was fun, and bubbly - and very huggy.

She is extremely nice and down to earth, and I doubt she's changed much. But since there won't be interviews here this time, tak dapek ler jumpa dia... kot. Mana tau ada peluang agik.

But her concert is going to be da bomb!

And one more event I'm looking forward to is our very own AIM 17. Performers lined up memang best gila... and it'll be party time sebab this time of the year when satu industri akan berkumpul nak celebrate the achievements of the past.

Memang ada yang tak amik pot pasal AIM sebab tak paham kriteria pemilihan - but for those IN the industry, this is the biggest night, because your own peers, people who are professional are judging you.
I have one more event the day before, on May 1 (lambaaaaaaaaanggg sejatiiiii... ingat agik tak?... merasalah!)

I won't say much about it, but if you're in Kuala Lumpur, you need to be in the middle of Bukit Bintang to experience it.

It's going to be amazing! Flash mob time! Won't say anything more as everyone is hard at work.

So that's it for this entry, and it'll be quite a while before I bother mentioning a TV programme I used to like for seven years before I got bored with idiocy of the creatively challenged.


Tak minat langsung AIM, pemenang are always predictable (selalunya muka yg sama) cuma kalau tengok tu pun sebab persembahan artis2. Reveal la sape diorang punya judges so that kita boleh tau dan bukannya majlis SYOK sendiri dan for people yg kuat influence dlm industri saje..

judges bratus. dari composer, lyricist, arranger, writers etc. basically semua orang dalam industri muzik. i'm one of the judges for the past five or six years. tapi tanya aku kategori mana dulu sebelom lahar aku. heh!

hi klubbkidd, all the best for the flash mob thingie! if i were in Msia sure i dah join uols semua! will look forward to see it soon.

Joe..definitely rasanya ko judge kulit album or somethin like that la. Ini yg tak puas hati kat kategori yg slalu tgk muka artis yg sama. Agak la yg mana?

Pada yg bosan sori tapi aku dah x tahan....geram nak meroyan jugak..........

(Memo utk AF8)

produksi AF8 ilang akal ke mmg x ada akal bila decide tukar konsep AF yang dah memang dah sebati ngan fans dan terbukti berjaya...sape punye idea bangang nih? That person should kena pecat serta-merta

konsert AF dah x ade jiwa, hilang thrill & mood bila keputusan announce dlm debaran. motif utk ape? dulu aku adela jugak berebut sms undi peserta no more... debaran konon...terkencit adela...keputusan paling banggang yg bos Astro Ria approved....

Dahla lagu Menuju Puncak pun x nyanyi complete masa konsert...kan tu dah trademark..betol kata Joe, konsert setaraf penyampaian hadiah kg pelir hitam aje, x ada yg special..

semua akak2, mak2, makcik, tok nek, yg dulu beria nak tengok konsert AF tiap minggu dulu skrang lbih suka gi kenduri...dulu sanggup x layan kenduri bila malam sabtu.....salah sape? padahal golongan diaorg la paling sibok sms ngundi peserta favorite....

nape production AF8 kali ni trlebih berangan, poyo, sampai konsert jadi tawar hebeh, hambar, bosan...buat gimik bodoh smpai menanah mata nak tengok..

helo..x de production krew ke atau Astro's people yg baca blog Joe ni ke? Norman?...Do something..for the sake of the show...

buat cik Azlin, bos Astro Ria..please listen & fahami kehendak peminat..or u just not even bothered pasal AF8 ni?

Nmpak mcm production AF kali ni btol2 ignore fans diaorg


blom trlambat lagi for production untuk tarik semula prhatian fans dengar syarat respect the original konsep ngan respect kemahuan peminat.

kalo x nak berubah...x pe..tengokla...takut bila final nanti fans x heran atau x ambil pot lagi nak gi stadium ke nak vote...Lu pikir la sendiri.

AUDITED figures? nice one joe! no more flaunting 'projected' (or more like 'berangan') figure. 10 juta konon! we DEMAND astro to give the real figure!!

Wahai Astro. Jangan pedulik langau langau di sini. Diaorang ni pandai cakap je dan suka bermain dengan nostalgia. Jenis yang tak suka diubah.

Tengok Joe pun dah surrender, tak mau komen AF lagi dah. Yes! Yes! Dah kalah tuh.

Pasti dia akan menafikannya.. He he, bikin PANASSS....

a'ah,btol sgt wahai yg bikin panas nih....ubah laa lagik smpai org dh x kenal realiti show AF.....ubah takat nk tiru realiti show lain buat apa.....

takperlaa Joe,langau2 nih semua yg baru menetas...........x paham AF tu apa,hehe...

dulu AF idop kerana peminat,now af8 idop kerana production team yg syok sendiri...peace!!!